Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 1005 Extra 2: Altria (Part 2)

Chapter 1005 Extra 2: Artoria Chapter (Part 2)

It's just a magic bullet. As long as Tom is not drifting or distracted, not a single cat hair can touch it.

This is true even if the archers take out their bows and arrows.

Even if he takes out the Noble Phantasm that is said to be a sure hit, whether he can hit or not depends on Tom's mood.

Tohsaka Rin had nothing to do with Tom who was swooping down. He watched helplessly as Jerry jumped off Tom and stabbed the Heroic Spirit Emiya with his sword.

With a simple straight-line attack like this, Heroic Spirit Emiya was sure to cut Jerry in half with one strike.

But after taking action, his knife involuntarily aimed at Jerry's sword.

Clang, clang, clang...

The heroic spirit Emiya swung his swords and executed a set of handsome combos, but failed to achieve any results.

Jerry jumped up and down in mid-air unscientifically, neutralizing all the opponent's attacks.

"Are you kidding?" Tohsaka Rin's expression gradually collapsed, "Don't tell me this mouse is Saber!"

Heroic Spirit Emiya had a hard time saying that as a servant, it was really ugly to fight like this with a mouse, but he had no other choice. Should he expand the barrier here?

Heroic Spirit Emiya blocked Jerry's sword, turned aside, and another longer sword cut his clothes. Swordsman Tom arrived!

One cat and one mouse tacitly attacked the Heroic Spirit Emiya, and he was overwhelmed by two swords of different lengths.

Tohsaka Rin became more and more anxious as he watched, holding a few gems in his right hand to support him.

"I advise you not to do that." Zhang Da also stood in front of her, "It's rare for two old friends to reunite after a long separation, and it's rare to cooperate. It's unreasonable to disrupt the situation at this time."

"This is the Holy Grail War. There is no reason why I will stop if you tell me to stop."

Tohsaka Rin quickly retreated, but still threw the gem. She was not so easy to talk to.

Zhang Da also had no intention of getting out of the way and allowed two gems to explode on his shoulders and one on his chest.

Ever since he got the Dog Talisman and his own defense became stronger and stronger, he became more and more fond of attacking head-on, and then watching his opponent's expressions of disbelief.

Zhang Da also feels that he has a tendency to become a Deadpool, and occasionally wants to restrain himself, but he obviously failed to restrain himself today.

"Unscathed without any defense at all? Does this guy have high magic power?"

Tohsaka Rin remembered that this fake master might be a servant, and he was suspected of being Saber.

"I'm not a person who can't fight back without fighting back." Zhang Daye appeared next to Tohsaka Rin in an instant, and kicked Tohsaka Rin in the chest with a whip kick.

"Ah~" Rin Tosaka flew backwards and crashed through a wall.

At the same time as she was kicked, a gem on her body shattered, and the light of magic enveloped her body, barely avoiding being kicked to death.

"Master!" Heroic Spirit Emiya disappeared, leaving Tom and Jerry to jump into the air. After a moment, he appeared next to Tohsaka Rin, "How is it?"

Rin Tosaka clutched his abdomen: "Not dead yet, but isn't this guy really a Berserker? His power is too exaggerated."

"As expected of the Devil Muscle Rin, most people won't even feel any pain when I kick him."

Zhang Da also felt that Tohsaka Rin must have used some kind of defensive magic, but he didn't know if the damaged wall could be explained by a gas explosion.

"What are you giving a girl that kind of nickname without permission!" Rin Tosaka complained, asking through the special connection between the master and the servant, "Archer, is there a way to escape?" ’

‘It’s very difficult. The three of them here are very difficult to deal with, and there is a real Saber blocking the way on the other side. I have to find a way to concentrate on breaking through from one side. ’

‘Which side do you think has a better chance? ’ Tohsaka Rin felt that he might be bleeding heavily today.

Her gem magic is very expensive. One gem costs at least 500,000 yen, and the special ones are even more expensive. Even eight figures may not be possible.

‘Over there Saber. ’ Heroic Spirit Emiya hesitated for a moment. He somehow understood Saber’s side, but the three here were really confused.

‘Then it’s decided. ’ Tohsaka Rin felt that things were somewhat absurd. When did the Master become more difficult to deal with than the Servants?

"Six chapters, Winter River!"

"Five times, three times, four times, the final game, the sword of fire, multiply!"

She was not an indecisive person. After making a plan of action, she immediately threw the strongest gems at Zhang Tat Ye and Tom Jerry.

