“He’s dead, he must be dead, he can’t feel the breath, yehahaha!”

Anilu smiled more heartily than ever, very excited.

That man was so idiotic that he even removed the strange collar that made him unable to use it, and even took the initiative to let him use the climate to exert the maximum effect of the thunder fruit.

Arrogant to this extent, the previous Anilu lamented himself.

Thunder is the supreme heavenly power!

No one can withstand a billion volts of ultra-intense lightning, absolutely no one, and Anilu believes in this very much.

Because of a billion volts of lightning, the heat generated by light is enough to melt gold and steel, not to mention the human body.


Anilu’s heart net was inside Lei Ying, and he only sensed endless thunder and lightning, and there was no other breath.

It shows that the man must not even have slag left.

“Let you treat Lao Tzu like that, what do you think Lao Tzu is, bastard!”

“And those subordinates of yours, especially the one who can control bugs, Lao Tzu must return all the torture he received to them!”

Anilu’s face showed a thick color of resentment and hatred, and when he thought of those inhuman tortures, he gritted his teeth, hating that he could not swallow his enemies alive.

His figure moved, turned into lightning, and also entered Lei Ying’s interior, wanting to see Luo Xing’s tragic state of turning into slag, so that he could feel more happy.

However, as soon as he entered Lei Ying, Anilu froze and was dumbfounded.

In the center of Lei Ying, the man was clearly still standing there, clearly alive.

But why, he couldn’t sense the slightest breath?

If the heart network can’t predict Luo Xing’s actions, it’s impossible, but it’s impossible not to even sense the breath.

“No, it’s not that you can’t sense the breath…”

Anilu’s pupils suddenly suffered a ten-magnitude earthquake, and his voice was distorted.

“It’s his aura that is completely fused with thunder and lightning, it’s just like thunder and lightning itself!”

Anilu could not accept such a conclusion, and his eyes turned red.

Why, on what basis, obviously he is Raiden!

“Bastard, this is impossible, Lao Tzu is the God of Thor!”

Anilu almost went crazy and yelled.

In the center of Lei Ying, the figure of thunder around him, looked towards him.

It was a pair of eyes glowing with thunder, full of oppression, accompanied by the overlord-like momentum coercion.

Anilu’s voice in his throat was blocked, frightened, and his body trembled subconsciously.


He even had a ridiculous feeling that the man in front of him was the real God of Thunder, and he had the heavenly power that Thunder should have!

Anilu swallowed a mouthful of spit.

In the next second, the man came to Anilu’s body at an incredible lightning speed, and Anilu didn’t have time to react, and was pinched by the neck.

“You are very lucky, so that my cells not only have lightning resistance, but also give birth to lightning attraction, you still have the value of use, do not have to die.”

After Luo Xing finished speaking, the Hailou stone collar was put on Anilu’s neck again, dragging the latter out of Lei Ying’s range.

The lightning inside Lei Ying was absorbed a lot by Luo Xing’s body, but there was still a lot left, and it could not be allowed to fall into the territory of the country of Hezhi.

He leaned out a palm, and the cells of the palm released an electric current, turning into a palm of thunder.

The Palm of Thunder resonated with Lei Ying, attracted each other, was pulled by Luo Xing, and threw out of the territory of the country of Wa.

Only then did he fall back to the top of the barren mountain.

Anilu fell to the ground with a lost soul, like a dead dog.

Luo Xing thought he was in the way, kicked him aside, and looked at the palm full of thunder and lightning, with undisguised excitement in his eyes.

In fact, on the way back, he had already noticed that his cells could generate electricity, and with the blessing of current, the sensing range of seeing and smelling color increased a lot.

But the current was weak then, far from covering the surface of the body as it is now.

“Just the current that the cells in my body can generate cannot be released too far, at most a foot away.”

After all, Luo Xing is not a person with the ability of the Thunder Fruit, and he cannot launch lightning from a distance like Anilu.

“But my body can detonate lightning and manipulate the lightning that comes down.”

This means that thunderstorms are very good for him.

“In addition, the cells can also absorb a certain amount of lightning and store it, and the stored lightning will be completely used by me, and it can also be released further.”

Just now, Luo Xing absorbed a large amount of lightning inside Lei Ying, about 200 million volts.

Don’t look at the 200 million volts lightning attack does not have much effect on Luo Xing, it is because of his lightning resistance, which is definitely a great threat to others.

Even the Four Emperor Generals did not dare to shoehorn such a strong thunder, and the only one who could ignore this thunder attack was probably the unreasonable Sun God Straw Hat Luffy.

Of course, the stored lightning is gone, and it must be reabsorbed.

This is why Luo Xing kept Anilu, and Anilu will become a charging treasure in the literal sense.

“The magic of thunder and lightning is much more than that!”

Luo Xing’s eyes flashed with electric light, he was too excited, rare excitement.

“Lightning, in turn, stimulated my cellular activity, which greatly increased my speed.”

In the past, Luo Xing’s fastest speed was shaving, although shaving is fast, there are many people who can shave on this sea, and it is not rare.

In the face of the real strong, the role of shaving is actually very limited.

But after the activity of the cells is enhanced, it is different, making Luo Xing’s speed faster, fast as lightning, fast to the extent of almost stealth, which cannot be captured by the naked eye, even if the domineering strength is not enough, it will not react at all.

Just like Anilu.

Corresponding to extreme speed is the unparalleled piercing ability, that is, attaching lightning to fingers, palms or swords to enhance the armor-breaking effect.

It can be said that after this experience, Luo Xing’s strength has risen to a higher level.

Finally qualified to participate in the top war.

“I have to find someone to test my current strength.”

“Yamato just got so much gold, the funds can finally be turned, it is estimated that it will be busy for a while. Moreover, the battle with Yamato cannot be regarded as a real battle, at most it is just cultivation, and Yamato cannot give birth to enough will to fight for me. ”

“Such a combat effect has not improved me much now.”

“Or go directly to Teacher Kai? Well, let’s wait until after the war. ”

“As for the three plagues…”

Luo Xing denied this idea, because he had a good relationship with Jack, and maybe there would be a place to use Jack in the future.

Then there is only one candidate left in the entire country of Wa, that is, Jiu Tianmaru, one of the nine heroes of Chixiao, who also has the strength of the three calamities.

Luo Xing eliminated all the people and forces in the country of Wano who might rebel in the future, leaving only Jiu Tianmaru.

It’s not because Kaido attaches importance to Jiu Tenmaru and wants to take the latter as a subordinate.

It was Luo Xing who had long thought that one day he would use a strong man like Jiu Tianpill as a whetstone.

Now is the perfect time.

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