Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 374 Dragon Slayer Mysteries Galaxy (4000 words)

Ye Yan grabbed the dinosaur's front paw and shouted to kill Lu Dashan, while Artoria stared at Zhang Daye with dark green eyes.

Zhang Da was also looked a little guilty, and asked tentatively, "What's wrong?"

Artoria fixed a piece of steak with a fork, poked it with a knife, and said brokenly:

"The marinated dinosaur claws are made of light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, salt, star anise, pepper, bay leaves, cinnamon, onion, ginger, garlic and other materials. Tom and I carefully match the proportion of seasonings, strictly control the cooking time and Temperature. The aroma is overflowing when it comes out of the pan, but it is not suitable to eat immediately, you have to wait for fifteen minutes to let it naturally lower to the appropriate temperature to achieve the best taste."

Zhang Daye:?

Okay, why do you need to memorize the recipe?

Artoria didn't seem to be able to control the force well. She not only pierced the steak, but also split the porcelain plate in half: "I've been waiting for that dinosaur claw for thirteen minutes, but it was used by Tatsuya to block Ye Yan. mouth."

"..." That's why it made it so scary. After knowing the reason, Zhang Da also heaved a sigh of relief. "Dinosaurs have two front paws. Give him one and one... one? What about the other one?"

Jackie Chan raised his hand apologetically: "Well, this dinosaur was defeated by me with Dragon Blast...the other front paw is gone."

"Uh..." Zhang Da also knew why Artoria had such a big resentment, "Why don't I catch some more of these dinosaurs in the afternoon? Make sure they have complete front paws."

Artoria didn't make trouble out of no reason, but silently ate the steak that had cost her more than a hundred dollars, and said calmly, "I will catch it myself."

Zhang Da also decided to learn a lesson. In the future, he can't use food to block Ye Yan's mouth. Next time, he should use socks or something. Yesterday he got a pair of stockings from one of Tom's owners, and he was disgusted for a while. In the future, he can Waste is used.

Ye Yan suddenly felt a chill, thinking that these unscrupulous banner demons must be planning to trick him again, so he jumped up into the air with all his strength, and kicked Lu Dashan right in the back.

This is what he learned from watching Uncle Long practice martial arts when he was bored. Regardless of whether he is strong or not, kicking people like this is really relieved.

Lu Dashan was kicked to the ground with an 'ouch' sound, holding his head while Ye Yan punched and kicked him. It's fine to trick the master once in a while as a joke, it's impossible to fight back, and it's over if you just beat the master honestly to let the master calm down.

It's just that since coming here, Lu Dashan found that Ye Yan's beating him was getting more and more painful. He could only sigh that people's hearts were not old. alive.

Time passed quickly, three days passed in a blink of an eye, Shark Pepper repaired the giant shark again, manipulated the giant shark to practice murloc karate for a while, and tried to learn the 'hegemony' taught by Artoria, Only then did the giant be put away and join the team preparing the ingredients to go to sea.

The turmoil of Xia Lulu's prophecy has been temporarily overturned, but the influence still exists. At least everyone is more attentive when exercising. Even Perona, who was the laziest, cheered up and practiced for herself. According to Zhang Da's observation, her enthusiasm could last for two days this time.

Ruimengmeng's sword skill 'Bacun' has improved a lot in the past few days, and under her strong protest, Zhang Da finally gave up the idea of ​​changing the name to 'Bazhen', and proposed to call it directly Baguo or Exile The front, the wind cut.

Rui Mengmeng reluctantly accepted the suggestion, and then made up her mind not to call out her name in the future, so as to reduce the vigilance of the enemy, look cool, and avoid embarrassment.

Anyway, the sword in her hand is not a Noble Phantasm like Artoria's, and she has to call out her real name to release it, so it's good to move silently.

Wendy is also making good progress these days, and has successfully learned another secret of dragon slaying—Galaxy. This mystery is much more complicated than Zhaopo·Sky Piercing, so it took her a lot of time to master it.

Zhang Da also saw Wendy's happy look, and suggested, "Would you like to try the effect?"

Wendy hesitated and said, "But this is the magic of listening to the voices of the dead. Where can the dead souls listen?"

