“Vegapunk, how long will it take to extract the bloodline factors of these humanoid races that I have collected?”

Vegapunk looked up and thought for a while, and gave Caesar an inaccurate number.

“It will take at least five years, and this is just to extract it. I also need to build the most perfect bloodline factor with the dragon’s bloodline factor as the center, and the time is difficult to estimate.”

Caesar frowned when he heard what Vegapunk said, but then he relaxed. Anyway, there are still nearly 30 years before the plot.

I believe that with the wisdom of him, Vegapunk, and Judge, they should be able to study it at the beginning of the plot.

That will be the time when Caesar’s plan officially begins. At that time, with Straw Hat Luffy in front, Caesar can do better in the back.

“I know Vegapunk, by the way, how is the output of artificial devil fruits in the factory now.”

The factory in Dressrosa has just been established, and the effects of some of the stocks that Caesar has studied before are definitely not as good as the artificial devil fruits that are being studied in the factory now.

“At present, the artificial devil fruit factory can produce 20 artificial animal-type devil fruits and five artificial ancient animal-type devil fruits every month.”

Caesar was also very satisfied with this data. Before, Caesar could only produce a few artificial animal-type devil fruits every year.

Now the output per month is more than what he used to produce in a year, and the quality has also been greatly improved.

“Can we improve this efficiency, Vegapunk?”

Vegapunk nodded and said that it was no problem.

“Our devil fruit factory is just starting out. When the facilities are more complete, the efficiency will be improved in the later stage.”

Caesar had previously agreed to a deal with Big Mom and Kaido for 50 artificial animal-type devil fruits per year.

However, Caesar did not tell the two about the failure rate. Caesar estimated that the failure rate of those 50 devil fruits was at least not less than 50%.

After all, those artificial devil fruits were inferior products that Caesar had researched before, and some of them were inferior products produced by the devil fruit factory.

And Caesar does not intend to give the good artificial devil fruits to Big Mom and Kaido.

These animal-type fruits and ancient fruits with better effects will definitely be used by his own pirate group first.

He will only trade those defective products to Big Mom and Kaido.

But even defective products will greatly improve the basic combat power of Big Mom Pirates and Beasts Pirates. They are not at a disadvantage, but Caesar will make more money.

“By the way, Vegapunk, this thing is for you.”

Caesar took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to Vegapunk. After Vegapunk took the treasure box and opened it, he saw one of the yellow devil fruits.

Vegapunk took a closer look and said the name of the devil fruit.

“This should be a superhuman pocket fruit. I didn’t expect you to get this thing.”

“If I’m not mistaken, Captain Caesar, you want to fuse this devil fruit with an object to make it a storage space prop.”

“That’s right, Vegapunk, I hope you can fuse this fruit into an easy-to-carry object, so that I can carry more things with me.”

Vegapunk nodded.

“Leave it to me.”

After that, Vegapunk came to a laboratory, closed the door of the laboratory and conducted a devil fruit fusion experiment inside.

After a while, the door reopened, and Vegapunk handed Caesar something similar to an animal skin bag in his hand.

Caesar hung it around his waist, and it looked a bit like a brocade bag.

Caesar tried to put his hand in and found that the space inside was very large.

Vegapunk introduced at this time:

“After I integrated the pocket fruit into this pocket, the area inside is hundreds of cubic meters, and it can carry a lot of things.”

“And this pocket is made of the fur of a sea king in the New World. Its hardness is comparable to steel and is not easy to damage. Even thousands of degrees of high temperature and extreme cold cannot destroy it.”

Caesar nodded with satisfaction after listening to Vegapunk’s introduction. This pocket fruit was bought by Caesar at a high price on the black market. The purpose is to be able to carry more things.

“Vegapunk, you continue your research. I will go to see what the situation is like on Connors Island.”

Caesar left the laboratory and flew towards the sky. At this time, the First Squadron was patrolling the waters near Dressrosa.

More than a dozen large warships are constantly patrolling the entire sea area.

At present, the First Squadron’s responsibility is to guard Dressrosa and the nearby waters to prevent foreign invasion.Caesar looked at the crew members who were constantly changing shifts and patrolling on the deck of the ship below from the sky, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Although the Caesar Pirates are composed of many pirates, they lack discipline compared to the World Government and the Navy.

But this kind of thing can be cultivated. It seems that Duke has managed his men well during this period.

The remaining several major teams are not in Dressrosa at this time. They are fighting in the sea thousands of miles away.

Because the Dressrosa sea area is too small, Caesar ordered his team leaders to go to other islands for recovery.

With the efforts of several other teams, the Caesar Pirates have now mastered seven islands.

But at this time, except for the first team, all other teams are concentrated on one island.

They are fighting with a relatively powerful country in the New World. Because the opponent is very strong, the two sides are in a stalemate for a while.

When Caesar came back, several major teams had arrived at Connors Island. Caesar has nothing to do now. This time he went to support his men.

There is a kingdom on Connors Island that is quite powerful in the New World, called the Kingdom of Kairi.

There are three smaller islands under the Kingdom of Kairi as its subordinates.

The Kingdom of Kairi is the most powerful country near Dressrosa. Its king is King Kyle, a powerful king who is in his prime.

With his own military force, the Kingdom of Kairi has been raised from a small country more than ten years ago to its current level.

King Kyle’s reputation is also well-known in this New World, so Caesar first sent an envoy to negotiate with the other party.

But he was still rejected by the other party, so Duke sent all the squads except the first squad to attack the Kingdom of Kairi.

This time Caesar went to the Kingdom of Kairi to watch the excitement. He would not take action unless there was an accident.

Although King Kyle of the Kingdom of Kairi is somewhat famous, Caesar believes that the strength of his subordinates is enough to deal with the other party.

This time he went there to see how his cadres performed.

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