Then, regardless of the outcome, the Heroic Spirit Emiya picked up Tohsaka Rin and ran towards Artoria as fast as he could.

This prodigal kid just lost nearly half of his fortune.

The light of magic lights up the night sky, which is all the Tosaka family's funds burning.

Tom and Jerry were so frightened that they hugged Zhang Tatsuya's thighs.

Zhang Da also wanted to remind them that they could take out firecrackers and blast them with her, but after thinking about it, it was too late, so he had to open his mouth: "The roar of the dragon!"

The howling wind swept through the entire street, and the colorful magic light was destroyed by the wind, and the breath continued to hit the two running people.

Heroic Spirit Emiya had to put down Tohsaka Rin temporarily and pointed one hand in the direction of Zhang Tatsuya: "I am the bone of my sword——Rho Aias!"

The seven petals unfolded, and layers of barriers emerged on them, protecting the heroic spirit Emiya and Tohsaka Rin from behind.

"The blazing sky covers seven circles. Are you Ajax, the hero of the Trojan War?"

Tohsaka Rin never knew who the heroic spirit he summoned was.

Emiya the Heroic Spirit also concealed his identity, using the excuse that Rin's summoning ritual did not have a holy relic, causing his memory to be confused and he did not know who he was.

Now seeing this Ajax Shield, Rin Tohsaka finally had some guesses.

But although there was a legend that Ajax used throwing weapons, he still felt something was wrong when he descended as a bow.

"Now... this is not the time to care about such things..." Emiya the Heroic Spirit showed a struggling expression.

This shield, which is said to be able to withstand all throwing weapons, is strictly speaking just a replica he projected, and the opponent's attack is really a bit over the standard.

Seeing the barrier shattered layer by layer, Rin Tohsaka showed an incredible expression:

"Even if it is not facing a javelin, but if the Blazing Sky Covers Seven Rings, each layer is equivalent to a wall, right?"

"This level of attack is definitely above A-level magic, and that guy doesn't even have a chant!"

It has been seven years since Zhang Daye started learning dragon-slaying magic.

Even without the tiger spell to convert energy, the magic power in Zhang Daye's body has reached a very amazing level.

Open a few walls or something, sprinkle some water.

In the blink of an eye, the seven-layer ring of Blazing Sky was shattered, and the power of the breath was greatly reduced.

But the Heroic Spirit Emiya and Toosaka Rin were still blown away, just a little embarrassed, not seriously injured.

"Where did you come from?"

"I'll tell you when I win!" Zhang Da also wore armor and held a sword, slashing at the Heroic Spirit Emiya.

"Um..." The Heroic Spirit Emiya raised his two swords to meet, but the two swords immediately shattered, and the whole person was knocked away.


"Stand back, Rin!" A large amount of magic power burst out of the Heroic Spirit Emiya, chanting the spell:

"I am the bone of my sword.


So as I pray.

Unlimited Blade Works!"

The barrier unfolded, and the scene in front of everyone changed dramatically.

The streets turned into wilderness, the night sky turned into dusk, several huge gears appeared in the sky, and the ground was covered with sword tombs, with countless swords stuck upside down.

"Is this, an inherent barrier? Is it also your treasure, Archer?" Toosaka Rin became more and more curious about the identity of her servant.

Heroic Spirit Emiya didn't bother to explain these, standing on the sword hill and raising his hand, dozens of swords with different shapes flew towards Zhang Daye.

"Finally, it looks a bit like an archer." Zhang Daye swung his sword and broke the flying swords one by one, "Do you want to try to copy the one in my hand?"

Without waiting for the other party to respond, Zhang Daye had already raised the sword above his head. He just wanted to see the infinite sword system that he once thought was very cool, so he didn't attack when the other party was chanting.

Now that he has seen it, there is no need to be polite: "Excalibur-Morgan!"

"That is..." This time, Heroic Spirit Emiya's mentality was a little broken. He was too familiar with this sword. At first, he thought it was just similar in appearance, but the other party could actually release it?

"Sword of Promised Victory!" Rin Tosaka also knew this famous holy sword, "Is that guy King Arthur!?"

"Impossible!" Heroic Spirit Emiya couldn't believe it. If the other party was King Arthur, who was Altria?

But no matter how he questioned it, the real name shouted when releasing the treasure would not lie, and the activation method was not wrong. It was just that the color of the light was not right, but this did not mean anything. The holy sword was the holy sword.

