Chapter 262 Lei Luo VS Lu Qi, the collision of the six styles!

Hearing this, Lu Qi showed a treacherous smile.

"Don't worry, she won't run away."

Hearing this, Khalifa nodded straightly, and then took Bruno and Kaku, who had already passed out, down together.

After they left, a gloomy look appeared in Lu Qi's eyes, and then he looked at Lei Luo.

"Those who got in the way have finally left, let us have a fight to our heart's content, if you ask me to let you have a hand, I won't have any complaints."

Hearing this, Lei Luo looked gloomy, and immediately began to dodge around.

Lu Qi's ears moved slightly, and he was always listening to Lei Luo's direction.

But Lei Luo's speed was so fast that it couldn't catch it.

In the next second, Lei Luo's net worth attacked from his face.

Lu Qi reacted quickly, and his whole body turned into a piece of thin paper, dodging Lei Luo's attack.

In the next second, Lei Luo attacked from the head down. Even if Lu Qi used paper painting, it was impossible to escape this attack.

Lu Qi was attacked head-on, and went straight to the ground, leaving a big hole.

And Lu Qi's speed was also very fast, he dodged straight away, and with a pointed gun, he poked Lei Luo's shoulder.

Lei Luo bled again and quickly backed away.

Lu Qi covered his stomach, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Lei Luo and said:

"That's right, your Navy Sixth Style is very standardized. Don't tell me, you used to be in the Navy."

Hearing this, Lei Luo didn't answer directly, and then took off his hat, and put it on Robin's head.

"This guy, it really isn't easy, you back off first, I'm going to use all my strength."

Hearing this, Robin's eyes showed a dignified expression, and he stepped back immediately.

At this time, Lei Luo looked at Lu Qi solemnly.

Then he said silently in his heart:

"System, extract the cow charm!"

As soon as the words fell, a hexagonal stone appeared in Lei Luo's hand. "

"Lei Luo then activated the ability of the Bull Talisman, and his muscles exploded in an instant.

Seeing the changes in Lei Luo's body, Lu Qi smiled even more excitedly, then tilted his head and said:

"Is it finally time to start using the hole cards? I'm really looking forward to it."


The edge of the water capital.

On the boat of the Straw Hats, the atmosphere is still oppressive.

At this moment, Luffy stood up straight.

"I have an ominous premonition that I'm going to find Lei Luo."

Hearing this, Nami grabbed Luffy straight away.

"Hey, Luffy, we shouldn't just go to Lei Luo, we should also split up some people and go to Usopp."

Seeing this, Chopper immediately jumped up, raised his hand and said:

"I also think, after all, Usopp is still our companion now, what if he is attacked by wild beasts in the jungle."

Hearing this, Sanji lit a cigarette straight away, and then took a sharp puff.

"What Chopper said is also reasonable. Although you can't disturb the soldier's state of mind, it's not impossible to encounter it by chance while walking."

Hearing this, Luffy nodded straightly, and then said:

"Then who of us will go to Usopp, and who will go to Lei Luo?"

As soon as these words came out, Sauron showed a sinister smile.

Then he took out the long and short branches that he had prepared long ago and said:

"Then draw lots to decide. If you draw a long one, go to Lei Luo, and if you draw a short one, go to Usopp."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then each took one.

Luffy held his short stick and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"That guy Lei Luo went out so excitedly, he must have gone to fight, I want to go too!"

Hearing this, Zoro held his own long branch, shook it in front of Luffy, and said triumphantly:

"There are also many interesting things in the forest, such as wild animals and so on. Please help us bring back some wild game."

Saying that, Sauron stepped up the words of Hedao and walked towards the direction of the water capital.

Sanji took his own long lottery and laughed straight away.

"Water City, here I come!"

Saying that, Sanji also jumped down.

Chopper and Nami also drew long branches.

Looking at the branch in his hand, Chopper cried into tears.

"I want to see Usopp too!"

Hearing Chopper's words, Nami sighed helplessly.

"Compared to Usopp, Lei Luo's side should be more dangerous. Let's go, Chopper, let's catch up quickly."

