Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 271: Eight-foot jade, well-deserved (4000 words)

After Tom made such a fuss, the two parties got to know each other formally. Yixiao was now similar to Zhang Daye and the others, and he was also traveling around. However, this uncle was too angry when he was young and chose to close his eyes because he saw too many evils in the world.

In his words: "It is a blessing not to be able to see anything. There are too many dirty and despicable people in the world that people cannot bear to look at."

It's a misfortune and a blessing. I don't know if it's because it's easier to calm down after his eyes can't see. He has developed a sense of sight that is far beyond ordinary people. He is strong enough to detect meteorites in the sky, and then use his ability to pull the meteorites down. Hit people.

Although they did not agree with his method of blinding their eyes, Zhang Daye and Artoria had a good impression of this uncle who spoke and acted with a chivalrous air.

Yixiao also had a good attitude toward Zhang Daye and the others. Leaving aside the naughty unknown animal, the boy and girl in front of him left a good impression on him. Not everyone has the courage to face a big pirate like the Golden Lion.

And I heard from Jia Ji that they stayed here specifically to delay time and provide location information so that the navy could rescue the civilians. This approach was in line with Yixiao's "benevolence and justice".

"Uncle Yixiao, since you are also traveling around, would you like to accompany us? We can all take care of you together."

Zhang Da also extended an invitation. Although he was not interested in fighting for territory or hegemony, the more experts he had when traveling, the safer he was. Besides, they got along well with Yixiao.

"Haha, as a blind person, I would be very grateful to be invited by my brother, but I still have my own journey to go. If you have the opportunity to go to my boat to ask for a cup of tea in the future, I hope you won't dislike it."

Okay, I'm still a "blind person", and I can be as humble as Jinbe, a "nobody".

"Welcome at any time." Zhang Daye said goodbye and asked for a cup of tea. It's not a bad idea to play a few bets with you. I have Admiral Arturia who can win the bet.

As long as you don't use your abilities to cheat, you will win everything.

"Yixiao, it's better to talk about these things later. We still have things to do right now." Lieutenant General Jiaji brought the topic back on track. In fact, rather than letting Yixiao continue traveling, Jiaji hoped that his old friend could join the navy.

"That's okay." Yixiao pulled out the staff sword and waved it a few times, then put the sword back into the sheath and said, "That's it."

What happened? Zhang Da was also confused. Although he guessed that Yixiao had used his ability, he didn't feel it at all. Is the Gravity Fruit so economical in special effects?

With Kizaru's approval, Stoloberg immediately led the soldiers and ran to the village of Melvio to appease the civilians.

Then Kizaru walked towards the edge of the island and said, "It's my turn to move around next."

The golden light lit up, and Kizaru's figure appeared in the air. He crossed his arms on his chest and made an OK gesture with both hands:

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Countless golden laser bullets were fired from the circle formed by the thumb and index finger, but the people below could no longer see such details, because there were too many light spots and they were too dazzling. They could only see a golden ball hanging in the air. of cross star.

Only Tom, who wisely put on his sunglasses, could not only see Kizaru's movements clearly, but also imitate them vividly.

Zhang Da also grabbed Tom's sunglasses and took a look. It was obviously the same action. Tom did it so cutely, but Kizaru was so vulgar.

Patting Tom on the head, Zhang Da also told him: "Promise me, Tom, you can learn the movements, but don't learn the expressions from him."

Tom nodded in understanding.


Boom boom boom...

Countless laser bombs hit the ice and glaciers below, causing the glaciers to shatter. Some ice blocks were directly evaporated by the explosion, and some fell into the sea and became finely divided ice floes.

As Kizaru's light bullets fired, all the ice and glaciers created by Aokiji to catch more than a dozen islands were shattered, leaving almost no ice cubes with a diameter of more than one meter. According to the climate here, it should soon be Will melt.

What's interesting is that Aokiji leaned on his bicycle and watched calmly throughout the whole process. Not only did Kizaru's attack not affect him, but he also left a piece of ice floe enough for him to stop and lie down to sleep.

The eight-foot jade border is well-deserved.

After the glacier collapsed, more than a dozen floating islands were still floating steadily in the sky.

