Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 256 I really just want to travel

Zhang Da also said: "If you have to do something, then you can only try to report it to the navy."

Zeole was stunned: "Navy?"

"Yes." Zhang Daye affirmed, "Isn't the first thought of ordinary people when encountering pirates not to take refuge first and then report to the navy? For such a big scene, one can only hope that the navy has some special abilities. Or there is some black technology.”

Zeole said: "That's what I said, but I didn't expect that people as powerful as our benefactors would actually rely on the navy."

"It seems that we are not law-abiding citizens. We are a legal tour group." Zhang Da also took out a phone bug, "I'd better contact you, there is someone above me~"

Ye Yan reminded: "I think we should change to another place. This place is too conspicuous. If they come here for these animals, they should send people to explore it soon."

The Golden Lion has been hiding its whereabouts for nearly ten years. If it is discovered, it will definitely not let them go easily.

"That's right." Zhang Daye said to the Qilin Lion, "Tell the animals who are willing to wait for the navy to rescue them to find a place to hide, and those who don't trust them to find a way to leave as soon as possible?"

The Kirin Lion nodded helplessly and let out a low roar. The animals looked at each other and then scattered away. It was like the Great Migration of Beasts, but the scene at this time seemed very sad.

"Shark Pepper, you, Mengmeng, and Brooke go ahead and hide our boat, and then find the spare canvas to see if you can make a big parachute out of it. If it's not enough... dismantle the sail. "Zhang Da also put Tom on Shark Chili's head, "Take Tom with you."

Zhang Da doesn't plan to rely entirely on the navy. With Tom, a top tailor, he can still save a parachute. If it doesn't work, Tom will sew it on.

"Leave it to me." Shark Pepper struggled to reach out to support Tom above his head, and quickly ran towards the place where the Amber was parked.

Shark Chili ran so fast that Tom's head didn't even react and was left in place, and it took a while before he bounced back.

"Boss, you should also be careful."

"Be careful, Tatsuya-san."

Rui Mengmeng and Brooke also turned around and ran away.

"Tell the flag demons to go see what's going on on the other islands?" Zhang Da also noticed that the island under his feet had stopped rising and was suspended among more than a dozen islands. The islands were scattered high and low, but they all surrounded the middle one. The largest area is probably the base camp of the Golden Lion.

Ye Yan said: "We have already gone. Sui Feng'er just discovered a village on the nearest island. It is certain that there are people inside, and it seems that they are not living well. The specific situation is still under investigation."

"It's over. Worst case scenario, I don't feel so at ease even if I want to run away now." Zhang Da also grimaced and dialed the phone number of Lieutenant General Gion as he walked.

Ye Yan said: "Looking at the bright side, if there are only animals, the navy will probably attack them regardless of casualties. If there are many civilians, they will at least think of ways to rescue them?"

Porlu porphyr por...

The voice of the phone bug rang, and Zhang Daye said: "Then let's divide the people. If the person who comes is the lieutenant general code-named Akainu..."

Kacha, the phone was connected at this time, and the voice of Lieutenant General Gion rang: "Tatsuya-chan? I haven't seen you for more than ten days...Did Liya-chan miss me?"

Zhang Da did not answer her words and said directly: "Lieutenant General Gion, this time we are asking for help. We encountered a ruthless character."

"Even you are asking for help, who is the enemy?" Lieutenant General Gion's tone became serious.

"Golden Lion."

"..." The other party was silent for a moment, "Golden lion!? Is it the golden lion?"

"Yes, Shiki, the golden lion who was once as famous as Roger and Whitebeard."

There was a burst of noisy discussion from the opposite side, and there was the faint sound of chairs scraping against the ground.

A few seconds later, it seemed that Lieutenant General He took the phone and asked: "Brother Tatsuya, how is your current situation and where are you? Can you tell me the situation?"

"Lieutenant General He? You are here too." Zhang Da also felt much more at ease. This old woman gave him the feeling that she was the most reliable person in the entire navy headquarters.

"We haven't been discovered yet. We were originally on Crown Island, commonly known as Rare Beast Island, on the straight route from the Capital of Seven Waters to Alabasta. However, because of the golden lion's ability, the entire island floated to a high altitude. in the air.

There are also more than a dozen floating islands, all of which are currently moving sideways. Their destinations are unclear. It is certain that at least one of the islands is inhabited by civilians. "

"That is to say, the current position cannot be determined." With so many islands floating out of thin air, it is almost certain that it is the Golden Lion. Lieutenant General He said, "Then I will ask the Intelligence Department to use the phone bug signal to determine your location. Location, okay?”

Zhang Da also said: "No problem, do you need my cooperation?"

Lieutenant General He said: "Just don't hang up. If there is a chance to evacuate, please leave the phone bug behind."

"Hey, don't you encourage us to stay?"

"Of course, you are civilians and should be protected by us. I have no position to ask you to stay or fight."

Zhang Da also suspected that Lieutenant General He was swaying their favor, but he felt that she was speaking from the bottom of her heart: "I know, we will try our best to hide ourselves, and then provide as much information as possible. Please find a way to protect these islands. .”

"I will let Gion keep in touch with you and rush to the rescue as soon as possible." After speaking, Lieutenant General Tsuru handed the phone bug to Lieutenant General Gion, and then issued instructions to the others.

"Tatsuya-chan, are you really going on a trip?" Lieutenant General Gion asked quietly, "It's only been more than a month since we set out, and the troubles we encounter are getting bigger and bigger each time."

"Do you think I want to? I just plan to go out to eat and have fun. If I am short of money, catch one or two small pirates or open a tavern for a few days to earn travel expenses. Who knew these pirates would always come to me?" Zhang Da also complained, "It was so chaotic over there just now. Was it a party?"

"Yes, but thanks to you, I am the only one left now. I was very busy a few days ago due to matters related to a certain Shichibukai, and later I accepted the leaders of the Don Quixote Pirates. We have been discussing it for a long time. Battle plan, I finally have a little free time, and now it’s the Golden Lion... Hey, Tatsuya-chan, are you really not deliberately trying to retaliate against me for making me work overtime?"

"Ha, how is that possible? If possible, I don't want to get into such big trouble."

"Speaking of which, you mentioned Lieutenant General Sakaski at the beginning. What happened to him?"

"..." Zhang Da also thought for a while and whispered, "Unless it is absolutely necessary, can we not involve that person in this matter?"


"I always feel that if he comes, he might come up and spit out a lot of magma and smash these islands to pieces, and then the angry golden lion will hold him down and beat him, then float away. Then I will I don’t even know who to help.”

"Is this the image of Lieutenant General Sakaski in your mind?" Lieutenant General Gion had a headache. She couldn't help with this matter, because there were indeed pirates who took hostages, and Sakaski and the hostages were together. Killings happen.

Zhang Da also said: "Please don't worry. I am not qualified to judge a navy who has wiped out countless pirates. Maybe he has his own considerations, but I don't want such a thing to happen to me."

(Akainu's life card says "Even friends and civilians, once they violate their own justice, will be eliminated with ruthless means." I am only responsible for restoring the character. Don't argue with me whether he is good or bad. .)

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