Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 418 Hawkeye: I may have drunk fake wine (4000 words)

Hawkeye's knife skills are very good. The barbecued meat cut out is neat and even in thickness. It looks like a good material for a chef.

He politely asked Rui Mengmeng for a set of tableware, and went back to his boat to get a bottle of red wine to share with everyone.

It's a pity that the only people present who know red wine are Shark Pepper, Artoria, and Tom.

To Hawkeye's surprise, Zhang Da, as the owner of a tavern, couldn't say anything except that the bottle of wine was not cheap, what a waste of money. But it doesn't matter, let's just pay off the debt.

Zhang Da was also tasting wine like Tom, and suddenly felt despised. He looked at Hawkeye with a little displeasure: "Excuse me, why can you eat and drink for nothing so confidently?"

"I provided the wine." Hawkeye said that at least he didn't drink in vain.

Before Zhang Da could continue to find fault, Hawkeye swung the knife he had just used for cutting meat a few times, and then a big bird descended from the sky, and when it landed, all the feathers on its body were shaved clean.

"I helped hunt and processed the ingredients."

The three little lolita applauded together, their eyes sparkled. This uncle is not only powerful, but also very easy-going. I was a little afraid of him after watching the competition between him and Artoria, but now I feel a lot closer .

Zhang Da also twitched his lips, unable to speak, Grandma said, obviously earned a few glasses of wine and a big dish, why can't he be happy at all?

Brother, your design is broken! Zhang Da also wanted to say that, but after thinking about it carefully, Hawkeye in the original book is the kind of person who would seriously argue with Perona about who cooks more, and his behavior now seems not surprising.

It's just that most people can't see this side of him.

"Damn it, he pretended it!" Ye Yan poked Zhang Daye with his elbow, and said with a playful smile, "Didn't you always mean to say that?"

"..." Zhang Da didn't speak, he felt that Ye Yan didn't hold his fart well.

"Obviously here to eat and drink, but with such an arrogant attitude, and stealing the attention of the younger sisters, can this be tolerated? I can't bear it!" Ye Yan fanned the flames and urged, "Cut him, I will lead the cheerleading team Support you!"

I think you want him to cut me!

It's a pity that Zhang Da is not one of those brainless little pirates, and he can't be fooled by Ye Yan: "Since you can't bear it anymore, how about giving you a chance, you take the lead?"

"Ah? What? Uncle Long, did you call me?" Ye Yan turned around and disappeared in front of Zhang Daye in an instant.

Zhang Da also looked at Hawkeye's black knife thoughtfully, he could learn something every time he was whipped, and now that Hawkeye was right in front of him, do you want to fight him?

Zhang Da also shook his head when the hawk-eyed eyes swept over him. Forget it. If you find him, you can only end up with a knife.

This is not a person who can teach his apprentices well. If he loses an eye after not learning much about swordsmanship, it will be a lot of fun. It is good to learn from Artoria.

"You two haven't decided who won?" Zhang Da also asked. Just now, Arturia was busy eating, and Hawkeye was in a hurry to go back to get the wine. When everyone didn't pay attention to these two people, they ran over to eat. How did it end? Do not know at all.

Hawkeye said, "There is no winning or losing."

Arturia nodded: "Because it's almost time for lunch, so we decided to eat first."

Hawkeye didn't say anything, you're the one who decided to stop without authorization, right?

When the scent wafted over, Artoria felt slightly shaken. It would be fine if this was a life-threatening battle. Winning is more important than anything else, but this is just an ordinary competition...

Then Hawkeye didn't want to fight anymore, he was always keenly aware of the opponent's state in battle, and Artoria's changes couldn't hide it from him. Nothing is less fun than a distracted opponent, even a little bit.

How can a swordsman be shaken by such a trivial matter? Hawkeye was a little bit sorry, although the things Tom made were indeed delicious.

Hawkeye is not a talkative person. When facing unfamiliar people, even if he attends a banquet, he just drinks quietly by himself, surrounded by an aura that strangers should not get close to. But fortunately, Shark Pepper took the initiative to talk to Hawkeye.

For Artoria's sake, Hawkeye didn't mind communicating with Shark Pepper, a peculiar robot, especially since he didn't look like a weakling either.

So the two chatted about which kind of red wine had the best taste from the red wine in the glass, and then talked about the world's famous red wine producing areas, and then talked about the climate of Paradise and New World, and got a lot of useful information.

