But he didn't care, and then he passed the black beard and sat directly beside Doflamingo.

Seeing this, Doflamingo showed a wicked smile, and then said:

"It seems that you are still very interesting to me. You even took the initiative to sit beside me. In the past, I didn't even dare to think about it."

Hearing this, the Empress' face turned cold, and then she looked at Doflamingo coldly and said:

"Don't mess with Tian Yasha, I'm in a bad mood right now!"

Just after the Empress finished speaking, Blackbeard chased after her, baring her big black teeth and saying:

"It's a very good ability. If it can be used by us, it will definitely be a great strength."

"How about it, think about it, Boya Hancock, join us, and we will surely conquer the world."

Hearing this, all the sailors around showed a look of shock.

Unexpectedly, Blackbeard actually said that he wanted to conquer the world in front of them, it was simply too deceitful.

However, before they could make a move, the Empress stood up, and her slender legs immediately attacked in the direction of Blackbeard.

The powerful overlord-like arrogance instantly spread to the surroundings.

Combining the overlord's color with the sweet fruit, two-thirds of the area of ​​Blackbeard's full body mirror has been petrified.

If it wasn't for the quick attack of the dark fruit, it is estimated that the entire army might have been wiped out, and under the super influence of the overlord color, the entire naval headquarters began to tremble.

Such a powerful domineering look shocked all the surrounding marines to roll their eyes and fainted.

A group of lieutenant generals took out their guns and pointed at Hancock in an instant, but they were also affected by the domineering look so that they could not stand still, so they could only retreat.

Seeing this, Doflamingo showed a look of excitement in his eyes, and then he opened his hands and laughed and said:

"The more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. It's a pity that people always have excessive pursuit of beautiful things. Beauty is an absolute lethal weapon."


Naval Headquarters, Office of the Marshal.

Holding the phone bug, Zhan Guo showed a look of horror in his eyes, and said through gritted teeth:

"What did you say, the warden Magellan was killed, how is this possible."

Warring States made an unbelievable voice, and the orderly soldier on the opposite side hurriedly said:

"It's the Straw Hats, they're going to the sixth basement floor soon, advance to the city and ask for support!"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo dropped the phone bug in his hand to the ground, his eyes were empty and lifeless.

Garp, who was doing nothing on the side, also stopped eating senbei. Although he knew that Lei Luo was very strong, killing Magellan was not something that could be done by being strong or not.

Magellan's toxicity can't even be defended against even the domineering armed color.

It seems that they have really become stronger. At this time, Zhan Guo picked up the phone bug and made another call.

At this time, I saw green hair growing straight from the black phone bug.

Soon there was a lazy voice saying:

"Oh, Marshal, I'm heading to Advance City, do you have any orders?"

Hearing that Zhan Guo's eyes were cold, he immediately said:

"Don't go to the city of advancement, just bring Fire Fist Ace out of the city of advancement immediately, I decided to advance the sentence."

Hearing this, even the green bull's eyes showed a solemn look, and then he said:

"That's not good. If the time of execution is revised over and over again, even if the world government agrees, the people of today will not agree."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo threw the phone bug on the table.

"Don't talk nonsense, do as I say."

Saying that, Sengoku hung up the phone, and then looked at Karp with a melancholy expression.

"Is it really wrong for us to do this?"


Undersea prison, six floors underground.

Listening to the constant movement from above, Ace showed a look of worry in his eyes, and the scene he was most afraid of still appeared.

And Jinbei, who also listened to the sound of the battle on the top, showed a firm look in his eyes, looked at Ace and said:

"Don't worry, since they can break into this place and prove that they have enough strength and won't be harmed, I will try my best to rescue you when the time comes."

As soon as the words fell, Crocodile laughed outright.

"These guys are quite capable. Is it really going to repeat the ending of the Golden Lion back then? It's really exciting."

Hearing this, tears appeared in Ace's eyes, and then he gritted his teeth and said:

"Just for someone like me, it's not worth doing this at all. Isn't it normal for pirates to be caught and sentenced to death?"

As soon as these words came out, Crocodile's expression became quiet, and then he said:

"In this place, life itself is worse than death. Being sentenced to death is the rarest thing. This is tantamount to giving you a real pleasure."

Chapter 526 Break through the city of advancement, seek the map of forging jade!

Having said that, Crocodile laughed straight away.

"Who told you to be the son of Whitebeard? Accept the arrangement of fate. I want to see how bright the world after Whitebeard is."

As he spoke, Crocodile laughed out loud again.

Amid Crocodile's devilish laughter, Ace gradually lowered his head, crying bitterly.

However, at this moment, a few vines suddenly emerged from under Ace.

Those vines directly wrapped Ace inside, and some fine vines drilled into the keyhole of the sea floor stone.

He directly opened the chain of Hailoushi, and in the next second, Ace was pulled into the ground by the vines and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Jinbei, with a look of horror in his eyes, then struggled and looked in Ace's direction and shouted:

"Green Bull, I know it's you. There are two days before the execution time. What do you want to do to Mr. Ace!"

However, the only answer was the echo of the air, and Ace disappeared in front of everyone's eyes out of thin air.


Undersea prison, five floors underground.

