Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 333 The Happiness of Abusing Vegetables in Novice Village (4000 words)

"Come out! Is this the East China Sea? Well done Momoo!" Feeling the breeze blowing from the side meant that he had left the calm zone, Xiaoba Octopus stood on the bow and said some encouraging words to the manatee in front of him.

Even as murlocs, they need to be cautious if they want to cross the windless belt by boat, but their advantage is that they can send people underwater to explore safe routes at any time, and there are sea beasts pulling the boat to let them pass quickly.

In case of an emergency, all the crew can even push the boat into the water, and even if the situation is worse, they can abandon the boat and escape, which is much more convenient than humans.

In any case, passing through the windless belt safely is something worth celebrating. The murlocs cheered happily, and Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, finally staying away from that place.

After celebrating for a while, Xiao Ba, who was the most restless, asked, "Brother Aaron, what should we do next?"

"Keep moving forward until you meet a ship or an island. Grab a chart first." Aaron said, "Cheer up your lookouts, let the others rest and prepare for battle!"

"Oh!!!" *n

Aaron and the others were lucky. It didn't take long for them to encounter a pirate ship, and that ship had no intention of fleeing. After finding their companions, they went straight to meet them.

Pirates usually have nothing to say before starting a fight. If you know the Pirate Flag, then you must carefully consider the strength of the enemy and yourself. But if it is a flag that you don't know, first assume that the opponent is a weak chicken, and do a fight first.

"It's really lucky!" Such a situation is just what Aaron wants, "My fellow citizens, this is the first battle in the East China Sea, defeat them in the way of murlocs, and let these humans feel the terror of murlocs!"


More than half of the murlocs jumped off the boat after hearing Aaron's words.

The watchman of the pirate group on the opposite side reported the situation truthfully. Of course, because the distance was too far, he hadn't seen clearly that the people on the ship were all strangely shaped.

"It's really lucky!" The captain smiled after listening to the report, and was so scared that he abandoned the ship and fled before the battle started. It seemed that he was a rookie who had just set sail. As a senior pirate, he felt that he had a great advantage. "Little ones, get rid of them in one go!"


The pirates are like a rainbow, waving their weapons and wanting to fight.

However, not long after, the whole ship suddenly slammed, people on the deck staggered, and then the pirate ship began to yaw inexplicably.

The captain shouted dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter? Helmsman! What is the helmsman doing?"

The helmsman shouted: "It's not good, captain, the rudder is out of order!"

"What?" The captain turned pale with fright, why did something go wrong at such a time, "Boatman! Go and see what's going on!"

A broken rudder in a sea battle can be fatal. After all, not every ship is called the Warspite. If the rudder fails, you can still run back with thirty shots in your body.

"No need to go, your rudder is fine." A playful voice sounded, and Crooby sat on the railing on the left, and threw a huge piece of wood into the crowd, "Give it back to you!"

"Wow!" The pirates turned upside down, "Is this guy a monster? He even gave the rudder to..."

"Monster?" The cyan-skinned kissing murloc Jiu also jumped onto the boat, "Open your eyes and see clearly, we are murlocs!"

"Another monster!" The pirates exclaimed.

The pirate captain forced himself to remain calm and asked, "What are murlocs? Who are you?"

"Haven't you even heard of murlocs? It's nerve-wracking, people here are really ignorant." Jiu scratched his hair parted in the middle, and explained, "We are the murloc clan from the great route, not only It can breathe underwater, and its wrist strength is ten times that of a human's."

"Ten...ten times?" The pirates were shocked.

"Don't listen to his bragging!" The captain tried to stabilize the morale of the army, "Even if you have ten times the strength of your wrist, you will die with a single shot!"

While talking, the captain took out the pistol from his waist, but before he could take aim, a water bomb hit the captain's abdomen, knocking him upside down, and crashing into the cabin without knowing his life.


"What did you do?"


"Ignorant human beings, what a waste of words." Crooby embraced her arms, "Chirp, if you don't want to do it, let me do it."

"Let me do it." Chirp's cheeks puffed up, and countless small water bombs shot out from his long mouth, "Baifa Water Gun!"

This time the pirates saw clearly that the guy who called himself a murloc was shooting water bullets out of his mouth like a machine gun, and each water bullet was more powerful than an ordinary rifle.

