At the same time, he faced several sea pirates who were famous on the sea.

Magellan did not have any fear on his face, but only his determination to annihilate these pirates.

“In the face of me, any of your struggles is in vain, and only returning to the cage that belongs to you is your only destination.”

Magellan walked towards the pirates step by step.

Coupled with that, the three dragons formed by venom were moving behind Magellan.

Just one person gave those pirates a strong sense of oppression.

“Sha Lan.”

Klockdar threw a small sandstorm directly.

He did not attack Magellan, but simply blew away the poisonous mist that was about to spread in front of him.

Hiliu’s brows also furrowed tightly, if you change the environment, with his strength, even if you can’t defeat Magellan, you can still get out easily.

However, now thinking about this closed environment, the Navy and Magellan blocked the only exit, which made it impossible for him to leave.

“With so many of us, are we still afraid that one navy will not succeed?

I see you’re really going back more and more alive, woooooo

The most vicious female prisoner in history, Katerina Deppon, mocked with her eerie laugh.

“Valololo … Although you woman speaks a little ugly, it does make sense. ”

Waldo laughed.

“Magellan, get out of the way or die.”

Klockdar said in a deep voice.

“Klockdar, just because you’re a loser dog? I, Magellan, will formally judge you pirates today in the name of justice. ”

Magellan said coldly, and the three poisonous dragons behind him no longer stayed, directly opened their huge mouths, and leaned towards Klockdar and the others.

“I see you’re looking for death, Desert Saber.”

Klockdahl looked angry, and his right hand turned into a sand blade and slashed at Magellan.


The sharp sand blade split the venom, leaving a ravine of nearly a hundred meters in the solid ground.

“Valololo … At this time, such an interesting thing, how could he forget the old man? Momo 50x acceleration. ”

Waldo laughed, picked up a fist-sized stone on the ground, and threw it directly at Magellan.

But this seemingly lifeless small stone, after being blessed by the ability of Momo’s fruit, suddenly turned into a boulder with a diameter of tens of meters.

Not only has the area become larger, but even the speed has increased by fifty times, and there is a huge friction with the air during the flight, and there is a faint tendency to catch fire.

“Damn pirates.”

Magellan cursed, did not dare to stay in place, while controlling the poisonous dragon, he controlled his body, and followed the poisonous dragon to slide.


The terrifying power of the boulder smashed into the place where Magellan had just stood, and it directly smashed through the ground of the fourth and fifth cities.

A large hole of tens of meters appeared in the eyes of everyone.

As the icy wind of the extremely cold hell blew out from the mouth of the cave, people finally realized exactly what is called the two heavens of ice and fire.

“Valololo … I actually dodged it. ”

Waldo laughed, he didn’t care or say… This is all to be expected.

“Since you want to find death, then I will fulfill you, anyway, dirty pirates like you, even if the Marshal of the Warring States dies, he will not say anything.”

Magellan’s fierce voice fell, and the terrifying poisonous gas, like a volcanic eruption, erupted from his body and spread madly in all directions.

“Wow quack, the diarrhea bastard is angry, it seems that it is impossible to use this opportunity to become a warden, Hannibal is so angry.”

Hannibal knelt on the ground, hammering the ground with both hands, leaving behind the tears that belonged to the weak.

“Not good.”

The pirates who saw this scene changed their faces one after another.

At this rate, soon the fourth layer of the prison will be completely shrouded in poisonous fog.

At that time, even if they can run to the next two floors to hide, they will not have any chance to get out of this cage.

“Die, filthy pirates, poisonous dragons.”

Magellan roared, and the huge poisonous dragon once again enveloped those pirates.

“No way, everyone hit with all their might, if you can’t kill Magellan, then honestly go back below!”

Hiliu spoke.

The others also nodded one after another, the environment of the fourth layer of scorching hell was indeed unfavorable for them.

“A knife flow, a blood dragon surging.”

“Momo accelerates a hundred times.”

“Desert Vajra Knife.”


Chopping waves, meteorite stones, extremely sharp sand, and all kinds of attacks frantically vented on Magellan.

But Magellan did not intend to hard-steel with these pirates, and without any hesitation, condensed the poisonous dragon, and glided quickly in the venom.




With so many powerful attacks, the destructive power exploded at the same time, and for a while, the entire Advance City was like an earthquake, trembling wildly.

A large amount of venom was directly scattered, scattered on the ground of the scorching hell, and then began to evaporate.

Like an avalanche, the poisonous gas began to roll up and sweep in all directions of this hell.


Some pirates, caught off guard, inhaled the poisonous gas and let out a scream.

In less than three breaths, he fell to the ground and completely lost his mobility.

If Magellan’s antidote is not taken in time, they will all suffer inhuman torture and eventually die before the toxin spreads to their internal organs.

“No, in this environment, we simply can’t find a way to beat Magellan, and now even breathing is a problem.”

Yu Zhi Xiru said in a deep voice, and then closed his mouth tightly, afraid to inhale a trace of poisonous mist.

Others followed suit, and no one spoke for a while.

But this is not a long-term solution, and although they can hold their breath temporarily, time is also very limited.

At that time, once inhaled these poisonous mist, there really is no chance.

“Just a waste like you can actually have such a great reputation in this era, I don’t know what the world government thinks.”

Lin Yan slowly walked out of the poisonous mist.

Now he doubts not only the strength of these pirates, but also the strength of the world government.

“Finally appeared, the culprit of this turmoil.”

Magellan said with a gloomy face.

“Magellan, known as the strongest warden in history, now seems to be no more than that.”

Lin Yan shook his head and said.

“You look for death… Poisonous dragon. ”

Magellan roared, and the dragon bit directly towards Lin Yan.

“It’s really remarkable to be able to develop the fruit to this extent, and with the environment here, it really looks very inexplicable.”

But in the face of absolute strength, everything done is in vain. ”

After Lin Yan finished speaking, golden lightning appeared in his palm.

“Sixty-three Thunder Roaring Cannon.”


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