Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 412 What is the title (4000 words)

"That was the captain of the Midnight Pirates, Midnight, who fought desperately after being injured, so we didn't stop. Those two were Alifu and Aliphant, who were involved by Midnight and were affected. , hurt a little bit, but should be able to recover."

Zhang Da is also explaining the situation of the pirates to Tina and Smoke, especially the dead and dying pirates. Smoker was going to write a report after all, just find any plausible reason.

"Those people who looked miserable were killed in a naval battle. At that time, we were surrounded by twenty-one pirate ships. The situation was critical, so we had to attack harder."

Tina nodded to express her belief in his nonsense. The situation was so critical that the other 20 ships could be kept intact, but this ship was blown up—was there any personal grudge?

"The fifty over there are because they took the residents of the town hostage. To ensure the safety of the residents, we acted decisively."

Smoker nodded to express his understanding. It is no pity for such a person to die. Even the other navy soldiers showed admiration. Pirates taking hostages have always been a headache for them. Thief, the perfect rescue of the hostages is already the best result.

"There is nothing we can do about those wounded. We are just a small group and don't have such rich medical resources. Anyway, these guys are very hard-fought, so let's carry them on our own."

A second lieutenant who met Zhang Daye and the others at Whiskey Hill raised a question: "I remember that Miss Wendy's ability can heal wounds, why not treat them a little bit, at least those seriously injured..."

"The healing ability is a heavy burden on the body. How can you use it as soon as you say it? Wendy is still a child!" Zhang Da was also heartbroken, with an expression of "I misunderstood you" on his face.

The second lieutenant looked not far away, Wendy was running after Weiwei and Perona, as if she was playing some kind of game, when Wendy suddenly fell forward and let out a lovely cry of pain.

She's really just a child, and she's so cute. The second lieutenant was immediately ashamed, bowed and said, "I'm sorry, I was the one to be rude!"

Smoker squinted at Zhang Daye, burdened? At the beginning, he was healed and injured by Wendy himself, and he was healed after being injured. No matter how you look at it, he looks relaxed. Do you call this a heavy burden?

But he didn't speak, and Zhang Da also made it clear that he didn't want Wendy to waste his energy on these pirates, and Smoker's sympathy didn't overflow to such an extent, so he just took him back and let the military doctor treat him casually.

"Oh, by the way, that jelly candy user named Fazhi is a bit special." Zhang Da also reminded, "She said she is a member of the Big Mom Pirates."

"BIG MOM!?" Tina and Smoker were shocked. Why did they suddenly get involved with the Four Emperor Pirates?

Zhang Da also talked about Fa Zhi's rhetoric, and then said: "Anyway, that's what she said, you should pay more attention."

"You should pay more attention, right? Maybe you will be retaliated against."

Tina and Smoker are fine, BIG MOM shouldn't go to the first half of the Great Route to attack warships for such little people, but maybe they will come to revenge Zhang Daye, when the time comes...

"At that time, the people who revenged us will also be packaged and sent to you."

Tina and Smoker glanced at each other, and found that this person didn't seem to be talking big, it was beyond their ability to get involved, and the two of them could only report this matter to the police, and they would have to re-examine him later.

After the pirates were counted, Zhang Da also got a few large boxes of Baileys and three pairs of Hailoushi handcuffs.

Hailoushi is precious if you say it is, or if you say it is not. When Zhang Daye and the others travel for a while, even if the navy doesn't give it to them, they will have other channels to get it. It's better to be a petty favor now.

Seeing that Zhang Da also put away his things, Smoker invited him to discuss.

Tina reminded: "Hey, Smoker, there are still many things to be busy. If you are injured now, it will be very troublesome. Tina is troubled."

"That's why I have to go to the competition right away, otherwise I won't have time when I get busy." Smoker said, "And don't assume that I will get injured, I am different from a month ago!"

"Really, it happens every time, Tina is dissatisfied." Tina has no choice but to arrange other people's work first, "You go to the town to appease the residents and explain the situation, you go to survey the terrain, you..."

