Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 468 This birdman is good at making troubles (4000 words)

Zefa kept his word, and after the king left, he continued to bring people to help build roads and houses, and compensation and the like were also verified and distributed.

According to his plan, he will stay here for a few days. In addition to the aftermath work, it will take some time for the wounded to recuperate.

It just so happens that Zefa can also use this opportunity to let the recruits get in touch with civilians more. Among the civilians, there are good people, bad people, and people who are neither bad nor bad, but they like to be cheap as long as they have the opportunity. How to get along with these people is also an important knowledge. .

As a soldier, it is necessary to know what you are fighting for, and it is also necessary to understand that you may face other difficulties and even dangers besides the battlefield.

Zhang Daye and the others joined in the fun for a while, and then went to wander around.

Before the king left, Zhang Da also went to the accompanying guards to ask for a pass. The guards saw that although the king had a stinky face, he did not object, so he gave them a pass. Now the amber tour group can play in this country legally.

There is not much time left today. After Zhang Daye and the others checked the injuries of Ai Yin and the other sailors, they simply walked around the port town and spent a lot of money.

As a port town, it has convenient transportation and developed commerce, but because of this, it is often attacked by pirates, so the life of ordinary people can only be said to be passable.

As for the merchants in the town, big customers like the amber tour group are really rare. This afternoon, they were tired and happy.

In the evening, everyone finished their training, and the banner demons who went out to inquire about the news also came back to report the situation one after another.

According to their survey, people in this country are not rich, but they are not rich not because they do not produce enough, but because they have to pay too much money, after which most families can barely make ends meet.

Take a family of three in the lower reaches of the small river that passes through this town as an example. They run a dairy farm and deliver milk to the town every day. He planned to hand over the ranch to his daughter when she grew up, and the two of them went to find a job at a nearby naval base.

By the way, the daughter of this family is called Moda, who looks younger than Weiwei. She is the one who picked up Ace from the river and brought down more than 50 million yuan with a stick under the influence of the fruit of encouragement. The big pirate, the girl who was finally taken away by Sabo to join the Revolutionary Army.

"You have inquired about the information carefully enough, is there something wrong with the amount of gold in the sky?" Speaking of selling milk, Zhang Da also thought of the little girl Miao Ke who delivered milk to them every day in the Chambord Islands. They are also doing similar business, but they are living a good life. In terms of living standard at 59GR, it can be regarded as quite high. It is not as pitiful as the Moda family. There must be a problem with the gold in this country.

Weiwei raised her small hand and quickly replied, "The amount of heavenly gold here is much higher than that in Alabasta."

"I probably know the reason for this." Sui Fenger said, "When I heard someone mention the heavenly gold, the words they used were very interesting. They said, 'Heavenly gold given to the Tianlong people and the king.'"

This is interesting. It stands to reason that the kings of various countries only collect money on behalf of the Tianlong people, but this king obviously made a lot of difference from the middle.

Combining the ostentation of his trips every time and the public's private comments, the king does not have the courage to enjoy the treatment of the Tianlong people without authorization, but he still has the courage to use the name of the Tianlong people to make money, not only has, but also a lot .

In fact, except for Vivi's father, Cobra, who really cares about the people, most of the other franchise countries do this. Although they can adjust taxes as kings themselves, what is the name of the Tianlong people? The tax code is much better.

There are many tax evasion countries in every country, but thanks to the unremitting efforts of the world government for 800 years, there is really no one in the franchise country who dare not pay the sky gold.

As long as the amount of gold in the sky is slightly raised, the country's annual tax gap can be easily blocked, which is faster and more convenient than tax collection, and it can also enrich the king's private treasury.

As for what will happen to the people after doing so, it depends on the conscience and brains of the kings of various countries.

"Why is this?" After everyone analyzed it, Weiwei was a little unacceptable, "Do they not care what happens to the citizens at all? Is it okay to falsely report the amount of gold in the sky without authorization?"

