Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 427 No, This Ship Is Wrong (4000 words)

In view of the fact that Franky and Espagu were temporarily unable to spare their hands, Zhang Daye and the others had no choice but to stay in the capital of seven waters for a few more days.

Daily practice will not be let go. Wendy follows Zhang Daye's suggestion to try to improve her magic power. Zhang Da can also do this with Wendy. After all, his magic power also needs to be improved.

To increase the magic power is to improve the person who absorbs the magic power. There are generally two directions, one is the body, and the other is the spirit.

There is no secret to physical improvement, just exercise hard, refer to Naz, who is also a dragon slayer.

The improvement of spiritual power is also very important. Refer to the way Capricorn, the star spirit Capulico, guided Lucy in her practice, which is a method similar to meditation.

Both Wendy and Xia Lulu know the specific method, and it may be slightly different from the Protoss Wizard, but Zhang Da doesn't know, anyway, he just needs to learn from Wendy.

Physical practice is being done every day, and Wendy doesn't need to deliberately strengthen it for the time being, but she is a little slack in terms of mental strength.

At this time, Wendy and Xia Lulu sat cross-legged facing each other, and Zhang Da also sat cross-legged cross-legged.

"Pfft~" Zhang Da also glanced at Xia Lulu, and accidentally laughed out loud.

"What?" Xia Lulu looked at him dissatisfied.

Zhang Da also tried his best to hold back his laughter: "I'm sorry, haha...the cat's cross-legged posture is too, cough, too cute, I can't help it."

Wendy took a closer look at Xia Lulu's posture, and quickly covered her mouth with her small hands, her cheeks puffed up.

Xia Lulu covered her forehead: "Even Wendy..."

"I'm sorry, Xia Lulu, Brother Tatsuya said that... Pfft~" Wendy wanted to apologize in a hurry, but Zhang Daye's focus had been diverted by Zhang Daye, and she couldn't help it.

"Really!" Xia Lulu sat down again in human form, and said helplessly, "Is it okay?"

Zhang Daye and Wendy nodded quickly.

Tom left the training room disappointed.

"Then let's start." Wendy closed her eyes, explaining while demonstrating, "First sit like this and keep a calm mind."

Zhang Da also closed his eyes, and his thoughts immediately drifted away. If he had closed his eyes just now, wouldn't he be amused by Xia Lulu's appearance? He shook his head and listened carefully to what Wendy said.

"Then concentrate and use your skin to feel the changes in the air, the flow of the wind, and the magic of the sky..."

Zhang Da also did the same, this is something completely different from the perception of knowledge, when he concentrates, his skin becomes sharper, no matter how subtle the air flow around his body is, he can clearly 'see' it .

"Then adjust your breathing rhythm, as if you are one with the air."

The surroundings were very quiet, and there seemed to be only the breathing of the three of them. Zhang Da also adjusted his breathing according to the method Wendy taught, and soon felt that he might be blown away by the wind at any time.

"The current state is good, try to release the magic power a little..."


A small whirlwind rose from Zhang Daye's center, circling around him continuously, and after a while, it burst open and disappeared with a bang.

The situation with Wendy is similar, a simple exercise of mental strength is considered complete.

Zhang Da also carefully felt the magic power in his body. There was indeed a small increase, but it was a good thing for him. It showed that his magic power foundation was not that weak, which was gratifying.

Next, the three of them did a few more spiritual exercises, interspersed with some magic exercises, and the morning exercise ended.

"Hmm..." Zhang Da also stretched comfortably, "Let's change clothes and get ready. Today we're going to play on the islands connected by the sea train."

"Yeah!" Wendy nodded, Xia Lulu has returned to her cat form, and it will be tiring to maintain her human form for a long time.

The mode of transportation is of course the sea train. Jackie Chan, Wendy and Weiwei have never experienced it before, so they boarded this train floating on the sea with some novelty.

"There are a lot of people." Rui Mengmeng remembered that the last time she came, it was not so crowded.

Ye Yan said: "Looking at their appearance, many of them seem to have gone to those islands to buy goods. After all, there is a shortage of everything after the disaster."

Weiwei looked left and right excitedly: "Is this the sea train? I seem to have heard Icarem say it!"

