Misaka No. 9982 thought she was dead, in heaven or hell, but the touch of the badge in her hand and the pain of the wound on her body all reminded her that she was still alive.

"Misaka should have died in the experiment, but he is still alive now. Is it my sister or you who interfered with the experiment process and rescued Misaka? Toot~ Misaka made a guess based on the few clues."

Misaka 9982's tone remained flat, as if life and death were not that important to her.

"Well... the situation is almost like this, but the process is more complicated." Zhang Da also showed her the magic circle in his hand, "It was your sister Misaka Mikoto who signed a contract, and I hope you can be saved. The price... probably requires you to do what you can for me."

Zhang Da has never seen what the contract looks like, so he can only guess according to what other people said: "So you are no longer in the original world, and if you want to stay here for a while, you may go back if you meet some conditions. "

"So that's the case, then please give me more advice, can you tell me more about the situation here? Toot~ Misaka pretended to believe what the stranger said, and tried to get more information."

Zhang Daye: "..."

This kid definitely can't do undercover work or something.

"Hahaha..." Ye Yan laughed, "Yezong, quickly let her get information on you."

"People who are found to be wearing clothes that obviously don't conform to the dressing habits of ordinary people are identified as transvestites based on the knowledge obtained in the learning device and should stay away quickly. Du~ Misaka is worried about her situation because she can't move."

Ye Yan: "..."

"Haha." This time it was Zhang Da's turn to smile, and waved to Ye Yan, "Stay away from transvestites."

"This is art, performance art!" Ye Yan wanted to correct Misaka's statement, but her attention had already shifted.

"Kitty cat... Huhu, kitty cat."

Misaka No. 9982 looked at Tom and Xia Lulu with a 'huhu' laugh, and she rarely showed a smirk expression. This was the most expressive she had ever seen since she came here.

"The child's attention seems to be easily distracted." Jackie Chan held his chin, he had already planned to tell Misaka the story of the kitten fishing in the future.

Zhang Daye's communication with Misaka was quite strenuous, and they finally got to know each other, and briefly talked about the situation in this world.

Misaka's statement about the different world is hard to believe. The only thing that can be confirmed is that Misaka's network cannot be connected, or it cannot be detected. Other things have to wait for her to verify it slowly. There is no rush.

Those who didn't personally sign the contract would be troublesome to explain. Compared to sister Misaka, Wendy immediately believed it was Grandigne's arrangement when she heard it, so she was a little weaker in vigilance.

The reserved food was already cold, and Zhang Da only brought some cakes and fruits for her to eat.

"The fragrance of the cake is strong but not greasy. The flour and cream must have been made of very high-grade materials, and the sugar must have been very delicate. In addition, the chef must be very precise in controlling the heat to make such a taste. Toot ~ Misaka has no reservations Much appreciated."

Artoria's stupid hair twitched, this child must be a fellow-spirit, right? "You seem to know a lot about food," she said.

"The taste of the medicine and nutrient solution is very bad. Misaka likes sweet foods such as ice cream and black tea, and has learned about food knowledge from all over the world through the learning device. Toot ~ Misaka casually stated his preferences and hoped to promise' Those who provide board and lodging will be able to provide it in the future.”

Misaka No. 9982 talked while eating, and she ate poorly. After eating a piece of cake, her cheeks were covered with cream, but she didn't care, and gnawed on the fruit again.

"I will provide it, I will provide it~" Zhang Da also said helplessly, "Those researchers have stuffed something into the learning device..."

"From ordering hamburgers to refusing to sell sales, Misaka learned everything through the learning device, and has mastered all the common sense that ordinary people should have. Toot~ Misaka took the opportunity to answer questions to show off her knowledge reserves."

"...Okay, it's amazing." Zhang Da couldn't complain, so he simply praised her along the way.

It was still early in the morning, everyone waited for Misaka to finish eating to make sure she was fine, so they all went to sleep.

Of course, Misaka himself was also persuaded to rest, leaving only Ye Yan, who couldn't sleep, to keep vigil.

Ye Yan was envious of Zhang Da who could learn how to fight more people without being troubled by insomnia. Zhang Da also explained this, "Maybe I also have the ability to fall asleep when Tom wants to sleep."

Furious, Ye Yan decided to draw a turtle on Zhang Daye's face later.


"Ah~~~ I accidentally fell asleep!"

The morning of January 26 began with Perona's exclamation.

Thanks to her, the others also rubbed their eyes to wake up.

Tom thought it was the alarm clock, and habitually stretched out his hand to press the alarm clock, but he just pressed it on the top of Perona's head, causing her to almost bite her tongue.

Although the distance between Perona and Tom was quite far, he just pressed it.

"Where is the newcomer? How is Misaka?" Perona ignored Tom's hand and ran to Misaka's bed in a few steps, "Did I miss anything?"

Zhang Da also said: "Don't make noise, she has already woken up once at night, let her have a good rest."

"Hey~~ Why is this like this!" Perona lowered her voice a lot obediently, but she glanced at Zhang Daye's face, "Pfftch~hehehehekekeke..."

Perona pointed at his face and laughed out of breath, and the others snickered.

The kind Wendy handed Zhang Da also a small mirror.

Zhang Da also looked for the mirror, and then glanced around. Ye Yan was not there, so he probably ran back to the room to rest when he saw someone woke up.

"In the afternoon, check his iron practice progress!"


Not long after, Misaka 9982 also woke up, Perona and Wendy talked around Misaka and introduced each other.

The doctor who temporarily lived next door noticed the movement here and came to check the situation. Zhang Da also asked her to do a comprehensive examination for Misaka to see if there were any problems that he and Wendy had ignored.

"It's very strange." After the examination, Dr. Docter said, "The child's body functions are about 14 to 15 years old, but her cells are not normal."

"I don't know what caused it, but the situation is very bad. If this continues, the child's life span may not be too long."

This Zhang Da also knows a little bit. When the Misaka sisters were 'made', they used various drugs. They should get better after treatment. The problem is that he doesn't know the method.

Zhang Da also asked: "Do you have a cure?"

The doctor shook his head: "Sorry, with my medical skills, I haven't even found the cause. Maybe you can find another doctor to try. I think the king and princess will be willing to help."

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