Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 423 Return to the Capital of Seven Waters (4200 words)

Before the Amber landed, three pirate ships came out to greet her immediately.

Two of them rushed up directly, and one seemed to be coming up rashly, but actually turned around and ran away, selling teammates very smoothly, and the other two continued to charge and fire without knowing it.

The current amber tour group is very popular. In addition to the rumors of defeating Hawkeye, there are also rumors that they found the treasure of the golden pirate Wu Nan, which is why they can travel, eat, drink and have fun so leisurely.

In other words, as long as the amber tour group is killed, wealth and fame will be all there!

Of course, there are rumors that are not good for pirates, that is, they are too strong, and ordinary pirates are destined to become bounties the moment they see them.

So the pirates will make the most suitable choice after discovering them:

"Sure enough, they will pass by here!"

"Get rid of them and become famous in the world!"

"(Super whisper) While those fools have attracted their attention, let's run away!"

"(Very softly) OH!!!"

The pirates shouted and set up the ship to rush forward (flee to the distance), of course such a big movement could be found on the Amber.

Weiwei obviously didn't see the flags clearly and didn't hear what they were shouting, so she asked curiously, "Brother Tatsuya, is your acquaintance here to pick us up?"

"No, it's a kind stranger who came to give pocket money." Zhang Da also noticed the escaped boat and said, "So it's not from the same group. Leave the escaped boat to me. I want to try it." The effect of the soul gong, can Xia Lulu fly me there?"

"Yes." Xia Lulu spread her wings and took Zhang Da to fly, of course she would not refuse such a trivial matter.

Halfway through the flight, Xia Lulu suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, didn't you learn moon steps with Wendy? And you can run on the sea?"

"Huh?" Zhang Da was also stunned, his mind was full of soul gongs just now, and he didn't think about Yuebu at all.

Xia Lulu showed a disgusted expression: "Could it be that you forgot?"

"Haha, I really forgot." Zhang Da also laughed, "Why don't you just send me here?"

"Forget it, it's almost here anyway." Xia Lulu sighed, what kind of cat is really raised by the owner, it really looks like Tom.

boom! boom! There was an explosion, followed by the pitiful screams of the pirates, but it wasn't the Komber Group who did it, but someone else.

"How many times have I told you, you are not allowed to cause trouble on this uncle's territory! Super~" Franky stood at the bow, raised two huge mechanical arms above his head, and put the backs of his hands together to form a star , the body leaned to one side, and a strange cry came out of his mouth, "Ah oh~"

"Ahh~ Big Brother Frankie! Get rid of them!" A group of crooked boys learned to pose and shout behind Frankie.

"Damn it, it's the Frankie family!"

"Obviously there is no trouble, why attack us?"

"Well, we seem to be making trouble now."

The pirates were silent for a while, and shouted: "Fire! Get rid of him first!"

Frankie waved his huge mechanical arm and slammed a few cannonballs: "It's really bad, let me be super~ Frankie will teach them a lesson!"

Frankie often has a strange flick of the tongue when he speaks. He is not used to it at first, but he will find it very interesting after listening to it a lot.

"Rush over! I'm super this week...huh?" Franky froze, even the sunglasses on his face were crooked.

I saw a figure in a silver armor and blue dress running across the sea and jumping onto a boat.

Another black shark fin sprinted past, and then a jet of water arced beautifully and hit the deck of another boat.

There was a faint sound of a gong in the distance, and the third pirate ship quickly fell silent.

Zanbai with the four-leaf clover tattooed on his arm was surprised and said, "I was robbed of my business? Brother, what should I do?"

Frankie took off the right mechanical arm, took off the sunglasses with his free right hand, and smiled on his face: "What should I do? Of course I invite them to dinner."

"Hey???" The younger brothers didn't turn their heads.

"Hey, what, why don't you fight?" Franky laughed, "Look at that flag clearly, and you can fight with them later if you want."

"Flag?" The younger brothers looked at the cat-headed flag fluttering in the wind suspiciously, and said in shock, "It's them!"

A few seconds later, Shark Pepper jumped onto Franky's bow: "Hey, Franky, you're very energetic!"

"Needless to say, I'm super~spirited, Mr. Shark Pepper!" Franky said, "Mr. Tatsuya, are they all okay?"

Shark Pepper said: "You will know this when you read it yourself, before that..."

