Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 521 I, Zhang Da, Never Do Bad Things

There was much excitement in the tavern about these two very special doctors, but in the end it was their unreliable king who caused the embarrassment.

When Zhang Da also pointed out this point, everyone fell into silence. It was one thing to be angry in the heart, but another to verbally criticize the king. They don't have the guts to ask them to bluntly say that there is something wrong with the king's decree.

The boss kindly reminded: "Well... this little brother, although you are foreigners, you still have to pay attention to what you say. If the king's people hear it, you might be expelled."

"You don't have a little...forget it, it's fine." People here are used to resignation, Zhang Da is almost used to it, and they don't dare to think about the word rebellion.

He asked, "Can you tell me where that witch recently appeared?"

"Are you trying to avoid her on purpose? Of course." The shop owner enthusiastically said a few place names.

The guests added a few more, and Zhang Da also thanked them one by one, and took out a pen and paper to draw a simple map.

"Next, let's look separately. Tom and I will go to several villages in this direction, Artoria will go this way, Shark Pepper is this route, Mengmeng and Ye Yan..."

Zhang Da also assigned directions for everyone to find, which happened to cover all the villages haunted by witches: "Uncle Long wait here with the children, so as not to accidentally miss it."

Jackie Chan asked: "Didn't that Mr. Doruton say to help us invite 'Doctor 20'? What if they come?"

"Didn't he say that the king would definitely take the opportunity to make excessive demands? Let's see what the demands are. If it's just money, you can agree to it. If it's anything else, just ignore him." Zhang Da also remembered that the medical skills of 'Doctor 20' were still Yes, it would be nice to have them.

After thinking about it, Zhang Da also added: "It doesn't matter if there is a conflict accidentally, everyone's safety is the top priority."

Zhang Da also calculated that there is no high-level combat power here, and Wendy can almost wipe out the Magnetic Drum Kingdom by herself, so it is not a big problem.

"I see." Jackie Chan took over the task of looking after the children, and the others set off one after another.

But Artoria didn't move, and she left in satisfaction after Zhang Da also took out the snack box from the inventory and handed it to her.

As soon as Zhang Daye went out, he saw Tom running towards him on a ski, but Tom reacted quickly, turned his body sideways, and stopped right in front of Zhang Daye with a sudden brake.

The only problem was that the snow on the ground was pushed up by Tom's skis, making Zhang Da also a snowman.

Zhang Da also blinked, the style of painting was exactly the same as when Tom was buried under the tree before.

Tom quickly picked up Zhang Da and shook it, shaking off the snow. Then he put his hands behind his back and showed Zhang Da a flattering smile.

"Okay, stop messing around, and follow me to find someone." Zhang Da also sighed and chose to forgive him. He got used to it. No matter how much he holds grudges, can he still remember Tom?

Perona came over: "Are you going to see a doctor, I'm going too!"

"You guys stay behind and play with Misaka here." Zhang Da also saw Perona's reluctance and said, "If you want to help, send a few negative ghosts out to help find it."

"Or else I'll give you another mission." Zhang Da also called Weiwei and the others over, "If you're bored, go to the restaurant to chat and tell stories, like King Wu defeating Zhou, roads with eyes, and warlords..."

"Anyway, take out what I usually tell you to review, and if anyone wants to hear it, tell them in detail."

Perona said: "Telling a good story, I always feel that you want to do bad things again."

"Nonsense, I never do bad things."


It was getting late, and in the castle of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, Jess, the staff officer, and Cromarimon, the affairs officer, drank a glass of wine, and Druden frowned and was full of thoughts.

Jess looked at the time and asked puzzledly, "Hey, Doruton, are those guys really seriously ill?"

"Ah, they said it's a disease that can't be treated with 'ability'."

Jess said angrily: "But why don't they come here for help!"

There are 20 of the best doctors in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom in the castle. They should be able to find out about this easily, and then they can quickly reach the castle by taking the cable car, but why haven't these people moved yet?

"Could they be waiting for news from Doruton?" Cromarimon guessed, "Could it be that those guys are the kind of people who would obediently obey orders from local officials? That would make things easier. "

At this moment Wapole came in: "Hey, Jess, Cromarimon, where's my snack?"

Dim Sum of course refers to the boat of Amber Tours.

"Your Majesty Wapole, we are just about to start." Of course, Jess would not say that they misjudged the style and movements of the amber tour group, "You can enjoy it right away."

"It's too slow, I'm already hungry!" Wapol picked his nostrils, and suddenly remembered his original plan, "Go to Kekeweit to eat roasted house first!"

Cromarimon quickly agreed: "Yes, His Majesty Wapole, I will arrange it right away."

Jess asked Doruton in a low voice, "You said they were in Bighorn Village, right?"

"Yes... what do you want to do?" Doruton felt that this person must have no good intentions.

"Of course I helped them treat their illnesses." Jess said, "Bighorn Village is right next to Cocowitt. Why don't you just take 'Doctor 20' with you? They will obediently pay the consultation fee when they see a doctor."

At this time, Weiwei was telling the story of "Road to Eye" in the small restaurant. When it came to King Zhou Li's prohibition of slander, the people of the country did not dare to talk nonsense, even if acquaintances met on the road, they only dared to make eye contact.

But in the end the common people couldn't bear it anymore, they attacked the palace together and exiled the tyrant.

The diner's patrons listened with a sense of substitution, and their King Wapol was also a tyrant, promulgating laws at every turn to torment them, just for the fun of it.

But it’s okay to listen to the stories about invading the palace. They don’t have the courage, and the palace is on the 5,000-meter-high Magnetic Drum Mountain. How are they going to attack it? Do they take a cable car?

As long as the people above cut the ropeway, everyone will fall to their deaths.

But this story is good, as is the previous story about King Wu defeating Zhou. I just don’t know where this state of Zhou is, and the common people there are so brave.

The guests decided to write it down and tell the story to their acquaintances when they go back. Even if they knew it couldn't be realized, it would be nice for everyone to listen to the story and have fun.

After a story was told, Weiwei took a break, and then began to talk about "tyranny is fiercer than a tiger". The guests were amazed - as expected of someone from overseas, even the little girl is so well-informed.

Thanks to Vivi, Perona, Wendy, Xia Lulu and sister Misaka all ate ice cream and other desserts presented by the restaurant owner and other guests.

Jackie Chan got involved with the little girl who was supposed to be taken care of by him, and his mood was a bit complicated.

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