Zhang Da was also listening, silently giving Shark Chili a thumbs up. It's not impossible to let him liven up the atmosphere by himself. After all, the tavern has been open for so long, but it must not be as smooth and natural as Shark Pepper.

Hawkeye is also surprised. For many years, besides Shanks, the person he can talk to the most is actually the robot Shark Pepper. Keep your eyes open.

The atmosphere during the meeting was quite harmonious, and this simple lunch ended soon. The little girls had already gone to play by themselves, and the others cleared away the dishes.

In the Amber's kitchen, Hawkeye took off his cape and rolled up his shirt sleeves and stood by the sink to help.

"Click!" The sound of the shutter sounded.

Hawkeye turned his head to look at Zhang Daye: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Da also raised the camera with a smile: "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back when I saw the world's number one swordsman washing the dishes. Do I want to give you the negatives?"

Hawkeye rinsed the plate in his hand, wiped it dry with a rag, and said flatly, "Don't do such a boring thing."

Does that mean it doesn't matter? Zhang Da also pushed forward: "Can I get the news agency to submit an article? The contribution fee is 37 cents."

"Yes, you are also a swordsman, right? As long as you can defeat me." Hawkeye wiped his hands and left the kitchen.

"Okay, I'll make a lot of money then." Zhang Da also put away his camera, thinking about it carefully, something seemed wrong, "Won't the value of this photo depreciate when I win the battle?"

Zhang Da also looked at the handsome uncle's back, a little disgusted.

"Brother Tatsuya! We found an old man walking on stilts! Such tall stilts!" Wei Wei rode Karoo and rushed back to report the news.

"Stilt walkers? Oh, here they come!"


"My name is Dongjite, and I'm a herdsman from Changhuan Island. Thank you for saving me from the bamboo stilts. Thank you very much!" An old man with a white beard wearing a felt hat said, "It's amazing, I can fly A cat, and it can talk."

Xia Lulu was used to being said that, so she asked, "Why is Grandpa trapped on it?"

"Ah..." Dongjite turned his hands away, with a deep look, "I want to challenge the world's tallest stilt record, but I didn't expect that after I stepped on it... I couldn't get off it, and I stayed for a year!"

"Are you an idiot?!" Perona complained loudly.

"Perona, it's too rude to talk to the elderly like this." Jackie Chan pressed Perona's head, although he wanted to say so himself.

Perona apologized obediently, she didn't want to hear Uncle Long nagging.

"No, it's okay, it's good to be able to come down." Dongjite said, "You must know that the bamboo is still growing taller this year. The taller it is, the less I dare to come down. It really scared me to death."

Ye Yan squinted his eyes, there are really many strange things in this world: "There are a lot of slots in this statement, not to mention why you, who is afraid of heights, like to walk on stilts, just say that this bamboo can continue to grow after being made into stilts. Is it tall?"

"Ah, that's right." Dongji nodded, and gave a very nonsensical reason, "Because the life on this Long Island is too leisurely, and everyone always procrastinates when doing things, so whether it is Whether it is an animal or a plant, it will naturally be elongated."

Therefore, everyone knew the names of many animals and plants on this island, such as "sausage dog", "duck-mouth beast", "apple-fruit tree", the name of each animal Pronunciation should be dragged on for a very, very long time.

Then Wendy caught the point: "As long as you take a little leisure, can you grow taller if you procrastinate?"

Xia Lulu patted Wendy's calf: "It must be because of the special geographical environment, don't believe it."

"But—yes, if you don't try—how—you know." Wendy had already imagined what she would look like when she grew taller, and was dazzled by her bright future.

"It's hopeless." Xia Lulu patted herself on the forehead, tugged at Zhang Daye's trouser legs, and signaled him to think of a way, but Wendy couldn't be like that.

Zhang Da also nodded, and pointed in the direction: "Wendy, look there."

"Huh—?" Wendy turned her head slowly.

Zhang Da also said: "That one is called Snow Leopard, and it is elongated horizontally. You don't want to be like that, do you?"

"Huh?? Don't!" Wendy immediately returned to normal.

The effect is immediate.

Everyone was still chatting on the other side, Jackie Chan wondered: "But if you stay on stilts for a year, how do you usually eat and sleep?"

