
Naval Headquarters, Marine Vandeau.

In the marshal's office, Chiquan sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, looked calmly at Sengoku sitting opposite him and said:

"There's no need to worry about the redhead at all. What needs to be watched closely now should be the white beard who is about to move."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo's eyes showed indifference, and he slapped the table and said:

"Hey, Sakalski, don't get too carried away."

"The red hair is the key to this battle. If that guy also participates, this war will definitely not end well."

Hearing this, Akainu stood up straight, looked majestically at Sengoku and said:

"Isn't that great, I didn't want Whitebeard to leave Marlin Vandor alive."

"If the guy with the red hair dares to come, I'll keep him too."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo frowned.

What I am most afraid of is Sakalski's stubborn temper, as long as he comes up, he will kill everyone.

The purpose of his wanting to start the war, although it is also to wipe out Whitebeard's forces,

But what he hopes more is to win this battle, not to drive the Whitebeards to extinction.

If White Beard can continue to be the emperor of the sea on the premise of winning White Beard.

That's for the dominance of the world government.

Or the status of the navy in the eyes of the world government will be greatly improved.

On the contrary, if they want to kill Whitebeard, Redhead will definitely not sit idly by.

Even if Marin Fando has three generals and more than 100,000 sailors, it is impossible to fight against two four emperors at the same time, and they are still the strongest two.

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo sighed directly, and then said earnestly:

"Don't bring emotions into this war. To deal with Whitebeard, we must plan well."

"Otherwise, once there are variables, we will be defeated."

Hearing Sengoku's words, Akainu calmed down, and then sat on the sofa, raising Erlang's legs.

There was a sinister look in his eyes.

"To deal with pirates, you can use any means."

Hearing this, although Zhan Guo disagreed, he still nodded.

"If there is a good method, of course it can be used."

Hearing this, Akainu put a hand on his knee, and then said:

"What Whitebeard values ​​most is his son."

"If we can let one of their sons betray Whitebeard, it will be a fatal blow to the Whitebeard regiment."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo frowned. Although he thought it was a good idea, he finally shook his head.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible, no one will betray Whitebeard."

Hearing this, Akainu leaned back straight away, and then smiled sinisterly.

"Hundreds of secrets will eventually have their own sparseness. Whitebeard thinks that by forming a pirate group as a family, he can make the pirate group under his command like a monolith, invulnerable."

"But even if they are biological sons, there are always relatives and estrangements. If you investigate carefully, you will always find a suitable partner. Isn't there a case in front of you?"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo narrowed his eyes slightly, then touched it and thought about it.

Although this incident will damage the reputation of the Navy Headquarters, if Whitebeard can be defeated.

The victory of the battle, only they can write, this little stain will always be overshadowed by their highlights.

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo nodded straightly, then opened his eyes and said:

"Then do you have any good candidates?"

Hearing this, Chiquan's eyes showed a solemn look.

"Yes, but I have to keep an eye on Whitebeard, I have to grasp every move of that guy."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo nodded straightly, and then stood up.

"Okay, over there with the red hair, I'll ask someone else to watch, and you go to watch the white beard."

"But remember, you must not act rashly, otherwise, our layout will fall short."

Hearing this, Akakenu immediately stood up, ran in vain, and walked out.

"Don't worry, Marshal, I won't make a move without 100% certainty."

Saying that, Akainu opened the door and walked out.

Sengoku couldn't help sighing when he saw Akainu's disappearing back.

Then he picked up the reward order that was just printed out on the table.

He couldn't help gnashing his teeth, his face serious.

On the photo, it was Lei Luo's image.

Through Lei Luo's image, Zhan Guo could vaguely see a person.

Zhan Guo's eyes were solemn, he stared at Lei Luo's image closely, and muttered to himself:

"Is it that guy? It's really haunting!"


above the sea.

Zhan Taowan held a big axe and attacked Lei Luo's direction.

Seeing this, Lei Luo snapped his fingers twice, and the bubbles flew out instantly.

Without saying a word, Zhan Taowan struck with an axe.

Before Lei Luo flew away, the two small bubbles burst instantly.

The powerful power of the sound waves penetrated Zhan Taomaru and Lei Luo together.