Pirates screamed and fell down in groups, and densely packed holes were punched in the cabin and mast.

The pirates who have not lost consciousness for the time being feel that their three views are shattered. Is there such a creature in the world? Murloc, so scary!

Crooby smiled, and walked into the cabin, he has not forgotten that the purpose of this time is the chart.

A few minutes later, Crooby and Jiu jumped into the sea with a chart and a small treasure chest.

The pirate captain got up tremblingly: "Knot... Is it over? Monster, what a monster, you have to get out of here quickly!"

Crashing, accompanied by the sound of water, the boat under his feet suddenly moved, as if spinning in place.

"What's going on?" The captain staggered to the edge of the deck, grabbed the railing and looked down, only to see that the sea water under the ship formed a small vortex, and the vortex gradually expanded, and the pirate ship completely lost control and was gradually swallowed by the vortex .

Crooby and Chiu looked at the desperate pirate captain on the sea not far away, and explained with a smile: "If we murlocs are serious, we can change the current of the sea."

Below the surface of the sea, dozens of murlocs were swimming around a certain center, and the small vortex was created by them.

This is the housekeeping skill of the murlocs in naval battles. If paired with a powerful navigator, this move will be easier to use and more powerful. If you cooperate with a top navigator like Nami, you can even create a maelstrom just by moving the position of a hidden reef.

Although Aaron's group doesn't have talents in this field, it is enough to deal with an ordinary pirate ship in the East China Sea. Anyway, the vortex is not big enough to pierce the bottom of the ship.

The pirates screamed and were sucked into the bottom of the sea by the vortex together with the boat, and the murlocs sailed back triumphantly.

Watching from a distance that his compatriots easily sank a pirate ship, Aaron knew that he deserved to be the weakest sea, so the plan was more secure.

Croobi handed the chart to Aaron: "Brother Aaron, chart, there are still some Baileys here."

"No one was injured, right?" Aaron was always nice to his compatriots, and after getting the answer he wanted, he said, "Let's share the money with everyone."

The murlocs happily distributed the money, and initially experienced the joy of abusing vegetables in Xinshou Village.

Aaron looked at the chart with several cadres.

The pirate group was well prepared. Not to mention the relatively detailed sea chart, the location, officers and strength of several nearby naval branches were marked on it, which was especially important to Aaron.

After watching for a while, Aaron pointed to an island and said, "Just go here."

"New, Zhumeida Island? Is there anything special here?" Octopus Xiaoba asked curiously.

"It's far away from the navy branch. Even if the villagers ask for help, we'll have finished grabbing it by the time the navy arrives. When we have money in hand, we can negotiate with the navy." Aaron's face at this time was full of confidence. His smile resembled that of a wise man, "Humans are very greedy creatures, willing to do anything for money, even betraying their own kind."

"As expected of Brother Aaron!" Several cadres praised in admiration. It's great that Brother Aaron is so aware of the weaknesses of human beings.

Aaron smiled: "Okay, let's go!"

Octopus Xiaoba ran to the bow, pinched his cylindrical mouth, and played a strange piece of music like blowing a trumpet.

Hearing the signal, the manatee mooed its head out of the water, and stared at Xiaoba with big eyes aggrieved, with the words "I don't want to go to work" written on his face.

However, Xiao Ba had no intention of pitying it at all, and ordered: "Let's go, moo! Aim at Zhumei Da Island, the direction..."

Momoo turned obediently, not daring to complain a bit. It is different from the murlocs. The murlocs are Aaron's companions. If Moomoo is obedient, he is a sea beast that pulls the boat; Mermaids are different, they eat meat.


"There is a flaw, watch me eat your 'wolf'!" Perona happily picked up the chess piece.

"Good chess, good chess." Zhang Da also picked up his 'rat' and ate Perona's 'bishop' with a smile.

Perona was stunned, and then rushed forward to grab the chess piece in Zhang Daye's hand: "It's not counted! I made a mistake, I didn't see it!"

"No regrets, young girl." Zhang Da also pressed Perona's head with one hand, defusing her attack with his absolute arm length advantage.

Perona struggled for a while, and hugged Wendy's arm angrily: "Wendy, he is bullying, we won't play with him anymore, come play with me."