"The train that can run on the sea is so amazing." Wendy's world has trains, but there is really no one that can run on the sea.

"Compared to that..." Jackie Chan was curious for a while, and looked at Wendy worriedly, "Is it really okay for you to sit here?"

"Huh?" Wendy couldn't react for a while.

However, with the sound of a whistle, the carriage shook a few times, and the sea train rumbled out of the station.

Wendy's expression turned ugly in an instant: "Woo~ I'm so uncomfortable!"

"Too bad." Xia Lulu said distressedly, "I forgot that Wendy will get dizzy again."

"Hey? Why?" Weiwei asked puzzledly, "Didn't it be fine when I was riding in Blue yesterday?"

"Because... woo~" Wendy covered her mouth and said with difficulty, "Because Bruce is an animal, so it's fine."

A dragon slayer can fight on the back of a dragon, and it's okay to ride on other animals, but if it's an animal such as a horse-drawn cart, it can't stand it either.

Perona asked: "What should I do now, jump out of the car?"

Uncle Long was the first to express objection: "How can the sea train do such a dangerous thing at such a fast speed?"

After speaking, he himself felt that something was wrong, several people could fly here, and jumping off a car didn't seem to be dangerous.

"I, I want to get out of the car..." Wendy wanted to get out of the window pitifully, but now she didn't even have the strength to open the window or break the glass.

Passengers around responded with sympathetic eyes. This cute little girl actually gets motion sickness. She looks even cuter. Take another look...

Zhang Da also said, "Wendy, do you want to try the magic that adjusts the sense of balance?"

"Woooooo..." Wendy nodded quickly.

Zhang Da also stretched out his hands, and a soft light shone on Wendy: "Troia!"

"Woo..." Wendy's complexion improved, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead, "It's much better, thank you Brother Tatsuya."

Xia Lulu was surprised: "You have even learned Troya."

Zhang Da also said with a smile: "I asked Wendy to learn from her after the first seasickness problem. I thought it would be useful in case I needed to fight on someone else's boat."

"The black-hearted boss can be reliable sometimes." Perona never praised Zhang Daye well, she wondered, "Since Wendy can do it herself, why don't she use it?"

Wendy said: "Because I can't use Troia when I am seasick."

Troia has a limited duration of action, and if used continuously, it will develop resistance, so it is not acceptable to expect it to travel for a long time, it can only be used for emergencies in battle or for short-distance travel.

Fortunately, the sea train is fast enough, and it doesn't take too long to get to the next island, so Wendy can easily watch the scenery, play chess and cards with everyone.

It took three days to visit the three islands connected by the sea train, and everyone returned to the capital of seven waters.

When she walked out of the station, Weiwei had a sudden thought: "Wouldn't it be very convenient to build such trains in every city in Alabasta?"

"Of course it will be very convenient." If you want to get rich, you must first build roads. Zhang Da also wanted to congratulate Wei Wei for realizing the essence of getting rich, but he still reminded, "It will cost a lot to do this kind of thing, and laying railways in the desert It is estimated that the difficulty is not small, and we must be prepared before we can act."

"Well, there will always be a way!" Weiwei is very optimistic. Sea trains can be built on the sea, but sand trains cannot be built in the desert?

"Then you have to work hard." Zhang Da also said, "Okay, we're disbanded. I'll go to Franky to ask about the boat. Anyone want to join me?"

The figures of the lolis disappeared first, and everyone else had their own affairs. In the end, Zhang Daye was only accompanied by Shark Pepper, and Tom who was caught back even though he felt bored and wanted to run away.

In the past few days, the buildings in the capital of seven waters have almost been repaired, because there are a large number of boatmen to help, and the efficiency is very high.

The Franky family has also returned to their own territory and continues to do their own small shipyard business.

Thanks to the Amber Tour Group, a few pirates who were overreaching came to make trouble these days, and Franky and the others cleaned them up easily, earning some extra money.

Hearing that Franky easily defeated the big pirate with a bounty of more than 30 million with his own mechanical arm, the citizens were greatly surprised by this.

Zhang Da was also surprised: "It turns out that 30 million can already be considered a big pirate..."

"The pirate with a bounty of 30 million is already someone who can easily rob a town." Shark Pepper said, "To ordinary people, he is already an unimaginable big man."

