Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 486 Prince Charming

The next day everyone saw the handsome Cavendish who committed a crime.

He rode a white horse through the street, wearing a black swordsman hat on his head, dressed in European aristocratic clothing, with a Western sword on his waist. His blonde curly hair fell over his shoulders, and he had a bright smile on his face.

Both sides of the street are already in chaos, countless girls are crowded on both sides of the road, holding flowers in their hands, with red hearts in their eyes, crazily shouting Cavendish's name.

"Lord Cavendish!"

"Ahhh!!! So handsome! He's smiling at me!"

"Nonsense, you are obviously laughing at me! Ah~~~"

"Someone has fainted, doctor, call the doctor!"

Cavendish has become accustomed to this, and slowly rode by, enjoying the cheers of the crowd, sometimes smiling and waving to the side of the road, and sometimes gently taking off his hat as a signal.

Every time he made a move, the scene became chaotic, the sheriffs were almost out of control, and the doctors were too busy to rescue the fainted girls.

"Damn, it's really Prince Charming's character design." Ye Yan looked at Cavendish with a little displeasure to attract everyone's attention.

Even though Ye Yan is now dressed like a Yali, he hasn't attracted the attention of many people - this work is called Yali Shanda, and he is really Yali Shanda now.

Zhang Da also comforted: "You can also pretend to be Prince Charming, just let Ma Laowu ride for you, although you are not as handsome as him, and Ma Laowu is not as handsome as him, but... just treat it as a battle The damaged version is fine."

"You are the battle-damaged version! And Ma Laowu is green!" Ye Yan was very unconvinced, but he had to admit that he might really be a little worse than him. This guy looks like he has flashing effects when he lifts his hair Same.

"Green horses are good, better than white horses, real horses, and red horses."

"You're talking about a horse." Ye Yan stared at Cavendish for a while and said, "This guy is indeed too handsome, and you can't compare to him."

"There's no need to compare with him. This guy's painting style is different from ours." Zhang Da also thought of Howl's Moving Castle when he saw Cavendish. No matter how you look at it, this person looks like a character who came out of a girl's manga, and I don't know how he got into the hot blood manga.

"It's not very handsome, I'm going to work." Perona floated in the air with a parasol and looked around, then landed a little disappointed, and ran towards the direction of the warship, where Weiwei was still waiting for her.

Zhang Da also guessed that Perona's favorite type might be a mature and attractive handsome uncle, or a tough guy with a tougher face, anyway, not the young and beautiful type like Cavendish.

Rui Mengmeng said in surprise: "It's really handsome, like a star on TV."

Wendy asked curiously: "Does Sister Mengmeng like this type?"

"Huh? It's not like I like it. I should look at it a few more times when I meet it, but it's good to have a look. This person feels very unreliable."

Wendy and Xia Lulu soon began to gossip about what kind of boy Rui Mengmeng likes.

After Artoria saw Cavendish, she couldn't understand why this man would cause girls all over the country not to want to get married.

In terms of good looks, there are many people in her Knights of the Round Table who are not inferior to this person, but they have never encountered such a thing before.

Uncle Long said suddenly: "He seems to be walking towards us."

Due to the large number of onlookers, Zhang Daye and the others did not squeeze in with those crazy fans, but stood behind the line and watched from afar.

To walk in their direction, Cavendish must first pass through a human wall.

At this time, the girls standing in front of Cavendish were about to suffocate, holding their hands in front of their chests, their chests heaving violently.

If Wendy sees that kind of range, it can at least cause 3614 points of damage to her.

In the expectant eyes of the girls, Cavendish dismounted and said softly: "Can you get out of the way and let me pass?"

"Yes... yes, Lord Cavendish!"

The girls got out of the way in a daze, and one of them fell to the ground with a plop, with a happy expression on his face: "Lord Cavendish spoke to me, was that one a marriage proposal?"

Cavendish ignored them, led the white horse to stop in front of Zhang Daye and the others, and brushed his hair coquettishly: "Are you the amber tour group that has been frequently reported recently?"

"Yes, what's the matter with His Royal Highness?" Zhang Da also remembered that this person has a second personality, which will appear as soon as he falls asleep, and then slashes people like crazy, but he doesn't know when he started having it.

Cavendish took out a rose from nowhere, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it gently. Although he was talking to Zhang Daye, he didn't look at him at all, but was immersed in his own world: "It's okay Nothing major, just wanted to say that you guys are doing a great job of getting the world's attention through your tireless efforts."

"Ah?" Zhang Da didn't understand what he was trying to do with this thoughtless compliment.

Cavendish continued on his own: "It's great that you have done so many great things that your reputation is so loud-so that when I beat you, the eyes that pay attention to you will be Transfer it all to me, and the world will boil for me!"

"Prince Charming Cavendish of the Kingdom of Brugia! A big star!"

"Huh? Are you calling me?"

"Of course it's you!"


Cavendish plays two roles, playing himself for a while, playing fans for a while, chatting with himself, interviewing himself, having a lot of fun.

Zhang Da also felt that he might know how this guy's second personality came about, so he took Wendy back and taught him as he walked:

"Remember, you must keep your distance when you meet this obviously mentally abnormal person on the street in the future. If he comes towards you, you should run faster. If you accidentally fall..."

Uncle Long listened to the side and nodded, and then instructed: "If necessary, you can fight back. No matter what, you must protect yourself."

When Cavendish finished performing his own small theater, he found that the crowd had already left almost a hundred meters away, and he roared to catch up: "You guys, listen to me!"

Zhang Da also said nonsense: "Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Star, we still have soup in the pot, we have to go back and turn off the fire together."

"Ah~" Cavendish made a sound of enjoyment. He was hit by the word "big star", and his IQ temporarily dropped a little.

The effect of temporary IQ reduction is mediocre, but Cavendish's IQ rebounded quickly, pointing at Zhang Daye with the hand holding a rose: "In short, I want to challenge you and win the attention of the whole world!"

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