Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 397 Can't Beat an Adult, Can't Beat a Child (4000 words)

After the shock, the management staff of the pier vowed that the ship would be handed over to them to take care of it and that there would be no problems.

Zhang Da also expressed his trust in their abilities, and then quietly asked Ye Yan to keep a few banner demons.

It takes a little longer to walk from the pier to Yuba, but with the Duck Duck troop, it doesn't take much time.

Everyone walked leisurely through the desert, watching the caravan driving camels with great interest, until the sound of exclamation sounded.

"Run away!"

"It's a desert lizard!"


A large purple lizard ran towards the camels, and it seemed bigger than a banana alligator. The people panicked and started to run away screaming. The camels panicked even more and ran desperately towards Juba without being driven away.

"Quack!" The running ducks were also taken aback, raising their legs and about to run.

Zhang Da also patted the running duck he was riding: "Why panic, it's our lunch."

Only then did the running ducks realize that they were carrying people at the top of the food chain, and they were not afraid of anything that could be eaten, no matter if it was a beast or anything else.

The others were similar. After appeasing the running ducks, they just stood there and waited for the takeaway to arrive.

"Do you want me to deal with it?" Jackie Chan raised his hand to reveal the pattern of the dragon spell in the palm of his hand, but everyone glanced at it in disgust, then put it away again, and said awkwardly: "Haha... well, don't waste the ingredients, you guys Come."

As the big lizard got closer and closer, Artoria flew up, a flash of sword light flashed, and the big lizard continued to run a few steps forward before crashing to the ground.

Zhang Da also said: "This trick looks familiar."

"Well, I changed Brook's moves to suit me." Artoria said, "I remember a gourmet book that said that the way of hunting can also affect the taste of ingredients."

"So I thought about it carefully, and I feel that Brook's swordsmanship is very suitable for hunting. After the prey is chopped, they don't realize that they are dead. The ingredients obtained in this way must be superb..." Speaking of this kind of thing, Al Tolia was a little eloquent, and it took a while to wake up, "Ah, I accidentally delayed too long! Tom~ please!"

Zhang Da also gave a thumbs up: "It's you who specially improved a sword technique for the ingredients."

Tom rubbed his hands expectantly, then rolled up his sleeves and started cooking on the spot.

"Hey?" Weiwei has not yet adapted to the rhythm of the amber group, "Is the meal ready?"

"We are like this sometimes." Wendy said a little embarrassedly, "When we encounter fresh ingredients, we often add extra meals."

Perona said: "Isn't it great? It just so happens that Weiwei is going to visit her friends, so I can bring them some as gifts."

Xia Lulu complained, "Is it really good to use lizard meat as a gift?"

Weiwei said with some surprise: "Hey? Is it possible? This kind of big lizard is very fierce, you must have never tasted it before!"

"I really want to bring this." Xia Lulu covered her face, and Weiwei seemed to be a little out of line.

The pedestrians on the road had already run away, and when the soldiers near Juba received the news to drive the lizard away, all they saw were the remaining skeletons.


"Hey~ Kosa!" Vivi sat on Kalu's back, waving her arms cheerfully.

On the edge of the city, a teenager who was digging a tree hole with a shovel raised his head: "Weiwei?"

Kosha had an expression of surprise on his face, and then it turned into astonishment: "Why are you here?"

His first reaction was that Weiwei sneaked out. After all, she had done this a lot before, and she was kidnapped once when she was out of the palace to play with them. Kosha thought Weiwei would learn her lesson, but she didn't expect her to run so far this time!

"What does that expression mean?" Weiwei said dissatisfied, "Is that why you don't welcome me?"

"It's not a question of welcome or not?" Kosha threw away the shovel, put his hands on Weiwei's shoulders and shook her head, "How could you run so far without authorization? Do the king know? Did you bring guards?"

Weiwei smiled and said, "Don't worry, I came with everyone. And I'm very strong now."

"With everyone?" Kou Sha ignored Weiwei's words that she had become stronger, and looked behind Weiwei, the eight people and two cats waved to him with a smile.

The running duck also waved its wings to him.

"You are..." Kosha's eyes gradually widened.

