Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 526 Labang is a Carnivorous Rabbit

Hearing what Zhang Daye said, Gu Leiwa's first reaction was: "Do you want to renege on your debt?"

Zhang Da also denied it: "Of course not. Aren't you worried about the doctor's situation? Even if you borrow the flag demon to go there, it will only be convenient for a few days. Why don't we solve the problem directly from the source."

Gu Leiwa said: "If you attack the king, you will be wanted by the world government. Looking at your previous style of doing things, you shouldn't like to cause trouble, right?"

"It's inappropriate for us to take action, but if the citizens of the Drum Kingdom can't stand the king's tyranny, so much so that they rebel and elect a new king, that's another matter."

"Hee hee hee hee..." Gu Leiwa opened a bottle of wine with a smile, and poured it with her head up, "If they had the ability, they wouldn't have waited until now."

"Before they couldn't do it because they didn't even have this idea, or they didn't have enough resentment. But it's different now. The news of Lulucia Kingdom has set an example for them a while ago, and they are probably only a little bit worse now. Courage or resentment, and a man who raises his arms."

Gu Leiwa shook her head: "There are too many coincidences in Lulucia Kingdom, and the king here will not suddenly faint for dozens of days."

"Not always."

The Amber Tour Group temporarily stayed in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and planned to leave after sister Misaka finished using the medicine, that is, half a month later, so as to avoid any unknown side effects during the medication process.

As for the medical expenses, it was a bet. If the situation in the Drum Kingdom really changed before they left, then it would be considered as having been paid. Otherwise, the Banner Demon would work for her for a month.

When Jin Erpeng found out about this incident, he was so moved that he burst into tears: "The boss would rather overthrow a kingdom than let us work for others! If I were a female monster, I would definitely agree to it with my body!"

Zhang Da also expressed his ugly refusal, this flag monster is not familiar with raising, and he actually repays his kindness with revenge.


"Where do you want to go on a trip?" Zhang Da decided not to waste this half a month, and decided to play around with everyone.

But when he asked this sentence, Perona didn't know why her back felt chilly.

"Go and see other towns!"

"Go climb the snow mountain!"

"Try snowboarding, duh~ Misaka suggested so."

"Go and observe the Snow Country culture here."

"Snow picnic."

Everyone said what they wanted to do, and Zhang Da finally made a decision: "Then travel around the country within 15 days, and do some good people and good deeds by the way."

Hiking is not easy, so we rented two sledges and a few bighorn sheep in Bighorn Village, which probably got its name because of the abundance of bighorn sheep here.

For the Amber tour group, riding a sleigh is also a novel experience, but because Wendy feels sick when sitting on the sled, they have to ride on the back of a bighorn sheep.

Arturia was worried that the bighorn sheep had a bad temper, so she accompanied Wendy.

"Obviously you can ski on a snowboard, why can't you ride a sled?" Xia Lulu complained in Wendy's arms - at this time, on the back of the bighorn sheep, Artoria was holding Wendy in her arms, and Wendy was holding Wendy in her arms. Xia Lulu in the form of a cat, the scene is very harmonious.

Wendy said helplessly: "A sleigh is also a car, and snowboards are like shoes."

Xia Lulu said, "Can't you think of the sled as a big shoe? The shape is quite similar."

"I'm sorry to ask you to accompany me." Wendy looked guilty, "But it's really impossible to use a car as a shoe or something."

Zhang Da also had to admit that he was a little envious of Wendy, but riding the sled was quite interesting, at least Tom held the reins and had a great time, and even wanted to race with Uncle Long who was in charge of driving on the other side.

Uncle Long resolutely rejected Tom's invitation. As a mature and stable person, Uncle Long must give priority to safety issues whether he is driving or driving, at least he thinks so.

It doesn’t matter if Uncle Long doesn’t play, Tom can play by himself. After mastering the driving skills easily, Tom started to make the bighorn sheep accelerate, decelerate, and turn, snake-like running, lightning running...

Zhang Da also felt that something might happen to Tom if he played like this, so he took out a rope and tied himself to the seat, and gave Perona, Weiwei and Kalu each a rope by the way.

Kalu, who is Weiwei's mount, has actually gotten into the same seat. I don't know if the bighorn sheep will be envious.

Perona looked at the rope that Zhang Da also handed her with a bit of disgust, but thinking about how many times this person was tricked by Tom, there should be nothing wrong with accepting his suggestion.

Sure enough, the bighorn sheep, which was trying to make a sharp turn under Tom's order, stopped suddenly, and the sled behind flew off the ground, drew a semicircle around the bighorn sheep, and then stopped in the snow.

The few people who tied the safety rope were safe, but Tom flew straight out and plunged into the snowdrift on the side of the road.

As for Uncle Long, the speed was not fast, so he stopped relatively smoothly, and Uncle Long took the opportunity to educate Misaka next to him: "See, don't get carried away with complacency when doing anything, otherwise extreme joy may turn into sorrow, just like Tom did. "

It's not that Uncle Long doesn't care about Tom's safety, he really thinks it's unnecessary, but Tom will be fine if he falls on the snow. I don't know how many times he fell and hit a tree while skiing yesterday. Anyway, Tom will always be injured. Hit something.

However, Misaka's attention was not on Uncle Long. She stared at the strange creature that suddenly jumped out to block the way and asked, "What is that? Rabbit? Bear? Toot~ Misaka asked this question."

Shark Pepper in the back row said: "That is one of the unique animals in the Drum Kingdom. It is a carnivorous rabbit, Labang. It is bigger than a bear and very ferocious."

Next to Shark Pepper was Ye Yan, who was wearing the same blindfold as Qingzhi. He wanted to take a nap in the car, but was suddenly awakened.

"This is why I came to deliver snacks to Artoria because I couldn't think about it." Ye Yan lifted the blindfold and glanced at Labang who was blocking the way, then put the blindfold back on, "Rabbits that eat meat? Meat is almost the same. And it's so small It's not enough, sleep and sleep."

Shark Chili said, "That's not necessarily the case. Creatures like Labang usually move in groups."

Sure enough, dozens of Rabangs jumped out of the woods. Their snow-white fur was the best protective color in Drum Kingdom.

The Rabons are big, with blood-red eyes, sharp teeth, and a fierce look on their faces when they bark their teeth. They look very intimidating-except for one of them with a cat in its mouth.

The Rabangs who had been staring at Zhang Daye and his group suddenly turned their heads to look at the companion with a different style of painting, as if they were asking him what was going on.

That Laban showed innocent eyes. He was lying in ambush on the side of the road like everyone else. Suddenly a cat got into his mouth. He was also very puzzled.

Laban wanted to swallow the cat, but he couldn't close his mouth.

For Tom was standing in Labone's mouth, trying to lift his upper jaw.

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