(The comic's description of "Galaxy" is: Listen to the voice of the dragon soul that stretches to the Milky Way. So it is likely that it can only be used to awaken the soul of the dragon. The ability to awaken other souls in this book is my change.)

"Isn't there a lot of them?" Zhang Da also pointed to a big pit in the distance. They threw a lot of dinosaur bones into it these days and planned to bury them together after they left.

"Don't you?" Rui Mengmeng showed a horrified expression on her face, "It's too scary to talk to something I ate!"

When she said this, the others also looked uncomfortable.

"That's right, I didn't think about it." Zhang Da also said in his heart that he will take you to the aunt's tea party in the future, and feel the strange feeling of all kinds of food Homiz actively jumping into your mouth while chatting with you.

"Try using it on Tom?" Zhang Da also felt that Tom had lived and died so many times, so if he tried using Galaxy, he might be able to summon a few souls to chat with.

Tom shook his head and waved his hands in desperate refusal, calling out a soul or something from himself, which sounded terrible.

Zhang Da had no choice but to give up, thinking about what if he was really summoned, he didn't know whether it was Wendy's credit or Tom's credit. The most troublesome thing is that if you shout out and you can't go back, it will be broken. Tom's soul is probably as unreasonable as him.

"Would you like to go there and try?" Jackie Chan pointed to the Bone Mountain belonging to Dongli.


"What? Listen to the voices of the undead?" Dong Li looked at the petite Wendy and then at the huge sea king skeleton, "Is it ability? If you can do it, just try it. I also want to know if this guy has What do you want to say?"

"Thank you!" After getting permission, Wendy picked up a branch and began to draw a magic circle on the ground.

"Do you want to draw it by yourself?" Everyone used to see that when Wendy used magic, a magic circle appeared out of thin air. This was the first time she was asked to draw on the ground.

"Hmm! Because it's a special dragon slaying mystery, it needs to be drawn carefully." Wendy carefully drew various lines and wrote various words.

But in the eyes of others, it is a big trap and a small circle, and a small trap is an even smaller circle, and a lot of symbols of unknown meaning are marked in the circle.

"It's done, wait a little longer, everyone." Wendy knelt in the middle of the magic circle, and raised her hands above her head:

"O dead soul wandering here, let me listen to your voice——Dragon Slayer Mystery·Galaxy!"

After the words fell, emerald green rays of light emerged from the magic circle, and a soft beam of light shot straight into the sky, stopped rising at the highest point of the sea king's bones, and turned into green ripples around it.

Countless tiny spots of light emerged from the bones and slowly converged towards the beam of light, like a bright starry sky.

"I found it!" Wendy clasped her hands together in front of her body as if praying, her magical power exploded, and her clothes fluttered.

The surrounding green starlight merged into rivers, forming a huge green vortex in the sky.

"Roar!!!" A phantom of a gigantic beast as tall as a mountain poked its head out of the vortex and let out a roar. After the whole body was formed, it leaned on its own bones and looked around, with a look of confusion in its eyes.

A huge Neptune like him has wisdom. In his memory, he should have died, so is this the underworld?

Tom immediately hid behind Zhang Daye and hugged his thigh. He was most afraid of these ghosts and ghosts.

"It's so big! But it seems to be successful!" Perona cheered and wanted to hug Wendy, but was stopped by Xia Lulu.

Xia Lulu looked at Wendy's frowning and said, "Don't go there yet, this magic seems to require a lot of concentration."

Everyone looked up at this huge monster, and their hearts were shocked. When looking at the bones and looking at the moving monster, their moods were completely different.

For example, Artoria, she didn't secretly swallow her saliva when she looked at the bones.

"Dongli!" Broki ran over quickly after noticing the strange situation here, "What happened?"

"It's okay, it's just that the little girl is showing her ability." Dong Li pointed to Wendy, briefly explained the source of this sea king's soul, and then said, "But this ability is really surprising."

"This is the sea king from back then?" Broki held his giant axe, "Could it be resurrected?"

"Probably not." Dong Li said to himself, "It doesn't matter if he is, I can kill him when he is alive, and it is the same when he is dead!"

As if hearing the conversation between the two of them, the Neptune-like soul glanced at Dongli and Broki, quickly realized that these two were enemies, and rushed forward with a roar.

