The reason why the Devil’s Triangle Sea is so changeable, on the one hand, is that Moria has been entrenched here for a long time, and on the other hand, the climate here is very strange.

There was black fog everywhere that did not know where it came from, the magnetic field was disturbed, the recording pointer failed, and it was impossible to discern the direction.

The ships of the Hundred Beasts Regiment had to go straight in one direction and could always sail out of this sea.

I don’t know how long it took, but I could finally see the sunlight, and the ship rushed out with a bang.

“Oh, is this the outside world, haven’t seen it in decades.” Is that the sun in the sky, what a kind heat, ah, so dazzling, the eyes will be blinded, if I have eyes, oh…”

Old Cai looked at Brooke speechlessly, this magical talking skeleton, more startled than him, always telling boring cold jokes.

This is also a matter of no way, decades of lonely dark life, if Brooke does not know how to entertain himself, he will have gone crazy a long time ago.

Luo Xing’s voice said next to him: “Brooke, you are a musician, go play a song.” ”

Brooke immediately went upside down.

He had already learned what kind of existence Luo Xing was from the mouths of other members of the Hundred Beasts Troupe, and also learned the meaning of the name of the Hundred Beasts.

In addition to some fear, Brooke has found his shadow, escaped from the darkness, and can still play music, he is actually very satisfied, the life he could only fantasize about before.

A Binks wine soon fluttered.

On the ship of the hundred beasts and pirates, which is full of old and rough, it is the first time in history that such beautiful music has sounded.

However, Luo Xing felt that the roar of thunder was missing in this beautiful music.

He came to the cage where Anilu was imprisoned, the cage was completely closed, and the key was only available to Luo Xing.

He opened the mechanism, and the cage revealed a gap, and the sunlight shone in, and Anilu was sitting on the ground, looking dejected.

How can you not languish, be locked up like a dog, can’t even see the sun except at meal time, and be tortured inhumanly if you make a slight mistake, such a life is simply hell!

“I’m a god!”

Anilu roared with grief and indignation in his heart.

Suddenly the sunlight poured in, Anilu’s hateful gaze subconsciously looked over, and a tall figure came into view.

It was this man who caused him to this miserable point!

Anilu has long hated Luo Xing to the bone, but in order not to be tortured more, he can only hide this hatred and resentment, and obey the other party’s words.

Luo Xing said undoubtedly: “Come here, discharge.” ”

Of course, Luo Xing could see the resentment in Anilu’s heart, but he didn’t care too much, it was just a charging treasure, and when the use value was over, there was no need to exist anymore.

Anilu obediently obeyed the order, released the charge, and the voltage was controlled around 100 million volts.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to increase the voltage and take this opportunity to directly roast Luo Xing into char, but every time he makes a move, he will be discovered by the man in front of him, and then what awaits him is the baptism of more than a dozen big men.

Anilu was afraid, it was even more nightmare than a nightmare.

[Host is severely damaged, defense +100]

Luo Xing returned satisfied, ate and drank wildly, and recovered completely.

The food required for serious injuries was more than ten tons, and the food on the ship was eaten by Luo Xing a few times and quickly bottomed out.

Of course, the sea outside is not the country of Wano, and food is everywhere that swims in the sea, runs on the road, and flies in the sky.

But Luo Xing felt that the efficiency of hunting in this way was too low, after all, not sea kings could be found everywhere, and it was also troublesome to dock on an island from time to time to catch animals.

With the charging treasure of Anilu, Luo Xing needs a huge amount of food at any time.

The best way is to find an island full of countless huge beasts, which is larger than the beast island that Luo Xing encountered when he first went out to sea.

He asked Batman to take a nautical map, and based on the current position, he found that the ship was close to the windless zone.

No wind belt?

Luo Xing immediately remembered the island where Straw Hat Luffy had cultivated for two years in the original work, and there were absolutely countless beasts there.

Luo Xing’s eyes were beaming, but he had a small concern.

It is that the island of beasts seems to be very close to the daughter country, and the daughter country is the territory of the pirate goddess Boya Hancock.

Don’t underestimate Boya Hancock, whose people are juxtaposed with the Four Emperors and Yamato, one of only three women in the world with the color of an overlord, and her strength cannot be underestimated.

In particular, her sweet fruit ability is quite perverted and crushing blows to almost all men.

Blackbeard, who became the Four Emperors, all took a fancy to the sweet fruit and wanted to take it, but the rest of the Black Regiment cadres except him were destroyed by the Female Emperor Group.

Moreover, the petrochemical seems to be still mandatory passive, and I don’t know if Luo Xing’s current defense can bear it.

Coupled with the fact that the female emperor is extremely disgusted with men, she is a woman who is extremely willful, completely unreasonable and reckless, in case of encounter, Luo Xing always feels a little bad.

However, after hesitating for a few minutes, Luo Xing finally made up his mind and went to the beast island.

The world’s first beauty, he even dares to face the white beard, will he be afraid of this?


“Full speed ahead, into the windless zone, to this island.”

Luo Xing gave the order, and the ship began to sail at full speed.

Half a day later, arrive at Beast Island.

Luo Xing asked his subordinates to stay on the ship and go to the island alone.

These subordinates he brought with him are all men, not as determined as him, and they will definitely not be able to resist the beauty of the female emperor, and nine times out of ten they will be petrified at once.

It doesn’t matter if they petrify, Luo Xing’s golden ball can’t be transported unattended.

“Batman, you have to pay special attention to the direction of Amazon Lily Island, once you find the traces of the Nine Snakes Pirates, you should run first. Remember, never look at that pirate emperor! ”

Luo Xing instructed solemnly.

As for Anilu, he did not get off the ship, because Anilu could pass the sanctions of God and injure Luo Xing from a distance.

In the following days, Luo Xing was injured on Beast Island, eating wildly and cultivating at the same time.

He would squeeze Anilu’s physical strength every day until he could no longer release a little thunder.

In this way, Luo Xing’s defense power skyrocketed at an alarming rate, rising by hundreds of points every day.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

Anilu stood up, the whole person lost a large circle, his eyes were lightless, his face was bloodless, he was standing and floating, and he looked like nothing.

On the contrary, Luo Xing became more and more lean, his muscles were fuller, his momentum was thicker, and he was unfathomable.

“Open the System Panel.”

【Host: Luo Xing】



Luo Xing’s defensive power has reached a terrifying eight thousand points, and if you count the internal defense, if you want him to suffer death damage, the enemy must break through the sixteen thousand points of defense.

It’s not far from Yamato’s 20,000 defenses!

Luo Xing couldn’t help but laugh heartily, and his eyes couldn’t help but be a little gentler when he looked at Anilu.

And when Anilu saw his expression, he was like a ghost, trembling all over, and his voice was dumb:

“Don’t, don’t let me urge Thunder anymore, I really don’t have a drop of physical strength…”

Luo Xing laughed and was about to speak, but the Batman hurriedly flew over:

“Lord Luo Xing, there is a red pirate ship coming here in the direction of the daughter country!”

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