Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 454 Am I such a narrow-minded person? (4000 words)

"Ah... this is really a good thing!" Garp hugged a box of senbei that Zhang Da also gave him, tore open the package and ate it on the spot.

"I'm sorry to bother you." Warring States and Zefa also accepted the "bribery".

Zhang Da also took out a specially prepared small gift in order to ease the awkward atmosphere.


Generals such as Gion, Kake, Huoshaoshan, Stoloberi, Yellow Monkey, and Aokiji, who are either familiar with or have only met once, also brought some tobacco, alcohol, tea, sugar and the like. Given that many people Not in the headquarters, Zhang Da also asked Zefa to hand it over after sticking a note on the outside of the gift box.

Some of the gifts were purchased at Chambord in the past few days, such as rice cake slices for Sengoku, Karp’s crackers, and Zefa’s sherry.

Some were brought from the East China Sea or the islands of the Great Route during travel, for example, the tea for Lieutenant General Crane came from Puki Island near the capital of seven waters, and the perfume for Lieutenant General Gion came from Port Naha in Alabasta That.

In fact, it didn't cost much to add a piece, anyway, he didn't mean anything else, just a little bit of meaning, meanness, and somewhat embarrassing.

This matter was first brought up by Shark Chili, and he was very thoughtful.

Tom watched Zhang Da also give presents the whole time, and he always felt that there was something discordant. After thinking about it, he took out a small bundle of grass from nowhere and put it in front of the lamb at the desk of the Warring States Period.

The lamb touched Tom's cheek. It can finally eat the food that normal sheep eat. Since it followed the Warring States period, it has been eating some confidential documents that need to be destroyed every day. It almost forgot what grass smells like. , it is not a shredder capable person!

Arturia looked at Tom's action of throwing food thoughtfully. The sheep was indeed a little smaller and thinner.

The lamb is happily grazing with its head down, without the slightest sense of being targeted by top predators.

While listening to Zhang Da also talking about the sources of various gifts, Zhan Guo carefully observed everyone in the amber tour group: some listened carefully to their chats, occasionally interjecting a few words; Started snacks; some looked around his office and yawned from boredom; some stared straight at his lamb, feeling like they were thinking of some bad idea...

They seem to be a group of people who are easy to understand, and they are the kind who basically have their thoughts written on their faces, at least they don't look like villains with deep scheming

"Then gossip will stop here." Zhan Guo's expression became serious, "I have some questions to ask."

Zhang Da didn't know the reason for the change in the tone of the Warring States Period, so he said curiously, "Just say it."

"To be honest, we have investigated you before." Zhan Guo said straight to the point, "But except for Princess Weiwei and this little girl named Perona, we couldn't find out where they came from."

"Even if you have the longest resume, it can only be traced back to May of last year, which is one year and two months ago. During this period of more than a year, members of the amber tour group appeared one after another in Around you, these people are either powerful or have strange abilities, but their origins are all unknown..."

Zhan Guo looked into Zhang Daye's eyes, and there seemed to be a white light shining on the lens: "Is this really a coincidence? Where did you... come from?"

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became dignified, and the silence seemed to be audible, and the children were too nervous to make a sound—if Garp hadn't been eating the senbei at this time.

Warring States glanced at the atmosphere destroyer, but it didn't have any effect as expected.

Zhang Da also thought about it, and said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Zhang Daye, and I'm from Jiangcheng."

"As for them coming from Britain, Juxia City, Tokyo, Bozhou, Fiore Kingdom, and Xinxiang." Zhang Da also pointed to the others one by one and introduced, "Tom... can be regarded as Xinxiang."

"The biggest problem is that we can't find the exact location of these places now. In other words, we should be considered homeless in this world. If you can find out where I am from, I would be very grateful. "

Zhang Da also spoke sincerely. Although he lives well here and has made new friends, sometimes it is inevitable that he misses the land where he was born and grew up. It's hard to say whether he can adapt to the life there now, but he can be sure that his feelings are true.

Zhan Guo paid attention to everyone's expressions, judging by his feelings, Zhang Da also told the truth, but... it was as if he hadn't said anything.

It was useless to ask such a long list of place names, none of which he had ever heard of. Although he can't understand all the islands and countries in the world, it's not like he hasn't heard of any of the hometowns of so many strong people, right?

