Although Akainu stood at the apex of the navy, his marshal was not as comfortable as the Warring States.

After all, as soon as he took office, he “forced” away a former colleague, causing the Navy to lose a super combat power.

The prestige of the red dog is not a small blow.

Because within the Navy, there are not many people who stand on the same faction as the Green Pheasant, even if there is one former Marshal Sengoku, the hero Karp is also counted, and there are many vice admirals and rear admirals who were previously taken care of by the Green Pheasant, including the current G5 branch Vice Admiral Smogg.

It can be said that Akainu’s control over the navy is far less perfect than that of the Warring States, and the attitude of the five old stars to him has no respect for him.

If Chi Inu wants to do something, the people below can’t be like an arm, and the five old stars above never care about his face, and some decisions make Chi Inu feel extremely annoyed and embarrassed.

For example, the defection of Teacher Zefa, the absorption of Edward Weibur of the White II to become the Seven Wuhai, is completely the self-made opinion of the five old stars, and the red dog does not agree with it at all.

What Qiwu Hai, it is still just a bunch of pirates, and the navy that inherits absolute justice does not need such a compromise!


The government is developing a new weapon, the SSG, and with that thing, there will be no need for Nanabukai!

The decision of the five old stars Red Dog can’t be influenced, and the Warring States, Kapu and others, who still occupy high positions in the navy and form their own faction, Akainu can’t command.

Therefore, not long after taking the position of marshal, the red dog hurriedly opened the world conscription.

The newly recruited navy will be more convenient to command.

And the red dog was lucky, and the conscription that cast a net all over the world even gave him a great general, and this general quite believed in his concept of absolute justice and worshiped him.

At present, the three major admirals of the navy, Yellow Ape, Green Bull, and Tea Dolphin, only Green Bull Ara Mu is regarded as the henchman of the red dog.


Inside the marshal’s office.

Green Bull was looking at Virgo’s profile, and after a moment laughed:

“In less than a month, he captured hundreds of pirates, and even several pirate groups with a bounty of more than 100 million were all wiped out by him. Hey, this Virgo base commander’s means are really powerful. ”

The red dog snorted: “This is what the navy should behave.” ”

The Navy’s previous laissez-faire policy towards pirates, the red dog has long been unaccustomed to it.

If he had become a marshal earlier, then what an extremely evil supernova, he would not have given those imps a chance to rise at all, especially the son of the revolutionary dragon, the straw hat kid Luffy who should now be at the headquarters of the revolutionary army!

Knock knock~

Knock on the door.

Immediately, a cold man with a tall body and a pine stand walked in.

Sensing the killing aura on this man’s body, Chi Inu couldn’t help but show a satisfied expression.

“Virgo, here you are.”

“Lord Marshal.”

Virgo, who has now been transferred to New Marin Fandor as a lieutenant general in his headquarters, surrendered to the red dog.

The red dog became more and more satisfied.

He had already examined Virgo and was convinced that the latter was a trustworthy person like him who would not show any mercy to the pirates, believed in absolute justice.

“There’s a task for you.” The red dog handed Virgo a bounty order, “This bastard named Wet-Haired Karib, and his brother Krib, famous for killing the navy, let me kill him!” ”

Virgo’s face was calm and concise: “Understood.” ”

Then he turned and left.

Such a style of doing things without dragging mud and water, there is no doubt about his own command, and he completes it without compromise, which the red dog appreciates the most, and it is too comfortable to use.


Not long after Virgo was transferred to headquarters, Akainu assigned him several important tasks, and the importance was obvious.

“Congratulations Mr. Sakaski for having such a powerful follower!” Green Bull joke.

The red dog, who habitually had a straight face, also smiled rarely, and said: “Green bull, don’t be idle here, go to Mary Joya, the guys from the original CP9 who were trained in secret government secrets have been successfully trained, and you need to test it.” ”

Green Bull raised his eyebrows: “Those guys?” Their only task is to erase the unprecedented super criminal who dared to kill Draco, and their strength cannot be too weak. ”

This conversation was heard by Virgo, who was not far from the door.

Virgo’s ears moved a few times, and his heart was startled, but his face did not show the slightest abnormality.

After getting on a warship and heading to the road where the wet-haired Karib was, and making sure that the surroundings were absolutely safe, Virgo took out a secret phone worm and said a few words before continuing without incident.


New world.


The plush king bed on the top floor of the royal palace.

Luo Xing comfortably leaned against the bed rail, the silk blanket half covered the muscular chest.