"Well, it's a little difficult. Fortunately, the trees on the island grow very tall. I can lean on the trees to sleep and eat the fruits on the trees." Dongjite said nonsense lightly.

According to Dongjite, the residents here are nomads, and they migrate every three years. The migration time is the day when the seawater ebbs every year and the channel is exposed.

And the day he stepped on stilts last year happened to be the day of emigration, and the villagers had to abandon him and leave because they could not find Dongjite.

They can't be blamed for being ruthless, it's because the time for the sea to ebb is limited. As a nomadic people, if they don't move in time, the pastures on the island will be seriously affected. At that time, the livestock in the whole village will starve to death, and the people will not be much better.

Dongji Te’s family left him a horse, a tent and some supplies, perhaps thinking that even if he missed it this time, as long as he persisted for a year, he could seize the opportunity to catch up in the coming year.

But what they didn't expect was that without Zhang Daye's influence, Dongjite would have to live on stilts for ten years, until the Straw Hats came to get out of trouble. To some extent, he should be considered a very powerful old man.

But since they met, Zhang Daye and the others decided to be a good guy and send him there.

"Is this true? Thank you so much!" If possible, Dongjite also wanted to reunite with his family as soon as possible, "However, the ten small islands in Changhuan Changdao belong to the same island, and there is no magnetic connection between them ..."

Navigating without magnetic guidance is dangerous.

Shark Pepper said: "It's okay, I can dive into the water and take everyone to sail along the channel where you migrated."

Dungit gratefully ran home to pack his things, and saw on the stilts that his tent was still there.

"Didn't you stay here for several days? You should have discovered this person a long time ago, right?" Zhang Da also said to Hawkeye, "You don't even help."

"It has nothing to do with me." Hawkeye didn't want to be nosy, and besides, he didn't know that the man couldn't get off because he was standing on stilts.

"It can't be said that there is no relationship at all, one is the world's number one swordsman, and the other is the world's number one stilt." Zhang Da also wanted to laugh.

"You want me to kill him?"

"Don't, don't, don't...he doesn't deserve to be cut by you, why don't you cut Tom, Tom..." Zhang Daye moved his eyes up the two bamboo poles running around, and he saw the familiar figure on the top of the bamboo poles. figure.

Tom was having a great time striding on Dongit's stilts, and Karoo was hard at the bottom - not even a super-fast duck could outrun Tom on stilts.

Ye Yan was thoughtful, stilts seemed to be worth trying.

Hawkeye doubted his own judgment at this time. Why did he think that this thing could surpass him and become the world's number one swordsman that day? Did Zhang Daye give him fake wine that day?

"The law of the law~"

Dongjite ran over on a white horse with long legs and a long neck, and happily introduced: "This is Shirley, and they really kept Shirley."

"Xue Li?" Zhang Da only wanted to say, what a good name.

"Squeak..." A bat flew over, flew around Zhang Da, and then waved its wings in front of him, keeping it suspended up and down.

"Bat?" Zhang Da also looked at the sky, "Is it daytime now?"

Hawkeye said, "It's the messenger bat of the World Government."

"Oh, the world government still supports this thing? It's weird." Zhang Da also noticed that the bat was indeed holding a letter, "Looking for you?"

"No." Hawkeye said, "I'm looking for you."

If the world government wants to find Shichibukai, it will either be a phone bug or send someone to issue a summoning order. They will not use this. At such a time, he sent a messenger bat to find Zhang Daye, and he almost guessed what was going on.

"Looking for me?" Zhang Da also felt a little nervous, he shouted into the distance, "Tom! Bring a bottle of disinfectant!"

Two bamboo poles came running from a distance with a thud, and they tripped over something on the way. The bamboo poles fell straight down, and a cat-shaped pothole fell out on the ground.

Tom raised his hand tremblingly, and a bottle of antiseptic water appeared on the ground.

Hawkeye felt that he couldn't bear to look directly at it. I must have misread it at the beginning.

"Thank you." Zhang Da also caught the bottle and sprayed at the bat.

The poor little bat handed the envelope to Zhang Daye in a daze, and flew away unsteadily, almost hitting a tree.

Zhang Da also opened the envelope and looked at it for a while, then leaned back, showing the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone: "Conscript us to be Qiwuhai? Wu Laoxing's brain is broken?"

That horse is really called Shirley, I don't know if it is a word in English. Anyway... ah! Shirley~

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