"In the eyes of many kings, the people are just money bags, and they can take whatever they want." Zhang Da also said, "As for falsely reporting the amount of gold in the sky, it is not a problem. They don’t care about collecting a little tax while paying the money.”

"Furthermore, as long as the king is smarter, he will definitely set up a different name when collecting money. Anyway, they can make up a set of rules at any time, and they can explain it however they want. The people below misunderstand it as gold in the sky, but Can't blame the king."

"It's too much." Weiwei sympathized with the common people of these countries very much, but she didn't know what to do, to persuade those kings?

"One of the reasons why your father asked you to come out with us is to see more things like this." Zhang Da also said, "I want you to know how difficult it will be for the people if the king behaves mischievously. Remember not to talk to those Anthropology."

"Yeah." Vivi nodded.

Today is also a day to explain the truth to the children. Teacher Zhang Daye was satisfied, and continued to ask: "I have almost understood these things. What about the situation of the king and the palace?"

Sui Fenger said: "The king is in his thirties and has only one daughter, who is about the same age as Weiwei. The two most powerful people under him are the king's army commander Lancer, and the government minister Nihalongbai. Lancer is okay, he only wants to protect the people from pirates. Nihalombai is completely a good helper for the king to make money, but he seems to have selfish intentions."

"As for the guarding of the palace, there is nothing to say. Ordinary people look tight, but to us it is no different from a sieve. It is worse than the security of Weiwei's palace. After I went in for a walk, even the king slept today. I know what underwear I was wearing at that time."

"Woo..." Weiwei pouted dissatisfiedly, but she couldn't refute. She knew that if everyone wanted to, they could even sneak in and draw a little turtle on his father's face and then leave safely. The guards in the palace... It's okay if they didn't find out, whoever finds out will have to lie down.

"Hey~ Pervert!" Perona said with disgust.

"Disgusting." Xia Lulu showed a contemptuous expression.

Wendy and Weiwei took each other's hands and took two steps back, away from Windy Ears.

"I'm not interested in the king's underwear." Zhang Da also said, "In short, sneaking into the palace is much easier than imagined, right?"

"Yes, it's very simple for us." Sui Fenger nodded, and then asked, "Do you want revenge? Our brother went in and beat him with a sack? Or painted flowers on his face every night? How about shaving his hair and beard?"

"That's too cheap for him. I suddenly want to play big." Zhang Da also wondered if it would be interesting if the king woke up and found that the king had changed. Live better. He glanced at Weiwei, and he took care of Weiwei's sympathy, and taught her a lesson by the way?

Ye Yan said, "Hey, Mr. Ye, you really want to kill that king, don't you?"

"No, I just wanted to give him a little surprise." Zhang Da also said to Sui Feng'er, "Tomorrow, I'll go and check the details of Lancer and Nihalongbai carefully."


The next day, there were a few more naval cadets who helped the residents repair their houses. Their injuries recovered a lot, and they could at least do some simple work.

Zhang Daye and the others still wandered around like nothing had happened. Zhang Da also took Wendy to visit Lancer specially, using healing magic to speed up his recovery process. It is estimated that starting tomorrow, he can also lead a team to help the residents.

The king was not idle either. As soon as he returned yesterday, he ordered the ministers to collect information on the amber tour group, and wanted to study how to deal with these people who made him ashamed.

Today the document was delivered to him, and the more the king looked at it, the more frightened he became. With so many powerful achievements, so many strange abilities... He calculated that if he gathered all his troops to fight with them, he seemed unable to bear the consequences. rise.

In addition, the king also read in the information that the amber tour group met many admirals, including the admiral, the hero of the navy, and the current three generals. In addition, they have also intersected with some departments of the world government. They have friendship with the king of Alabasta and the mayor of the capital of seven waters. They also have close contacts with Hawkeye and Jinping of Shichibukai. Morgans also admired them quite a lot, and even sent someone to do an exclusive interview for them.

