Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 523 Do you want to know the secret of my eternal youth (two in one)

Doruton, who watched the king and soldiers fly away, hesitated between putting out the fire first and chasing the king first, and finally chose to put out the fire first.

According to his judgment, the Magnetic Drum Country is full of snow, and the king doesn't fly very high. Although it's a pity, he shouldn't be able to fall to his death. It is better to save the family in front of him first.

Doruton changed from the bison form to the human-beast form, and took off the big shovel on his back—it was his weapon. The shovel was thick and sharp, and it could be used as a knife, but it didn't affect It functions as a shovel.

Doruton in tauren form was very powerful, with a wave of the shovel, a large amount of snow flew to the burning place, and the flame that had just been lit was quickly extinguished by him.

After confirming that the people in the house were all right, Doruton ran towards the direction of the tornado. At the same time, he ordered the accompanying 'doctor 20' to follow up on a sled, and the king and soldiers might be injured.

After seeing that the fire was extinguished and no one was injured, Wendy returned to Big Horn Village with Xia Luluperona.

It was already very late, and Zhang Daye and the others also returned to the small restaurant one after another.

"Brother Daye, we've gotten into trouble." Wendy came up to admit her mistake as soon as she saw Zhang Da, and whispered what she had done.

Xia Lulu and Perona guarded her furtively, worried about being heard by others.

"... Well done." Zhang Da also had mixed feelings. The child has learned badly, but not completely badly. It should be a good thing, right?

"Where did you blow them?" he asked.

"The direction of the magnetic drum mountain should fall in the forest." Wendy pointed to a 'big chimney' and said, "If it falls there, it shouldn't be too seriously injured."

"It's a pity." Zhang Da also felt that if he was there, he would have blown them towards the sea, and it would be nice to sink Wapole while no one was watching.

It's a pity that Wendy is much kinder than him, and he has to make another trip.

The person who came back the latest was Artoria. Seeing that there was no one who looked like a doctor in the restaurant, she asked, "Didn't everyone gain anything?"

"Not yet, haven't you even met?" Zhang Da also thought that Arturia was lucky, maybe he could find a doctor as soon as he went out.

Arturia said: "I only met that 'quack doctor'."

"Quack doctor?" Zhang Da also thought of the little reindeer, and quickly asked, "Is he alone?"

"Yeah." Artoria nodded, "I saw that person break into someone's house and wanted to inject a patient with a suspicious liquid. When the family tried to stop him, he knocked him down with a gun."

"Gun?" Zhang Da was also surprised, Xilu Luke wouldn't shoot and kill someone, right?

Arturia said: "According to him, it was a tranquilizer gun, but I thought it was not good, so I knocked him down and left it to the family."

"Sister Liya." Wendy asked, "How is the family's illness?"

"It's okay, it's just a common cold." Artoria said, "When the patient jumped out of bed to find a rope to tie the quack doctor, he looked very energetic."

"It's fine, just eat something and then rest, and we will continue to search tomorrow." Zhang Da also said, it seems that the little reindeer still doesn't know where to wander, and maybe he hasn't even eaten the fruit yet.

Cigu Island is not big or small, and Zhang Daye and his troops are divided into several groups, and they will be able to search all the towns in no time.

But Xia Lulu in kitten form suddenly covered her head: "Why don't you go tomorrow..."

"Huh? Did you see any bad future again? By the way, your prophecy has not been activated for a long time." Zhang Da almost forgot Xia Lulu's language magic.

"That's not true." Xia Lulu said proudly, "I've been practicing prophecy magic, and now I can control it a little bit."

"Really? Then what did you see?"

"A tall old woman is kicking Uncle Long with a whip." Xia Lulu said, "As far as the location is concerned, it seems to be in this restaurant."

Jackie Chan wondered: "Ah? Why did you kick me? I have always been very polite to the elderly."

Xia Lulu spread her claws and said, "Who knows? Maybe it's the old man's strange temper, otherwise why do everyone call her a witch."