Heroic Spirit Emiya mobilized the swords in the barrier with all his strength and shot at Zhang Daye like locusts.

But the quality of those copied treasures was not high. They were either crushed by the black and red light or shot at Zhang Daye himself, and then the blade was broken.

Some were shot at Tom and Jerry. The cat and mouse dodged flexibly, but accidentally collided and fell to the ground.

Then dozens of swords were inserted beside them, allowing them to maintain a strange posture and accurately outline.

Zhang Daye's defense is now very strong. He just deliberately broke those dozens of swords just to tease him.

"Archer!" As Rin Toosaka screamed, the Heroic Spirit Emiya was engulfed by the black and red light.

The sword hill was flattened, and a deep ditch appeared in the wilderness.

When the light dissipated, the Heroic Spirit Emiya fell to the ground weakly, with wounds all over his body and his armor torn, and his body gradually dissipated.

"Archer!!!" Rin Toosaka rushed over, her voice with a crying tone.

But in the end she couldn't touch the Heroic Spirit Emiya's body.

The inherent barrier was broken, and the scene changed back to the previous street. Rin Toosaka had several gems in her hand, and she looked at Zhang Daye defiantly.

This is a strong girl who will not give up easily even if she is in a desperate situation.

"Hey, even if you throw the thing in your hand, it can't hurt me." Zhang Daye said, "But I said it in advance, if you hit me, I will kick you."

"..." Rin Toosaka stared at him, and she would really die if she was kicked again.

Zhang Da also looked up into the air: "And that guy doesn't seem to be dead yet, he still wants to run."

"What did you say?"

Zhang Da also rushed out, the Soul-Calming Gong appeared in his hand, and it rang next to Toosaka Rin with a bang.

Tohsaka Rin found herself fixed in place, unable to move: "What kind of treasure is this time?"

Zhang Da also ignored her, but watched an illusory soul fall from the air. Others might not be able to see him, but the eyes of the night watchman would not be wrong.

"The essence of a servant is a disembodied soul, right?" Zhang Daye asked.

Rin Tosaka kept trying, but was still unable to control his body, and replied angrily: "Yes, you are a servant yourself, do you still want to ask me about such a thing?"

"I'm not a serious follower." Zhang Da also offered up the Huang Yao Banner - the ninth Huang Yao Banner he obtained in the past four years. There was not a single banner demon in it, and it sometimes worked intermittently.

"Conquer the watchman!" Zhang Da also tried to drive the Huang Yao Banner to contain the heroic spirit Wei Palace, "The heroic spirit is indeed not an ordinary soul."

It's a bit exciting to compete with the Holy Grail for heroic souls.

"Tohsaka!" Emiya Shirou's shout came from behind. Even though Zhang Tatsuya said that this Holy Grail War had nothing to do with him, he still chased after him.

"Stop!" Shirou Emiya saw at a glance that Tohsaka Rin seemed to be restrained, and the flag flying next to Zhang Tatsuya seemed dangerous.

"Emiya? What are you doing here?" Tohsaka Rin suddenly forgot about his situation and shouted angrily,

"If you lose your servant, just hide away and run around in the deserted streets. Do you want to die?!"

"How could I let you be chased by a dangerous guy?" Emiya Shirou held a wooden sword in his hand and stood between Tohsaka Rin and Zhang Tatsuya.

Knowing that he might not be able to handle this kind of situation, he still stood up without hesitation.

"You stupid!"

"Huh? Why are you scolding me like this all of a sudden?"

"stupid stupid stupid!"

"Even if you say so..."

Zhang Daye: "A young couple quarreling?"

"No!" they all said in unison.

That must be it. These two are showing off their affection, right? Forget it...

Zhang Da also raised his sword.

Emiya Shirou's sword lit up with a green enhanced magic mark, and he looked at Zhang Tatsuya warily.

Zhang Da also waved his hand: "Forget it, you two are out. As a reward for letting you go, I will go to you to get something later."


"Well, it's something that should belong to us." Zhang Da also asked Tom and Jerry to leave.

"The little girl will be able to move in a while. If you are anxious, you can just take her away. Don't take advantage of others~"

Both of them blushed, and Emiya Shirou retorted: "Who would do such a thing!"

Zhang Da also waved his hand and walked in the direction of Artoria. It was really lively tonight. Just after picking up one servant, another one came immediately.


"It's not safe here. Take me away first." Tohsaka Rin said without much hesitation, "I will explain the situation to you, and then... go find the fake priest."

