The three of them met another team on the road not long after they set off.

In front were some black-clad bodyguards.

The one in the middle was Roswald Saint, a Celestial Dragon wearing a unique Celestial Dragon costume and a branch bubble on his head.

The bodyguard beside him was CP9.

The World Government Intelligence Agency is not only responsible for spy work, but also for protecting the safety of Celestial Dragons.

It was specially transferred back from the Seven Waters by the World Government.

Responsible for protecting Roswald from killing pirates on the island.

Roswald Saint vented all his anger on these pirates because of his son's death, and many of them were handed over to him for execution.

In fact, he was also angry.

That is to find the two teenagers as soon as possible, they are the real murderers.

Those two people deserve to die.

He also knew that other more powerful CP organizations had been sent to search for the whereabouts of the two people first.

Then assassinate the two.

When Xia Qi saw this group of people, her face was panicked.

This is too unlucky. How could I meet a traveling Celestial Dragon here?

What should I do now?

The one I met was Saint Rozwald, the father of the dead Celestial Dragon.

Saint Rozwald also saw the three people coming towards him, and his anger suddenly rose.

It was these low-class people who killed his children.

He took out a small golden pistol directly.

He pointed at the head of the blond young man and pulled the trigger.


With a bang, the bullet shot out.

Dio naturally sensed this attack, covered his hand with armed color domineering, and directly blocked the bullet.

The bullet exploded and black smoke came out of his fist.

He looked at the attacker coldly, and a nameless fire ignited in his heart.

He hadn't even thought of killing anyone yet, but someone else wanted to kill him.

He walked straight over.

Xia Qi's face changed drastically when she saw his actions.

No way?

Is he going to kill the Celestial Dragons too?

Is he going to do such a big thing just after going out to sea?

She regretted bringing these two people with her.

If two Celestial Dragons died in a row, there would be a more terrifying sweep.

What's wrong with the people in this family?

They simply disdained the Celestial Dragons, but instead regarded them as stepping stones?

She moved and retreated directly.

Prepared to go back and pack her luggage.

If she didn't run away, when would she?

And the CP9 found that this person's strength was not simple, and there were signs of attacking the Celestial Dragons.

Everyone was on high alert.

They didn't want the Celestial Dragons under their protection to die, or they would be sentenced to death.

Celestial Dragons were not allowed to have any scratches.

A man in a black suit wearing a red feather hat, Nero, stepped out of the line and stood in front of Dio.

"What do you want to do?"

"Kneel down."

Except for the bodyguards, all other civilians had to kneel down when they saw the Celestial Dragons.

Of course, he would die even if he knelt down, because who dared to block the attack of the Celestial Dragons?

Dio smiled cruelly.

The desire for revenge in his heart had already risen.

Attacked him first, and now he was asked to kneel down.

"You deserve to die, and the Celestial Dragon who attacked me should also die."

Jotaro behind him realized that his brother was angry.

But these people really deserved to die.

He finally understood why Pain and Xiao Wu, who always respected his father, took action?

The Celestial Dragons dared to bully their family, so who else would die?

Dio looked at Nero coldly, then walked over slowly, raised his fist as big as a sandbag and smashed it.

Nero was shocked. This guy dared to threaten to kill the Celestial Dragons. What a lunatic.

But who was he looking down on?

"You are the one who will die."

He was a genius who joined CP9, but the other party was someone who came out of nowhere.

He also clenched his fist and launched an attack.

The two fists collided fiercely.

Nero's arm was directly broken, revealing the bones inside.

The whole person flew out like a kite with a broken string, and after rolling on the ground for several circles, he collapsed on the ground, and it seemed that he was no longer able to do it.

This scene surprised the members of CP9. This person is very strong.

Although Nero was a newcomer who had just passed the trial training and joined, he only knew four of the six styles of the Navy.

He was a person who could not use iron blocks or finger guns.


If you know the Iron Block, you can't launch a finger gun attack. If you force it, your fingers will break.

The wolf-like Gabra was very dissatisfied when he saw Nero was defeated.

"What a waste, he was knocked out with one hit. If he had learned the Iron Block, he wouldn't have suffered so much."

The Iron Block move he mentioned can make the body as hard as iron.

It can be used for defense, and of course it can also be extended to attack moves.

Now he can't even use the Iron Block, which means his body is very fragile, otherwise he wouldn't be knocked down with one punch.

There is still a big gap between him and the old people in their organization.

And their captain Lu Qi had a solemn face.

"Be careful, this guy is not simple, even not weaker than me."

Even if Nero doesn't know the Iron Block, it would be difficult for him to break his arm with one hit.

It means that this guy's power is not inferior to his.

Gabra was shocked when he heard this.

"Although I think he has some strength, he is not weaker than you. Are you kidding? You are a rare talent in a century."

His Dao Power is only more than 2000, while this Lucci's Dao Power is 4000.

Before Lucci could answer, the Celestial Dragon Saint Rozwald shouted with anger.

"What are you doing, you rubbish? Why don't you kill this pariah? Why are you whining here?"

This pariah just said that he wanted to kill him.

These pariahs really irritated him.

They killed his child and wanted to kill him.

CP9 was ready to take action after hearing this.

They are orphans from all over the world. They were trained by the World Government since birth. Their only purpose is to protect the Celestial Dragons.

Jabra, who looks like a wolf, took the lead.

He didn't believe what Lucci said. How could there be such a genius?

He didn't believe that a young boy was as powerful as Lucci.

Therefore, his body expanded rapidly and turned into a big gray wolf.

He was a user who had eaten the Dog-Dog Fruit.

His body became stronger, more agile, and faster.

Sharp claws grew on his hands, and his teeth turned into fangs.

He used the Navy Six Styles of Shaving at the same time, and in an instant he came in front of the blond young man.

"Iron Block, Heavy Step Wolf."

This is an iron block attack that concentrates all the strength of the body on the fist.

He is the only user of the Iron Block Fist in the CP9 organization who can freely attack in the Iron Block state.

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