Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 444 The Kitchen of the Target Navy Headquarters (4000 words)

Chapter 444 Target Navy Headquarters... Kitchen (4000 words)

Perona glanced at Zhang Da and said nothing, not knowing who would hold grudges the most.

Zhang Da also understood the look in her eyes, and felt that he might be misunderstood, but he didn't want to explain, so he rushed her to wash his face.

A little prank wasn't a big deal, Ye Yan went to the bathroom with her, and the scene where they washed their faces side by side looked quite harmonious.

"The water from your side splashed on me, the faucet is too big!" Perona said to Ye Yan with a bit of disgust.

Ye Yan ignored her: "You are not the same."

Perona was not convinced: "It's not because you scribbled on my face that I have to wash my face!"

Ye Yan said, "Who made the first move?"

Zhang Da also felt a little relieved to see the two quarreling. Perona saw Ye Yan like a mouse seeing a cat, but now she dared to take the initiative to find trouble, which meant that the two got along well.

Although they may not think so themselves.

"Porah, porah, porah..." Zhang Daye's phone rang.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"Brother Tatsuya? I'm Zefa."

"Mr. Zefa?" Zhang Da also asked in surprise, "Why do you have time to contact me?"

"...Didn't you say that you will come to the training camp of the headquarters after living in the Chambord Islands for a while?" Zefa said helplessly, "The new training camp has been started for almost two months, do you plan to wait until Next issue?"

"Ah, this..." Zhang Da also made the calculations. He exercised every day, opened a tavern, played wild, and occasionally went out to team building. His life was busy and leisurely. I almost forgot about going to the Navy headquarters.

Zhang Da also felt that telling the truth at this time was a bit hurtful, so he found a reason: "Actually, I planned to leave soon, but I didn't know if it was convenient for you, and I didn't know how to get to the Navy headquarters... "

However, the phone worm's excellent imitation ability betrayed him. The honest phone worm imitated Zhang Daye's dazed look and embarrassing expression just now, so that Zefa could see it clearly.

Zefa pinched the microphone, this kid really put this matter behind him, is our Navy Headquarters so unattractive? He didn't expose Zhang Daye's excuses, and said calmly: "It's just right, I'm going to Chambord in a few days, how about going back to the headquarters with me then?"

Why does this sound like they want to arrest me and take me to the headquarters? Zhang Da also muttered, and asked casually, "Why do you want to come to Chambord all of a sudden? Is there anything important?"

This is not something that needs to be kept secret. Zefa said directly: "It's just ordinary sailing training. I plan to put the destination of the new barracks' first sea trip at the Chambord Islands, which is relatively close to the headquarters. It happens that the pirates there There are more lawbreakers, so you can conduct actual combat training by the way.”

It is understandable to choose an island close to the headquarters for the first time, but there are many criminals? Zhang Da also showed a puzzled expression: "Mr. Zefa, haven't you followed the news recently? Haven't you received any intelligence about Chambord from the navy?"

"News? I haven't paid much attention to it recently. If it is information, it will not be sent to me on purpose." Zefa is now just an instructor in the new barracks and does not have much real power. Although he has trained many generals, those generals There is no need to report everything to him.

In addition, the training camp was busy in the early stage of preparations, and the newspapers were not read carefully, so naturally they did not notice what happened in Shampoo.

"Why, have you guys caused any trouble recently?" Zefa subconsciously thought that Zhang Daye and the others had caused a headache for the Warring States Period. As for Shambold, it was relatively close to the Fishman Island, so they stared at Qi Wuhai to fight. His style, did they beat Jinbei?

"Why did your first reaction be that we caused trouble..." Zhang Da was also a little curious about his image among the high-level navy, he said, "We have swept away the entire illegal area of ​​the Chambord Islands. "

"Huh?" Zefa's expression was almost unstoppable, "Sweeping means..."

"That's what you understand. It's quite difficult to catch a bounty in Chambord now." Zhang Da also said, "So most of the actual combat training you planned will fail, unless you happen to meet a new pirate, or To catch some retired old pirate."

"..." Zefa was silent for a while, and said with complicated emotions, "It's you guys... Thank you too."

Zefa pretended not to hear about catching the retired old pirate. He was crazy to bring a group of recruits to catch Rayleigh.