"Berserker is the strongest!"

As soon as Zhang Daye arrived near Artoria, he heard a white-haired loli shouting these words towards Artoria.

Then a big dark man with a kelp head rushed out and swung the ax sword as thick as a door panel at Artoria.


Artoria raised her sword and easily held the axe, which was taller than her. She was not hindered by her master this time, and the berserker's power could completely deal with it.

"Roar~~~" Berserker roared, swinging the huge ax and sword with great force.

His real name is Hercules, the son of Zeus and Zeus' great-granddaughter Alcmene - Zeus in Greek mythology... I understand everything.

In short, Heracles was born as a demigod. When he became an adult, he was forced to perform twelve great feats. After his death, he was promoted to Hercules.

When he comes as a mad-level heroic spirit and has Illyasviel as his master, he should be a servant with the highest strength.

It's a pity that the Arturia he is fighting now is not an ordinary servant. With the strength and fighting skills of Mad Heracles, she can't gain any advantage even in a head-on battle in an open area.

"Are you the master of Saber?" Illyasviel stared at Zhang Tatsuya, "Those two, familiars?"

Illya didn't seem to want to hear the answer. Two white hairs fell down and turned into two white storks, shooting light bullets towards Zhang Daye.

"If the battle between the servants reaches a stalemate, defeating the master is the most efficient way!"

Illya looks like a primary school student, but she is actually Emiya Shirou's older sister.

Her life experience is really pitiful, and she is not merciless at all when she wants to kill someone.

Just like he had just attacked Zhang Daye without hesitation for the sake of victory.

It should be said that he was an unlucky child who was misled by the Einzbern family.

Zhang Tatsuya's figure disappeared on the spot and kicked Illya away, just like when he kicked Rin Tohsaka away.

Loli is very cute, but Zhang Da never shows mercy when it's time to beat him up, as Perona can attest to.

Tom and Jerry each caught a white stork in a net bag, and they flew up.

Two white storks spontaneously attack Tom and Jerry.

But the cat and mouse looked at each other, and they tacitly used the net bag to influence the attack direction of the white stork, and attacked each other. They played a gun battle game and had a great time.

"Roaring~~~" The berserker who noticed that Illya was attacked really started to go crazy. He ignored Arturia's attack and rushed towards Jang Tatsuya like crazy.

"Wind King Hammer!"

Artoria's attack pierced Berserker's body, but his wounds healed quickly and he continued to rush towards Jang Tatsuya.

Hercules's Noble Phantasm Twelve Trials, to completely defeat him, you need to kill him twelve times in a short period of time, and in twelve different ways.

This is definitely a very tricky ability for ordinary servants, but for Zhang Daye, it is not difficult at all.


Hercules was completely knocked down in Illya's desperate cry, and the tearful look in his eyes made Zhang Daye look like a villain.

She was the first to attack.

Because he couldn't bear to see her so sad, Zhang Daye took out the Soul-Suppressing Hammer and knocked Illya unconscious.

"Tatsuya, she..."

"Irisviel and Emiya Kiritsugu's child, I think she has some connection with you."


Altria automatically filtered out Emiya Kiritsugu. Although she can now understand what Emiya Kiritsugu did at that time, she still feels that she can't get along with that person.

"Send this child to the Emiya family and ask her brother to take care of her." Zhang Da said, "Let's go and speed up this Holy Grail War first."


Zhang Da forcibly subdued the soul of Hercules as before, and then carried Illya to the Emiya house.

Like a child trafficker.


"Welcome back."

"Well, I'm back... What the hell! Why are you here!"

Emiya Shirou and Toosaka Rin came back from the church, but found Zhang Da and Altria drinking tea in the living room.

Seeing them, he said "Welcome back" like the master? What on earth do they want?

"Oh, we don't have any money to use here." Zhang Da also arranged a few gold coins on the table,

"It's not convenient to exchange money at this time, so I plan to stay here for one night, and these will be used as board and lodging expenses."

Tousaka Rin said angrily: "It's not a matter of board and lodging expenses, right? You just..."

"Aren't you all out, so we are not enemies. And I'm asking for the opinion of the owner of this place, you are his..." Zhang Da also raised his little finger, "That?"

"Of course not!"

"It's okay if it's just staying here."


"It's okay, Tousaka, if he wanted to harm us, we would both be dead now." Emiya Shirou is a good person,

"Besides, after all, I was the one who summoned them without authorization, so I should help with the board and lodging issues."