Looking at the crowd of prison guards pouring up around him, Lei Luo didn't pay attention at all, and as soon as he showed a domineering look, he killed them all.

However, at this moment, a King Kong wearing armor was seen, and he punched Lei Luo directly.

However, Lei Luo poked it to the ground without any effort.

Looking at Lei Luo who was playing games with different beasts in front, the Straw Hats couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Is this guy in front of him really so strong?

Soon Lei Luo had eliminated all the guardian beasts, and saw a square gate.

Lei Luo pushed the gate hard, and then a switch was opened, and the elevator passage on the sixth underground floor appeared directly in front of their eyes.

Lei Luo beckoned, and everyone in the Straw Hats jumped in, and soon slid down to the sixth floor.

Arriving at the sixth basement level, all the epic pirates around looked at these characters with fearful eyes, with excited expressions in their eyes.

"Hey, let us out, we have heard about your deeds, we want to follow you to overthrow the world government and kill Whitebeard!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo ignored it at all and walked straight forward. However, at this moment, a man wearing an officer's hat attracted Lei Luo's attention.

Lei Luo stopped in his footsteps, and at this time Shiliu of the Rain looked at Lei Luo.

"A group of mobs yelled for a long time, but no one paid attention to you. The strong don't talk too much."

However, Shilieu of the Rain had just finished speaking, and the next moment, Lei Luo pulled out the Soul Slaying Knife, and the surrounding flames shot up into the sky.

In an instant, he slashed in the direction of Shiliu of the Rain.

Feeling this powerful momentum, Shiliu of the Rain couldn't help but subconsciously draw the knife at his waist, only to find that his knife had already been confiscated.

But even with the knife in his body, it was impossible for him to take the blow.

Lei Luo's Zhanhundao struck out, and the surrounding fences were cut open, and the entire prison was wiped out.

Shiliu of the Rain was so shocked by this powerful blade intent that he immediately knelt on the ground.

The cigar in his mouth fell to the ground, and he waited for a long time before he said:

"It's really a good showdown, tell me what you want me to do."

Hearing this, Lei Luo glanced directly at the other criminals.

"Let them out, those who are willing to follow, take them with you, and those who are not willing to follow, execute them on the spot."

As he said that, Lei Luo immediately removed the famous sword Qiushui from his body, and then threw it to Shilieu of the Rain,

Shiliu of the Rain took Qiushui and looked at it, his eyes showed shock. This is the most famous sword in the world, the legendary dragon slaying warrior, and the personal sword of Longma.

Seeing this, Shilieu of the Rain drew his sword straight away and swung it around in an instant.

Immediately, the icy breath in the knife instantly seemed to have life, and chopped all the cages open.

The freed criminals all raised their arms and shouted, but Lei Luo did not explain the details to them.

Then they walked forward, but when the Straw Hats came to the sixth basement floor, where Ace was held, they were dumbfounded.

Because apart from some epic pirates, Crocodile, and Shiping, the shadow of Fire Fist Ace has disappeared.

Lei Luo and Jinping met each other's eyes, Shen Ping clenched his fists tightly, and then said:

"Take me with you."

With a short sentence, Lei Luo understood that they were one step too late.

That guy in the Warring States Period, somehow transferred Ace out.

And most likely the execution will be started in advance, Lei Luo cut off the shackles without hesitation.

Immediately, using Liuying's arrogance, he opened Jinbei's chains from a distance. Jinbe only felt his whole body loosen, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

This level of domineering, even the old man is probably no more than that.

Just as Lei Luo turned to open the other cages, Crocodile stood up with a serious look in his eyes.

"It's been a long time, why don't you take me with you, I can quickly take you out of the city."

Hearing this, Lei Luo didn't say anything, and then he flashed forward with the knife in his hand, cutting off Crocodile's Hailoushi handcuffs.

Seeing this, Crocodile's eyes showed a dignified look, and then he laughed out loud.

"It seems that your strength has grown a lot during this time. As a friend, I rescued Fire Fist Ace for you. It would be great if you join forces with me to remove Whitebeard's head."

Hearing this, Lei Luo didn't respond to Crocodile at all, and then said:

"I don't have time to explain too much to you. Those who want to follow me will follow closely behind me. If they leave the team, they will live or die, regardless."

Hearing this, all the criminals swallowed their saliva. How could they dare to refuse? Several criminals who wanted to leave here before had already been chopped into pieces by Shiliu of the Rain.

The blood on the ground was not yet dry, all the criminals raised their arms and expressed their willingness to follow Lei Luo to the top.

Even they don't know what they are going to the top for.

Lei Luo counted these pirates, all of them were some epic pirates, some of them were those who followed Blackbeard before.

Although these guys can't be regarded as the strongest combat power, but at least they have the strength of lieutenant generals. Taking them to the top will definitely have a certain effect.

Although they are very uncontrollable, as long as they are violent enough, it will be fine.

Lei Luo was thinking about it when suddenly the system's notification sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, entering the sixth underground floor, gaining 3500 experience points for all attributes, some forging materials, and a copy of the forging map of the Taoist Jade. "

Chapter 527 The time machine is successful, forging the seeking jade!

Hear the system prompt!

Lei Luo then checked the forging progress of the time machine.

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