Zhang Da also knew the reason, it was just that he met a more powerful opponent, and his eyes naturally became higher. He didn't take the pirate with a bounty of 30 million seriously anymore.

"Mr. Tatsuya, Mr. Shark Pepper."

Shark Pepper recognized the person who greeted him: "It's praise, is Frankie there?"

"Here, big brother is modifying the mechanical arm in the yard, you just go in." Zanbai left in a hurry, he still had to do the work of dismantling the ship.

The two walked into the yard, only to see a pair of huge mechanical arms erected, with various parts piled up beside them.

Frankie, who was busy, saw them and immediately said: "Please wait a moment, it will be finished soon."

"It's okay, you are busy with your work." Zhang Da also looked at the hills of parts on the ground, which seemed to be completed immediately.

Shark Pepper made the same judgment, asking, "Need help?"

Franky answered their doubts with actions. The tools in his hands almost waved afterimages, and the parts were assembled smoothly one by one. In less than three minutes, the pair of complex mechanical arms were assembled.

This hand speed is probably only reasonable for Tom.

"Okay, it's done!" Frankie put on the robotic arm and tried briefly, then asked Zhang Daye, Tom and Shark Pepper to sit down, and brought them Coke by the way.

Shark Pepper explained the purpose of coming, and Franky patted his chest: "No problem, leave it to me for maintenance and so on! But what do you want to modify?"

Zhang Da also tentatively asked: "Can it be changed into a spaceship that can fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters?"

"How could it fly?" Franky complained, "Are you talking about a hot air balloon or an airship?"

Zhang Da also said: "It's okay to get a hot air balloon that can be easily disassembled, as long as it can bring the boat up."

Frankie leaned back in his chair and said, "It's not that simple to drive a ship's hot air balloon. If it's a modification in this area, I'm sorry, I don't have much research on aircraft, and Espagu is similar. "

It seems that this is something beyond Franky's professional scope. It is better to ask Tom to blow up thousands of ordinary balloons and tie them to the boat.

"Forget it, why don't you go and see the ship first." Zhang Da also temporarily let go of the idea of ​​a major modification. Asked.


Boom boom boom...

Franky took a small wooden hammer and tapped here and there on the Amber, checking it inside and out.

"How is it?" Zhang Daye and Shark Pepper asked.

"Strange." Frankie frowned, and checked again, "It's still not right."

Zhang Daye and Shark Pepper felt uneasy, wondering when they accidentally left a hidden wound on the Amber: "What happened?"

Franky asked: "You said that you accidentally went to the East China Sea and entered the Great Route from the Upside Down Mountain, so you must have experienced a lot of bad weather?"

"Yes." Zhang Da also nodded, "Great winds and waves, hail and snow, severe cold and heat, and being lifted up and falling by the ocean currents, to be honest, the Amber has suffered a lot with us. That's why I want you to be careful." Check it out, is it serious?"

Frankie shook his head: "No, on the contrary, it hurt too lightly."


Shark Pepper asked: "What do you mean by being too lightly injured?"

Franky explained: "The design of this boat is excellent. It should be said that it is the work of Mr. Tom's brother, and the wood used for this boat is also of good quality."

"But after all, it wasn't made of the precious tree Adam. After going through the adventures you mentioned, no matter how much you care for it, it should be injured more seriously, and even need a comprehensive overhaul."

"But now its damage is too light. To put it simply, I can guarantee you a safe sailing as long as I give me thirty minutes. This is unreasonable."

It turned out that it was because the injury was minor, and Zhang Da was also relieved. As the saying goes, you are not afraid of the smiles of Chinese medicine practitioners, but you are afraid of the low eyebrows of Chinese medicine practitioners. It is the same here. A top shipwright shook his head and frowned on his own boat, too frightened to panic up.

Zhang Da also said: "Could it be because of the existence of the ship elf that the injury was light?"

"Have you ever seen a ship elf?" Franky was a little surprised. He had never seen a ship elf. To many people, it was almost an illusory sea legend.

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, there must be." Zhang Da can also be sure of this, otherwise there is no way to explain that Wendy doesn't get seasick, and the Amber will take refuge on its own.

Even he always refuses to show his face, making people wonder what he looks like.

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