After discussing the contract with King Cook in detail, Caesar nodded with satisfaction while holding an island transfer contract.

Through friendly negotiations with the North Sea countries, Caesar successfully “borrowed” an island with a good location from them.

It was an island called Garen Island located in the North Sea close to the Grand Line.

Garen Island is a transit station to the Grand Line. The trade there is pretty good, and the economy is located in the middle and upper layers of the North Sea.

And the area is very large, about 50,000 square kilometers, which is also a medium-to-large island in the world of One Piece.

I saw a tentacle composed of gas and poisonous gas coming out of Caesar’s body and tied Duke’s body.

“Duke, come with me.”

Then, Caesar turned into purple smoke and took Duke to the snail ship where Judge was.

When Judge saw Caesar coming back intact with a telescope on the snail ship, he was relieved.

Although it is unknown what kind of person Caesar brought back, it seems that Caesar should have won.

When Caesar landed in front of Judge, Judge could not wait to ask:

“How is it, Caesar?”

“Did you defeat the opponent?”

Seeing Caesar nod, Judge’s gloomy face finally showed a smile again.


Now he finally doesn’t have to worry about his Germa 66 Kingdom being destroyed.

“By the way, who is this?”

Judge pointed to the tall Duke next to Caesar and asked.

“Oh, this is the little brother I just conquered from the opponent, called Duke. How about it, does he look very strong?”

Caesar patted Duke’s strong shoulder with some pride.

Judge looked at Duke, who was six meters tall and strong, and exuded a strong murderous aura, and nodded honestly.

In fact, Duke’s murderous aura was completely restrained according to his own ideas, but when he heard that his boss wanted him to show his strength, he deliberately released all his momentum.

However, even so, he could only barely get a recognition from Judge, after all, they were in the New World before.

Although they had not seen many strong people in the New World, each of them was stronger than Duke.

However, I believe that if Caesar took a fancy to the other party, the other party must have some advantages to attract Caesar.

In fact, Caesar took a fancy to Duke not only because his own conditions were not bad, but also because the other party had the blood of the giants and his situation was somewhat similar.

Caesar had the blood of the ghosts and Duke had the blood of the giants.

The giants are one of the strongest races in the world of One Piece.

Even the most ordinary giants, without domineering, are as strong as the colonels of the headquarters, or even brigadiers.

After all, the navy of the navy headquarters colonel knows the six styles and generally has domineering.

Even though the giants have strong physical fitness, they still cannot be defeated easily.

However, Caesar believes that if Duke can become a real giant and have a strong and domineering cultivation, his strength can even be comparable to that of the headquarters’ vice admiral or even stronger.

It just so happens that the process of Caesar’s bloodline restoration is very boring, and it is also a good thing to cultivate a strong subordinate by the way.

Then, under the leadership of Judge, Caesar came to the legendary Germa 66 Kingdom Castle.

It was a huge war castle composed of hundreds of snail ships as the island base.

This is the famous Germa 66 Kingdom in the North Sea.

A North Sea Kingdom without territory but with strong strength, and a North Sea power that also has a seat in the World Government.

It is a country with the same power as the kingdoms such as Fishman Island and Alabasta.

However, the rights of the Germa 66 Kingdom are now in name only.

Because of the exclusion of the various kingdoms in the North Sea, they are targeted by the World Government. Even if they pay the sky gold, it is difficult to get help from the navy.

This is because the family’s business is all underground business, mainly responsible for underground tasks such as selling weapons and assassinations.

It is a well-known killer family and is similar to the mafia in the West Sea.

However, it still enjoys certain rights, which is better than those mafia in the West Sea. Even if the Germa Kingdom is not a good bird, the navy cannot do anything to the Germa Kingdom.

After Judge brought Caesar and others to their residence.

Caesar sat on the sofa a little tired, and Duke stood beside Caesar like a bodyguard to guard against potential threats for him.

Judge also sat down a little tired at this time. The injury from the previous battle with Caesar has not been fully recovered. He has just experienced so many ups and downs, which made him mentallyA little tired.

At present, Judge has not married Sora and is still a single dog, which is the same as Caesar.

However, at present, Caesar does not have the idea of ​​focusing on love affairs. He now deeply feels that his strength is insufficient.

And his ambitions and pursuits have not been realized yet. He has not become a person who can control his own destiny and has no mood for love affairs.

Caesar then threw the island transfer agreement to Judge. When Judge took the agreement and looked at it, his eyes were as shocked as eggs.

This agreement is the island transfer agreement signed by Caesar and King Cook.

Due to Caesar’s powerful strength, the North Sea countries had to sign this humiliating agreement and give up the Sharon Island they jointly operated.

However, there are still many other forces on the island, such as the mafia and some pirates.

Secondly, there is a small naval branch on the island.

The North Sea 169 Branch is a small naval branch with only one captain.

These need to be solved by Judge and his men, but Caesar doesn’t care about them. The other party’s strength is just a minions in front of him now.

Judge read the contract again and again excitedly, and carefully checked the text recorded in the agreement for fear that he would read a word wrong.

He didn’t expect that one of his long-cherished wishes of the Germa Kingdom, to have a territory to stand on, was actually obtained an hour after becoming Caesar’s subordinate.

Thinking of this, Judge became more determined to follow Caesar.

The other party may be able to make his Vinsmoke family grow to an unimaginable level.

“Judge, wait for us to rest, we will first completely recapture Garen Island, and after recapture Garen Island, I need the best laboratory to do experiments. It’s not too much to give this to you, right?”

Judge nodded excitedly. Compared with a very good island, a laboratory is nothing.

“Gaj, we need to go to Garen Island to recapture it. I need you to mobilize your Germa 66 Kingdom and go to Garen Island.”

“I am in a hurry now. This may be my last shot in the North Sea.”

“We need to take Garen Island quickly. My time is very precious. You know, the monsters in the New World are growing very fast.”

Gaj put down the agreement in his hand and nodded quickly:

“I know. I will arrange for my men to set off for Garen Island immediately.”

Caesar nodded with satisfaction.

“By the way, Gaj, where is your laboratory? I will do an experiment for a while.”

Gaj hurriedly asked a servant to take Caesar to a laboratory.

The research equipment here is very luxurious. It is Gaj’s own laboratory.

Caesar nodded with satisfaction when he saw so many research equipment, and then asked Duke to wait beside him.

After sucking a tube of Duke’s blood with a syringe, Caesar carefully studied the other party’s blood.

Suddenly, Caesar, who was carefully observing Duke’s blood under a microscope, opened his eyes wide.

He discovered that Duke’s bloodline was not the bloodline of a giant!

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