Lin Yan, who was fighting with Kaido, also felt the violent spiritual pressure below.

He knew that Ulqi and the others had made a move, judging from the strength of the spiritual pressure alone, the opponent they encountered was likely to be the Three Tribulations, or the Six Sons of the Volley.

“Haha, Kaido this time in order to save JOKER. but you put down the blood, the three plagues should have all arrived, right?”

Lin Yan asked with a smile.


Kaido’s eyes were hazy, he snorted coldly, and did not reply, the dragon claw was like a sharp sword, flashing a cold light towards Lin Yan.


Lin Yan was not afraid at all, and with one hand, Kaido’s claws flew away, and he slashed out a pitch-black sword pressure, like a crescent moon, attacking Kaido.

“Jijie Crescent Crescent Heavenly Chong.”

“Divine Dragon Breath.”

The raging flames spit out from Kaido’s mouth, and in the face of the terrifying temperature, even the space was slightly distorted.


The two completely different forces of flame and sword pressure collided, and the rolling heat wave and the fierce sword pressure suddenly exploded like a volcano erupting.

The power of terror is raging wildly in this area.

“Haha, let you see, my new power.”

“Blurred, complete form.”

Lin Yan laughed loudly, the terrifying spirit pressure was boiling madly, his hair was growing rapidly, and two long sharp horns grew on his head.

“Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost is just growing two horns, and Lao Tzu also has it. ”

Kaido said with disdain, and his thousand-meter-long body was like a meteorite, carrying suffocating power, rushing towards Lin Yan.

“Dragon Land, the sky is shattered.”

The violent spiritual pressure frantically converged between the two horns on Lin Yan’s head, and through continuous compression, the closer it was to the ball, the more the destructive aura emitted made people’s hearts palpitate.

“Who the hell is pretending to be a ghost? Flash. ”

Lin Yan’s words fell, and the violent spiritual pressure turned into a pillar of light, like a volcanic eruption, carrying the aura of destruction, towards Kaido.

Feeling the power contained in that pillar of light, Kaido hesitated slightly, but then gritted his teeth, and the armed color domineering madly wrapped his skull, and then crashed head-on.


A deafening roar resounded over the entire Dressrosa.

Kaido, who received a false flash, only felt a dizziness, driven by the shock wave generated by the terrifying force, his huge body quickly fell to the ground.




As Kaido’s huge body fell on the ground, as if an earthquake had occurred, the entire island was shaking.

“Roar! Lin Yan, you deserve to die. ”

Kaido shook his head, his eyes red.

Although on the surface, there were no injuries, he could feel that his internal organs were shocked by the terrifying force.

Kaido didn’t know how long he hadn’t been so embarrassed, and a burst of hot pain and burning anger was coming from his body, which was eating away at his sanity little by little.



The earth is cracking, mountains and rivers are collapsing, and huge cracks, centered on Kaido, are spreading madly in all directions.

The whole island was vibrating wildly under Kaido’s furious power.

“Hahaha, yes, that’s it, anger, roar, the more so, the more you can show your incompetence, Kaido awaits you only one end, that is, death.”

Lin Yan stood in the air, looking down at Kaido like a king, with an arrogant expression on his face.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

And Kaido turned a deaf ear to Lin Yan’s words, directly disarmed the dragon shape, and held the mace made of sea lou stone, like a cannonball out of the chamber, shooting towards Lin Yan.

“Armed Thunder Gossip.”

“You are not my opponent for the dragon, let alone in human form.”

Lin Yan was not afraid at all, and the dark red spiritual pressure frantically gushed out from his body, directly greeting the furious Kaido.

“Black knife, black tooth.”


The mace collided with the slashing knife, and the furious power and the pitch-black spiritual pressure formed an extremely terrifying shock wave, spreading madly to the surroundings.

The area where the two fought was within a radius of tens of miles, so everything was being frantically destroyed.

Not only that, the scope of the two fights is still expanding rapidly, and if this situation continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before the entire Dressrosa will destroy them all.


On the other side of the battlefield, Karp, who was originally quite relaxed, felt that the two terrifying forces were spreading rapidly, and his face was also full of solemnity.

“It’s not good news that those two madmen moved the battlefield from the air to the ground.”

Karp frowned and said.

“Lieutenant General Karp, what should we do now, with their strength, I’m afraid it won’t be long before the whole of Dressrosa is affected.”

Karp’s deputy, Bogart, worried.

“You first go to unite with the other navies that have arrived, use warships to transfer the inhabitants of this country, and I’ll go to the battlefield of those two guys to take a look.”

Karp muttered for a moment and said quickly.

“I see, Lieutenant General Karp.”

Bogade nodded, did not say anything more, and left hurriedly with a few of his men.

“Don Quixote, that kid is a madman, don’t let Lao Tzu catch you, otherwise he will definitely blow your head, how long has it been, and so many forces have gathered…”

“According to the development of this situation, other three forces that are not involved are likely to come, is this bastard trying to start a world war?”

Karp cursed and rushed towards Lin Yan and Kaido’s battlefield.



At the mouth of Dressrosa’s alley, with the arrival of the Wind Granma, a strong wind suddenly blew.

“Mr. Long, is Lin Yan really worthy of your attention? But I left all my jobs in Beihai and rushed here. ”

The hoarse voice of the Northern Navy Commander Karas echoed on the deck of the Wind Granma.

“Don’t worry, Lin Yan is definitely worth our careful treatment, although his position is different from ours now, but his philosophy is the same as ours, both of them want to drive the pigs sitting on the Red Earth Continent from the altar.”

Long said calmly.

“In this way, I hope he is really like Mr. Long said!”

Kalas shook his head and didn’t say more.

Although the revolutionary army wants to overthrow the rule of the Draco, they also do not have much affection for those pirates who have committed many evils.

It is rare that the dragon is interested in a pirate, out of curiosity, Karas came to see it, as long as it does not hinder them, even if it is unpleasant with Lin Yan, he will not pay attention to it.

The dragon could probably guess what was going on in Callas’s mind, and smiled and spoke.

“Let’s go! Maybe we will have unexpected gains this time, or maybe not! ”


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