"You..." Tousaka Rin stomped her feet, this kind of personality that always considers others is very infuriating.

"That makes me feel a little embarrassed." Zhang Daye pointed at Illya lying next to him, "Then this is an extra reward."

Tousaka Rin looked at Zhang Daye with a perverted look: "You... you... kidnapped a young girl!"

"If you talk nonsense, I will sue you for defamation. She is the master of Berserker."

"Huh? Such a young child?" Toosaka Rin looked surprised, and then became serious, "If that's the case, Berserker was also..."

"Well, he was defeated, this is not worth mentioning." Zhang Daye nodded and said to Shirou Emiya Said, "The point is that she is the daughter of Emiya Kiritsugu, so she should be considered your sister."

"Eh? Kiritsugu's..." Emiya Shirou said in surprise, "Why did she..."

"You can ask her the details when she wakes up, but she may have some misunderstandings about you, be careful not to be killed by her." Zhang Daye said, "Okay, that's all I have to say, it's almost time to eat, do you want to join us?"

Altria was a little more polite than Zhang Daye: "Excuse me."

Emiya Shirou was full of doubts, and Rin Tohsaka was almost the same, but seeing Zhang Daye's attitude, it was not easy to ask.

At this time, Tom and Jerry had already brought a variety of dishes to the table.

-While cooking, Tom found that he seemed to have seen the kitchen utensils of the Emiya family somewhere, and they were very easy to use.

When he was happy, he made a little more, and also prepared bowls and chopsticks for Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka.

The atmosphere of dinner was a bit strange, Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka were a little unappetizing, and their eyes frequently fell on Illya.

Altria was not affected. Tom and Jerry could eat happily at any time, so Zhang Tatsuya didn't care about the atmosphere.

After dinner, Shirou Emiya arranged a large room for Zhang Tatsuya, Altria, Tom and Jerry.

Illya and Rin Tohsaka who asked to stay overnight each had a room, and everyone dispersed.

Zhang Tatsuya is now... a little excited.

Altria was also a little unnatural.

Although it is not uncommon to be in the same room, it is different now.

The relationship between the two has been exposed, this situation, this atmosphere...

"What's wrong, Tatsuya?"

"Nothing." Zhang Tatsuya remembered the Command Seal on the back of his hand, "By the way, is this thing useful?"

Altria nodded: "Well, I can feel the binding force of the Command Seal."

But now, if she wants to resist, all three Command Seals together will be useless.

Zhang Da also blinked: "Then I can do whatever I want?"

"What do you want to order me to do?"

"For example, a warm hug first?"

Altolia smiled and hugged him tightly.

Zhang Da also hugged her, feeling the soft body in his arms, and whispered: "Then..."

Tom and Jerry covered their eyes and slipped out, closing the door. Tom took out three pairs of eye masks, Jerry took out three pairs of earplugs, and decided to improve the quality of sleep for the other three people.

Arturia stood on tiptoes and lightly tapped Zhang Tatsuya's cheek with her lips.

"not enough."

Zhang Da also looked into her eyes, lowered his head, and touched his lips together.

Arturia hugged his neck and closed her eyes.

And the command spells in Zhang Daye's hands... not a single one is missing.

After spending more than seven years together day and night, there are many things between the two that they already understand.

Until the end, all they lacked was a little courage from Zhang Daye.

After encountering a drastic change, Zhang Da also mustered up the courage to express his love in his heart, and Artoria, who had relieved her heart, responded with the same warm feelings.

What happens next will fall into place.

Early the next morning, Zhang Da also wanted to take a nap for the first time in a long time and wait until sunrise before getting up again.

It's a pity that this is not on my own territory, so I have to tidy up with the people in my arms.

There are still things to do today.

The atmosphere at breakfast was even weirder than last night's dinner. Illya seemed to have reached a reconciliation with Emiya Shirou, but she couldn't get along with Tohsaka Rin.

When they saw Jang Tatsuya and the others, they stared at Jang Tatsuya angrily with Tohsaka Rin.

"Don't look at me like that. I'll hit people when I'm angry."

Zhang Da also ate the food by himself and took the time to wipe Artoria's mouth.

Arturia accepted it calmly and responded with a gentle smile.

Illya and Tohsaka Rin felt a dull pain where they had been kicked.

Tohsaka Rin felt that there was something wrong with these two people, especially Saber, who felt that her sharpness was much more restrained than yesterday, like... like a newlywed wife.


