Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 425 Let’s Stimulate Domestic Demand (4000 words)

"Of course it's okay to teach you transformation magic, but can you learn it?" Xia Lulu said, "Doesn't it mean that the main body of the summoning is Wendy, and I'm just incidental?"

Speaking of this, Xia Lulu was a little concerned.

Because she didn't trust Zhang Daye very much at first, Xia Lulu chased him and asked him a lot of questions. In the end, Zhang Da didn't think it was troublesome, so she simply called out everyone's profile page to show her.

And the above description of her said she was a "little accident", which made Xia Lulu a little dissatisfied, as if she was Wendy's burden. It was precisely because of this that Xia Lulu doubted whether Zhang Da could obtain her ability.

"It shouldn't be a problem." Zhang Da also recalled carefully, "The magic circle was blue and white at the time, which means that you took a regular route, not a smuggled immigration, so it should be fine."

"Then try it." Xia Lulu agreed, anyway, she still needs to practice, so it's okay to teach Zhang Da by the way.

"Ah!" Zhang Da also suddenly thought of Xia Lulu's wings, "I should have learned wing magic from you earlier, how can I use my wings to fly flexibly after practicing moon steps?"

"That can also teach you, but can you learn it?" Xia Lulu's face became vicious, and she counted with her fingers, "I remember you still want to learn Wendy's dragon slaying magic, auxiliary magic, leaf magic, etc. Yan’s various skills, Uncle Long’s Kung Fu and Qi, as well as Six Styles, Domineering, Swordsmanship..."

"Don't read it, don't read it, my brain hurts..." Zhang Da also raised his forehead, he felt that he was already studying very hard, why the more he worked hard, the more he found that he had to learn .

Rui Mengmeng hesitated: "Boss, didn't you say that you can't eat too much? Will you learn so many things at the same time..."

"The path I chose, I have to go on with tears in my eyes." Zhang Da has not forgotten the development path he set, "It is my unique advantage to be able to learn from all of you. It is rare to have this ability to learn from hundreds of schools. It is a pity not to master more things because of the good conditions of art.”

Anyway, I have been exercising my physical foundation all the time, and my recent growth has not been as obvious as it was at the beginning, so I might as well click on a few more skill icons, and make sure that I can deal with as many situations as possible before I become the top force of the team.

Maybe there will be a compound reaction if there are more skill points?

"Your own way?" Wendy raised her head slightly, pointing a finger on her chin, a little confused, she has already mastered the Dragon Slayer Profound Technique, and can also use various magic to participate in battles, what should she do next?

Wendy's state couldn't be hidden from Xia Lulu, the white light on her body changed back to the cat form that pleased Tom, and she asked, "Wendy, what are you worrying about?"

"Huh?" Wendy smiled shyly, "It's nothing, it's just..."

Wendy talked about her thoughts.

"I can answer this question!" Zhang Da also raised three fingers and said, "Wendy can at least work hard in three directions."

Wendy asked expectantly, "What is it?"

Zhang Da also said: "The first is magic power. There is still a lot of room for improvement in your magic power. For the time being, let's aim for Ersha's magic power level."

"Hey~" Wendy showed a scared expression, "Sister Erza? It's impossible..."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, it will scare Wendy." Xia Lulu patted Zhang Daye with her cat's paw.

Erza is at the top of the guild's food chain. When she proposed to compete with Wendy to see who heals more people, Wendy's face was frightened, and it was still in the situation that Erza didn't understand healing at all. Down.

"You have to have some confidence in yourself, your potential is not inferior to her at all." Zhang Da also thought for a while and tried to use his trump card, "You are the child chosen by Tianlong Grandigne, you have to trust her vision."

"Grantigne..." Wendy whispered, and then pulled herself together, "I will work hard! Then, what are the other two directions?"

"The second direction is the power of the dragon, an explosive state unique to dragon slayers. It's like Ye Yan's master mode and the transformation form of Shark Pepper. Once activated, you can get an all-round improvement."

Zhang Da is also looking forward to Wendy's Dragon Force mode, because it is really handsome.

"The third is your auxiliary magic. There should be more and stronger usages. You need to study it carefully."

