“Captain, we’re here.”

Caesar was conducting research with Vegapunk in the laboratory at this time. Hearing the news from the Den Den Mushi beside him, he knew that they were about to arrive in Dressrosa.

Dressrosa is a country in the New World. Dressrosa used to be the territory of Doflamingo’s ancestor, the Don Quixote family.

After the Don Quixote family followed the other 18 royal families to the Red Earth Continent to become Celestial Dragons 800 years ago, Dressrosa was taken over by the Riku royal family.

Under the wise management of the Riku royal family, there has been no war and peace has been maintained for hundreds of years. It is a very famous peaceful country in the New World.

Although the Riku royal family was treated very badly by Doflamingo in the future, it is not without means that the other party can maintain peace in the New World for so long.

King Riku not only has his own exclusive army, but also has the help of the dwarfs. His strength is not bad.

In addition, another reason is that Dressrosa is relatively poor and does not have many precious things, which also makes those big forces look down on this place.

Weaker forces cannot defeat the Riku royal family and the dwarfs, which has allowed the country to maintain peace for hundreds of years.

But on this day, the peace was broken.

At this time, King Riku, who had just taken over the throne, was reviewing various documents on his desk.

Suddenly, the gate of the palace was constantly knocked by soldiers.

“Oh no, something big happened to the king.”

Hearing the anxious soldiers outside the door, King Riku immediately stopped reviewing documents and opened the door for the other party.

“What happened? Soldier.”

King Riku looked at the soldier in front of him with anxious and fearful expressions on his face and asked with confusion.

“Your Majesty, it’s bad. Just now, our soldiers stationed outside Dressrosa discovered a pirate ship heading here.”

“You scared me. I thought it was a big deal. It’s just a pirate ship. Is it necessary to scare you like this?”

King Riku didn’t take it seriously when he heard that it was just a pirate ship.

After all, the strength of their kingdom is not bad, and there are no famous pirate groups near them, so he thinks that even if there are pirates, they will not be very strong.

“No, Your Majesty, the other party is not an ordinary pirate group. The other party is the Caesar Pirates!”

“Is it the Caesar Pirates with a total bounty of more than 4 billion!”

“Yes, that pirate group.”

When the soldier finally mentioned the Caesar Pirates, King Riku’s face changed drastically, and the relaxed look before immediately disappeared.

“How is it possible? Didn’t they disappear on Thunder God Island? How could they appear here?”

King Riku received the latest news about the Caesar Pirates that they disappeared after experiencing a naval encirclement on Thunder God Island more than half a month ago.

“Hurry up and assemble the entire Dressrosa army.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The soldiers listened to King Riku’s order and hurriedly ordered to assemble the army.

King Riku looked anxious, put on a robe and quickly rushed to Greenbit Island where the dwarfs were.

Under the current situation, he had to go to the dwarfs for help. King Riku knew that with the strength of his country, he could not compete with the Caesar Pirates.

The dwarfs are also a very powerful race. There is a strong power in their tiny bodies, which is said to be as strong as the giants.

At this time, Caesar did not know what happened in Dressrosa.

In fact, Elizabelo I wanted to inform King Riku but was stopped by Caesar.

Caesar didn’t want his news to be known by the other party. It would be bad if the other party contacted the World Government in advance and ambushed them.

The five elders now only know that they are in King Prodians, and they don’t know where their next stop will be.

In fact, Caesar should not go to Dressrosa because Dressrosa and the Kingdom of Prodians are not on the same route.

Caesar also wants to get the bloodline of the dwarfs this time, and take a look at the unique Dressrosa Kingdom in the future.

And if you want to cultivate artificial devil fruits, you need the help of the dwarfs.

The Devil stopped at the ship port of Dressrosa. Caesar looked around the entire ship bay. Although there were many ships, there was no one in sight.

But you only need to use the observation color to see a large number of soldiers gathered at the boulder behind the ship port.

The people of Caesar’s pirate group got off the Devil. They were not greeted by many soldiers but a black-haired man with a strong body and a height of about three meters.

This person is none other than the current king of Dressrosa, King Riku, who is only 20 years old.

I can only say that King Riku is indeed aThe king who loves his people would rather take the risk himself than let his soldiers sacrifice their lives.

However, Caesar could feel that there were several other life forms on the other side.

Although they were small in size, the strong vitality they exuded was stronger than King Riku.

Those life forms were the dwarfs.

“I don’t know why the famous Caesar Pirates came to our Dressrosa.”

“We don’t have any wealth in Dressrosa. If you want to rob us, I’m sorry, our kingdom will not satisfy you.”

“And my soldiers and I will fight to the death to stop you, even if we are wiped out for this, we will not let you feel good.”

King Riku showed a serious look on his face. Although he was afraid of the group of people in front of him, the responsibility on his shoulders made him brave and fearless.

This is a kind-hearted king, and that’s all I can say.

In fact, if there was no Doflamingo under the management of King Riku, Dressrosa might still be able to continue to be peaceful.

But this will not last forever. Maybe one day Dressrosa will be destroyed by a pirate or a strong man.

As for the fact that the other party can enjoy peace for so long, it is also the result of many factors. Caesar’s evaluation of this is that they are very lucky.

Looking at the young king in front of him, although there is a threat in his words, his legs are shaking.

Caesar showed a smile of appreciation on his face. Although the other party is stupid, this kind of courage is not possessed by everyone.

“Don’t worry, I woke up this time. Although I have a certain purpose, I don’t have to be an enemy of you, not to mention that you are not worthy of being our enemy.”

Duke walked forward a few steps and explained to King Riku.

Although King Riku did not believe it very much, he was relieved to see that the people of Caesar’s pirate group did not show any signs of attacking right away.

If the other party really wants to attack Dressrosa, they will not be able to resist even with the power of the dwarfs.

“Then I wonder what is the purpose of your Caesar Pirates coming to Dressrosa?”

Caesar glanced at the soldiers watching behind him and did not answer. King Riku saw Caesar’s expression and understood what Caesar meant.

“This place is not suitable for detailed discussion. Please go to my palace for a chat.”

Caesar nodded and led King Riku to the palace in the center of Dressrosa.

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