"It's that witch, I remember they said she was a 131-year-old old man." Jackie Chan squeezed his chin and recalled the information, "I know, if I meet that old woman, I will try to be more polite. "

If Uncle Long continues to yell like 'grandmother' and 'old man' tomorrow, he will really be kicked. Zhang Da was also thinking about whether he would watch the fun or watch the fun.

Xia Lulu asked: "Uncle Long, are you sure you don't want to hide?"

Jackie Chan said: "Tatsuya said that he would ask that old man to treat Misaka's illness. Wouldn't it be polite to hide on purpose?"

Zhang Da also felt guilty all of a sudden, he should remind Uncle Long.


The next morning, everyone chose to believe Xia Lulu's prophecy and stayed near the restaurant to wait for the 'witch'.

Near noon, the door of the restaurant was roughly pushed open: "Excuse me!"

A slender figure stood against the light, gently raised the sunglasses to his forehead, and showed a hearty smile: "Hee hee hee... Are you happy? Brats!"

"Isn't it? Dr. Guleva!!!"

Immediately there were terrified voices from the dining room, and the sound of chair legs scraping against the floor, and everyone who knew her was clearly terrified.

A young man near the door of the restaurant blurted out and asked, "Why did you come here, nasty old woman!"

"Who are you calling an old woman, brat!" Guleva kicked the young man away with a fierce whip kick, "Young people nowadays are really rude, I'm still only 131 years old!"

Zhang Da also caught the unlucky young man, and quietly checked him with magic. It turned out that the old lady was a bit powerful. She kicked the man seven or eight meters away, without any internal injuries. At most, it was the place where he was kicked It hurts a little, as expected of a leader among doctors.

"Why did you suddenly hit someone?" The young man who had regained his footing asked loudly, but after Gu Leiwa gave him a sideways glance, he hid behind Zhang Daye in embarrassment.

Jackie Chan patted Zhang Daye on the shoulder and said with lingering fear: "Thanks for your reminder, otherwise I might have gone up to say hello."

Gu Leiwa smiled with her arms crossed: "What? Are you asking me the secret of eternal youth?"

"No one asked you!" Other guests complained loudly, "So, what are you here for?"

"Hee hee hee hee... I just heard that someone was looking for a doctor yesterday." Guleva walked into the restaurant, put the medicine kit she was carrying on an empty table, and asked, "How is it, where is the patient?" ?”

Someone replied subconsciously: "No one is sick here!"

Guleva stared at him: "Huh? Are you a doctor?"

The man looked away guiltily. In fact, he didn't know if there was any, but even if there were patients, no one would want this 'witch' to heal them, right?

"The patient is here." Zhang Da also beckoned, and pushed Misaka's sister forward, "This child is a patient, please excuse me, Ms. Gureva."

Zhang Da also failed to call out 'Miss' and 'Sister', which sound younger. It's not that his skin is not thick enough, but he feels that in front of this old man, his hypocritical flattery might be exposed in an instant. , just like Lieutenant General He exposed him at the beginning.

The owner of the restaurant kindly leaned into Zhang Daye's ear, and reminded him in a low voice, "Hey, little brother, that witch might take this opportunity to steal all your property."

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Da also said, "Property doesn't matter, as long as she can help the child get well."

"Hee hee... I seem to have met someone interesting." Gu Leiwa's eyes swept over the faces of the members of the Amber tour group one by one. Some were expressionless, some looked expectant, and some were a little scared...

As a person who always pays attention to outside news, she has already recognized who these people are, but it doesn't matter, a patient is a patient.

Gu Leiwa casually pulled a chair and sat in front of Misaka, raised her slender thighs, stretched out her fingers and tapped sister Misaka's forehead, neck and other places: "Body temperature is 36.5 degrees, heart rate is 75, blood pressure... "

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Gu Leiwa easily reported various data of Misaka's body without using any equipment. Facts have proved that the old man's more than 130 years of work has not been in vain.

"All the indicators are normal." Guleva suddenly approached Misaka's face, carefully looked into her eyes, and noticed something abnormal, she said to Misaka, "Can you open your mouth?"

Misaka opened her mouth wide cooperatively, and adjusted the angle so that Guleva could see her tongue clearly.

"Okay, you're a good boy."