Wendy's auxiliary magic should be called attachment in the later stage. It is a very foul type of magic. When the magic power is strong enough, it can even attach one's personality to another person and directly occupy the other person's body.

"Magic power, dragon power and auxiliary magic, I know!" Wendy clenched her fists, determined not to disappoint Grantigne's expectations.

"In short, try to improve your magic power. Powerful magic power is the foundation of everything." Zhang Da also said, "When I learn more magic, I will study it with you."

"Yeah!" Wendy nodded happily.

And Zhang Da is also a little sad, why does the task seem to have increased again?

Boom, boom, a few soft bangs, the sound of someone landing on the deck.

"We're back!" Weiwei ran ahead energetically, "The seabed is so interesting!"

Shark Pepper followed and said, "If you like the seabed, I will take you to Fishman Island next time."

Weiwei's eyes lit up: "It's a deal! Uncle Long will testify for me... Is Uncle Long still alive?"

I saw Jackie Chan following behind the two in a daze, and Tom was bouncing around and waving his arms in front of him, but he didn't respond at all.

"What's the matter, Uncle Long?" Zhang Da also saw Jackie Chan's disheartened and listless look, and asked, "It looks like he's been hit by something."

Shark Pepper explained: "Well, because when we were investigating the ancient town underwater, we found a box that looked very old, and then we asked the giant shark to bring it back."

Zhang Da also said: "It's a good thing to find antiques, the box is probably empty, right?"

"No, there are a lot of books in it." Weiwei hurriedly replied, "But that box shattered as soon as it came out of the water, and even the books inside were rotten."

Jackie Chan finally had a little reaction: "I... destroyed the ancient books hundreds of years ago..."

"It's been soaked in water for hundreds of years, so it's normal for it to break down?" Zhang Da also tried his best to mobilize his little knowledge, "And what about changes in pressure?"

"I know, I should be more careful. If there are any important things recorded in books hundreds of years ago or even longer, I will be a sinner." The matter of bad antiquities is brooding. And this is the first real archaeological activity after arriving here, so it's a pity to fail like this.

"Hundreds of years ago, there shouldn't be any important books, right? Important things must have a history of 800 years, and those things are all carved in stone now."

Zhang Da also comforted him, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was wrong. The capital of seven waters was the city that created Hades, at least with a history of more than 800 years. What big secret is hidden in the ancient town below.

"Where is that box? I asked Tom to tape it back." Zhang Da also stretched out his hand and pulled Tom over. Tom had a question mark on his forehead.

Shark Pepper said: "Nothing, when a big wave hit, everything was gone."

"...Then there is no other way. Let's go after making sufficient preparations." Zhang Da didn't really want to explore any history, but mainly because Uncle Long was too disappointed.

"Don't go there lightly." Jackie Chan shook his head. In fact, many places below have been filled, and there are still many sea beasts entrenched. If you are unlucky, you may have to fight underwater.

If you accidentally break something, maybe the buildings on the sea will suffer, it is really a crime.


Jackie Chan's disappointment didn't last long, because he soon discovered that Perona secretly ate several pieces of chocolate while he was away, so Uncle Long quickly devoted himself to the cause of educating little Lolita.

In order to divert Uncle Long's attention, Perona chose to share the fact that Xia Lulu would transform, and praised Xia Lulu's cuteness after transformation.

The result of speaking too exaggeratedly is that Uncle Long thinks she is lying, and because Xia Lulu is too shy by her, she refuses to transform, so Uncle Long thinks that Perona is lying even more, and wants to give her more training.

"No! Xia Lulu, please!" Perona hugged the cat-shaped Xia Lulu and rubbed her face tearfully.

Xia Lulu shoved Perona in disgust, and the cat's claws fell into Perona's cheek: "I know, I know, I will change immediately!"

Jackie Chan, Shark Pepper and Vivi were surprised again, and Tom was disappointed again.

After being amazed, Perona still failed to avoid the lesson, and was caught by Uncle Long to stand for an hour and practice boxing for another hour.

When she came back, Perona threw herself on the sofa, and her soul floated out of her mouth.

