Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 460 The New Four Emperors, Red-haired Shanks (4200 words)

The practice started on the third day after that.

In fact, Zefa's original plan was to sail early the next morning, but because of the Akainu incident, Sengoku kept them for two more days. Once Akainu failed to recover or something happened again, this matter could not be resolved anyway. up.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Sengoku to receive "good news". On the way to escort the pirates to the deep sea prison (ImpelDown), Akainu used a meteor volcano to beat a pirate group to the ground. None left.

In addition, a complaint was received from Magellan, the director of the Deep Sea Prison - Admiral Akainu killed all the pirates that should have been handed over on the grounds that they escaped from prison.

It is understandable to say that the pirate was killed by mistake during the battle, but since he has already caught it and made the prison ready to receive it, but he found an excuse to execute him without authorization on the way, Magellan thinks that Akainu's approach is against the rules , should be punished.

The warden of the prison, Shiliu, signed with Magellan, expressing strong condemnation of Akainu's suicide, questioning whether he was provoking the majesty of Judicial Island and the deep-sea prison on behalf of the navy.

Magellan felt that there was something wrong with Shiliu, but now everyone was on the same side, so he didn't think about it.

Sengoku was relieved that Akainu had returned to his normal style, but at the same time felt a little bit subtly lost. Maybe in his heart he still hoped that Akainu could change a little bit. In addition, the complaint from the large submarine prison gave him some headaches.

It is not once or twice that Akainu kills pirates who give up resistance. He knows that Akainu is extremely cruel to pirates due to his tragic childhood experience, and killing some pirates is nothing, so Sengoku thinks it can be tolerated.

But this time was different. This time, they contacted the big prison, agreed on the delivery date, and then killed the prisoners. Strictly speaking, it was a bit out of bounds.

In the current situation, Sengoku has no choice at all. After all, Akainu is his own, and he can only protect him. Sengoku was a little thankful that Akainu was not the kind of person who does things recklessly, at least he found a reasonable reason before doing it.

How to reprimand Akainu after he comes back is an internal matter of the navy. The only way to kill the outside world is because the pirate escaped first, and the image of the navy must be well maintained.

Speaking of which, this incident seems to be caused by the amber tour group again, right? If it weren't for them, Akazuki's temper would not be up and down recently, although... Zhang Da also had good intentions.

Sengoku somewhat doubted whether it was a wrong decision for him to let them come to the Navy headquarters.


It was still the large warship that the training camp went out to practice driving, and because Wendy, a seasick person, was with the Amber tour group, they naturally took the Amber.

Zefa looked at Wendy, who was terrified of warships, and felt a little sad. The most effective seasickness medicine in the headquarters had already been tried by Wendy, and it was completely useless.

He also took Wendy to do some tests, and in the end he only came to the conclusion that her semicircular canal might be defective, and he had no idea how to cure it. A group of medical experts could only express their helplessness in the face of Zefa's request.

Of course, Zhang Da also went with Wendy during the examination, and he had to keep an eye on not letting those people draw Wendy's blood. Zhang Da also doesn't want to suddenly see a Seraph based on Wendy in a few years.

The journey was far from smooth and the two ships encountered several bad weathers. Every time a storm hit, the first thing Zefa did was to throw a few students on board the Amber and ask them to go talk to Artorie. Ya learn to steer.

The students cherished the opportunity very much. Apart from occasionally helping to pull the cable to reef the sail, they were carefully watching Artoria's movements throughout the whole process. Arturia will also take the time to explain, but the final result is not satisfactory.

The students said that their hands betrayed themselves——

Brain: I will.

Hand: No, you won't.

Sure enough, talent is needed to become an excellent helmsman. Zefa accepted the reality. Although the 'foreign students' would still throw it away, he no longer had much hope in his heart.

"Big news, big news!" The international student who was thrown over today was Kane, who had a good attitude and even bought a newspaper for the Amber tour group.

"Did something happen?" Zhang Da also asked.

"Wang Zhi...Wang Zhi..." Kane stared, his voice trembling, "Wang Zhi, one of the Four Emperors, the captain of the Wufeng ship, was defeated! In other words, the position of the Four Emperors... has been replaced! "

"Who did it?" Zhang Da had already guessed that the big pirate Wang Zhi had been in trouble since he became the Fourth Emperor half a year ago.

First, he provoked the red-haired pirates and was frustrated unexpectedly, and then he was harassed by some small pirates who wanted to take advantage of it. Although they didn't cause much loss, it also gave other royal groups a chance to encroach on Wang Zhi's territory.