After using his skills, Kizaru flashed back, put his hands in his pockets and watched Yixiao activate his abilities, with a posture of 'I have completed my work tasks today and am ready to get off work at any time'.

With Yixiao's control, he slowly fell and finally landed on the sea.

There is no need to worry that the island will sink because the seabed here is too deep. Anyway, there are blue pheasants who can make a temporary foundation for them at any time.

Zhang Da also said: "It's so strong, and its ability is similar to that of the Golden Lion."

"It's just a small skill, it just happens to be useful." He said with a smile, showing the humility of a big boss.

Zhang Da also asked: "But aren't we going to fly back to the Grand Route? Why did we come down?"

Lieutenant General Jiaqi said: "Because it is necessary to send Melvio to settle near Shields Town in the East China Sea while it is still early, and then come back to send other islands back to the Grand Line."

"Shields Town?" Zhang Da also sounded familiar. Is it the town of Axeman Mengka? But he probably hasn't become a colonel yet.

Lieutenant General Jiaji explained: "Yes, it would be too irresponsible to just dump this island here, and suddenly placing an island in the East China Sea also requires the consent of the kingdom in the nearby sea. If you want to relocate it as soon as possible, it is better to It would be better to put it directly near Shields Town, which is a fairly prosperous town and is directly under the jurisdiction of the World Government. It also has a naval branch, which is convenient for us to take care of and for them to live."

Zhang Da also nodded. Is it because he thought it was simple and thought that he could just put it wherever he wanted, or the navy was thoughtful and even thought about how these people would live in the future.

After the island came to a stop, the navy's large fleet came over from a distance. Lieutenant General Stoloberg commanded his men to escort the remnants of the Golden Lion onto the warship, and they also took the Golden Lion's body aboard.

A lieutenant general whom Zhang Da didn't recognize confirmed the order with Kizaru, and then returned directly with the remnants of the Golden Lion.

And Stoloberg returned with his men, and he also had to go to Shields Town to settle the villagers. Well, he is a diligent person, and it was really hard for him to work under Kizaru.

"Brother Tatsuya, what are your next plans? Should you set sail directly in the East China Sea, or go back to the Great Route with the Zhenju Island?" Kizaru asked. He remembered that Zhang Tatsuya's ship was on the Zhenju Island. What should I say? He is also a person who has helped the navy so much, so he still needs to make arrangements.

Zhang Da also said: "We planned to travel directly in the East China Sea, and then enter the Grand Route from the Upside Down Mountain. We originally thought that if we wanted to go to the four seas, we would have to break through the windless zone, but we didn't expect that the golden lion would help us."

This was something they had discussed yesterday. Zhang Da also remembered that Aaron might come to the East China Sea to do evil. Since he came this time, he simply went to find him and deal with it in advance.

Others basically just settle for what they have come. They are traveling around the world anyway, and it doesn't matter where they go.

Brooke, the only one who was in a hurry to go to Twin Capes to meet Rab, had no problem with it. Sailing in the opposite direction of the Grand Line was very risky, so it might be better to go through the peaceful East China Sea through the Upside Down Mountain, which might be faster than taking the Grand Line.

Kizaru said: "Then please park the boat outside the Zhenju Island. After we escort Melvio to Shields Town, we will come back to move to other islands, and then the things we promised you will probably be delivered tomorrow. It will be delivered here, please wait patiently for one day.”

"There's nothing wrong with waiting one more day, but the supplies we brought with us were limited when we came out, and there seems to be no place to resupply nearby..." Zhang Da also hinted wildly, saying that he had agreed to take Artoria to the warship after beating the golden lion. Those who agree to things for others, even if they are shameless, they have to find a way to do it.

"It doesn't matter. I'll just supply you with some supplies from the warship. If you're interested, you can also experience the canteen on the warship. Our chefs are pretty good."

Kizaru was quite happy. According to his understanding, Zhang Daye's ship was a medium-sized sailing ship at best. Compared with the large warship dispatched this time, it was just a small thing. So what if he sent them a ship of food, and there were only seven people in it. How much can a cat eat?

As for boarding the warship, the marshal has invited them to visit and study at the headquarters. What's the big deal if he, a general, invites them to have a meal on the warship.

"Then we're welcome!" Zhang Da also smiled very happily.

