The huge body, amazing momentum, just from the appearance is indeed a tyrant bear.

It’s just that compared to the bear, his expression is more cold, like an emotionless machine.

His eyes scanned Urki, and a mechanical voice came out of his mouth:

“Pirate monk Urki, with a bounty of 108 million Bailey, identified as an enemy, carried out the capture order.”

Then stretch out your right palm, and a round hole appears in the palm, in which shiny lasers converge.

Urki’s pupils trembled, and his face was ugly: “There are seven martial seas in the front, and there are admirals in the back, such a road ahead is really dark.” ”

Although Hawkins was also very flustered, his expression was quite calm, and he kept moving the tarot cards, saying:

“Don’t worry, you don’t have a death phase, our chance of death is very low.”

“Oh, can you still see the future? It’s so interesting. ”

A yellow figure slowly approached, and it was the yellow ape who came over.

Five lieutenant generals are carpet searching Chambord Land, while he himself is still looking for Orochimaru, and by the way, see how terrifying the supernovae on this island are.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out.

Urki is against pacifists.

Becky pulled her legs and ran.

At the end of the street, X. Drake was standing.

Not far away, on the roof, there was a sea song Apu.

“Speed is power, have you ever seen a flash kick?”

The yellow ape touched his chin and kicked his shining right foot towards Hawkins.

“Devil Descent!”

Hawkins turns into a vicious, giant scarecrow.

“It’s terrible, sure enough, you supernovae are as strong as monsters.”

In the case of the yellow ape being so terrifying in one bite and one supernova with one kick, the battle is quickly over.

It’s just that the supernova were either kicked by him or kicked into the ground by him, but none of them were arrested.

The yellow ape put his hands in his pockets and went to set his sights on the next target, that is, the Straw Hats.

The Straw Hats are being beaten by a pacifist at the moment to doubt life, and the three main forces can’t even get through a machine.

This is also no way, pacifists combine the body of a bear and the ability of a yellow ape, the defense and attack power are extremely strong, not even the domineering straw hats have the ability to deal with it.

And the arrival of the yellow ape made the Straw Hat gang despair.

“Have you seen Orochimaru, or the Luo Xing who killed Draco?”

The yellow ape asked slowly, stepping Solon under his feet.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, when the yellow ape raised his feet sore, Reilly finally came.

Reilly held his sword, blocked the yellow ape, and said:

“Yellow Ape, that man is no longer on this island, it’s better for you to go to other seas to search.”

The yellow ape crooked his mouth, condensed into the Heavenly Conglomerate Cloud Sword with photons, and said while fighting the old sword technique with Renly:

“Although the old man also has such an intuition, it is not credible to say it from your mouth, Hades Rayleigh.”

Reilly was stunned, then shook his head and smiled: “It seems that that man is destined to die.” ”

“Not necessarily.” The yellow ape swung his sword violently.

Just as the two were fighting, another tyrant bear appeared.

This bear is holding a book, a real bear, not a pacifist.

Actually, bears have long been in the Chambord Islands.

Because he learned that his daughter and the son of the dragon were on this island.

While still remaining self-aware, Bear wants to do something last for his daughter Bonnie and Straw Hat Luffy, the son of Dragon.

Moreover, Xiong witnessed the whole process of Luo Xing killing Draco, and with his ability, he could actually stop it, but he didn’t.

In addition, he also noticed something that others did not notice, that is, Luo Xing’s escape direction was indeed not the Chambordi Islands, but a ship in the distant sea.

Looking at the style of that ship, it seems to be the perfume snake of the Nine Snake Pirates!

This big secret, Xiong will not tell anyone, after all, he is a cadre of the revolutionary army, and he has always held the belief that he wants to overthrow the rule of the Draco.

Deliberately obtaining the name of a tyrant and prompting the navy to invite him to be a Qibu Hai was just to serve as an undercover agent for the revolutionary army.

Only later, because of Vegapunk’s request, he is now going to go another way, another path to lose himself.

“Goodbye, Straw Hat Luffy.”

The bear teleported to Luffy’s side, and with a slight slap of his palm, Luffy disappeared from the spot.

In the original work, Xiong took Luffy to his daughter’s country because he knew the relationship between Renly and Xia Qi and his daughter’s country.

But now, because he found Luo Xing, the extremely dangerous man, who seemed to be hiding on the Nine Snake Boat, Xiong immediately changed his mind.

At this moment, Luffy is not flying to the daughter country, but to Baldigo, the headquarters of the revolutionary army, the island of white earth!

The dragon will be very pleasantly surprised.

The whereabouts of the rest of the Straw Hat members remained unchanged.

When everything was over, Yellow Ape and Renly also stopped fighting.

The yellow ape looked at the bear, thoughtfully, and sighed: “Xiong, if you do this, it will make the old man very distressed.” ”

He crooked his mouth.

“Originally, I thought that I couldn’t find that Luo Xing, so I grabbed a few supernovas and went back to make errands.”

The final result was that the yellow ape neither found Luo Xing nor captured the supernova, but only caught hundreds of insignificant pirates.

For this, although the Warring States were angry, they were helpless.

After all, the yellow ape is this bird nature, and the bear will soon become a slave of the Draco, and there is no need to punish.

The Warring States can only pin their hopes on the side of the green pheasant.

If the scale of the two demon slaughter orders is dispatched, and the murderer of the Draco is not caught, then the face of the world government and the navy will be lost!

Warring States did not know that his face was lost this time.

Because Luo Xing has returned to the New World from the bottom of the sea.

With Luo Xing’s defensive power now as high as 8,000 points, and the inside and outside are integrated, even if the water pressure under 10,000 meters under the sea is very large, it cannot affect him much.

“Thank you, Salome.”

Luo Xing touched the head of the big red python, and Salome shivered and spat out the snake letter.

“When I go back, tell your hostess by the way, and say that her bed is really comfortable to sleep in.”

Salomei’s fur immediately exploded, plopping into the bottom of the sea, and fled.

Luo Xing smiled, in a good mood, this time he went to sea and his gains were really too big.

Not only did he obtain countless gold from the Land of Flowers and the Empty Island, his defense power skyrocketed, and he also formed an alliance with the Pirate Emperor due to chance.

Although the female emperor is about to turn Luo Xing into a stone man at every turn, this alliance is not as weak as it seems on the surface, but it is actually very strong.

It can be seen from the fact that the female emperor did not betray Luo Xing and directly drove away the naval warships.

In addition, the female emperor also promised to let Salome send Luo Xing back to the new world, the relationship between the two is already unclear, and once it is known by the world government, the female emperor’s identity as the Seven Wuhai will definitely be taken away.

In short, the alliance between the two sides is real.

This also makes some of the things planned by Luo Xing in the upcoming top war more hidden guarantees.

How could Luo Xing not have a big heart?

“Then, the next target is – Trafalgar Ro!”

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