“Xiao Hei, let me see what’s in your stomach.”

“Okay, no problem.”

Then Xiao Hei’s huge back began to crack from the center, and finally a huge platform appeared in front of everyone, as if an island suddenly turned into a plain.

Caesar flew down directly from Xiao Hei’s head and landed on the platform.

Looking around, the transportation space revealed was full of gold, silver and jewelry, and the amount was exaggerated to the extent that Caesar could not estimate.

When the other team members saw this scene, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Countless treasures exuded a dazzling light, and both the quality and quantity far exceeded their expectations.

The value of these treasures is difficult to estimate, even if it is just a rough estimate, the value exceeds 100 billion Baileys.

Suddenly Caesar found something wrong. With a puzzled look on his face, he walked in front of the gold, silver and jewelry.

When he peeled off the gold, silver and jewelry on the upper layer, he found that it was not gold, silver and treasures underneath, but rows of metal boxes, which were neatly stacked under the jewelry.

Caesar broke the chain on the box and was surprised to find that there were guns similar to modern weapons in it.

Caesar curiously picked up a weapon in the box, which was a weapon that looked a bit like the pistol in Caesar’s previous life.

After confirming that the look was familiar, Caesar tried to pull the trigger and shot a bullet into the sky.

Caesar put a finger in front of the barrel and pulled the trigger. With a bang, the bullet hit Caesar’s skin and made a sound like metal collision.

Caesar’s strength is really too strong, and the defense of his skin is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

This pistol-like bullet hit Caesar’s finger, but it couldn’t even break the skin.

But Caesar also confirmed that this weapon is indeed a pistol.

However, unlike Caesar’s pistol in his previous life, this pistol is larger and more powerful.

And there is more than just a pistol in the box. Caesar asked his subordinates to move all the jewelry away to reveal the weapons underneath.

After inspection, it was found that among these weapons, there were not only pistols, but even rifles and machine guns from the previous life.

In general, they are decades ahead of the current navy’s firearms and equipment.

And these weapons are made of unknown metals and can still be used normally.

There are more than 100,000 of these equipment in the warehouse, but there are not so many bullets. Caesar may need to create them himself.

But even so, the harvest this time exceeded Caesar’s imagination.

Although gold and silver are indeed important to Caesar now, the value of these weapons is more important than money.

You must know that this is equipment far beyond the modern technology of the navy. If it is applied to actual combat, it will be an unparalleled existence in this world.

However, Caesar does not want to expose this batch of arms too early. Although there are many in number, these arms are obviously not enough when thinking about what he will do in the future.

But with a template, it is easy to create. The gold on this ship is not as much as Caesar imagined, but it should be tens of billions, which is also a rigid demand for Caesar’s pirate group.

In general, Caesar is very satisfied with the experience of opening the blind box this time.

This money is enough for the Caesar Pirates to use for several years, but so much equipment and treasure cannot be loaded into two pirate ships.

Under Caesar’s drive, Xiao Hei dived into the seabed. Caesar had already sent people to repair the door at this time, and observed the situation outside in Xiao Hei’s mind.

I don’t know what technology was used to create that big screen, but it can actually see the nearby scene in 360 degrees.

Under the leadership of the two pirate ships, Caesar drove Xiao Hei to approach Dressrosa quickly.

Because Xiao Hei’s existence is abrupt, if he suddenly appears near Dressrosa, he may be observed by many people.

So Caesar did not intend to leave it completely in Dressrosa, but planned to let it dock in the nearby sea area.

At that time, he only needs to send a ship to transport his wealth and weapons to the factory.

And Caesar did not intend to expose Xiao Hei’s existence. Who knows whether the Celestial Dragons have the other party’s information. If it is revealed, it may cause unnecessary trouble for Caesar now.

As for whether the Celestial Dragons will find Little Black through some special methods, Caesar is not worried about this.

If they can really find it, how could they not find it even after hundreds of years of war?

So what Caesar has to do is to hide Little Black, and when he really needs it, its huge capacity can be used as an aircraft carrier.At that time, whether it is transporting troops or transporting supplies, it will be a great help.