"Ah~ is that that one? su~per~"

"That's right! Activate the super transformation form!"

The two seemed to have reached a subtle tacit understanding, and they posed in unison.

The boys who were supposed to be obsessed with transforming robots with Franky were all in a daze:

"Is that the Amber Tour Group?"

"That's right, it's the tour group with the swordsman who defeated Hawkeye."

"Brother is so familiar with them! You are indeed a big brother!"

"It's coming again." Jackie Chan wondered, "Shark Pepper said that super transformation is his combat mode, and he can only use it for fifteen minutes a day. Why do you always use it so casually?"

Rui Mengmeng is one of the people who have known Shark Pepper for the longest time. She said: "Shark Pepper has always been like this. To be honest, it is very fast to do housework with a super transforming form. I am a little envious."

"The reason for your envy is a bit strange." Xia Lulu complained.

In order to avoid accidental injury, she had already left Zhang Da and returned to the ship ahead of time—it is one of the necessary qualities for members of the amber tour group to beware of her own people beating the gong, but now there is one more person to beware of.

"Is that the person Tatsuya said he knew? It feels a bit..." Wendy noticed Franky, who was wearing a shirt and swimming trunks. She should be a little shy, but she knew him. A less clothed Gray...

"That's him, that pervert who gets frustrated because he's not perverted enough!" Perona's negative ghost had hit Franky before, so he was deeply impressed by him.

Due to the impact of Frankie's hot-eyed dances, Jackie Chan didn't bother to teach Perona not to speak ill of others behind her back.

Weiwei hugged Kalu tightly, and said in disbelief: "Is there really such a person?"

Ye Yan fell into deep thought. Speaking of abnormality, he once had a performance art called 'Natural and Primal Desire'. He only used leaves to cover the key parts, and then went to watch the night like that.

But Ye Yan felt that he was doing it for artistic creation, Frankie was just a pervert, and everyone was not in the same realm at all.


In the capital of seven waters, Hulk Island, Franky's younger brothers were sent by him to help deal with those pirates and pirate ships, while he himself watched the amber tour group land on the shore one by one.

Zhang Da also looked at Frankie, and said bluntly: "Frankie, long time no see, you...are you getting more and more perverted?"

Frankie was overjoyed: "Ah~ Mr. Tatsuya, you really can talk~"

Perona signaled to the two little sisters with her eyes, look, he is a pervert.

Wendy and Weiwei nodded together, and hid behind Uncle Long.

Xia Lulu patted her forehead: "It's really a pervert."

"Ahh~ Miss Kitty is really good, I'm so embarrassed!" Franky's tone became a little shy.

Zhang Da also chose to skip this topic: "Are Mr. Tom and Granny Ke Keluo there? Where's Espagu?"

Tom also looked at Frankie curiously. He remembered that there was Tom the Murloc and a cute big frog Yokozuna. Tom said that he could beat Yokozuna with breaststroke.

"Mr. Tom and Granny Ke Keluo are not here these few days, and they will go back to Fishman Island every once in a while." Frankie talked about the recent situation while leading the way, "That guy Espagu used his ability to bring the world to the world." The government’s order was used as a bargaining chip, and he became a senior executive of a shipyard, and that shipyard is about to become his now, and I heard that another shipyard will be acquired recently.”

Zhang Da also admired: "It's amazing, you can control a shipyard in such a short period of time."

"With his technology and brains, it's not surprising that he can do this." Although Frank was unhappy with Espagu, he never doubted his ability. "With the support of the World Government, that guy uses It won’t be long before all the major shipyards in the capital of seven waters will be integrated together.”

"Great, what about you? Have you been working on this mechanical arm?" Zhang Da also thought it was the Eustace Kidd who ate the Cici fruit when he saw Franky's mechanical arm.

"That's just one of my achievements, super~Franky Iron Arm No. 7." Franky pointed to the house in front, "Here, this is where I live now."

I saw a rather mechanical building standing on the coast, with "FRANKY☆HOUSE" written on the gate, a ship under construction docked in the bay next to the small building, and several A ship awaiting dismantling.

According to Franky's naming habits, he probably has 6 similar iron arms, but after learning the lesson of the last battleship being stolen, Franky hid them all in a hidden place instead of placing them in the courtyard .

Zhang Da also said: "This house is not bad, so you and Espagu both left Tom's studio?"