"Anyway, why don't you take me to your house first? I want to visit Uncle Doto." Weiwei showed the things in her hand, "I brought gifts for everyone."

Kou Sha nodded in a daze, and while walking home, asked Wei Wei about what had happened these days. Weiwei happily talked about it, and at the same time introduced the members of the Amber Squad to Koza.

For the rest of the trip, Zhang Da will not be accompanied, only Wendy, Xia Lulu and Perona will follow.

Zhang Da also distributed a wad of pocket money to each of them. Some of them formed a group, some acted alone, and each went shopping in Yuba.

There are row upon row of houses, neat and wide roads, and a clear river running through the middle of the city. The streets are full of transport teams, and occasionally children run after them.

As a city rebuilt from an ordinary oasis, the construction of Yuba should be said to be very effective. After all, it has only been two years since the construction began. Kosha's father really has two brushes.

Although it is not as prosperous as the royal capital, there should be a lot of shops here, and the most should be hotels, restaurants, tea stalls, etc. for merchants to come and go. Such a situation is exactly what Artoria wants.

Zhang Da didn't panic at all when he went shopping and eating. Thanks to Lao Sha, several hundred million have been credited to his account recently, so it doesn't matter if he eats all over the city.

Jackie Chan didn't stay with them all the time, but went shopping with Shark Pepper after tasting a few special snacks. He wanted to buy more clothes for all seasons, and also went to the bookstore to buy some interesting books. Go and see what interesting art is there, and talk to people in town and stuff like that.

Ye Yan was squatting on the corner of a street with a lot of traffic, saying that art comes from life, and he needs to observe the details of life more.

Zhang Daye, Tom, and Rui Mengmeng followed Artoria's food radar around. The two were in charge of eating, and the other were in charge of calculating which ingredients were suitable for the voyage.

On one side, there was a lot of nonsense, and the weather was calm, but on the other side, Weiwei and the others encountered a little trouble.

"Didn't you say that your family is in charge of building this city? Why do you live in such a remote place?" Perona asked curiously. If she was in charge of building a city, she would definitely build a big castle for herself. Put it in the middle of the city.

"Because it's suitable here." Kosha said indifferently, "Dad said that the city center is more suitable for building markets, shops, etc. It doesn't matter where you live, anyway, it's much better than before."

Wendy said: "Your father seems to be a very powerful person."

Kou Sha didn't take it seriously: "No, it's just a middle-aged uncle who got a little fat."

Several people were chatting and laughing, and suddenly three people wearing the costumes of soldiers of the king's army blocked the way.

Weiwei has long been used to seeing soldiers dressed like this, she politely stepped forward and asked, "Hello, what's the matter?"

"Is it Her Royal Highness...?" The soldiers smiled maliciously.

"No, you've got the wrong person!" Kou Sha stood in front of Weiwei. He remembered that the robbers he met two years ago seemed to have similar expressions. These people are very dangerous.

"It's none of your business, brat." The three of them drew their weapons one after another, and surrounded several children, "Please follow us obediently, Your Highness, or you and your companions may be hurt."

Another person added: "Those two little girls will also come with us, if you want to blame, blame your adults!"

"Huh?" Wendy asked curiously, "Is this kidnapping?"

"It seems to be. Could it be that the black-hearted boss offended people outside, and they couldn't beat them, so they had to kidnap us to take revenge?" Perona looked at these people calmly, and a small one seemed to pop out of her head Bulb, "Wendy! You must ask him for mental damage fees when you go back! At least one pack of candy every day... No, add another box of chocolates, and cakes!"

Xia Lulu watched Perona counting the things she wanted with her fingers, and said helplessly, "This is not the time to talk about these things, is it? Besides, your requirements are so low."

"I'll stop them!" Kosha held the shovel as a weapon with both hands. He felt that he could kill at least one of them, and the other two could also block them. "I'll run away when I say run away, and then call the adults to help!"

"Don't come to get in the way, brat!" The soldiers were impatient to wait, and they were about to strike while speaking.

"Ha~ah~" Kou Sha yelled, raising his shovel to make a surprise attack. He is very good at fighting, and this move is very effective.