A mountain fell from the sky, the oppressive feeling is nothing to say, but people in the amber group who have seen the golden lion are not very panicked, it is almost equivalent to a small skill of the golden lion, so it is not a big problem.

Dong Li had already drawn out his long sword to fight, but the sea kings did not touch his weapon or body, but penetrated directly.

Dong Li put down his sword: "It seems that it's really just a soul, which can't touch us at all."

Zhang Da also had a sudden thought: "Ye Yan, can you accept him as a banner demon?"

"No, the banner monster has to be a monster." Ye Yan said, "If he has a way to attach to the bone and turn into a bone monster or something, it's still possible. But by then, with such a big body, I guess I can't beat it, how can I subdue it?"

Zhang Da was also a little disappointed. Throwing a giant sea king from the yellow demon banner during the fight was still quite bluffing, but unfortunately it didn't work: "Forget it, let Ma Laowu come out to translate and translate, what is this guy talking about?"

After the sea kings pounced twice and found that they could not hurt anyone, they began to growl at Dongli and Broki, but the two giants ignored him at all, and went to duel on their own after seeing the volcano erupting in the distance .

The Neptune-like soul became irritable, and then fell into a low state, growling as if to say something.

Ye Yan released Ma Laowu, pointed at the sea king's soul and asked, "Do you understand the language of amphibians?"

Ma Laowu looked at the sea kings and said frantically: "Master, I read a lot and you can't fool me. How can amphibians be so big?"

Ye Yan pointed at sea kings. This guy really looks like an amphibian: "Isn't this what it is? Hurry up and see if you can translate it."

Ma Laowu leaned over and listened carefully for a while, and said helplessly: "He seems to be repeating a sentence, probably a few words are 'sorry', 'king', 'death', and 'princess', I don't know What do you mean? Could it be that this guy abducted the princess of their clan, and then died on the way to elope, so he felt sorry for their king? This buddy is quite powerful!"

It is very in line with the conjecture of the banner demon's character, and it is very unreliable.

Ye Yan took him back: "It's okay, just listen to this guy's guess, and ask Wendy what he found later."

Zhang Da also has some guesses about these key words. This sea king is probably apologizing to their king. This king should refer to the sea king Poseidon, one of the three ancient weapons. The mermaid Shirahoshi, as well as the 'other king' mentioned in the comics, is probably the Joey Boy of this generation, Luffy.

Although he was hunted down by Tonley and Broki ninety years ago, the Sea Kings seem to have a special ability to know when and where their king will be born.

As for the apology, maybe it's because he died before the birth of the king, so he couldn't serve the king or something, or did he still have some unfinished mission?

Before he could ask anything, the souls of sea kings disappeared together with the light of the magic circle, and Wendy also opened her eyes.

"His 'mind' has completely disappeared." Wendy gently wiped the fine sweat on her forehead. When using Galaxy, it requires a high degree of concentration, and the burden is a bit heavy.

Perona asked anxiously: "So, did Wendy find anything else?"

"Sorry, not at all." Wendy said, "Except for feeling a little bit of his sadness when maintaining magic, everything else is the same as everyone else."

"I do have some ideas that need to be verified." Zhang Da is also a little curious about these things, but he doesn't have to figure it out. It's just about a friend's child. If he has the ability, he still needs to pay attention.

Wendy asked, "What should I do?"

"I need you to use the Galaxy again later, let's ask the other Neptune." Zhang Da also said, "Before that, you should take a good rest."

Wendy said: "I'm fine, I can do it now."

"Don't be brave, take a good rest first, just take advantage of this time, let me give you some news about science popularization that ordinary people don't know." Zhang Da didn't want to overdraw Wendy's energy because of this matter, he didn't give up on his companions the consciousness of others.

"I have something to say first. Although I accidentally found out about what I'm going to say next, strictly speaking, it should be regarded as information that anyone who knows will be guilty of crime. So absolutely don't mention it to anyone."

Jackie Chan's concept of the legal system has not been corrected, subconsciously said: "Wait a minute, since this is a crime, it's better not to tell us?"

"You are not from this world, so just treat it as having diplomatic immunity." Zhang Da didn't know how to refute, so he had to find a word that he didn't understand very well to perfunctory.

Perona blinked and pointed to herself, indicating that she was from this world.

Zhang Da also said casually: "You are not yet an adult, there are protection laws."

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