Then he said viciously:

"You, who would rather be a slave to men, should not exist in this world!"

As soon as the words fell, the green-haired woman dodged straight away and attacked the straw hat group.

Seeing this, Sauron drew his sword straight away, but was stopped by Lei Luo. At this moment, Lei Luo showed an armed domineering look in his hand.

Immediately, he snapped his fingers, and the powerful explosive force sent the green-haired woman flying straight away.

Seeing this, the woman with orange-red hair also clenched her fists and rushed forward.

Seeing this, the surrounding residents of Daughter's Island became excited.

The Nine Snake Pirates, the two absolute main forces, actually made a move.

This is a major event that is enough to shake the entire Daughter Island.

So far they haven't seen these two people make a move.

The orange-haired woman punched Lei Luo directly in the chest.

But Lei Luo defended against this understated blow with only an iron block.

Immediately, he spread his five fingers and slapped the red-haired woman with a slap, sending her flying straight away.

Seeing this, other members of the Nine Snake Pirates also gathered together.

There was a dignified look in his eyes, and then he attacked in Lei Luo's direction.

But in the face of their siege, Lei Luo only used the ability of Yinyin Fruit to solve them all.

Seeing all members of the Nine Snake Pirates lying on the ground immobile after a few moves, Grandma Niu showed a look of horror in her eyes.

If he was still skeptical before, then now, he can be sure that it must be these guys who beat up the Tianlong people on Chambord Island.

Thinking of this, Granny Niu took a step forward.

But before the last step was taken, Lei Luo said:

"May I see your emperor now, Boa Hancock?"

Hearing this, the Nine Snake Pirates, as well as the surrounding residents, looked at Lei Luo in disbelief with horror in their eyes.

"That guy dared to call the Empress by her name directly, it is unforgivable!"

"That is, the name of the Empress is inviolable, and they must not be let go!"

As he said that, all the residents of Daughter's Island raised their bows and arrows and wanted to shoot in Lei Luo's direction.

However, at this moment, I saw a tall building in the distance.

A beautiful figure soared into the sky, carrying a powerful domineering aura, and rushed towards the straw hat group.

Feeling this strong arrogance, Lei Luo couldn't help but frowned slightly, and stepped back.

And the other members of the straw hat gang were also overwhelmed by this powerful domineering.

As this domineering aura got closer and closer, the surrounding buildings began to crack, and gullies formed on the ground.

Seeing this, all members of the Nine Snake Pirates showed admiration.

"That's great, once the empress comes, these guys can't run away!"

"Master Empress, kill them and avenge us!"

With one sound and another call, Hancock fell straight to the ground, smashing the ground into a deep hole.

Immediately, it jumped out of the deep space and landed gracefully on the ground.

The slightly wet hair showed a hazy beauty.

The bathrobes that were draped on the body indiscriminately seemed to be likely to slip off at any time, which made people feel excited.

Seeing this, the straw hat's fiery eyes showed a trembling expression.

It was the first time they saw such a beautiful woman, and there was a faint fragrance from that woman's body.

This delicate fragrance seemed to carry some kind of magnetic field, attracting their love.

Everyone present, except for Lu Fei, had a little admiration for the Empress's appearance.

Lei Luo forcibly suppressed the urge to spurt out blood.

Immediately, in his hands, a domineering aura was condensed.

Use this domineering aura to remind yourself at all times not to lose your mind.

If he has developed a heart of love for the empress.

Right in the arms of the Empress.

At that time, the empress can easily turn him into stone.

And Sauron had the same idea as Lei Luo, and then he also held it in his hand, adding a layer of domineering Sakura, and held it tightly on the handle of the Zanhun Knife.

"It seems to be a strong opponent, that stinky cook, but he has met his opponent."

Saying that, Zoro suddenly felt a little strange, why Sanji was so quiet today.

It stands to reason that Sanji should be the first to rush over to such a beautiful woman.

Thinking of this, Sauron subconsciously looked back, his eyes widened involuntarily, his canthus tearing open.

At this time, Sanji turned into a stone sculpture in a very weird form.

Seeing this, Lei Luo couldn't help but frown slightly, Sanji is really hopeless.

Not to mention them, even the members of the Nine Snake Pirates were shocked.

"Oh? When is my sister? The speed is so fast!"

"My lord empress is so strong, let's get rid of them!"

Hearing what the two sisters said, the Empress looked at the Straw Hats fiercely and said:

"The group of little thieves mentioned earlier should be you, you should already have the determination to die."

Saying that, the queen's hand was covered with a layer of armed domineering.

The armed color and the domineering color are intertwined.