There is also gossip that the previous chief of CP5 offended them, causing the entire department to collapse now, and they rejected the invitation of Qiwuhai from Wulaoxing, and they are safe and sound so far.

The king was almost dumbfounded, this is a tour group?

This is simply that there are people in both black and white, and they are all big bosses. Is there a Tianlong person hidden in this small tour group?

This background seems to be tougher than the king of his franchise country. It is not too much to say that his hands and eyes are in the sky. Are you telling me that this group of people is an ordinary tour group? And still training with a bunch of recruits in the training camp?

The king slumped on the chair, so it was impossible to cause them some trouble through his connections, and it would be hard to say who was putting pressure on whom.

But he couldn't swallow the breath if he just let it go, so the king ordered: "The execution of those pirates will be at noon today!"

Speaking of which, these pirates were the culprits that caused him to lose face, so let's cut off those he can afford first.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The Minister of State, Niharombai, took the order immediately, and then asked with a wink, "Are you worried about this group? Do you want to recruit them, or do you want to..." He said Replacing the knife with his hand, he made a chopping motion.

"Recruit them? Hmph!" The king snorted coldly. That group of people didn't seem like they could be easily manipulated. They didn't even respect the king. They are also unattractive, and wouldn't it be an eyesore to put those people under your nose?

Nihalombai understood what the king meant, and he said with a smile: "Then in a few days, you don't have to worry about it."

"Oh why?"

"Because I got a piece of news by accident, it's not convenient to write it on the document." Nihalon said mysteriously, "I heard that there is a big man in the world below who has been offering a bounty for their heads, and the bounty is constantly increasing. , the total bounty of all of them is almost comparable to that of a Four Emperors!"

"They have been hiding in the Navy Headquarters for a while, so they are fine, but they seem to be staying here for a while. Moreover, the news of the arrest of Xu Hai, one of the Eight Warriors, the remnant of the Wufeng Pirates, was spread yesterday. Soon someone will know the whereabouts of the amber tour group!"

"It's even more coincidental that the marines in the port town are still injured, and the Amber tour group is alone and helpless this time! Wait for the killers who are after their bounty to arrive..."

The king smiled knowingly, so what about the capable person, what about the powerful background, the rewards in the underground world don't care about those! How dare you be rude to me, you deserve it!

Thinking of the scene where the amber tour group was beheaded, the king smiled, but at the same time he was horrified: "Will someone put a reward on me? I had a big fight with that guy from the Kingdom of Ilusia at the last World Conference , will he secretly offer me a reward?"

I didn't pay much attention to the so-called underground world before, but now that I think about it, the king always feels that there is a sword hanging above his head.

"No, they never offer rewards from the royal family, it seems to be some kind of rule." Nihalombai comforted, "And His Majesty's palace is guarded by the most elite soldiers in the country, absolutely no one can intrude quietly !"

The king was relieved when he heard that the palace was very safe. He nodded with satisfaction: "Well, that's right, that's right, but just in case, let's double the number of guards."



"Huh? Why are there more guards today?" Suifenger, who had once again quietly invaded the palace, scratched his head, wondering, "Could it be that what I touched yesterday was discovered?"

He came to investigate Nihalongbai, and he got the news from Jin Erpeng that Nihalongbai was not at home today, so Suifenger planned to visit the palace. The sudden addition of guards must be something tricky, so he decided to act a little more cautiously and go to find out what happened in the palace first.

At the same time, the news that Xu Hai, one of the Eight Warriors, was arrested in the Kingdom of Lulucia has spread all over the world with newspapers. Although the arrest is entirely due to Zefa alone, Morgans doesn't know whether he deliberately disgusted the navy, or Wanting to catch up on the enthusiasm of the Amber Tour Group after a long absence, I specifically mentioned in the news that the Amber Tour Group was also present.

Many people thought that Xu Hai was arrested by the amber tour group and Zefa, but under pressure, Morgans could only write in the news that he was arrested by the navy.

Zhang Da was also amused by his coquettish operation, this bird man is good at making things happen.

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