Caesar followed the mark he left on the Devil and rushed to his pirate ship quickly.

The Devil had sailed a long distance away from the Thunder God Island at this time, and it took Caesar half a day to catch up with the Devil.

In the New World, the distance between the islands was obviously longer, and the sea in the middle became more dangerous.

Various strange weather conditions continued to appear, causing many pirate groups that had just entered the New World to fail.

“Captain, you’re back.”

Seeing Caesar fall on the Devil like a purple meteor, many crew members also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Caesar was not in the mood to chat with them, and quickly asked:

“Jinbei, which sea area are we in now?”

At this time, it had been more than 12 hours since leaving Devil Island, and Caesar and his team were completely lost in the sea.

Jinbei replied with an ugly face: “Captain, it’s bad. The sea kings in this sea area are very rare. With our ability as fishmen, we can’t summon marine creatures to lead the way for us.”

“I suspect that we are likely to have entered a dead sea area.”

“What is a dead sea area?” It was the first time that Caesar heard this word and was a little confused.

“The dead sea area means that this area of ​​the sea has been polluted or invaded by something. There may be dangerous creatures entrenched here, or there may be toxic substances that have infected the entire sea area, resulting in very few creatures in the entire sea area.”

“This kind of sea area is collectively called the dead sea area by us.”

“But there are very few dead sea areas in the new world. Currently, there is only one sea area that matches our location.”

“Does that mean we can confirm our own location now?”

Jinbei’s face became even uglier.

“No, Captain Caesar, the scope of this Dead Sea area is very large.”

“And the reason for the birth of this Dead Sea area is said to be that it once experienced a war. Various substances produced in the powerful battle infected this sea, causing the creatures in this area to be very scarce.”

“But this does not mean that there are no creatures in this sea area, but that the creatures here have mutated.”

“And these mutated creatures are inedible. If we can’t leave the Dead Sea area quickly, we will soon face the problem of food depletion.”

“And there are many undercurrents in the Dead Sea area, making it difficult to sail out.”

“Do you have any way to get out, Jinbei.”

Caesar also understood the current situation when he heard this, and his face became ugly. He didn’t expect to accidentally sail into such a sea area.

Jinbei was also having a headache at this time. He carefully recalled the description of the Dead Sea area in his hometown.

Suddenly, he thought of a story.

“Captain, there was a legend in the Dead Sea area. It is said that it was left by people who had walked out of the Dead Sea area.”

“Go to the Land of Souls, where there is a way out.”

“Land of Souls.”

Caesar pondered this sentence carefully. First of all, the Land of Souls is the place where dead people or creatures are buried.

Thinking of this, Caesar hurried to Collier’s room. .

Caesar knocked on Collier’s door, and a crisp girl’s voice came from the house.

“Come in, Captain Caesar.”

Caesar pushed the door open anxiously and saw Collier sewing a rag doll.

If ordinary people saw this scene, it might be a little scary. A beautiful puppet girl was sewing a rag doll.

“Collier, I need your help. This matter is related to whether we can get out of this area.”

After hearing this, Collier also put down the action in her hand and asked.

“What do you need me to do, Captain?”

“Keril, you are a puppet fruit user, and you have some abilities related to the soul. If it is you, can you sense where the souls in this sea area are gathered?”

“I should be able to do this.”

Keril thought about it seriously and nodded.

Caesar was relieved to hear Keril’s answer. In this way, they finally had a chance to go out, at least they could find the resting place of the souls mentioned by Jinbei.

Keril appeared on Caesar’s shoulder.

“Captain, take me to the bow, I will sense the nearby souls.”

Caesar nodded, and came to the deck of the Devil with Keril.

Keril opened her eyes, and a strange light flashed in her amber eyes.

Keril sensed for more than ten minutes before she finished this exploration. She closed her eyes tiredly and her body softened, leaning on Caesar’s head.

“Are you okay, Keril?”

CaesarHe shouted with some worry.

Hearing Caesar’s words, Collier perked up and told Caesar what she had just sensed.

“Captain, most of the souls around here are gathered in one place, right there.”

Collier raised her slender finger and pointed to the northeast.

“Jinbei, remember that location. We have to sail to that place. That place should be the resting place of souls you mentioned.”

Jinbei immediately took out the pointer and began to record the direction that Collier had just pointed out.

Then, Jinbei began to adjust the course of the entire ship and quickly sailed to the location pointed out by Collier.

Just as the Devil was dying towards the resting place of souls, some creatures under the sea opened their scarlet eyes.

At this time, Caesar was resting on the deck against the railing.

Suddenly, Caesar opened his eyes.

“Not good, there is a problem, the crew is ready to fight.”

The crew heard Caesar’s voice, quickly put down their things, and quickly gathered on the deck.

Caesar quickly came to the side of the ship to look at the sea below.

It was getting dark, and the sea was dark, but countless scarlet eyes were reflected in the sea water.

Before Caesar could take a closer look, many strange creatures about one meter long emerged from the seabed and quickly bit Caesar.

Caesar’s pupils shrank, and he slapped a strong wind at the hundreds of strange creatures that jumped up below, blowing all the creatures directly to the bottom of the sea.

However, taking the opportunity, Caesar caught a strange creature. Under the light of the deck, Caesar also saw clearly what the creature in his hand was.

When Caesar saw this creature, his pupils shrank. The shape of this creature actually looked a bit like a dragon.

However, compared with the blue dragon appearance of Caesar’s blue dragon fruit, this dragon was very deformed.

Although it vaguely looked like a dragon, it had twisted scales all over its body, and even its limbs were twisted with many irregular bone spurs on its body.

It looked a bit disgusting, and it didn’t look like a dragon at all.

“What is this?”

Caesar looked around the Devil and found that the nearby sea had completely turned red. The red was the red flashing in the eyes of this creature.

“Everyone, get up. There are creatures on the seabed attacking our Devil. Kill them all.”

These creatures are not strong, but there are too many of them. Even Caesar cannot protect the entire ship.

Many crew members hurried to the deck and began to fight with the dragon-shaped creatures that jumped over.

A large amount of gas flames sprayed out of Caesar’s hands, directly covering the nearby sea surface.

But even so, those dragon-like creatures seemed to have strong resistance and continued to jump out of the sea.

On the deck, Dongli and Broki kept swinging their swords and axes to beat these jumping creatures into meat paste.

Duke also kept using the ability of the compression fruit to squeeze these attacking creatures into meat patties.

Many crew members worked together to stop the attack of these strange creatures.

The creatures nearby seemed to sense that the people on this ship were not easy to mess with and gradually dispersed.

After killing countless of these creatures, they finally stopped attacking.

The red eyes on the bottom of the sea also completely disappeared. Only the large number of corpses floating on the sea surface proved that the attack just now was real.

After a while, Caesar and Vegapunk were studying the strange creatures in front of them in the laboratory.

In the tempered glass filled with seawater, several dragon-like creatures kept twisting their bodies, trying to break free.

“Vegapunk, what do you think these creatures are?”

At this time, Vegapunk was holding a part of flesh and blood tissue and observing it carefully under a microscope.

“According to my observation, these creatures should be eroded by a powerful bloodline factor.”


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