The training ground in the Kuri area of Wano Country.

Luo Xing’s cultivation of swordsmanship this time actually lasted for half a month, and if it weren’t for Trafalgar Luo’s call, he would probably still be immersed in the pleasure of that cultivation.

Belly growling.

He answered the phone while asking his little brother, who he used to accept casually and is now the deputy chief of Jiuli, to prepare a large number of fragrant delicacies for him.

Hearing what he was looking for, Stussi offered to come to Dressrosa.

Luo Xing was slightly stunned, there was a feeling of pie falling from the sky, and it didn’t take any effort to get it.

This call was made when Stussy informed Luo that the new joker wanted to make a deal with the latter, and Luo immediately called Luo Xing.

Therefore, Stussi was not hindered when he entered Dressrosa.

In fact, the moment she entered the island, Viola’s ability to gaze at the fruit was discovered.

And Luo will welcome Stusschild with that grand etiquette.

This is indeed a trap that has been designed a long time ago, and it was Stussy himself who drilled into it, so he could not help it.


Having lived for decades, having seen countless winds and waves, only Stussy, who has always calculated others, will show a helpless and depressed expression on her face at this moment.

Hearing Luo Xing’s smug laughter from the other end of the phone worm, Stussy was even more depressed in his heart, pouted his cherry little mouth, and said with a little coquettishness:

“Sure enough, you already know the true identity of the little woman, hmph, how could this be? This is a super secret, the truth about me being a clone of a former member of the Rocks Pirates, even the world government does not know. ”

Stussy was indeed quite puzzled as to how this man had learned her identity.

You know, even the CP0 organization and even the five old stars don’t know anything about this, Luo Xing, as a pirate of the Hundred Beast Regiment, where did he get this information?

Mo Feiro Star found her cloned body, Miss Barkin himself?

No, it can’t be, because Miss Barkin recently got the news that he appeared in the first half of the Great Voyage, along with a guy who claimed to be Whitebeard’s biological son.

This news has recently caused quite a stir in the sea.

Luo Xing naturally would not tell Stussy the fact that he was a traverser and had the perspective of God, and playfully joked:

“Hey, Miss Stussy, no, to be precise, it should be called Mother-in-law Stussy, you are so coquettish, you still call yourself a little woman, hey, it makes me goosebumps.”

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone in the secret room was stunned.

Luo, Lao Cai, and Brooke all looked at Stussy with an odd look.

Lord Luo Xing called her mother-in-law, is this woman that old?

If there really is, he still likes to pretend to be tender so much, and he throws his eyes at every turn, comparing the recent newspaper photos of the old woman who missed Bajin.

Belch! Several people were shaking their bodies, and they hated the cold.

Stussy’s apricot eyes widened, her real age was revealed, and she was called mother-in-law, even if she was a clone, she had emotions, and said angrily:

“As a special clone, the old lady will not grow old, and will always maintain her youthful beauty!”

Immortal, immortal, this word made Luo’s expression move.

The ultimate ability of the fruits of his surgery is to be able to perform immortal surgery, but at the cost of his life.

The other end of the phone.

Luo Xing smiled.

“Okay, Stussy, the joke ends here, everyone is smart, open the skylight and say bright words.” You should know where you are at this time, it is impossible to escape. So, tell me the location of the island where Vegapunk is located. ”

Stussy is like a changeable witch, her face is ever-changing, one moment coquettish, the other angry, and in a blink of an eye she becomes elegant and noble, cocking her white and slender calves, picking up the wine glass on the table, and gently siping:

“Mr. Thunder Calamity Luoxing, since you know that I am a clone, how can you think that I will betray my creator?”

“It doesn’t matter if I die, Dr. Vegapunk will create a new me again.”

Stussy replied so, not surprising Luo Xing.

After all, as the world’s first clone, Stussy is extremely different, in addition to not getting old, emotions, intelligence, and body are the same as normal humans, and even continue to learn and evolve.

The blazing angel that will develop in the future to replace the Nanabu Sea is a clone like Stussy who can grow, but the emotional aspect is still not as perfect as Stussy.

Stussy is unique, especially after decades of life experience, and she is now a living person.

Even if Vegapunk creates an identical clone again, the inner emotions will never be the current Stussy.

“You’re already a person, Stussy.” Luo Xing sighed and said, “The power of science is indeed infinite, but it is still impossible to create exactly the same people. ”

Stussy’s hand holding the wine glass paused slightly.

Is she already a person?

At the beginning of her birth, those scientists regarded her as a monster, and only Dr. Vegapunk regarded her as a real human from the beginning.

“Thank you, this kind of thing makes people feel very good.” Stussi pursed his lips and smiled, “But I still can’t betray the doctor, so why don’t you change the question, such as the secrets of the top officials of the world government, I can tell you.” ”

“You may have misunderstood.” Luo Xing’s voice said, “I don’t mean to disadvantage Vegapunk, but to protect you. ”

“Protect us?”

Stussy sneered, shining brightly.

“Don’t think of me as a little girl who doesn’t know anything about the world, Lord Thunderstorm. We belong to the world government, and the only ones who can harm us are you and the Hundred Beast Pirates you belong to. ”

“Do you want me to say it?” Luo Xing’s tone suddenly became meaningful, “What will hurt you, no, or even directly erase you, is precisely the world government to which you belong now.” ”

Stussy’s face changed suddenly.

“You must have heard O’Hara’s name, that kind of research on taboos is a fatal temptation for a scientist…”

Luo Xing nodded until the point, I believe that Stussy can understand.

Vegapunk is studying a hundred years of history, which has already involved the secrets of the ancient kingdom eight hundred years ago, and once this news is learned by the world government, it can be expected what consequences will happen to Vegapunk.

“You… I even know about it! ”

Stussy wondered, how the hell did this man know so many secrets?

In particular, Dr. Vegapunk’s research cannot be leaked to any outsiders!

For no reason, a wave of absurdity surged in his heart, and Stussy almost wondered if Luo Xing knew everything.


She only came back from the shock, her eyes uncertain.

If Luo Xing spreads the doctor’s research, then the five old stars will definitely give the order to erase, then they really need the protection of Luo Xing and the hundred beast group behind him, otherwise they will only end up cornered.

This man, obviously a naked threat, is still in the name of protection, what a bastard.

Stussy’s mind was extremely intelligent, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn’t think of a solution to the dead routine in front of her, and said in a half-deflated manner:

“Forced to a dead end, it seems that I can only promise you, hateful, I have never encountered such a situation.”

“But even if I tell you the location of that island, you can’t go up now.” The island is still under construction, and it’s all the men of the world government. ”

Luo Xing laughed, and Stussy finally gave in.

“Don’t worry, of course I won’t go to Vegapunk now, the government’s eyeliner is secondary, the main thing is that I don’t want to be discovered by your inner ghosts.”

“What, inner ghost? What do you mean by that? Stussy’s expression changed.

“Hehe, Vegapunk is too confident in his brain, and actually divided six doppelgangers representing different emotions to replace himself, he didn’t think that technology will run wild, especially people’s desires are more uncontrollable!”

“Tell my words to Vegapunk, don’t mention my name, or you will be erased by the government in advance.”

After speaking, the phone hung up, leaving a dumbfounded Stussy.

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