Zhang Da also poked Perona's cheek: "It turns out that negative ghosts can also be used to pretend to be pitiful."

Perona's soul was out of her body, she crossed her waist and glared at Zhang Daye. Her body didn't want to move now.


After a day and a night of bad weather, it finally came to an end.

For the residents of the capital of seven waters, this year's water gods are not serious. Although there are many buildings that need to be repaired and places that need to be cleaned up, there is finally no extensive damage.

The residents who went to seek refuge returned to their homes one after another, skillfully removed the wooden boards nailed in advance to block the doors and windows, and checked the damage of their own homes.

Naturally, there is no post-disaster subsidy, and you have to bear all the damage yourself. The city government has already reminded you on the radio so long in advance, and you have to experience it once a year. Who told you that you were not prepared for disaster prevention?

The citizens have long been used to this kind of thing, and they never thought of such a subsidy at all. They talked to each other about their own luck and the loss, or that this year was really unlucky.

The greatest effort the mayor is willing to do is probably to hire people to clean up the important streets. Thanks to the sea train, the economy of the capital of seven waters has just improved a little. Anyway, there are no casualties. He doesn't want to waste all the funds on On the flood.

With such a mayor as a foil, it is even more obvious how much Espagu cares about the citizens. At this time, he is leading the boatmen of his own shipyard to help the severely damaged citizens to repair the houses. Sometimes the damage is too bad to see. The public facilities are also repaired by the way.

There is no labor cost at all, and the material cost is quite low. Many citizens have deeply remembered the name Espagu since then.

And the mayor of Seven Waters praised Espagu with great fanfare. In his opinion, it is worthless to say a few nice words anyway. If the other big shipyards are so enthusiastic, he, the mayor, can save money. A lot of things, but also can save a lot of money.

The saved funds can be used to do other things, so that his position as mayor can be more secure.

Little did he know that he had just personally helped the next mayor.

In fact, there is the Franky family who are doing the same thing as Espagu. They are helping the citizens to repair the house, and at the same time they are also repairing some gangsters who want to take advantage of the fire.

However, in the eyes of many people, things have become: just after the end of the Gods of Water, the Franky family is fighting and making troubles everywhere. Even if the helper helps to explain, it is difficult to change everyone's stereotype.

In fact, if Frankie didn't always wear only a pair of swimming trunks and dance perverted dances when he appeared on the stage, then everyone's impression of them would be much better.

But how is that possible? Anyway, Franky's goal is to subdue all the gangsters in the capital of seven waters, and use another method to protect the capital of seven waters, completely ignoring his reputation.

What other people think is less important than your own comfort.

Zhang Daye and the others rented a few blues and were roaming the streets.

Seeing the people transporting materials and the people who are serious about repairing the house, Weiwei said: "This is what it looks like after the disaster."

Zhang Da also said: "Yes, but this mayor is not very good. Many things have not been done well. It is all up to the citizens to act on their own, causing chaos in many places. Weiwei should not learn from him in the future."

"Then what should I do?" Weiwei knew that some places in Alabasta would occasionally encounter disasters such as sandstorms, and her father would be very nervous every time. But she only saw what Crocodile did in Albana, so she didn't know how the disaster relief was done.

"I think about it. In addition to post-disaster reconstruction, we should also do a good job in epidemic prevention. It is also very important to appease the emotions of the victims. The necessary transportation routes must be guaranteed, and security work must also be done..." Zhang Daye Barabara said A bunch of things, no matter what he experienced personally or what he saw on the news, he learned a lot without knowing it.

Weiwei listened attentively and kept it in her heart. She hadn't forgotten the purpose of her father's asking her to travel, not just for fun, but also to experience various things as the heir of Alabasta, and to do things in the future. A fine queen.

Zhang Da also considered this point, so he tried his best to recall the knowledge that he thought was useless before and taught it to Wei Wei.

Of course, Ye Yan, Shark Chili and the others added to it.

After listening for a while, Weiwei asked, "Then what can we do for them now?"

Zhang Da also patted the cash box by his hand: "Yes, we can stimulate domestic demand."

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