The sudden arrival of the straw hat kid did not take it to heart.

For him, as long as he can successfully execute Ace, the plan is half successful.

Of course, it would be perfect if he could destroy the Whitebeard Pirates by the way, and capture Luffy, the son of the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon.

“Damn, Sengoku, do you think the old man can’t stop it?”

Whitebeard saw the two blades hanging above Ace’s head and roared.

“Ai~~ Si, I’ll come to rescue you right away.”

Luffy yelled, as if crazy, and frantically rushed towards the execution table.

“Hmph! Whitebeard, it’s all over, the era of sea thieves, which Roger personally opened, fell from his son’s head, and declared it over! ”

Counting the words of the Warring States fell, the cold glow of the two executioners also fell quickly.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes widened, and the movements of those two sharp blades slowed down countless times.

“Ai ~~~Si”

Whitebeard’s eyes widened and he let out an angry roar.

Although he is known as the strongest man in the world, at this moment, he is just an old father, watching his son’s first rank, about to land, but there is no way to stop it.

This taste almost made Whitebeard lose his mind.

“Dad, leave me alone and take everyone back to the new world.”

Ace yelled.

On the execution table, watching his former partners, falling one after another, how tormented Ace was in his heart, this only he knew.

Just then, before everyone could react, a cold light like a flash flashed through the necks of the two executioners.

“Shoot him, Sharpshoot!”


Looking at the blood sprayed from the bodies of the two executioners, at this moment, the battlefield seemed to be silenced.

Stunned in place, he looked at the execution table with a dull gaze.

“Oh, I’m sorry, it seems to have ruined your good deeds, but my captain said that no one can touch this little brother without his permission.”

Ichimaru Gin’s somewhat frivolous voice resounded above the battlefield.

“You bastard.”

Sengoku came back to his senses and looked at Ichimaru Silver with a furious expression, eager to smash this guy’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.


But Karp was different, and after seeing that Ace was okay, he was relieved in his heart.

“Goo la la, Lin Yan’s partner did a good job, Ace, you are waiting for me there, daddy will go and rescue you immediately.”

Whitebeard laughed loudly, exerted great power, and quickly killed towards the execution table.

The other members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group also burst into earth-shattering cheers, and then followed Whitebeard’s footsteps and quickly rushed to the execution platform.

“The Grim Reaper Pirates are really all monsters, and when the others were not paying attention, they solved five lieutenant generals, and went and secretly approached the execution platform and killed two executioners.”

Doflamingo looked at Ichimaru Silver, who was like a poisonous snake, potentially secretly giving the enemy a fatal blow, and his eyes were full of jealousy.

“No matter what, you must rescue Ace.”

Luffy saw that Ace was okay, and his tense nerves relaxed, and at the same time secretly swore in his heart.

“Luffy, are you all right?”

At this time, Solon also rushed to Luffy’s side.

“It’s okay, Solon, I’m going to save Ace, even if it costs my own life, I want to save him.”

Luffy said a word and rushed towards the execution table again.

“Oops, what an idiot, wait for me.”

For this captain’s temper, Solon was also helpless, and quickly followed.


Above the execution table.

Ace looked at Whitebeard and Luffy, the former crybaby, who was constantly fighting with the navy to save himself, and then saw his companions who fell to the ground, his eyes full of guilt.

“Daddy, everyone, little Oz, Luffy, you are all stupid, this is my mistake, why did you come to save me, obviously I hurt everyone.”

Ace gritted his teeth, tears dripping down his cheeks on the execution table.

At all times, Ace was thinking about whether his birth was a good thing, but now he sees countless people rushing to the battlefield without fear of life and death.

Just to rescue himself, a man with the blood of the devil, he seems to have got the answer.

“Tell you to go down, find someone to re-execute the execution, be sure to do it quickly.”

Sengoku said in a deep voice to the herald.

“Yes, Marshal of the Warring States, I’ll go down and do it right away.”

After receiving the order, the herald did not hesitate and quickly turned to leave.

“Karp, are you planning to only execute here, or to stop Whitebeard?”

Sengoku said in a deep voice.

Karp glanced at Ace, who buried his head in the execution table, and then at Sengoku, who had a gloomy face, and sighed in his heart.

“I’ll stop Whitebeard.”

“Karp, don’t forget the justice behind it, you know what we will face in the future if this battle fails.”

Sengoku shouted at Karp’s departing back.

For this dear friend and comrade-in-arms, Warring States know very well, and if he faces pirates, he will definitely not be merciful.

But now, this pirate is his godson!

In Karp’s heart, pirates are unforgivable, but family members are definitely different.

“Portcas D. Ace, you really deserve to be Roger’s son, Roger dominated an era and opened an era, and you have become the eye of the storm in this era, whether this battle is won or lost, it will be recorded in the history books of the world, and both of us will also lose a lot, really have you. ”

Sengoku gritted his teeth and said, then set his eyes on the battlefield again.

Looking at the tragic battle situation on the battlefield, at this moment, the heart of the Warring States was a little shaken, he didn’t know what the final result would be when he started this era war.

Even if their navy wins in the end, will the era of sea pirates really end, or will it intensify the process of the sea pirate era?

If it were the latter, then he might be a sinner.

“Daddy, Luffy, I have found the answer I want, this time I will not refuse your help to me, no matter what fate awaits me in the end, whether it is the blade that wants my life or the spurn of the world, but this time I will definitely firmly grasp the help you extended to me.”

Ace secretly swore in his heart, the original guilty and panicked face had long disappeared, replaced by a firmness.

“It’s really worthy of being Roger’s son, but it’s a pity that fate has been predetermined since you were born.”

Of course, Sengoku noticed Ace’s form change, shook his head and ignored it.

The war continues, and Whitebeard’s advance has been stopped by Karp, and after the change just now, Ichimaru Silver has been entangled by Lieutenant General Tsuru.

And Nanabukai, except for Hawkeye who is at war with Kilga, and the bear who has been transformed into a pacifist and is bombarding the pirates, the others are just casually cleaning up some miscellaneous soldiers who are close to them.

There is no intention of proceeding.

This made the already clear battle situation begin to become confusing again.


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