But today it was not his turn to perform. The three little girls looked at each other and decided to have one for each of them.

Wendy trotted for two steps, jumped up and punched a soldier in the side face, sending him flying across the face without even using magic.

Weiwei raised her arm and cut down, imitating Crocodile's desert sword to cut down a soldier.

Perona was amazing, instead of using her ability, she trotted two steps and flew into the air, kicking the last soldier in the chest, kicking him into the air.

"Hehehehehe~ The moves taught by Uncle Long work well!" Perona was very happy. This was the first time she defeated an enemy without relying on her ability. It felt so good to kick someone away.

Kosha was dumbfounded: "Just...what happened?"

Xia Lulu stood on Duck's head and patted Kou Sha's shoulder, saying, "Wendy can deal with hundreds of opponents of this level."

Weiwei walked over and pulled out a big smile: "I told you that I am very strong, if I fight with you again, I will be the leader of the Shasha group."

"I said before that I hope you will become a great princess..." Kou Sha had mixed feelings, "Do you feel that the direction of your efforts is a little bit off?"

"No!" Weiwei argued, "Brother Tatsuya said that for a country, strong military power is indispensable. Even if it does not invade others, it must have the power to protect its citizens. Just like before The events of a few days are the same, if..."

"Vivi is too good, isn't she? You can remember the big truth that the black-hearted boss said after listening to it. Obviously, I will feel sleepy when I hear it." They all dragged over and woke up one by one for interrogation.

"It's actually the remnants of the Baroque Working Society?" Xia Lulu asked in surprise, "But haven't you heard about us these days? How dare the three of you do anything to us?"

The three turned their heads. We know that your amber tour group is powerful, but you can't beat adults, can't you beat children?

Ever since Crocodile was arrested, they knew that they might be found out at any time, and now they finally met a few children who were alone, whether they were to kill Xiehen or extort a sum of money to leave here, and then kill Xiehen again , are rare opportunities.

It's just that they didn't expect that they really couldn't beat these kids...

"Vivi, why don't you go back to the capital?" Kosha suggested, "Maybe there are other remnants of the Baroque Workers who want to take revenge. It's too dangerous."

"No, it was hard for me to travel. Anyway, these people can't hurt me, it's okay." Weiwei is now a natural ability user, and the skill of elementalization makes her very confident. It can help Bale and Gacca."

Weiwei has a bold idea, using herself as a bait to attract others to kidnap her! Weiwei has never lacked the courage to take risks in such matters.

Kosana had nothing to do with her: "Anyway, hand them over to the sheriff or the defenders first."

After going through a little bit of twists and turns, Weiwei and the others still went to Kosha’s house to sit for a while. After hearing Kosha’s description, the uncle Doto broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly contacted Cobra to report the matter.

So the next day, when everyone left Juba, there was a falcon circling in the sky.

Zhang Da also looked up for a while, and even beckoned, but Bell didn't respond, so he asked Uncle Long to take out a sniper rifle.

"It's not necessary, Mr. Tatsuya?" Bell smiled wryly, "I just came to confirm the safety of Princess Weiwei, and I didn't mean to disturb you."

Zhang Da also said: "I just want to invite you down for a cup of tea. It's hard work for you to fly so far."

Weiwei asked: "Bell, did father ask you to pick me up?"

Bell shook his head: "No, although His Majesty the King and Captain Icarem were extremely worried, His Majesty the King finally decided to respect the princess' wishes. He said that this is also a valuable experience."

Weiwei said happily: "That's great!"

"Then, I'm going to pick up those prisoners and go back to their orders, and I'm leaving." Bell changed into a falcon again, "Have a good journey, princess, please be careful, the king has said that you must never use yourself as a bait .”

The smile on Weiwei's face froze, and she said guiltyly, "How... how?"

Bell could tell from her expression that the king had guessed right, and said helplessly to Zhang Daye and the others: "Princess, please take care of me."

py: "The Great Sage Shen Gongbao Persuades the Immortal to Die" Hundreds of millions of calamities cast the Taoist body, and the immortals will not be worn through the ages.

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