The surroundings began to tremble violently, feeling this powerful domineering aura, Luffy and others all backed away.

On the other hand, Lei Luo stood there, motionless.

Although the empress's domineering spirit has already reached the pinnacle.

It can even cause physical damage to surrounding things with domineering look.

Basically, only generals and even four emperors can do this.

This also shows in disguise how powerful the empress' domineering look is.

Chapter 496 Lei Luo vs. Empress, domineering over everything else!

But as Lei Luo continued to upgrade, his domineering look and arrogance also continued to rise.

Now that he can compete with the Four Emperors or generals, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the Empress.

But this time, the main purpose of their coming is to unite with the Empress to rescue Ace.

If there is a conflict here, the subsequent cooperation will not be able to continue.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo directly dissipated the domineering surroundings, faced Boa Hancock with the most sincere appearance, and said:

"I think there should be some misunderstanding between us."

"We came here because we wanted to cooperate with the empress, and we also brought a very generous reward."

Hearing this, a look of disgust appeared in the eyes of the empress, and then she said with a distorted expression:

"Shut up, you stinky man, I won't cooperate with men, if you hurt my crew, you have to pay the price!"

As soon as the words fell, the empress leaned forward, and then she dodged and rushed towards Lei Luo.

The overlord-colored and armed-colored arrogance in his hands continued to spread outward, and the surrounding earth began to tear apart.

Seeing this, Lei Luo frowned slightly, with a layer of armed arrogance attached to his hands, and then punched the empress together.

Two bolts of domineering lightning kept tearing outwards, and the surrounding space was crumbling.

However, the next moment, Lei Luo's fist was actually covered with a layer of stones.

He had forgotten that the empress could petrify her opponent simply by using physical attacks.

But all of this, in Lei Luo's eyes, is no longer a matter.

Lei Luo closed his eyes, returned with his life, and soon returned to his original state.

Seeing this, there was a dignified look in Hancock's eyes.

Immediately, a layer of black gas was attached to the long white legs?

In an instant, he kicked towards Lei Luo's head.

Seeing this, Lei Luo didn't dare to be careless, and immediately blocked it with his hands.

The part that the empress kicked turned into stones in an instant, but Lei Luo's dominance was higher than that of the empress, and he quickly recovered with his life.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Luo directly hit Lan's foot in the face and kicked the empress away.

The empress flipped in the air for two and a half weeks before landing on one foot, with a look of resentment in her eyes.

Seeing this, Grandma Niu wanted to go up to stop her, but within two steps, the empress danced her slender legs again, pointing her legs in Lei Luo's direction and attacking her.

While blocking, Lei Luo said:

"The world government should have sent an invitation to Qiwuhai to invite you to the top. This makes you very distressed."

Said, Lei Luo's figure, dodged to the left.

With one kick in an instant, the Empress was kicked away three meters away.

The next moment, the empress flashed in front of Lei Luo in an instant, and the domineering color affected the surrounding space and began to blur.

Seeing this, Lei Luo snapped two fingers, and the two bubbles burst into each other instantly.

In an instant, the empress was blown away, but this time, the empress did not return to Lei Luo.

Instead, he stepped on the ground with one foot, and a gully suddenly opened up around him.

The Straw Hats could not help but retreat, while Sanji, who was still in place, fell directly into the crack.

If it wasn't for Luffy extending his arm, he would catch the petrified Sanji.

The consequences could be disastrous.

However, at this moment, Lei Luo turned into a cloud and mist, and traveled to the empress in an instant through the mist secreted around him.

A cloud of mist clung to the empress, and the next moment, Lei Luo's body appeared in front of the empress.

Lei Luo gently hugged the Empress with both hands, and said softly with his thin lips next to the Empress' ears:

"I can give you a reason to guarantee that you will let go of your grievances and go to Marlin Vandor to participate in the battle."

It was the first time for the empress to be approached so closely by a man.

A look of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes, and then his domineering look rose a notch.

In an instant, he punched Lei Luo's face, with a domineering look, like a nuclear explosion, and instantly sent Lei Luo flying a hundred meters away.

The empress didn't want to let Lei Luo go just like that, she stepped on the void and chased after him.

A pink shock wave was attached to the hand, which directly penetrated Lei Luo's body.

However, being penetrated by the ability of the sweet fruit, Lei Luo's body did not change a bit.

In the eyes of the empress, there was a look of horror, and she gasped and said:

"How can this be?!"

Seeing this, the woman with orange-red hair stood up with difficulty and said in horror:

"How could it be? It's impossible for someone not to admire my sister!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo didn't want to explain too much, and immediately spread a domineering aura towards the surroundings.

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