"You don't need to chase them away, we'll leave in a moment." Zhang Daye said,

"One word of advice, the Holy Grail War is such a deceptive thing. If you can't help it, don't participate. If you really have nothing to do, you can go investigate the truth about the Holy Grail."

Tohsaka Rin stood up: "I have been waiting for ten years, how could I give up just because you just say it!"

A tugging voice came from the roof: "Yes, it would be too boring if Tokiomi's daughter quits so easily."

Artoria felt something familiar: "This voice..."

When everyone came to the courtyard, a young man with blond hair in casual clothes stood on the roof with his hands in his pockets.

"Archer?" Artoria recognized this old rival.

"Ten years of absence, Saber." Gilgamesh said hello to Artoria, then looked at Illya,

"Then you are a doll with a container for the Holy Grail. A mixture of artificial and human beings. Magicians made something boring again."

Tohsaka Rin looked at Illya in shock: "What is the Einzbern family..."

"Who are you?" Emiya Shirou stood in front of Illya. Although he didn't know what was going on, this guy seemed to be coming for his sister...sister (?).

"Miscellaneous Cultivator, who allowed you to ask this king a question without permission?" Golden ripples appeared behind Gilgamesh, and a spear-shaped Noble Phantasm poked its head out and pointed at Shirou Emiya.

But the spear stopped before it was fired, and Gilgamesh said:

"Forget it, although there are a lot of annoying reptiles, there are still some people worthy of my words."

Zhang Da also poked Artoria with his elbow: "Did this person deserve a beating ten years ago?"

Tohsaka Rin was shocked. The person who deserved the most beating in the room was actually saying that someone else deserved a beating!

Arturia was used to Zhang Da's thinking going astray before the war, and replied: "It would be better to say that he is a little more restrained than ten years ago."


The golden spear shot at Zhang Daye, but he grabbed it and crushed the tip of the spear with all his strength.

Then a bolt of lightning shot out from Zhang Daye's forehead, hitting Gilgamesh in the middle.

As the lightning flashed, a pair of golden armor appeared on Gilgamesh's body.

The way he looked at Zhang Daye changed slightly:

"You are a very bold rebel. Let's admit that you are qualified to be judged by me in person. Come on, show yourself to your heart's content and see how far you can please me!"

Zhang Daye: "..."

Embarrassing cancer is about to occur, why can people be infected to such an extent? Although it may be okay for him to speak like this, Zhang did not show off so much after he became the village chief...

"Liya, is this your temperament as a king?"

"I don't have that temperament."

Zhang Da also reminded the other people: "You guys stay away so you can deal with it yourself."

Dozens of golden ripples appeared behind Gilgamesh, and a treasure phantom emerged from each ripple.

There are all kinds of weapons including swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks.

Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm, the King's Treasure, is said to have the prototype of all Noble Phantasms in the world, and his usual fighting method is to let the Noble Phantasm fly out of the treasure house like arrows and hit people.

Just like now, dozens of different Noble Phantasms flew out and headed straight for Zhang Daye.

If these things are allowed to fall to the ground, not only Zhang Daye, but also several people in the yard will be affected.

Faced with such an extravagant attack, the first to take action were Tom and Jerry.

A cat and a mouse picked up stones or randomly took out debris and threw them at the flying Noble Phantasm.

Dozens of Noble Phantasms were hit by random objects in mid-air and exploded.

Gilgamesh's expression fell a bit: "Are you kidding me? Even a mere reptile dares to offend me. Are you ready to bear the wrath?"

Tom and Jerry looked at each other, one moved a trash can filled with drinks bottles, and the other quickly collected a pile of rocks.

Then Tom and Jerry clapped their hands and nodded towards Gilgamesh, indicating that they were ready.

Zhang Da also had good eyesight. He saw Gilgamesh's eyes twitching from a distance, and he looked very angry.

"Xixiu, you will pay the price for your stupidity!"

Hundreds of golden ripples appeared behind Gilgamesh in an instant. From the perspective of the ground, it seemed as if the entire sky was covered.

I found a complete English version of Chant of Unlimited Swords and modified the Chinese translation myself, instead of directly using the online version.

Didn’t write it in the text

I am the bone of my sword.

Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

I have created over a thousand blades.

Unknown to Death, nor known to Life.

Have withstood pain to create many weapons.

Yet, those hands will never hold anything. However, those hands will never hold anything.

So as I pray.

Unlimited Blade Works!

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