"No, our contact with Mr. Tom will not be broken. If you insist, it should be regarded as two grown-up children who have their own families and businesses, and have their own lives, but they will still go back often."

"It looks like a shipyard here, why did you catch pirates just now?"

"Those guys were originally gangsters in the back street. After being beaten up by me, they joined me. However, their shipbuilding skills are not good, and their boat breaking skills are so-so. Their only specialty is fighting. I can't let them go. Going to rob, so why not work as a bounty hunter, or everyone will starve to death."

These little gangsters gave Franky some inspiration. Instead of letting them wander around in the back streets and causing trouble, it is better for him to take them in and make them a force to protect the capital of seven waters.

When his technology is more mature, he may be able to arm a mechanical army.

The biggest thing in common among several people in Tom's studio is that they also love the city of Seven Waters deeply, and they all think about how to protect it. However, the paths chosen by several people are different.

Franky always believed that Espagu's choice to cooperate with the government was too dangerous, so he wanted to create more powerful equipment to arm himself and protect Espagu with powerful power.

But Esbagu thinks that Franky is obsessed with making weapons, and sooner or later something will happen. He needs to get a greater right to speak to protect Franky.

Both of them are thinking about each other from the bottom of their hearts, but once they meet——

"Idiot Bagu! What are you doing here?"

"I heard that Mr. Tatsuya and the others have arrived in the capital of seven waters. I thought they would definitely come to Hulk Island, but they were kidnapped here by you, idiot!"

"You bastard, what does 'abduction' mean!"

"Isn't it? With your messy Frankie house, can you really entertain guests well, huh?"

The foreheads of the two of them hit each other, and they shouted: "Want to fight, you bastard!"

Jackie Chan wondered: "Is their relationship good or not? Should we stop it?"

Zhang Da also said: "Fall in love and kill each other, don't worry about it, just fight for a while and it will be fine."

Wendy and Xia Lulu can understand this feeling better, they see the shadow of Natsu and Gray.

"Brother, it's you—"

"are you back?"

The door of Franky's House opened, and a pair of twin sisters with square hair came out from inside. The two were very in harmony with each other, and even spoke half of each other.

"Good recipe!" Perona blurted out when she saw their hairstyles.

"It's really good." Zhang Da was also impressed by these two people, not because of how strong they are, but simply because of their strange hairstyles.

Frankie took time out of his busy schedule and said, "Kiwe, Moz, these are important guests, please entertain them first, I have something to do here."



Fangfang sisters are no strangers to Franky and Espagu fighting each other, they fight every three to five times, if they praise them for being here, maybe they will start gambling.

"Guests, please sit here."


Fangfang sisters screamed out, because a gust of wind was blowing head-on, the resistance of the two of their hair was too great, and they almost fell down.

To keep their balance, they had to walk sideways.

The Hupo group was in a daze: How did this hairstyle be fixed so firmly? Is it the hair or the sail?


Sitting in the living room of Frankie's house for a while, Zanbai and others rushed back with big bags and small bags, and the battle between Frankie and Espagu came to an end.

Fang Fang sisters took all kinds of ingredients to prepare lunch, and the others stayed in the living room to talk.

Praise them was a bit cautious at first, but seeing that Frankie and Espagu were so natural, they slowly let go.

A few people had the guts to ask Artoria about the world's number one swordsman, and more people still surrounded Shark Pepper—how can a swordsman be as fun as a robot?

After a while, Wendy suddenly reminded: "Brother Tatsuya, the air pressure has changed, and it feels like a heavy rainstorm is coming."

"Heavy rainstorm?" Zhang Da also went to the window to glance at the sky. The sun was shining brightly, but Wendy's forecast was correct.

Espagu and Frankie looked at each other, and said, "If Miss Wendy's forecast is correct, it should be that the water gods are coming, and it's about this time."

Espagu stood up: "Excuse me, I have to go to the city hall quickly, and ask the mayor to broadcast to inform everyone to evacuate."

[PY link: "There is a problem with this word cultivation game", the author Fei Sehui, the one who wrote about the male succubus.

Recommended words: Your strength has attracted the attention of the beautiful snake. She thinks you are a charming kind, trying to spend a pleasant night with you. 】

Damn it, how did he have the nerve to send me such a shameful recommendation? He deserves to be the guy who wrote succubus.

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