With that said, Nami took Chopper and quickly got on the sea bike.

Immediately, he pressed the accelerator key, twisted the accelerator, and rushed out in an instant, heading in the direction of Carrera.

Because she had a hunch, Lei Luo must be in Carrera.

After Nami and the others left, Luffy sighed, looked at his short branch, and then looked around again.

And at this time. Luffy suddenly realized something, and suddenly raised his head.

"Ah! That guy Sauron..."


Justice Island.

In the office building, Spandam looked at the three people sitting in front of him with cold eyes.

"You are finally back. When Rob Lucci brings Nico Robin back, the members of CP9 will be considered complete."

"I really want to see what kind of scene you monsters gather together."

Hearing this, one of the men with pink hair stretched out a hand and said:

"Hey, hey, I don't want to see Lu Qi at all. He is a very stinky guy. Their best script is to die for the country!"

After finishing speaking, the man with pink hair sang directly, then straightened his posture, and then drew out his knife and said:

"As a companion, I actually have such vicious thoughts, I really deserve to die, watch me commit seppuku!"

After finishing speaking, the small knife was inserted straight into his abdomen.

"Iron block!"

Seeing this, a man with a wolf hood and a beard next to him kicked him flying.

"Then get away and die!"

As soon as the words came out, the one next to him, a long, round, fat-headed fish with a zipper on his mouth, said:

"Qiababa, Gabra, you are so cruel, after all, the three of us are the same, aren't we!"

As soon as the words came out, the owl was also punched by Gabra and flew away.

"You two, just die together, how much hair do I lose every day if I cooperate with you two!"

Hearing this, Owl stood up with difficulty, pointed to Gabra and said:

"I still have the face to say who else is, who destroyed a town just to chase two 30 million pirates."

As soon as the words came out, the man with pink hair also stood up and said:

"That's right, it's not like me, who does things so steadily..."

As soon as he said this, the owl pointed at him and said:

"Don't talk about it, you are the first person in the history of CP9 to be wanted by the Navy for harassing women, Qiababa!"

Chapter 263 CP9, support!

Hearing this, the pink-haired man immediately stepped back exaggeratedly.

"Hey, don't talk about this matter, okay? It's really annoying. My behavior is at most a matter of style. Those marines are really making a fuss!"

Hearing this, the owl turned his eyes aside, raised his hand, and said:

"Ah, when I called to report, I exaggerated, Qiababa!"

These words were like a thunderbolt, striking the pink-haired man.

"Then you should hurry up and die!"

Listening to their fierce quarrel, Spandam looked gloomy, then patted the table and said:

"Hey, do you take my officer seriously? Quiet me!"

As soon as the words came out, the man with pink hair. He pulled out his knife and said:

"It's never happened before. All members of our CP9 respect the commander very much. If you don't believe me, I will kill myself to show my determination!"

Saying that, the man with pink hair inserted the knife straight in, and said silently:

"Iron block..."

Seeing this, Spandam roared angrily.

"Keep me away, idiot!"

As he said that, Spandam let out a foul breath, put his feet on the desk, and had a sinister smile on his face.

"Although you have not completed this mission, the higher-ups have not punished you."

"However, you must succeed in escorting Robin to the Navy Headquarters this time. If you fail, you will be removed from CP9. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing this, the man with pink hair wanted to speak.

Gabra kicked it away with a straight kick.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"Don't worry, sir, that guy Lu Qi, after staying in the shipyard for so many years, his skills must have deteriorated."

"When he comes back this time, I must compete with him and let him know what an elder is!"

Hearing this, the owl just wanted to unzip its mouth and say something.

Gabra kicked him flying with a kick from Lan.

"From now on, you are not allowed to speak!"

Seeing their performance, Spandam sighed.

"What a bunch of idiots."

As he spoke, Spandam directly dialed the phone bug on the table.

Soon, Lu Qi's voice came from over there.

"Any instructions, I'm busy right now."

Hearing this, Spandam smiled sinisterly.

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