A few hours later, Caesar and his men arrived at a sea area dozens of miles away from Dressrosa.

At this time, the sky had turned dark and entered the night. There was no sound on the sea, and no one existed.

Although Caesar did not have to worry about being discovered by others. But he still had to check it again.

After confirming that there was no problem, Caesar condensed a gas bomb in Xiao Hei’s brain.

Unlike the Celestial Dragons back then, Caesar did not have any way to control the other party.

So he could only control the other party by putting a bomb in his brain.

For this reason, Caesar deliberately demonstrated the power of the gas bomb in front of the other party.

After seeing the gas bomb that looked like a nuclear bomb, Xiao Hei also became scared.

He immediately swore a poisonous oath and promised that he would be loyal to Caesar.

Although he didn’t know whether the other party was true or false, Caesar just wanted the other party to be obedient.

In the next few days, Caesar deliberately carried out transportation work at night, transporting a large number of weapons and gold, silver and jewelry in the other party’s body to Dressrosa.

After Caesar and Vegapunk’s research, they found that the manufacturing technology of these weapons is indeed much more powerful than the popular gunpowder weapons on the market.

The bad news is that the metal requirements for making such weapons are very high, which cannot be met by ordinary metals on the market.

So at present, Caesar has no way to copy it, but the good news is that those bullets do not need that special metal, ordinary metal is enough.

But Vegapunk also gave Caesar a good news. This metal is an alloy, and it can be synthesized by finding the right metal.

So the next step is a long debugging work, so Caesar has one more thing to buy.

Fortunately, Caesar is not short of money now, so he issued a high reward in the underground world to find various rare metals.

The high reward amazed many bounty hunters, and the entire underground world actually set off a gold rush.

They look for local characteristic metals on various islands, and as long as they are not repeated, they can receive a lot of treasures.

Speaking of the underground world, Caesar has been thinking about how to enter the underground world during this period.

Because the current industries in the underground world have been almost selected, Caesar has no idea whether it is arms or other aspects.

If you want to stand out in the underground world, you must find a competitive industry.

Caesar thought for a long time. What industry in the One Piece world is the most profitable?

Caesar thought for a long time and felt that shipping is still good. After all, all the islands in this world need ships as a connection.

The resources above also need ships to transport and circulate, and the guy who is the King of Shipping has made a lot of treasures relying on this.

And the other party only has a relatively hidden and safe route.

If Caesar can open up the ultra-long route from the four seas to the Grand Line and then to the New World by cultivating special snail ships.

With the escort of the powerful crew of the Caesar Pirates, this business is worth watching.

And the Bailey in Caesar’s hands has now exceeded 50 billion, so there is no need to worry about the capital issue.

And as long as this business is successful, it will be a sure-win business.

At that time, Caesar would not have to think about selling artificial devil fruits, such a risky way to earn Bailey.

As for whether there is some overlap with the way of the Shipping King, it is not within Caesar’s thinking at all.

It is just a Shipping King. With his current strength, it is not a piece of cake to destroy the other party.

No matter how you think about it, this will not be a losing business. As for the verbal agreement with the six underground kings before?

If all six of them are there, Caesar will still be interested, but if there is only one, it is unnecessary.

Moreover, one of the six underground kings also belongs to his faction.

The remaining five are not of the same mind. Even if the Shipping King is killed, the other party will only unite for a period of time at most, and it is impossible to do more risky things.

This is a shipping industry full of great opportunities. Shipping is the most profitable industry that Caesar can think of at present.

Imagine if you can get all the resources on each island, and trade them to the islands in need, the profit in the middle is unimaginable.

So Caesar did it right away. He first told Judge about his idea.

He transferred ten snail ships from Judge, but this number was definitely not enough.

But what Caesar wanted to do was not to use these ten snail ships to start his shipping business, but to use biotechnology and cloning technology to cultivate a super-large snail ship.

ThisThis plan is possible, but it may take several months for the snail ship to reach the New World and Dressrosa.

During this time, Caesar has other things to do, such as the wedding in the near future.

Caesar has invested a lot of money in this wedding, but will this wedding really go so smoothly?

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