The most uncomfortable thing is that the world government that personally promoted him to the position of the Four Emperors is also looking for troubles for him, sometimes sending CP to cause trouble, sometimes ordering the navy to attack his pirate group, a few days ago Aokiji also took two boats of ice pirates back.

For a moment, Wang Zhi felt like the world was an enemy, as if the whole world was targeting him, which made him overwhelmed.

And what really drove him and his pirate group to the bottom was the battle that lasted from four days ago until last night.

According to the reports sent back by war reporters who are not afraid of death, the Red Hair Pirates entered the territory of the Wufeng Pirates on their own initiative four days ago, and clashed with the core members of the Wufeng Pirates.

This is not the first conflict between the two sides. In the past few months, because Wang Zhi lost face in the war with the red-haired pirates last time and wanted to get it back, he has been making trouble for them.

And red hair is not easy to provoke, I will call back as many people as you come.

In a certain conflict, Hongo, the ship doctor of the red-haired pirates, was attacked and seriously injured. This incident completely angered the red-haired pirates.

So after Hongo recovered from his injuries, all the members of the Red Hair Pirates broke into Wang Zhi's territory and started a full-scale fierce battle with the Wufeng Pirates.

As a result, all members of the Red Hair Pirates were injured, and the Wufeng Pirates were completely defeated.

At the last moment, if a mysterious man hadn't suddenly appeared to rescue him, even Wang Zhi himself might have died on the spot.

It is worth noting that in this battle, as the eagle eye of Shichibukai under the king, Joracle Mihawk actually stood with the red-haired pirates and defeated a swordsman. Shi, even had a few tricks with Wang Zhi.

This kind of news makes people very concerned. Does Hawkeye's behavior mean that he will leave the King Shichibukai and join the Red Hair Pirates? Or is it that the world government instigated the red-haired pirates' actions this time?

There were divergent opinions on the truth of the incident. But what is certain is that after this battle, the red-haired Shanks will become the youngest sea emperor, and his reputation will resound all over the world.

"This man is quite unlucky." Zhang Da also read the report, and felt that Wang Zhi was really miserable. After becoming the Four Emperors for only half a year, he was pushed from the top to the bottom. Now his whereabouts are unknown, his life and death are unknown, and he doesn't know what will happen in the future.

Unlike Zhang Daye's mentality of watching the excitement, Kane, who is a navy, is worried: "Is Hawkeye really going to withdraw from the Qiwuhai? He is the world's number one swordsman..."

Kane glanced at Artoria, who was drinking tea quietly, and changed his words: "Maybe the former number one in the world, if he joins the red-haired pirates, it would be too scary."

Although Artoria clarified that she did not defeat Hawkeye at that time, the sailors paid attention to the second half of the sentence "I did not lose to him".

So they are subconsciously willing to believe in the results they want. Maybe this beautiful girl who trains with them every day is the number one in the world, and Hawkeye is already number two in the world.

"Probably not." Zhang Da also felt that with his eagle-eyed character, he probably just went to find the swordsman of the Wufeng Pirates to sharpen his sword, and he acted with the Red-haired Pirates only because he went in with them to find someone. more convenient.

Of course, based on his friendship with Redhead, a little help is justified. Moreover, the ship doctor who was attacked might have treated Hawkeye's wounds before—Hawkeye and Redhead will inevitably die after a duel, and it's not uncommon for such a thing to happen.

Vivi asked curiously, "Is the red-haired Shanks a scary person?"

Zhang Da also thought for a while and said, "It doesn't count. Compared with all the scumbag pirates, it's not bad. But this person's composition is very complicated, and I'm not sure what he wants to do."

Tom nodded. The red-haired one was not scary at all. If the owner hadn't stopped him, Meow would have scratched him.

Vivi's focus was not on Tom, she repeated with her hands behind her back, "The ingredients...complicated?"

"Well, don't ask, it's troublesome anyway."

When Zhang Da also crossed, there were rumors that Shanks was actually a Celestial Dragon, which is why he had such a face, but there was no real hammer, and he was not sure whether the rumors were true or not.

It’s also unclear whether Shanks’ purpose is to push Luffy at the last moment when he becomes king, or to be the last test that Luffy needs to pass before becoming king, or to suffer a big loss from Blackbeard Add a layer of anger to Luffy?