Putting the phone worm in his hand aside casually, he said to himself:

“cp9, Rob Luki, Kaku, those people, want to assassinate me? Huh, kind of interesting. ”


Luoxing took a deep breath, and his muscles were tense.

After more than ten seconds, he gradually relaxed.

A beautiful mature and charming woman got out of the other end of the quilt and went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth.

When coming back.

The whole person was attached to Luo Xing, his head was leaning on Luo Xing’s arms, his face was a lazy and satisfied expression, and the full pink and red lips asked like a cat:

“Is it dangerous?”

“No, it’s just a few ants with a little strength.”

Luo Xing put his arm around the beauty’s shoulders and joked:

“You still worry about yourself, Viola, it’s not over yet.”

“Huh? You just just… Not! ”

It was turned red and the spring was thick.

Two days later.

Rosa leaves Dressrosa.

He has combined the Dressrosa, Punk Hassad and Djerma kingdoms to create a complete industrial chain.

Punk Hassad Caesar made the raw materials for the smile fruit and sent it to Dressrosa for the villains to plant, and the harvested smile fruit was eaten by the clones of Djerma, and Caesar and Gaji transformed these clones into thunder beast weapons according to the technology that Luo Xing had developed.

Through this perfect industrial chain, the strength of Luo Xing’s troops is increasing every moment.

Theoretically, it can be increased indefinitely, and the only thing lacking is sufficient funds.

After all, whether it is making smile fruits or cloning people, it costs a lot of money.

In this regard, Luo Xing has found a temporary source of replenishment, that is, the Golden Emperor Tezzolo.

Although it is certainly impossible for the Golden Fruit Capable to own 20% of the world’s Baileys as rumored, the assets must be massive.

In addition, Luo Xing also set his sights on Tezzolo’s golden fruit.

Although this fruit cannot conjure gold out of thin air, it can manipulate gold, and it will be greatly convenient to find gold mines and rob other forces of treasure in the future.

Luo Xing has asked Luo to take over Tezzolo’s industry, plus Ghost Pill and Lao Cai.

Tezzolo’s strength is not weak, just by the way, sharpen the strength of his subordinates.

As for himself, the direction he is going at this moment is exactly the paradise that Stussy is in charge of for men – Happy Street!



Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joa.

Green Bull follows the orders of the Red Inu and comes here to test the elite agents of CP9 who were defeated by the Straw Hats on Justice Island more than a year ago and have been undergoing special training by the World Government ever since.

A huge swirling flower grew on his back, driving his body to fly.


The green bull does not need to take the elevator to fly directly to the Red Earth Continent.

Soon, he found the target he needed to test.

“Is that the five of you. Oh, this fierce momentum is worthy of being directly belonging to the subordinates of the Draco, and it makes me feel quite dangerous! ”

The green bull landed and looked at the five figures in front of him.

One of them, wearing a white mask and black and white eyes, said:

“No, don’t take me, General Araki, I’m Guernica, a spy member of CP0.”

“Well, then there are only four.” Green Bull’s tone showed disappointment.

His ability, the more opponents he has, the happier he can play.

Rob Luqi, who held his arms to his chest, looked at the green bull coldly:

“No one needs it, as long as I am alone.”

“That’s not going to work.” Guernica hurriedly said, “This test, the five old stars are all watching.” ”

Around them, there are several large video phone worms, transmitting the scene here to the office of the five old stars.

Rob Luki snorted coldly.


Kaku spread his hands and said, “After all, we did make a mistake last time, and we actually lost to the Straw Hats gang.” Luckey, just bear with it once. ”

There are also two people, Bruno who is capable of the Gate Fruit, and Gabra, who is capable of the Inu Fruit Wolf form.

They are the strongest four in CP9.

“Ah, it’s underestimated.”

At the foot of the green cow, saplings emerged.

“Although I joined the Navy later than you, I was promoted to general by breaking the rules. Besides, I can’t disgrace Mr. Sakaski, so let the horse come.” ”

The test battle for the return of CP9 begins.

This battle should show the results of their special training for more than a year.

Even the five old stars paid attention.

No one knows the final result of the test, only that the five old stars are extremely satisfied.

Afterwards, Rob Luqi was immediately promoted to the commander of CP0.

From a member of CP9 to the boss of the highest spy agency CP0, Lu Qi can be described as ascending to heaven in one step.

It is worthy of the name of the strongest genius of the CP institution in 800 years.