Blast the two of them out together.

Lei Luo landed a hundred meters away, put one hand on the ground, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Look at Zhan Taowan.

Unexpectedly, this guy wanted to die with him.

He has to be careful, otherwise, they will be wiped out here.

Just as Lei Luo was thinking, at this moment, a ray of light appeared on Huang Yuan's hand.

With a funny look in his eyes, he said:

"Don't ignore me as an old man, my heart is very fragile."

As he said that, a large number of yellow light balls were secreted from the hand of the yellow ape.

The yellow ball of light slowly floated towards the Straw Hats.

It looks like it has no power.

But Lei Luo knew that once this thing exploded, it would definitely not be weaker than his sonic attack.

Chapter 408 The strength of the yellow ape, the whole army of the straw hats was wiped out

Thinking of this, Lei Luo shouted directly:

"Hey, don't be dazed, run quickly!"

Hearing this, the Straw Hats just reacted and ran away.

But it was already a step too late, the ball of light fell under them in an instant, and then exploded.

Countless balls of light, like atomic bombs, spread over the ice layer.

For a while, the sky was dark and the sun was dark, and I didn't know the ups and downs.

The Straw Hat gang, their ears are buzzing, as if they are in the void.

In an instant, the straw hat gang was wiped out, lying on the ice, unable to move.

Luffy put his hands on the ground with difficulty, trying to stand up, but he couldn't do it.

He could only raise his head and look at the yellow ape behind the smoke.

"This guy is too strong, run quickly, take Robin, and go back to the boat!"

Hearing this, the Straw Hats all nodded, then stood up with difficulty from the ground, and ran back.

At this time, countless balls of light rushed towards them, falling on the ice one by one.

The ice layer that lost the support of the green pheasant exploded in an instant.

Seeing this, Lei Luo frowned, and then clapped his hands.

Two huge bubbles gushed out instantly.

Seeing this, Zhan Taowan swung his ax upwards.

Lei Luo, on the other hand, used shaving, and with two bubbles, he came to Huang Yuan in an instant.

The bubble burst in front of the yellow monkey.

In the next second, Lei Luo was blown away by the sound wave, and the body of the yellow monkey also turned into countless lights, and was blown to pieces.

It evenly fell on the ice layer, blasting the ice layer into a sinkhole.

As the surrounding ice layer began to crumble, the ice layers that were originally connected together formed ice sculptures.

The Straw Hat gang was completely divided. If the yellow monkey attacked again, they would surely die.

On an ice floe, Sauron held his two knives straight, ready to attack at any time.

But he still hasn't realized that fluid domineering aura.

Sauron had never felt that he was so stupid.

Seeing the Straw Hat gang in danger, Sauron directly held the knife, ready to forcibly launch Liuying's domineering attack.

If it succeeds, it is possible to repel the yellow ape, but if it fails, it will definitely die.

However, just as Zoro was about to start acting, Sanji was already stepping on moon steps, attacking in the direction of Kizaru.

"Hey, you shiny guy, don't be too bully!"

As soon as the words fell, the crimson flames on Sanji's legs instantly ignited.

A domineering beam of armed color instantly covered it, sticking directly to Huang Yuan's chest.

A groove suddenly appeared in Huang Yuan's chest, and he was kicked out in an instant.

It fell on another ice layer and exploded.

But when the smoke dissipated, there was not even a single wrinkle on Kizoru's body, and he looked at Sanji in a funny way and said:

"Oh, the young people nowadays are so scary, they even sneaked up on me, an old man, silently."

"Has no one ever told you that this is very immoral?"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the yellow monkey disappeared, and a beam of light instantly penetrated Sanji's chest.

The next moment, the yellow ape appeared from the light beam.

And Sanji spit out a mouthful of blood, lying on the ice, motionless.

Seeing this, the Straw Hat gang looked terrified, and Nami's eyes were covered with tears.

"How come, this is a lie, Sanji-kun, he..."

Hearing this, Usopp, who had been lying on the ice floe, trembled in his eyes.

Then he squirmed his body vigorously, looked at Huang Yuan fiercely and said:

"Hey, even if it's a pirate, there's no need to kill them all, Sanji, he's not a death row prisoner!"

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