In fact, Tina can arrange things in an orderly manner without Smoker's help. Of course, she didn't leave by herself. She wanted to stay and watch Smoker get beaten.

The amber tour group did not disappoint Tina, and everyone took turns to repair Smoker, making him a little suspicious of life.

Have I really exercised well in the past month? Why do you feel like playing harder? Especially after being hit by Perona's ability, Smoker's self-esteem was hit hard.

The only round he won was against Weiwei, because he was really ashamed to use Hailoushi's ten hands, so he dragged Weiwei until he was exhausted, and then he was despised by Tina.

Tina asked: "Speaking of which, is that little girl using Crocodile's ability? Is she..."

"Oh, Weiwei is the princess of Alabasta, and accidentally ate the rustle fruit." Zhang Da also told the truth, there is nothing to hide about Weiwei's identity.

"Princess?!" Tina showed a shocked expression, her eyes rotated among the three little girls, and finally stopped on Zhang Daye, "Mr. Daye, it is a crime to abduct a little girl, especially abducting a princess. Difficult."

"Don't make trouble." Zhang Da also waved his hand and said, "It was Vivi's father, King Cobra, who asked us to take her out on a trip."

"It's great if it's like this." Tina believed what Zhang Daye said, if she was really abducted, things would have gotten into trouble long ago. However, the king of Alabasta trusted Zhang Da enough to allow the young princess to follow them around the world.

"Let's talk about you guys." Zhang Da also asked, "How long will it take to establish a branch here?"

Tina said: "This is not certain. In fact, the size of the branch has not yet been determined. It will take a few months at the earliest to officially start operation."

"so long?"

Smoker, who had regained his energy a little, took over the conversation: "Of course, before establishing a branch, we must first inspect the nearby terrain, and then plan and design the map according to the terrain before we can officially start construction. During this period, we need to investigate the situation of the residents and draw the map of the surrounding area. Nautical charts, determination of patrol areas and plans, and logistical supplies also need to be carefully planned... In short, they are all troublesome things."

It's true that Smoker is a prick, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. He has also studied what these senior officers should know.

Tina said: "Since you know the trouble, please come and help me out. Don't push so many things to me alone. Tina is very angry."

"Didn't you do a good job?" Smoke stood up, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to escort these prisoners to Judiciary Island, and you'll still be in charge of it for a few days."

"Smog!" Tina fiercely bit the cigarette in her mouth.

Smoker waved his hand self-consciously and said, "Then I'm off, before it's too late."

Zhang Da also watched Smog board a warship with a smile and set sail, feeling that he hasn't been killed yet must be because Tina didn't learn well about her armed domineering.

Smoker only took away the captain and cadres, and hundreds of ordinary pirates were left here. When the branch starts to be built, these people will become coolies.

The residents of Magic Valley Town have already heard the news of the navy's arrival, and also heard that the navy will establish a branch here. Most of them are a little happy about this. Maybe the future business will not be as easy as before, but at least they can live a more stable life.

These sailors seem to be good people, and many sailors volunteered to help them repair their houses in the afternoon.

Zhang Daye's life has returned to normal. Tina is really busy and has no time to chat with them all the time. The old boy Smoker must choose to escort the prisoners to escape.

Two days later, what happened here on Gaya Island finally appeared in the newspapers. The focus of the report was that the Navy was going to establish a new branch, followed by the amber tour group defeating the navy formed by the Midnight Pirates and the AM Pirates on Gaya Island. Thieves alliance.

The news introduced in detail the strength, backbone and capabilities of the two pirate groups, which further reflected how strong the amber tour group that defeated them was, and Morgans knew how to lay the groundwork.

In addition, another article was published in the newspaper, focusing on the introduction of Weiwei, a new member of the Amber Tour Group. The cute and fighting little princess of Alabasta is known by many people all over the world.

The person who paid the most attention to this report was naturally Cobra. He looked at the photo of Weiwei and Karu with a smile and said, "I didn't expect to get news about Weiwei in the newspaper so soon."

