Just when the naval headquarters and the Holy Land Mariejoia were in chaos.

A huge fortress-like battleship appeared in the great channel in the first half of the new world, and was approaching the Red Earth Continent at an extremely fast speed.

The owner of this battleship is the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors who is officially powerful in the new world.

In the past, no matter where I went, the atmosphere was filled with the happy red-haired pirates, but now the atmosphere seemed very depressing.

Everyone is performing their duties, even Lackey Lu, who has always been close to his hand, is operating this behemoth with a serious expression

“Captain, have you really made up your mind? You have to know that this incident is different from the past. If it fails, we will all die in this operation.”

Imperial copy Beckman looked at Shanks who had an unusually solemn expression and spoke as a reminder

“Ah, it’s been decided. We can never let the Death Pirates continue to act so recklessly. From the moment I decided to show my trump card, didn’t you already have the answer, Beckman?”

Shanks nodded and said in a deep voice.

But…Beckman is known as the most intelligent emperor’s deputy, the Red-haired Pirates How could he not see the worry in Shanks’ eyes as he plays the role of a think tank?

“Captain, I think you are wrong this time. What you have been pursuing cannot be maintained forever. With the changes of the times, if we blindly maintain the status quo, then the only thing waiting for us is self-destruction.”

Beckman sighed.

His relationship with Shanks is just like Roger and Rayleigh. Even if they meet, it is destined. , because they have the same goal.

But… now Beckman feels that the trump card has been exposed too quickly.

Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons Pluto, a super battleship that claims to be able to destroy an island with one shot, has proven to have that power.


This kind of power can only be Against those ordinary people, Beckman doesn’t think it can play a key role in the face of Lin Yan, a monster chosen by the times.

“Beckman, what you say makes sense, but the era has completely fallen into chaos. If no one stands up to stop it, whether it is the world government that has been dominant for eight hundred years or the revolutionary army that is ready to move, Or we will be annihilated in this violent era.”

Shanks said solemnly

“Then… Captain, what is the purpose of your decision? I don’t think that with our current strength, we can reverse the current situation.”

Beckman said in a deep voice

“Hmm… With our current power, we really do not have that condition, but what if we add the power of the world government?”

Shanks pondered for a moment and said slowly

“Huh? Captain, do you mean that you have reached some kind of agreement with Wulaoxing? You have to know that once this kind of thing is exposed, there will be no place for us in the entire sea. Is it worth it?”

Beckman asked with some confusion.

He now found that he could not understand his captain more and more.

Although Shanks had contact with the Five Old Stars and did not hide it from him, they were just using each other before and no real agreement was reached.

But once it really happened After reaching an agreement, Beckman can still imagine the consequences of the incident.

Let’s not talk about whether the World Government will burn bridges. As for pirates alone, it is impossible for them to let one cooperate with the World Government. The pirate group becomes their emperor.

From here you can imagine the scene where the red-haired pirate group is the enemy of the whole world

“I understand that I never thought about escaping from this operation from the beginning. Beckman, you have helped me a lot these days. I really want you to launch this operation. Of course, the same goes for everyone else. I will ask for their opinions after arriving on the Red Earth Continent.”

Shanks said with a very determined expression.

Upon hearing this, Beckman suddenly fell into silence.

He understood what Shanks meant, but at this level, how could he quit!

“We are pirates, pirates who pursue freedom. Although I cannot choose my origin, I can choose the way to die. Since you, captain, have already decided, then I will stay with you until the end!”

Beckman’s face was full of determination and he said in a deep voice.

Shanks was startled for a moment, then shook his head and patted Beckman shoulders, sometimes the communication between men does not need to be spoken at all, just a look, and the place can detect what you are thinking.

Just like Shanks at this time Like Beckman, everything is left unsaid!

I don’t know if I can survive this trip. As the saying goes, you should enjoy yourself while you are alive.

Soon, The members of the red-haired pirate group, led by Shanks, started the banquet. When the wine and food appeared on the deck, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

But Beckman seemed worried. He understood that this banquet might be the last banquet for the red-haired pirates with everyone present


At the same time, in a small village called Sphinx on the Grand Line.

The Whitebeard Pirates, also one of the Four Emperors, came to this small village under the leadership of Whitebeard after the incident in the Kingdom of Totland.

Moreover, we get along very well with the villagers here.

This small, unassuming village gave these men, who often wandered on the sea, a sense of home.

Therefore, each of them cherishes this short-term peace. Some even have the idea of settling down and living here.

However, they also understand that they cannot always be content with the status quo. The sea is their destination, but this does not prevent them from enjoying this rare warmth.

But… this warmth was completely broken with the arrival of a piece of information.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, headed by Whitebeard, gathered on a grassy field, their faces full of solemnity and a hint of disbelief

“Dad, Lin Yan has gone a little too far this time. He actually wants to rush directly to Mary Joa. You must know that that is where all the foundation of the World Government lies!”

Marco said solemnly

“Gu la la la, if he didn’t do this, then he wouldn’t be Lin Yan.”

Whitebeard took all this for granted.

If Lin Yan didn’t do a few earth-shattering things, he wouldn’t be the Lin Yan he knew a>

” Dad, although I say so, this matter is too dangerous. Although the Death Pirates are powerful, going to Mariejoia is no different from throwing yourself into a trap.”

Marco felt very helpless when he looked at his very nervous father!

“Gu la la la, sons, we have almost rested anyway. For the sake of our friends, let’s go and turn the sea upside down this time!”

Regarding Marco’s words, Whitebeard seemed as if he didn’t hear him. He stood up directly, waved his hand, and roared with great courage

“Yes, Dad.”

Except for Marco, the other squad captains explained with eagerness to try

“Oh! Dad, don’t do it, hey… Oh my God!”

When Marco wanted to persuade Whitebeard, the other companions had already started to boo. He understood that the deal was done and Mariejoia had to leave this time.

Marco said that now he is heartbroken for the Whitebeard Pirates!

It is really difficult to deal with such a father and such a group of companions. Even breathing is difficult


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