"Mr. Tatsuya, I want to go back to the warship and tell Mr. Zefa the news." Kane was not sure if Zefa had read the news and if he would have anything to say.

And such a big event might affect their internship.

Zhang Da also nodded: "Okay, I'll call Xia Lulu to take you back."

"Is it possible? Then I'll trouble her!" Kane was a little surprised. All the students in the training camp knew that Xia Lulu could switch back and forth between the cat form and the beautiful girl form, and she could also fly, but no one except Ain They were taken by Xia Lulu to fly together.

Now that Zhang Da said the same thing suddenly, Kane was a little surprised, and even the uneasiness just now was diluted a lot.

"No trouble, as long as you don't mind. Xia Lulu, get ready and send Kane back to the warship." Zhang Da also called Xia Lulu out and gestured to her.

Xia Lulu tilted her head: "Isn't that bad?"

Zhang Da also said: "It's okay, Kane said he doesn't care anymore."

Kane nodded with a smile: "Yes, I don't care at all."

"Alright then." Xia Lulu agreed and moved her hands and feet.

Kane was a little puzzled. It seemed that there was no such step when I took Ain to fly last time. Is it because I am heavier than Ain, so do I need to warm up?

"Okay, turn around and use the iron block." Zhang Da also said to Kane.

"Oh, good, iron block!" Kane subconsciously obeyed the order, "Huh? Why..."

Xia Lulu began to sprint forward, according to Huang Yuan's saying 'speed is strength', she is now very fast, when she was behind Kane, Xia Lulu jumped into the air and kicked Kane on the back: "Quick kick! "

"Wow!" Kane slammed his feet, flew out obliquely, and landed on the deck of the warship with a bang, lying flat and doubting his life. This way of giving someone away seems to be different from what I thought?

"The strength is good, and there is progress." Zhang Da also used his hands to build an awning to look up at Kane's flying trajectory, and commented, "If you use a little more magic power, you should be able to kick him and vomit blood."

"I didn't use more magic power because I was worried about hurting him." Xia Lulu said, "I feel like he misunderstood something."

"It's not a big problem, you can continue to exercise." Zhang Da also continued to read the newspaper left by Kane.

"An armed riot broke out in Villa, and the king was captured by the rioting citizens and thrown into prison!"

Vila is a small country on the great route. It is said that riots often occur, sometimes causing great trouble to the royal family, and sometimes being quickly suppressed.

But this time was the only time to capture the king. At present, Villa is establishing a new regime, and there are speculations that there are traces of the activities of the Revolutionary Army behind the riot.

Zhang Da also felt that this matter might be an attempt by Drago, who wanted to slowly figure out the revolutionary army's action plan. Moreover, some time ago, the revolutionary army absorbed a group of laborers, and after so long, it might be necessary to engage in an actual battle. Locating the operation in the often riotous country makes them less visible.

"The latest trends of Amber Tours!"

Zhang Da also saw reports about them in an inconspicuous place. He didn't expect that he stayed in the training camp honestly and hadn't done anything for almost two months, but he was still hot.

Zhang Da also shook his head: "I feel that if I don't do something during this internship, I will be sorry for Morgans' attention."


Regarding the matter of the new Four Emperors, Zefa did not say much, but only encouraged the students to work harder. The situation at sea in the future will become more and more complicated, and the navy needs their strength.

In fact, his heart is more or less embarrassing. The red hair is only twenty-eight or twenty-nine years old this year. At this age, the pirates of the older generation can be defeated. It is hard to estimate how strong they will be in the future.

And how many navies of his age can compare with it?

A new era is coming, and he, an old sea soldier of the old era, is uncertain when he will withdraw from the stage of history. But is the Navy's new generation ready for the next era?

Zefa set his sights on the Amber not far from the warship:

The cat's head flag on the top of the mast fluttered in the wind. In the observation room, Rui Mengmeng raised the dumbbells up and down. Shark Chili took care of the rudder while holding the chart and confirming the course. Zhang Daye and Artoria were drinking tea face to face Snack, Tom picked up the fishing rod to fish, and from time to time, he took a piece of biscuit from Zhang Daye's dinner plate. In a place where he could not see, Jackie Chan should be leading the little girls to practice kung fu. What fancy clothes.

How nice it would be if they could officially join the navy...

The warship was moving forward without stopping, and the sound of a phone bug rang, interrupting Zefa's thoughts.

"Moxi Moxi, this is the G-2 branch fortress, please cooperate to verify your identity."

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