"Unfortunately, I thought...cough cough, well~" Icarem said angrily, "I thought Mr. Jackie Chan was a very reliable person, but how could he let the princess participate in such a dangerous battle? Your Majesty, please hurry up Bring the princess back, I will go in person and set off immediately!"

"Don't be so anxious, Icarem. Mr. Tatsuya and the others know it well, and it's a good thing to see a dangerous battle. Isn't that why I let Weiwei go out?"

Bell and Gaca watched the description of the battle silently for a while, and said, "Your Majesty, we are out for training."

Cobra said with concern: "Bell, Gaca, you have been training too hard recently, you should pay attention to your body."

"It's nothing." Bell said, "Compared to that, I'm more worried that I will be too weak to stand by her side when the princess returns."

Gaca agreed: "That's right, Your Majesty, we also have the self-esteem of being guards."


"Drink! Ha!" Holding the bamboo sword in her hand, Kuina made a swift and fierce downward strike, and when the opponent subconsciously defended, she quickly withdrew the sword and turned to a straight stab.

"Wow~" Sauron was stabbed in the abdomen, and fell down in embarrassment, with three bamboo swords in his hands and mouth falling to the ground with a crackling sound.

"You've lost again, Sauron."

Sauron thumped the floor: "Damn it, why did you suddenly become stronger so quickly?"

"Because I didn't spend my time studying how to hold a sword with my mouth." Kuina said, "Father has already talked about the goal we should work on next. Is it really meaningful for you to continue doing this?"

"Of course! You can use three swords if you can't win with two swords. This is what I said myself!" Sauron was stubborn, but looking at Kuina's serious eyes, he said honestly, "Actually, I didn't win at all. I don't understand what the teacher said about 'everything can be cut and everything can be cut'. But I do think the three-sword style is very suitable for me."

Guina sighed: "You can do whatever you want. If you don't understand, you can ask your father more. He said that he will teach us with all his strength."

"I see." Sauron wanted to say that you knew what you were going to do after just listening to it once, but I wanted to ask it again. Wouldn't that be a loss to you? But think about it, if you lose, you lose. You haven't won anyway, and if you continue to be awkward like this, the gap will only get bigger and bigger.

Kuina didn't pay attention to Sauron any more, she flipped through the few newspapers she left on purpose, sat cross-legged under the tree in the yard silently, put two iron ingots in front of her, and put the word "Hedao" on her lap. closed his eyes.

The two iron ingots were cut off by Zhang Daye at the beginning. After many days, there were many small gaps on them, and Kuina has been working hard for this.

Zoro looked curiously at the newspaper that Kuina put down, which contained photos and introductions of Perona, Wendy and Weiwei.


"Nami, Berummel!" Nuo Qigao ran home excitedly holding a newspaper, "Look, Wendy and the others have a new companion, who seems to be about the same age as us!"

Nami raised her head from the pile of books and read the news curiously.

"I have to work harder." Nami touched the exquisite pistol she carried with her, and plunged into the ocean of knowledge again.

"Two more powerful pirate groups have been killed." Berumel said, "And even the king is very relieved to entrust his daughter to their care. It seems that I am holding you back, Nami."

"That's not true." Nami said, "Even if I get on brother Tatsuya's boat now, it's just a hindrance. I'm not good at sailing, and I can't fight like Weiwei at all, and I don't want to fight so quickly. Bellumel separates."

"You know how to say it!" Berummel patted Nami's forehead with a smile, "Okay, it's about time for a rest, and there's 'Berummel Brand Special Roast Chicken' for lunch!"

"Long live!"*2


On the Moby Dick, Tiki read the news over and over again with an ugly face, especially the part about Midnight's ability introduction.

After confirming that it was the secret fruit he had been thinking about, Tiqi worked hard on his emotions, but still wrinkled the newspaper in his hand.

"What's the matter, Titch? Your face is ugly, are you uncomfortable?" Sach patted Titch on the shoulder, and asked with concern, "Do you want to ask Marco to look at it for you?"

Tiki's eyes became a little fierce for a moment, but immediately returned to his harmless appearance: "Haha, it's nothing, Sachi, I just want to eat the cherry pie you made."

Question, where did Nami get the pistol?

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