Tom and Artoria are also looking forward to it. It’s a rare treat, so you must cherish it.

So, Kizaru took Kaji, Stoloberg and hundreds of naval soldiers to use his ability to fly the island at low altitude in Melvio and headed for Shields Town. Aoji led two warships to follow as a precaution. In case of emergency, it is also used when preparing to return.

Zhang Daye and his companions parked their ship next to a group of warships and boarded the warship directly under Kizaru for a visit. Kizaru's subordinates received the order to entertain them warmly, and naturally invited them to stay for dinner at noon.

When Kizaru arranged Melvio's affairs and returned to his ship in the evening, he saw a group of lost sailors and a chef with a mixture of excitement and worry on his face.

"What happened? Please help me prepare some dinner. There are too many things today, and I didn't even have time to eat." Kizaru still spoke unhurriedly. With so many warships intact, it must not be an enemy attack. , How can there be any pirate in the East China Sea who is so ignorant that he dares to approach seven large warships when he sees them parked here.

"But, General Porusalino, the ingredients are gone!"

Kizaru showed a puzzled expression: "No more? Wasn't it fully loaded when it came out?"

The Navy headquarters has always had no shortage of supplies. In order to deal with emergencies, the food carried by warships every time they sail must be sufficient or even surplus. How could it be consumed so quickly this time?

"It's because the guests you ordered us to entertain had unexpectedly large appetites. Even the cat ate the food for ten people.

The subordinates led all the chefs to struggle for three hours, used up all the ingredients, and finally filled their stomachs without losing the face of the navy or the dignity of being a chef! "

I beg you, please lose some face! Kizaru had a rare feeling of regret for what he had done: "I really underestimated them... Let's go to Stoloberg's place to prepare some ingredients."

At this time, Yixiao asked with a serious face on the Amber, "Brother, how are you doing?"

Zhang Da also took a look and said: "Three, three, six, twelve o'clock. Artoria's is four, five, six, fifteen o'clock. Uncle, you lost again, please post a note."

"Ah, damn it, come again, I will definitely win this time!" Yixiao reluctantly took the note and pasted it on his face, preparing for another round.

A person who is usually quite serious becomes like a child when he gets to the gambling table. He will not give up until he wins a game, even if the bet is just a sticker.

However, Yixiao's gambling product was really good. He was willing to admit defeat and did not use his ability to cheat. However, the consequence of playing dice with Artoria was that his facial features were almost completely obscured by small pieces of paper.

If the note accidentally falls, he will use his ability to control the note and hang it back up. It's quite cute that he uses the tall gravity fruit to do this kind of thing.

"There are only two notes left. Uncle, you will have no chance if you lose again."

"What? Then I'm going to get serious next time!"

"Uncle Yixiao, your room has been tidied up. Just call me when you want to take a rest and I will take you there." Rui Mengmeng said.

He smiled and said, "Thank you, little girl, I'm sorry for causing you any trouble."

"It's okay, it didn't take much effort." Rui Mengmeng asked, "But I heard that you and Lieutenant General Jiaji are good friends. Is it okay not to accompany him?"

"Haha, it's so boring on the warship. I can't even find anyone who can play dice with me. It's more interesting here, so I have the nerve to come and stay overnight." Yixiao really likes the atmosphere here.

Some people were playing dice with him, some were playing beautiful music, and some were sitting quietly studying... They should be studying, but they seemed to be dozing off a little.

There is also that unknown creature that I haven’t seen for a long time. It has somehow expanded into a ball, but it can still roll to the edge of the table to watch the fun.

Really a very interesting boat.

In contrast, if you go to Jiaqi's place, the topic of inviting him to join the navy will probably come up during the conversation.

Yixiao is not very disgusted with the navy, but there are still many places he has not seen, and there are many questions he has not yet figured out. When will he decide what he should do, and when will he end this life of traveling alone.

And now, the most important thing to him...

Clatter, the dice cup started to shake, and it landed on the table with a clang. He smiled confidently and said: "This time it feels great, I will definitely win!"

Arturia shook it a few times, pierced a small piece of fruit with a toothpick, put it in her mouth, and gently opened the lid.

Zhang Da couldn't bear to look at her directly: "Artoria has three sixes. Uncle Yixiao, you lost again."

"How...how could this happen..."

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