The only thing that comforted him was that Zhang Da was willing to tell him these things without reservation, so at least these places should not be places of lawlessness or rebellion, right?

And in this great sea route with messy currents and weather, it is quite normal to find the way home after going out to sea... I guess.

"Then put aside the question of origin." Warring States said, "So, you want to travel around the world in order to find your own hometown?"

That's a good reason! Zhang Da almost nodded along with the trend, but they didn't collude in advance, and this is not something that needs to be demonstrated, he said frankly: "No, the purpose of our trip is to travel."

"Huh?" This answer was somewhat beyond the expectations of the Warring States Period. I can't find my home. Is travel just for travel? You have big hearts.

"If there is a purpose, we all have our own interests and hobbies. Some people like to collect art, and some people want to find the legendary ALL-BLUE."

Zhang Da also suddenly remembered one of his reasons for coming to the Navy Headquarters: "Speaking of this, do you know the Boeing Islands? We want to go there, and also, do you know how to get to the empty islands? Is there a place on the empty islands?" What can't-miss attractions?"

Arturia's eyes lit up, and the others looked at Sengoku expectantly.

What we are talking about now is related to the attitude of the navy and the world government towards you in the future. Can you be more serious! How about asking me about travel tips? !

Warring States is a bit of a headache. These people really don't understand the meaning of this conversation, or are they so nervous that they don't feel a little nervous: "I'll talk about this later. In short, your goal is pure travel, right?"

"That's right." Zhang Da also nodded, worried that the Warring States would make too much of what happened to them, so he added, "You probably know what happened during our journey. Basically, it's troublesome to come to us and catch the sea. Thieves are just earning some pocket money, and occasionally punishing some criminals is considered a righteous act, which is what we enthusiastic citizens should do."

So, do you classify the matter of solving Moria as troublesome, or as righteousness and bravery? Would enthusiastic citizens sneak up on a Shichibukai?

Judging from their style, there is no need to ask questions about their positions. It is certain that they hate pirates, but since they can make friends with Jinbei and turn a blind eye to Rayleigh for so long in Chambord, it shows that they are not extreme character.

Judging from the matters of Moria and Crocodile, they probably don't have much awe of the world government, but they just like to avoid trouble as much as possible. But judging from the Golden Lion incident, they took the initiative to choose to get involved in trouble in order to protect civilians, which shows that their nature is biased towards kindness.

In the future, if any Qi Wukai provoked them, they would most likely choose to kill him quietly, and then make an alibi, or find out some criminal evidence, and kill him openly.

Warring States already had a general understanding of Zhang Daye's behavior patterns. What troubled him the most was that, according to his inference, if people from the world government found trouble with them, these people would probably not be lenient, even if they were ...the nobles of the world.

Then the next thing he has to do is to try his best to avoid the worst thing from happening, especially to prevent Wu Laoxing from issuing any more strange orders.

Today's conversation is also going to be written and submitted as a report, but such a group of powerful people gathered together 'just for travel'. He is afraid that the five old stars will not believe this reason. This report is a bit of a headache.

In addition, just in case, he has to discuss with Zefa the internship location of the training camp, and try to avoid those Tianlong people.

"That's all I want to ask." Zhan Guo almost cleared his mind, "As for your questions, I will release some low-level confidentiality charts to you. If you are interested in any islands, you can check them yourself."

Zhang Da also cheered them up. They would go to the bookstore almost every time they went to an island, but it was a pity that sea charts were really too difficult to collect. It would be best for Warring States to provide some directly. After visiting the islands he provided information to, he will think of other ways.

"About Sky Island, I want to remind you." Warring States said, "There is indeed a 'safe' route to Sky Island, but that route has a so-called chance of survival. If a hundred people go up, only the Several people."

"And this 'survival chance' is not necessarily related to strength, which is one of the reasons why the World Government has not placed Sky Island under its jurisdiction—the cost is too great."

"Why?" Zhang Da also asked, "Is there something wrong with that route? Is it a sea monster? Bad weather? Or something?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's a sudden disease, maybe some kind of toxin, or maybe it's an environment that only a few people can adapt to. There are too many unsolved mysteries in this sea." Warring States said in a heavy tone, "When I tried The soldier who came back from exploring the road could not explain the reason, he just saw his companions fall one by one, and even the major general who led the team was not spared."

Zhang Da also frowned, trying to recall useful plots or information.

