Dalmecia opened her mouth and looked at the miraculous sinkhole in front of her with dull eyes. If there hadn’t been an inexplicable force that pushed her to the edge of the stand just now…

‘At this moment, I have probably become dust, right? ’ Dalmecia thought with some fear.

The shocking scene before her eyes really gave Dalmecia a huge impact!

He has only seen such powerful moves from Instructor Leo and Teacher Zefa, and these two people are strong men at the level of Vice Admiral and Admiral respectively!

‘In other words, Gabra in this state has hit the edge of that field with a full blow? ’

Dalmecia was crushed into powder in the ring, her pupils trembled violently, and she thought uncontrollably.

(In fact, Gabra’s combat effectiveness is far from reaching the level of a lieutenant general, and this blow is only a casual blow from a strong man of the rank of rear admiral.)

(I don’t blame Dalmecia for being ignorant, it’s just that he has seen too few powerful people take action. As for the few times Zefa and Leo took action in front of them, they only killed the sea kings while sailing. Or it’s just a simple demonstration of moves, so it’s impossible to use your true strength.)

Seeing this scene, Aizen slowly closed his eyes, and then sighed slightly.

“You brat, you’re too willful!” Aizen cursed in a low voice.

The next second, two black shadows sprang out from behind him, and then quickly came to the bottom of the pit and to Dalmecia’s side, then picked up their bodies and disappeared from everyone’s sight in an instant!

All these movements were so smooth that no one except Zefa and the others could see the process clearly.

The pupils of the Ghost Spiders shrank, and then they were horrified!

They had been paying close attention to the two people on the ring, but just now, they didn’t even catch where these black figures came from!

Lu Qi and Virgo didn’t see it clearly either, but because they spent a lot of time with Aizen, they had some guesses in their minds.


The second battle is over,

Gabra vs Dalmecia,

Dalmecia wins!

PS: Here are some digressions. What I’m talking about here is that Dalmecia won this match. Even if Gabra’s last move was enough to kill Dalmecia instantly, after using that move, if there was no Aizen’s rescue, the two of them can only die together.

As for why Gabra used that move in the end, it was just because he wanted to prove to everyone:

He just lost to Dalmecia in the competition, not weaker than him!

He has the power to kill Dalmecia!


The camera pulls back to the ring,

At this time, the battle between Saron and Drake has also reached a fierce stage!

The extremely agile Drake gave Salon a headache. The inability to catch Drake also prevented him from using powerful moves to win with one blow.

And Drake is also very afraid of Saron’s powerful strength and defense, as well as his almost infinite physical strength!

But the battle continues so far, and Drake is a little impatient. After all, with their physiques, if they fight continuously, he will definitely be consumed by Saron, who is a giant!

“So, are you going to fight?”

Derek panted heavily and looked at the huge Saron with serious eyes.

‘Obviously just now I complained about Gabra not taking care of his body, but now he has to use it…’ Derek thought with a wry smile.

At this time, Saron was also a little flustered. After witnessing Gabra’s terrifying speed after turning on the eight-door armor mode, he lost confidence and confidence in whether he could win this battle…

If Drake, who is already much faster than him, uses the Eight-door Dunjia again, not only will his speed increase again, but his lack of attack power will also be made up for.

All of them are, Sarong will most likely fall into absolute adversity…

“We must fight quickly!” Saron’s eyes instantly became firm and he thought secretly.

The aura of the entire arena also became a little restless at this moment!

The clouds in the sky gradually turned black, and the dark clouds covered the sun. As the air flow changed, the thick clouds slowly stirred…

Derek took a deep look at Gabra, who was already lying next to Aizen, then took a deep breath and raised the corners of his mouth.

“Gabra, watch out, my brother will avenge you~”

Then, Drake slowly closed his eyes, clenched his hands into fists, the muscles all over his body bulged, and a rising aura burst out from his body!

“Eight Gate Dunjia…” Derek shouted in a low voice.

See this one

At the end of the scene, Salong’s pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart couldn’t help but thump!

When the students from the special training camp in the stands saw this scene, their eyes widened instantly and they looked at Drake in horror!

They never expected such a buggy move, but Drake could actually do it? !

Hiss… isn’t that right? !

Everyone’s eyes immediately turned to Rob Lucci and Virgo, who were sitting firmly behind Aizen and his group.

“No wonder… no wonder Xiao Aizen dared to come to the gym of the special training camp… This must be his confidence…” Leo glanced at Derek in surprise, and then thought to himself.

Although they were mentally prepared, Sakaski and the others were still a little surprised when Drake used the Eight-door Dunjia.

After Aizen briefly explained the basic principles of the Eight Gate Dunjia, several people instantly realized that this move was not something that people with good talent would be able to master.

It can even be said that even people without any talent can still succeed as long as they have a firm belief!

But the threshold for practice is low, and in exchange, the difficulty of practicing this move has reached an extremely terrifying level!

Sakaski dares to say that more than 90% of the people in the navy cannot practice Eight Gate Dunjia!

Because the prerequisite for using the Eight Gate Dunjia is to undergo extraordinary, overloading, and beyond-the-limit devil training for a long time.

Only in this way can the various parts and organs of the body be trained to adapt to the load they bear after being turned on, and the damage to the body caused by the huge energy after being turned on can be minimized. Forcibly turning it on will not work.

There are only a handful of people with such self-control and perseverance in the sea, but without exception they are all strong! ! !

This also means that Gabra and Drake, who have mastered the Eight Gate Dunjia, are both outstanding young navy men with great perseverance and firm belief!

Thinking of this, Sakaski looked at Drake with a strong sense of admiration~

The camera pulls back to the ring,

Invisible air currents appeared around Drake, spinning around his body.

The light blue chakra flowed rapidly through the meridians in his body, and then continuously gathered towards his head!

“Eight Gates of Armor-Dunning Techniques…”

“First door, open the door, open it!” Drake shouted in a deep voice!

After the words fell, before anyone present could react, they heard Drake yell again:

“Second door, close the door, open it!”

“The third door, the living door, open!”

As soon as he finished speaking, an aura so powerful that it chilled Saren erupted from Drake’s body!

Immediately afterwards, the thick clouds in the sky were also affected by the powerful momentum exploded by Drake, and stirred in a vortex with Drake as the center…

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