"Has the examination been completed? Duh~ Misaka asked such a question, this is the fastest medical examination Misaka has ever experienced."

: "It's almost finished, but there are still some questions to ask them." Gu Leiwa looked at Zhang Daye, "I said, has this child been abused by you? Physically, maybe mentally."

Zhang Da also said, "Why do you ask that?"

"Although no scars were seen, the child's eyes were dull. Even if I approached him suddenly, the pupils hardly changed. He was used to the itching and pain during the physical examination, and he didn't even respond, and he obeyed the doctor's request-I mean It is more obedient than the average patient, as tall as a robot..."

"Such a person has either undergone rigorous training or inhumane torture, just like a slave." Gu Leiwa looked into Zhang Daye's eyes, "Although it has nothing to do with me, I still want to Ask clearly, what does this child mean to you?"

Great job, Dr. Guleva! Zhang Da also looked at her with admiration: "Your vision is really good! It seems that this visit to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom was not in vain."

"You still have not answered my question."

"Misaka is now a member of our tour group, and we are willing to do our best to save her." Zhang Da thought for a while and continued, "Let's put it this way, if killing Qi Wuhai can cure her, we will now Go to the new world and beat Doflamingo!"


"He actually said so lightly that he wanted to kill Qi Wuhai!"

"But why Doflamingo?"

The onlookers let out a shocked sound, isn't this little brother's tone too loud?

"Huh? You're all listening... just pretend you didn't hear what I said just now." Zhang Da also activated the fruit withdrawal ability he learned from Karp.

The onlookers shouted: "How could you pretend you didn't hear it!!!"

Gu Leiwa laughed: "Hee hee hee...you really dare to say it."

"It's a bit troublesome to talk about the specific situation of Misaka. If it's convenient, can you come to our ship? We have a well-equipped medical room on our ship." Zhang Da also said, "Or you can come to the designated place."

"Okay." Guleva stood up and picked up her medical kit, "I just happen to be curious about what the ship of the Amber Tour Group looks like."

Zhang Da also settled the bill with the restaurant owner, and took Gu Leiwa to the place where they landed.

"Hey, did you hear that? She said Amber Tours."

"What? Is that the amber tour group?"

"No wonder... No wonder it always looks familiar, but it's such a big shot!"

"So the little girl who told us the story was the princess of Alabasta?"

"We actually have a day so close to the princess..."


The 131-year-old Guleiwa definitely deserves the term old and strong. Leaving aside her clean kicking movements, she is not young because she is still wearing cool clothes like a midriff-baring jacket in a temperature of minus ten degrees. Humans can be compared, beautiful frozen people are not such a frozen method, right?

Rui Mengmeng looked at Gu Leiwa's attire, and felt that it was meaningless for her to put on thick clothes before going ashore in order to look normal.

I feel that this 130-year-old mother-in-law is much more free and easy than her, and she may be more fashion-savvy than her in terms of dressing.

Gu Leiwa took out a bottle of wine from nowhere, took a sip, and asked Rui Mengmeng: "I've been looking at me like that, little girl, do you want to know the secret of my eternal youth?"

"Ah? No, it's not..." Rui Mengmeng was a little flustered by her sudden question, but after thinking about it, she felt wrong again, "Actually, I also want to know..."

Zhang Da also took a look at Rui Mengmeng. In fact, she is already eternally young, right? And it is much more thorough than Gu Leiwa. I am afraid that after many years, Rui Mengmeng will always maintain this young look, and of course it may look a little more mature.

Super soldiers are also strong in this regard, even if she is not the group with the strongest genes.

"Hee hee hee... Interesting little girl." It was also rare for Gu Leiwa to meet someone who would really ask her this 'secret' along the lines of the conversation.

"Listen up, little girl, first of all, you have to maintain a happy mood every day..."

One dared to say it, the other dared to believe it, and Zhang Da was also a little skeptical. If Rui Mengmeng found out that she hadn't aged after a few years, wouldn't she really think that Guleiwa's secret had worked?

After walking for a while, Zhang Da also pulled out a long robe and handed it to Guleva: "It's not convenient for you to show your face in front of the guards, is it?"

I'm sick, I can barely write, sorry

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