And Tom was terrified when he heard what the Warring States said. He had already imagined the scene where everyone flew into the sky on the Amber, but everyone fell to the ground one by one, and he couldn't wake up no matter what.

Others also saw Tom's vivid imagination, and their faces varied.

Perona said weakly: "Why don't we go to Sky Island?"

Weiwei was also frightened by such a scene. She is very adventurous and still curious, but she will not willfully encourage everyone to accompany her on adventures because of her curiosity, and just silently wait for others to make a decision.

Xia Lulu said rationally: "It's okay if there is only danger, just find a way to deal with it. But if there is no way to determine the source of danger at all, it's better to do more investigations?"

She regretted that she couldn't control her predictive magic, otherwise she might be able to find some clues with the help of the predictive.

"Then think about it." Zhang Da also followed the advice of others. If he wanted to face unknown dangers, he might as well take advantage of the soaring ocean currents. It's just that more preparations are required for that road, for example-set a small goal, and let all the staff learn how to walk during the training camp!

"Thank you for the reminder. In return, I will remind you." Zhang Da also said, "If you have time to investigate us, why not investigate the ghosts in the navy first."

Warring States asked: "What does this mean?"

Zhang Da also said: "The Brigadier General Virgo who is currently stationed on Gaya Island and is in charge of establishing the naval base is probably an undercover agent placed by Doflamingo in the Navy."

"What?" Both Zhan Guo and Zefa were taken aback. The brigadier general's rank was not low, enough for him to have access to a lot of important information.

Reminiscent of Lieutenant General He's arrest of Doflamingo's previous attempts to arrest Doflamingo failed many times, Warring States had to pay attention: "Is there any basis?"

"What I have to say should be intuition, right?" Zhang Da also edited, "We once captured Diamanti under Doflamingo, and Virgo has a similar aura to him, it should be said to be a stench. .”

"I can't investigate a brigadier general because of your 'intuition'." In fact, Zhan Guo has already believed most of it. Intuition is a mysterious thing to say, but the Warring States knows that it is real. Some people's intuition is inherently accurate, and they can rely on their instincts to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages like wild animals. The color is domineering inside.

"I won't slander an admiral for nothing, not to mention that I have discussed with him and learned something from him." Zhang Da also said, "Why don't you think carefully about when Virgo joined the navy, and Dover Lang Ming-related incidents, see if there is anything strange."

Of course there is.

When it comes to events related to Doflamingo, the first thing Sengoku thinks of is the Mignon Island incident in the North Sea, or the surgery fruit incident.

The adopted son of the Warring States Period, Rossindi (Corazon), suffered an accident in that incident. Coincidentally, Virgo was among the navy that went to Mignon Island to support that time!

If he is really an undercover agent... Zhan Guo clenched his fists.

"Anyway, I just want to remind you, you can check it or not." Zhang Da also said, "If you really want to investigate, remember to send a reliable person, especially don't let Smoker know about it, I feel that guy will directly Mang went up to confront him, and was beaten to death."

"I will find a way to verify it, and I will trouble you to keep it secret for the time being." Zhan Guo said, "Zefa, you can take them to arrange accommodation and other things first."

Everyone walked out of the office, and Ye Yan whispered to Zhang Daye quietly: "I mean, did you put eye drops on Virgo because he beat you too hard that day?"

Zhang Daye:? ? ?

Am I that narrow-minded?

To add a little bit of useless One Piece knowledge - Zefa likes sherry.

Imagine Zefa gulping down half a bottle of wine, and then heaving a sigh of relief: "Ah ~ Shirley ~"

Let's also milk a seedling "Ninja School Teacher, I can become stronger by teaching"

Introduction: Mu Yue traveled to the world of Naruto and became a ninja teacher in the ninja school. She awakened the teacher system and became stronger by teaching.

"Complete the teaching with a rating of A for the first time, and get a reward - proficiency in changing the nature of fire attribute chakra."

"Your teachings have made Uchiha Shisui's thinking more mature, learned to think independently, and won the reward-the immortal body!"

"Your disciple Uchiha Shisui opened Sharingan and received a reward—Six Eyes!"


Many years later, Chakra, the Sage of the Six Paths, temporarily woke up and began to check the seal of Hui Ye, only to find that Hui Ye was being beaten by Mu Yue and a group of students.

Sages of the Six Paths: 6

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