“Luckey, kill that man! That man still survives for a day, which is an insult to Draco! ”

The Five Old Stars gave the death order and gave Stussiz’s contact information to Luqi.

As early as a year ago, the five old stars let Stussy approach Luo Xing as the queen of Happy Street, and it was best to gain trust.

During the year, Stussy reported to the five old stars, and the progress was very smooth.

Right now, CP0’s combat power has been greatly replenished, and he can finally start killing that man and giving Lord Im an explanation!

The mysterious Lord Im is the king of the Draco, unknown to the world.

Even the five old stars of their world’s highest power are just servants of Lord Im.

Lu Qi’s eyes flashed with bloodthirsty, and after holding back for more than a year, he could finally get out and kill.

Fang Cai’s battle with the Green Bull was nothing more than an appetizer, far from satisfying him.

In fact.

What Luki wants to kill the most is Straw Hat Luffy.

The straw hat kid who could always strangely stand up again no matter how many times he was knocked down, gave him a taste of defeat for the first time.

During the special training time, Lu Qi was also thinking about why he lost.

The reason for summarizing is that Straw Hat Luffy’s blood volume is too thick, the blood trough cannot be emptied, and he will sit up, and suddenly return to the blood explosion when he thinks he has reached the limit, which is simply unreasonable.


Now Luki, not afraid of straw hat Luffy sit-ups again.

Because, he also mastered this skill, and definitely surpassed Straw Hat Luffy!

Straw Hat Luffy is just a superhuman rubber, and he is an animal line known for his vitality and resilience, and has cultivated to the awakening level, gaining double his vitality and resilience.

Luki is confident that the next time he encounters him, he will be able to crush Straw Hat Luffy in all directions!

These thoughts are spinning in my head.

Luckey called Stussy.

“Ready to act, are you okay over there?”

“No problem, you can call that man to Happy Street at any time.” It’s just that the little woman has to remind you that that man is very strong. ”

Stussy’s voice giggled:

“Once you miss this time, there will be no next chance.”

Lu Qi sneered: “Don’t think I’m that useless waste, hunters like to hunt powerful prey the most!” ”

“Then I wish you success.”


The phone hangs up.

Inside the VIP box on the second floor of the Happy Street Loft.

Stutsy’s beautiful eyes flowed, and the bright red cherry had a charming smile on her lips.

Countless men who came and went in Happy Street were dazzled by this smile, and did not hesitate to spend a lot of money just for a kiss Fangze.

Of course, no one has been able to succeed so far.

Because they don’t know a word, the more beautiful the woman, the more dangerous it is, as the first clone, Stussy, who has been wandering the sea for decades, is undoubtedly such a woman.

Stussis will not be dominated and threatened by anyone except to repay Berga Punk.


Even if her handle fell into Luo Xing’s hands, Stussy would not honestly obey it.

She has her own calculations.

She will watch coldly from this CP0 assassination of Luo Xing.

If they succeed, Stussi and Dr. Vegapunk will no longer have to be blackmailed.

If CP0 fails, it’s not bad news for her.

Prove that the man’s strength is strong enough to be a reliable target.

In the event of a future turn with the World Government, or if the World Government discovers Dr. Vegapunk’s research and decides to erase the Doctor, Naluoxing can also become their way back.

In a word.

Stussy, who is even more shrewd and cunning than a fox, counts everyone and all results.

Hehe, just waiting to see a good show.

The smile at the corner of Stussy’s lips became more charming.

“Come on.”

“Yes, Lord Queen, your servant is at your service.”

A man dressed as a butler walked in with a bow on his face.

“Go, invite all the guests below to leave, and tell them that Happy Street will be closed for the week.”

“Huh? Why do you have to suddenly suspend business… Snap, the villain has a lot of mouth, no matter what the queen does, it is right, the villain will do it immediately! ”

The butler slapped himself and went to run an errand.

Stussy looked sympathetically at the butler’s back.

This man had been following her for some years, and he had done his best to saddle her, and the key was not to be paid, and it was an honor to be her servant.

What a nice guy.

So, in order not to let the good man continue to suffer and suffer, it is better to abandon him.

Stussy stood up and stretched.

The short pink skirt lifted upwards, revealing a fair lower abdomen.

The suspension of business she spoke of was not a suspension, but a permanent one.

Because after the assassination operation, no matter what the outcome, Happy Street will not be able to continue to open.

Stusschild takes out Luo Xing’s phone worm.

“Hey, Lord Luo Xing, people want to give you a surprise!”

“Very, very big surprise mumbles, you’ll know when you come.”

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