“Hey, Caesar, we’re about to reach the Giant Tree Island. When will you give me the information as promised?”

Just when Caesar was still dreaming about a beautiful future, Jia Zhi’s words interrupted his YY.

“Hehe, don’t worry, Jia Zhi, I will definitely give it to you when we get to the island.”

“Remember what you said now, hold on tight, we are going to land.”

As the submarine rose rapidly, Caesar was completely stuck to the submarine chair.

In a hidden inner bay on an island covered with giant trees, a small submarine emerged from the sea.


An exit opened in front of the submarine, and Jia Zhi jumped directly onto the beach.

After a while, Caesar flew out of the submarine weakly.

Caesar’s physical fitness is too poor now, even just a rapid rise like just now will make his body feel uncomfortable.

“Come with me, Caesar, let’s go to my base first. It’s time to cash in your information.”

“Haha, no problem, Judge.”

Following Judge, they came to a hidden cave in the inner bay. After passing through the primitive cave, they came to a laboratory full of technology.

“How is it, Caesar, my place is not bad, how about the research institute is gone now, do you want to follow me?”

Judge sat on the chair and said to Caesar who was sitting next to him.

Hearing Judge’s recruitment, Caesar also fell into thinking. He didn’t have a good place to go now.

Judge’s Germa Kingdom is a country after all, and its financial resources are definitely better than his alone.

“Okay, but I’m not your subordinate. We can work together.”

“Hahaha, no problem Caesar, I believe that with our abilities, we can develop powerful weapons soon.”

“When my Germa Kingdom unifies the North Sea, you will definitely benefit from it!”

Looking at the ambitious Judge in front of him, Caesar could only say that you are right, and you are my number one brother in the future.

Caesar still knows a lot about Judge’s future. Although the four of them have mastered the technology of bloodline factor, their starting points are different.

He is an artificial devil fruit. As for the giantization experiment, it was studied after joining the navy.

And Judge is studying clones, adding the bloodline factor of powerful soldiers into embryos to quickly cultivate powerful warriors who obey orders.

The strongest among them are Judge’s children.

Although Judge’s children have strong physical fitness because of the bloodline factor, they have lost things like emotions.

Although Caesar is not a good person, he thinks that people without their own emotions can still be called people.

There are also various high-tech weapons and products, such as technology clothes, powerful guns and the like.

Anyway, Caesar has nowhere to go now, so it is a good choice to go to Judge to grow up for a while.

It just so happens that Caesar wants to study the bloodline factors of the demon clan. Yes, Caesar himself has some demon clan genes, and the double horns on his head are the best proof.

This is also the information Caesar got in his memory. His grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather was a real demon clan, but when it came to him, there was only a pair of horns left after too many generations.

And for some reason, the demon clan genes in his body were not triggered. Caesar suspected that it was because his blood was too thin, otherwise Caesar’s body would not be so weak.

Caesar believed that as long as he could trigger his own demon clan bloodline, his potential would definitely become much stronger.

And with his research on bloodline factors, it is not impossible to transform himself into a pure-blooded demon clan.

Speaking of the demon clan, the most famous one is Kaido, the beast who is known as the “strongest creature on land, sea and air”.

And the source of the demon clan is likely to be one of the alien races that followed the D clan.

The demon tribe is also likely to be a race created by the giant kingdom using the bloodline factor technology and the genes of some powerful creatures.

For example, Kaido, Moria’s Oz, and the Barbarian King created by Caesar.

Among them, the Barbarian King is a failed product created by him in the future using the bloodline factor of the ancient giants.

The bloodline factor is indeed a big bug in the world of One Piece, and Caesar is now one of the four people who currently master the bloodline factor in this world!

“The most important thing at present is to enhance my own strength, then study the bloodline factor, and finally get the cloning technology of Judge.”

Caesar can achieve these three goals with Judge.

“In this life, I, Caesar, must dominate my destiny, and no one can take my life away again.”

“No matter who he is, Im or the sun god Luffy, no one can dominate my destiny.”

Thinking ofSomething seemed to be brewing in Caesar’s heart, as if it would burst out of his body at any time.

Jage, who was using Den Den Mushi to contact his family members, suddenly felt that he was suppressed by something for some reason.

Judge looked around in confusion, and finally thought it was his own illusion and continued to say to his subordinates on the other side of the Den Den Mushi:

“Hurry up and prepare two snail ships. I am now on the Giant Wood Island in the New World. I need to return to the family base in the North Sea as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Lord Judge, I will prepare it right away, but the distance between the North Sea and the New World is very long, even if we take the route of the Dark World, it will take about three months.”

“I see, the supplies here are enough to support us for three months, you go and arrange it as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Lord Judge.”

Seeing that Judge had hung up the Den Den Mushi, Caesar asked:

“Hey, Judge, you should have a laboratory here.”

Judge replied with some doubt: “Why do you suddenly want to do experiments, but I do have a laboratory here.”

“How about lending it to me, Judge.”

“You are asking me for a small matter, use it at will.”

Looking at Judge’s rich appearance, Caesar could only express envy. Now he is a pauper with nothing but technology.

Caesar came to the laboratory deep in the cave, and was excited to see the experiments in front of him that were no less exciting than those in the previous laboratory on the ship.

“Then the next step is to study the bloodline factor in my body.”

Caesar drew a tube of his own blood and looked at the red blood in the glass test tube, his eyes flashing with excitement.

“Bloodline factor”

“Life production diagram”

“Have I touched the realm of God?”


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