It was something in the illegal area, and Zefa thanked them from the bottom of his heart.

The illegal area of ​​the Chambord Islands has existed for too long. The navy is not incapable of cleaning it up, but it is unable to do it due to various pressures. Even if he wanted to, he could only use the reason of leading recruits to practice combat to catch some pirates, but he couldn't wipe them out.

At this stage, only the Amber Tour Group has the ability to clear up illegal areas and is willing to do this kind of thing.

Zhang Da also said: "Ha, let's earn some rewards by the way, there is nothing to be grateful for."

"But..." Zefa frowned and said, "You should be more careful when you do such a big thing."

On the surface, this kind of thing can be regarded as maintaining justice, but in fact it somewhat violates the intention of the world government. Although a mere lawless area is not enough for the world government to attack them, it will definitely accumulate a little dissatisfaction.

Zefa understands this in his heart, but he can’t say much from his standpoint. What he wants to remind is another aspect:

"The forces in the lawless area are very complicated. It is very likely that several forces in the underground world are involved in a small street. If those people want to take revenge..."

There was a painful look on Zefa's face. His wife and children were killed by the pirates' revenge. This is a scar in his heart that will never heal. The word 'revenge' is too heavy for him. People in the underground world often have no scruples when they fight, and not everyone in the Amber Tour Group is good at fighting. He really doesn't want his tragedy to happen to others.

"In short, our sailing plan this time will not be changed, so why don't you take this opportunity to come to the headquarters for training for a while?"

"Okay, if you come, please come to our tavern and let us treat you well." Zhang Da also didn't think too much about it now, since Zefa is so enthusiastic, go to the training camp to improve everyone The strength is also very good.

The matter was settled in this way, and when Zhang Da was about to hang up the phone, it suddenly occurred to Zhang Da that Zefa was attacked when he was taking a training ship with recruits. Only two students in the whole ship survived, and Zefa was also cut Broken arm...it won't be this time, will it?

"That..." Zhang Da also asked quickly, "May I ask how long it will take to sail from the Navy Headquarters to the Chambord Islands?"

Zefa said: "If the warship sails at full speed, it can arrive in half an hour. If the weather is bad, one hour is enough. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just heard that it's very close to the Navy headquarters, so I've never had an idea." Zhang Da did the math, half an hour was enough for the headquarters to receive the news and send reinforcements, even if Zefa had an asthma attack, it wouldn't be so fast If he was defeated by someone, then it shouldn't be this time?

Just in case, go to the beach to train more these days.

The phone was hung up, and the matter was roughly settled.

Weiwei, who was listening the whole time, asked, "Are we going to the Navy headquarters?"

"Yes, I went to a training camp, which was taught by the former admiral Mr. Zefa and trained the current three generals." Zhang Da also said, "Training there for a period of time should be of great help to everyone's strength. Help."

Perona had finished washing her face, and asked with some concern: "Training camp or something, shouldn't you only be able to train every day?"

"It's about the same. It's about eating and sleeping at a fixed time every day, and training from morning to night." Zhang Da also looked at her, and said gloatingly, "Those who fail to complete the task will probably be punished. Some people like to sleep late. Woe to the lazy man."

"Hell...hell? Why do you want to go to that kind of place..." Perona opened her mouth wide, her whole body tended to turn gray.

And Tom next to her has already turned gray one step ahead of her. He likes to sleep late and is lazy when exercising. Isn't this referring to him? Is he going to be punished?

"Wake up! We're talking about people, not cats." Zhang Da also shook Tom, shaking him back to his original color.

Tom heaved a sigh of relief, and Karoo next to him also heaved a sigh of relief. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his wings. If the cat is not included, the running duck should not be included, right?

However, Wei Wei patted Karu on the back and said, "Karu, you are going to join the Duck Duck team in the future. You can't always be lazy like you have been recently, and you have to train with me in the future!"

"Quack~" Carew's pitiful eyes couldn't stop Weiwei's terrifying thoughts, so she could only look at his most reliable partner Tom for help.

Tom turned and lit a cigarette for himself, showing that he hadn't seen it.

Jackie Chan asked: "What about the tavern?"

"Say hello to regular customers, and then close the business." Zhang Da also said, "We've stayed here long enough."

