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Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Marshal's Mansion.

The marshal's office was quiet.

"You stay here until this incident is over, Garp."

Cyborg sat empty behind his desk, calmly handling the pile of documents in front of him, and said a word without raising his head.

Garp stood there in despair, motionless, like a sculpture that had lost its soul.

The plaque of "Justice" hung on the gray-white wall, and the two large black characters looked down at him, as if putting a mountain-like weight on his shoulders.

I don’t know when it started raining outside the window.

The dark clouds were like a huge hood, covering the earth tightly, so heavy that it seemed like it was suffocating.

The swaying cold rain crackled against the closed glass windows, and then bounced out. Haze and chill enveloped the entire world.

Garp glanced at the military port in the distance through the glass window with dull eyes.

On the huge oval military port, elite navy troops wearing hooded coats patrolled back and forth in the cold rain, looking solemn.

He noticed that there was not a single docked warship in the military port.

"Don't look at it. I have issued an order for all warships to temporarily go out to sea for cruise. You won't have any chance."

Cyborg Kong's deep voice came slowly.

Garp, who looked numb, twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled bleakly.

This decisive courage is truly worthy of Old Man Kong...

"So... Old Man Kong, is there really no hope?"

Garp's slightly white lips trembled, and he murmured in a difficult voice.

Cyborg Kong didn't raise his head, his eyelids drooped.

While flipping through the documents in his hand, he seemed to say casually:

"Garp... you are my proudest student, and also my most troublesome student. You should know very well that I have always been proud to have you as my student."

"As for that boy Dolag, I really admire him."

"A strong sense of justice, a convincing charisma, natural leadership, excellent strategies, powerful strength and a talent that amazes the world... Even if we look at the history of the Navy for hundreds of years, it is difficult to find a young man who can follow He compares."

Garp gritted his teeth and said with red eyes:

"Then please save him!!"

His clenched fists trembled uncontrollably, and he took a step forward. An uncontrollable look of pleading appeared on his usually free and cheerful face.

"He's only twenty-five years old!!"

"He told me that he wants to be an admiral! He wants to change this terrible world in the name of "justice"!!"

"Damn it!! I should have heard it then!!"

Garp covered his face with his palms and gritted his teeth, but the hot tears couldn't stop flowing from between his fingers.

Cyborg Kong finally stopped turning the pages.

He raised his head and looked calmly at the choked naval hero in front of him.

The middle-aged uncle in front of him, Garp, gradually overlapped with the grinning kid figure in his mind.

Cyborg Kong suddenly sighed.

"Garp, it's not that I don't want to take action."

"But you should be well aware of the consequences of killing a Celestial Dragon, let alone in full view of the public."

"The seriousness and sensitivity of this incident have far exceeded the capabilities of the Warring States Period and beyond my capabilities."

There was a hint of weakness in his eyes.

"According to the regulations of the world government, once the world's noble Tianlong people are harmed, the admiral must attack unconditionally... But do you know why Sengoku didn't deal with this matter personally?"

Garp was stunned, his eyes blank.

Cyborg Kong took out a cigar from the cigar box on the table, bit it in his mouth and lit it.

Thick smoke enveloped his resolute and profound face.

He said something that shocked Garp.

"Because this is the order of the Five Old Stars."

Cyborg Kong leaned back on the chair, raised his head slightly, and exhaled a stream of smoke from his mouth.

"Due to the sensitivity of Dorag's identity, the government has questioned the loyalty of our top brass."

"Can you imagine that?"

"A bloodline of naval 'heroes', a future naval admiral or even marshal, a soldier who should be the most loyal to the government, dares to attack the noble Tianlong people..."

"This is unacceptable to Wulaoxing."

"This is no longer just a problem for the boy Dorag himself. His behavior

It has seriously affected the government's attitude and trust in our navy."

Garp's face turned very pale.

The worry about his son's life made him never think of the impact and involvement behind this incident.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something.

But Kong Gang waved his hand and interrupted him:

"The Five Elders have said that if our navy lets Dragon run away this time, the government's military expenditure on the navy will be directly reduced by 50%."

"In addition, the promotion plan that the old man and Sengoku had already decided on has also been stopped."

"Before resolving this incident and regaining the trust of the Five Elders, Sengoku cannot be the Navy Admiral, and I cannot go to the Holy Land to be the commander-in-chief of the World Government. "

Garp was struck by lightning.

Unprecedented guilt hit his heart, he staggered back two steps, his lips opened and closed:

"Kong, Kong, old man..."

Steel Kong smiled indifferently:

"It doesn't matter, I wasn't very interested in the so-called commander-in-chief of the army."

"Zhan Guo didn't have any complaints about this."

"So Garp, do you understand now?"

"Whether it's the commander-in-chief of the army or the admiral of the navy, if we can save Dragon, even if there is only a slight chance, we will not give up easily."

"But the current situation is...too difficult."

"Your kid made an irreversible mistake."

Hearing this, Garp could no longer speak.

He stood there with his eyes blankly, as if his body and flexibility were swallowed by a huge coldness and emptiness, and he lost all feeling.

"So...that stinky boy...is he really hopeless? "

"Even Sakaski and Borsalino have set off..."

He murmured.

Sakaski and Dragon have always been at odds, and he will never hold back.

As for Borsalino, that guy's thoughts are always unpredictable.

If the two of them join forces, even if Dragon is strong, he can't survive.


He suddenly clenched his fists.

But just as he was about to do something, Cyborg Kong's cold shout interrupted him.

"What do you want to do! ?"

Garp gritted his teeth with reluctance:

"Old Kong, I will definitely repay your kindness in the future, but Dragon is my son after all!"

"I will save him no matter what! ”

“I know your position is very difficult, and I also know the difficulties of Zhan Guo, so…”

He raised his hand and grabbed the navy cloak on his shoulders, pulling out wrinkles.

“This navy, I don’t——”


A fist knocked him back and smashed deeply into the wall.

Garp looked at the sudden attack of Steel Bone Kong with a confused face, his head was dizzy, and a streak of blood flowed on his forehead.

“Idiot! !”

Steel Bone Kong shouted.

“I said it’s difficult, not that I won’t do it!”

Garp said in astonishment:

“But Sakaski and Borsalino——”

“Do you know why the first person Zhan Guo notified was Darren! ? "

Cyborg rolled his eyes in annoyance and started to curse.

Garp was stunned.

He seemed to understand something, and his dark eyes, which were bloodshot, glowed again.





I'll be grateful for everything.

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