"This..." Wendy showed an embarrassed smile, why did it happen every time, she didn't know which side to help.

Zhang Da also put a water glass in front of her: "You need to change people, so you admit defeat in this round and drink the water."

"I don't want to admit defeat!" Perona sat back again, thinking sadly about how to go next.

Xia Lulu sighed: "Really, for such a grown-up person, it's still so serious to play games with children."

"No, winning or losing is winning or losing, regardless of age." Arturia supported Zhang Daye, and she had to be so serious when deciding the winner.

"...Here's a more serious character. This kind of personality that becomes serious in a strange place is like Elusa." Xia Lulu slapped her forehead, she felt that Zhang Da didn't care about the victory or defeat, and probably just thought it was funny to Perona A lot of fun.

Tom covered his eyes with his hands, but the gap between his fingers was a little wider. Every time Zhang Daye and Perona moved the 'cat', he would close his fingers together.

Because the pattern painted on the "cat" chess piece is his image, Tom imagined the scene of his cool little cat shuttling among a group of ferocious beasts——no, the sense of substitution is too strong, I dare not look at it Dare to see.

It is because of this that Tom has never dared to play this game of fighting beasts. Why don't he secretly replace the chess pieces with Xia Lulu's? Tom shook his head, it's too cruel, let's change to Lightning.

"Eat your 'cat'!" After Perona finished speaking, Thomson slumped on the seat helplessly, feeling that he had been eaten by the dog.

No matter how brave Perona was, she still lost this round. She drank a glass of water with a bitter face, and then clamored to do it again. This time she would definitely not be careless.

Zhang Da also glanced at Tom, who was loveless, and said with a smile: "Mengmeng, help me take Tom away."

It's also the first time he's seen watching others play chess to see their deep sense of substitution, and it's also a piece of substitution... Is this the legendary immersive viewing?

"Here we come." Rui Mengmeng picked up Tom, and thoughtfully refilled Perona's glass of water. According to her experience, the boss would think of various ways to replenish enough water for Perona, who usually doesn't like to drink water.

At the beginning of a new round, poor Perona quickly fell into a disadvantage again. She held her chin and began to think, and wanted to pull Wendy to give her advice.

At this time, Shark Pepper came in and poured himself a cup of tea: "Are you playing chess?"

Zhang Da also said, "Yes, is there no problem outside? Do you want to have a plate too?"

"Ye Yan and Brooke are watching outside, it's okay." Shark Pepper said, "Is it the game of fighting beasts? It seems very interesting. I'll try it later."

"I'll play with you." Artoria took out another set of chess and looked at Shark Pepper with piercing eyes.

"...Okay." Shark Pepper agreed. As long as it doesn't involve dice or other games that require luck, it shouldn't be a problem to play with Artoria... right?

"Come on." Zhang Da also sent encouragement, anyway, it's just a game of chess, it won't matter if Artoria is more determined to win.

Perona blinked her big eyes, and found that everyone's attention was not on the chessboard. She moved her small hand quietly and urged: "It's your time, hurry up."

"Okay, let's go..." Zhang Da was also taken aback, "Where is my lion? When did I run to the river? And your tiger was eaten by me just now? Why did you reincarnate in the dirt?"

"Who... Who knows, you remember wrongly, you are talking about a game of chess, probably." Perona's eyes wandered.

Zhang Da also glanced at Wendy as if seeking proof, and then stared at Perona suspiciously.

Wendy's face was flushed, she was embarrassing for her little sister, it was obviously not like this when playing with her, why did she think of cheating every time she played chess with brother Tatsuya, and she was so clumsy.

Perona was also embarrassed by Zhang Daye's eyes, and said guiltily: "What...what's the matter, if you don't know how to go, just admit defeat!"

At this time, Brook's voice on the loudspeaker temporarily broke the awkward atmosphere: "Attention everyone, two pirate ships were found at three o'clock!"

"Damn pirates, you dare to make trouble when I'm about to win, Lord Perona is going to teach them a lesson!" Perona dropped the chess piece with relief, and ran out in two or three steps.

Zhang Da also smiled helplessly, and then thought about the business: "Why do you feel that you have encountered more pirates recently?"

Someone encouraged me to ask for three days off on 29/30/31, but I, who is honest and hard-working, refused decisively!

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