"Anyway, you can come back later if you want to drive it, like this time." Rui Mengmeng said, "Even if the boss is too lazy to drive it, we can still support it."

"..." It seems that I am very useless, Zhang Da also took a look at Rui Mengmeng, this girl is really good at talking as always, but he has to admit that the tavern is the same with him or without him, this month Down Perona's popularity is higher than him.

Mr. Zhang has nothing but this house, but the money for the house was still earned by Tom, which is a bit heart-wrenching.

"I don't know if I can get some navigation information from the navy." Shark Pepper's focus is normal, "You can also take the opportunity to ask about the Sky Island."

Zhang Da also nodded: "Well, then we can communicate more with the navigators on the warship to see what is different from the formal training in the navy."

After hearing this for a while, Ye Yan yawned and went back to take a nap. He thought that he could go anywhere, and it would be good to experience life in the navy. He had thought about creating performance art works with the theme of the navy before, and now the opportunity came.

Wendy raised her hand, and asked weakly: "If you work with the navy, do you have to be on a warship often?"

She hasn't forgotten about her seasickness. If she sits once in a while, she can still rely on "Troia" to deal with it, but as time goes on or the number of times increases, the effect of magic will become smaller and smaller.

Thinking of such a desperate scene, Wendy turned pale and even covered her mouth.

Xia Lulu patted Wendy on the back and complained, "Don't get dizzy just thinking about it!"

"Ah... this is a big problem. There will definitely be a lot of training related to warships." Zhang Da also said, "But don't worry, you don't have to participate in that kind of project, and I plan to take the Amber there to go to sea If not, we'll take the Amber."

Wendy felt relieved a little, and started discussing with Wei Wei what the Navy Headquarters would look like, and then they comforted the lost Perona together. But as we chatted, the topic became what other places on this island I haven't been to, and whether I should take advantage of these few days to take a look.

Compared to other people's reactions, Artoria seemed less interested. The training of recruits meant little to her, even if it was taught by the former general himself. When it comes to swordsmanship, she and Zefa might not be the same. Who will teach whom.

But since it is to improve everyone's strength, Artoria doesn't mind going to see it with everyone, but life in the military camp should be very boring compared with their usual days, right? Anyway, she has experienced all of these, so it's no big deal.

"By the way." Zhang Da also sat across from Artoria, and tentatively said, "The last time I was on the phone with Mr. Zefa and Mr. Zhan Guo, you were fighting with Hawkeye, so I didn't hear you."

Arturia tilted her head slightly, and there was a trace of doubt in her green eyes. She didn't know why he mentioned this: "It's because I have already agreed to it, so I don't want to break my promise? Don't worry, I don't feel disgusted. Take a look at Navy Headquarters."

"Ah?" Zhang Da was also stunned for a moment, and continued, "Oh, that's good. That's not the point. The point is that I asked, and they said that board and lodging will be included."

Arturia blinked, as if she understood what Zhang Daye meant.

"The Naval Headquarters family has a big business, and they already have a group of big eaters, so they must have sufficient food reserves, and the chefs are definitely talents who have been honed, so..."

The dumb hair on the top of Artoria's head moved, and she looked at him expectantly: "So?"

Zhang Da also waved his hand: "So we can eat freely when we get there. There are so many monsters in the Navy Headquarters and so on. If we eat too little, we may be looked down upon by others. Protect our amber trip. The task of saving the face of the regiment is entrusted to you."

No matter how you think about it, it is very profitable to trade the generosity of others for the good mood of your own people.


Arturia nodded earnestly. Although she felt that what Darya said was coaxing her, it didn't matter. Anyway, she had a lot more anticipation for the upcoming journey.

10,000 were ordered, and this book became the 1,002nd book of Wanjun at the starting point, but unfortunately it did not catch up with the top 1,000. Thanks to the starting point for being an anti-theft, Wanjun doesn’t seem to be that powerful now, so I won’t make a separate speech, let’s forget about adding more, after all, I still don’t have the debt...

The good news is that I don’t have to worry about my eunuch anymore. The income of this grade allows me to live a good life without going to work. I am absolutely reluctant to cut it. I will only try to maintain the style and write until the normal end. Please rest assured to eat.

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