The female emperor and the two sisters behind her tilted their heads in unison, and question marks appeared in their heads.


This is running, just did not say that the confidence is full, the cloud is light and the wind is light?

Sandasonia couldn’t help but smile and said, “Thanks to his bounty of more than 600 million, he almost bluffed him by doing so many big events, and I really thought that he could ignore the charm of my sister.” ”

Mary Gorud followed with a smile and said, “Sister, who is unparalleled in the world, how can anyone resist this fairy-like beauty?” ”

The female emperor’s expression became even more arrogant and cold, and she snorted and ordered:

“Turn the bow of the ship and go after that man, and dare to deceive the concubine, the crime is unforgivable!”

Although Luo Xing ran, he didn’t leave too far, and he was still within the range of the female emperor’s sighting.

And the pirate ship of the female emperor is pulled by two huge swimming snakes, and the swimming snakes in the water are very fast.

In addition, the female emperor also raised a large python named “Salomei”, which usually assists the female emperor in battle, and the speed of the parade is faster.


Even though Luo Xing used the moon step to speed through the air, he still failed to shake off the female emperor, and the Nine Snake Pirate Ship always followed far behind.

Luo Xing was a little speechless, he didn’t expect this.

The next thing that made him feel even more depressed was that the world’s first beauty was too careful and seemed to be on the hook with him, and actually chased him for several hours without any intention of giving up.

What a pirate female emperor who is known for being willful and unreasonable!

Fortunately, Luo Xing cultivated on Beast Island for ten days, not only did his defense skyrocket, but his physical strength, physique and other aspects had made great progress, otherwise he might not have been able to carry out such a long monthly step.

But even so, this is not the way to drag on.

Do you have a fight with the female emperor?

If he could do it, Luo Xing would have done it a long time ago.

This is the last resort.

The reason is that the female emperor’s tricky petrification ability, once hit, there is no way to lift it, not even Blackbeard’s dark fruit ability.

Even if the female emperor is killed, or the sweet fruit ability is transferred to others, the petrification still exists.

It can only be said that the sweet fruit and the female emperor are too compatible, only the peerless appearance of the female emperor can perfectly play the maximum effect of the sweet fruit, and others don’t even think about it.

I don’t know what Blackbeard in the original book thinks, he actually wants to seize the sweet fruit, does he also want to start the sweet wind?

Turning these thoughts in his mind, Luo Xing still didn’t want to risk being petrified, after all, he couldn’t even eat food to recover after petrification.

“Gotta find a way to get rid of this troublesome woman.”

Luo Xing took out the navigation map, and there were several islands within ten kilometers of his current location.

Luo Xing set his sights on one of the islands, that is, the Chambord Islands!

The Chambord Islands are the last stop in the first half of the Great Voyage, very close to both the naval headquarters and the Red Earth.

Countless pirates who want to enter the new world will pass by here, and the navy also has a lot of deployments on it.

Chambord Land also has a variety of drunken properties, such as casinos, fun fields, slave auctions, and so on.

Even the Draco, who is known as the nobles of the world, will go there from time to time to enjoy it.

Such a place where fish and dragons are mixed is most suitable for fishing in troubled waters.

Luo Xing thought about it, so he hurried towards the Chambord place.


On the Perfume Snake, Marigorud held a telescope and said:

“Lord sister, he went to the Chambord Islands, do we want to continue the pursuit?”

Without thinking, the female emperor responded, “Of course! If you provoke a concubine, even if it is the end of the world, don’t want to escape. ”


One after the other, the two sides quickly approached Chambord Land.

At the same time, the situation in the Chambordi Islands is much more chaotic than before.

Because in the first half of the Great Voyage, the most prominent supernova, the extremely evil supernova with a bounty of more than 100 million has also landed in Chambord!

The people living in Chambord Land had fearful expressions on their faces, and only dared to hide in the shadows to observe the supernova.

“That’s Captain Eustace Kidd, so vicious, you can smell the bloody aura on him from so far away, how many people have he killed!”

“Who knows, whether it is the navy, pirates or civilians, he kills, and now the bounty has reached 315 million Bailey, the highest among supernovae!”

“The second highest is Luffy the straw hat who is making trouble on Justice Island, with a bounty of 300 million Baileys. They seem to have landed on the island as well, and the pirate ships are parked in the harbor. ”

“There are also pirate ships of Trafalgar Rowe, Capone Becky, Joe Ellie Boni, Basil Hawkins and others, and extremely vicious supernovae are gathered here!”

“I wonder what kind of mess these so-called extremely evil generations will cause?”

There was panic in people’s hearts.

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed man, looking at the sea, exclaimed in surprise:

“Look, that’s a warship of the Navy, and the Navy is here to maintain law and order!”

People hurriedly looked at the fact that there were indeed several naval warships coming from the sea, but these warships were not combat ships, but frigates.

The frigate gave way and a large ship of extreme luxury sailed ahead.

The flag flying by that luxurious ship turned out to be the flag representing the world government!

Seeing this flag, both ordinary people and murderous pirates, including extremely vicious supernovae, all gasped.

Because this flag means, there are Draco people on that ship!

Sure enough, soon an ugly guy with a glass cover on his head and a runny nose appeared on the deck.

“Is this the world noble, the Draco who is known as the descendant of the Creation God?”

The appearance of Draco instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

On Chambord Island, Kidd smiled wickedly: “That’s all.” ”

Next to his deputy, Kira, who is also ranked eleven supernovas, reminded:

“The Draco itself is nothing, but once attacked, it will attract the admiral, Kidd, we better hurry up and leave the coast here.”

Although Kidd kills like a numb, he is not a fool and will not be stupid enough to attack Draco.

But he was curious if there were any such fools among those people.

“Wait, I want to see if the other supernovae make any moves, especially the Straw Hats.”

The Straw Hats defeated the Seven Warriors Sea Sand Crocodile and made a big fuss on Justice Island, and Kidd was very concerned.

But his expectations were doomed to be disappointed.

With Luffy’s personality, he doesn’t care about Draco, he doesn’t even know what Draco represents, he is now giggling with the resin bubbles on the ground of the shampoo.

“Hey, Luffy, that’s Draco, it’s a little more serious.” Yamaji reminds.

“Draco? I seem to have heard it somewhere. Solon had just woken up and yawned, “Amazing, what happens if you cut it?” ”

“Stupid green algae head, do you want to kill us all!” Yamaji cursed.

Solon immediately joined Sanji’s face.

“I’ll just ask what’s wrong, curl your eyebrows!”

Several eyes on the distant roof looked at the Straw Hats, the Heart Pirates.

Look not only at the Straw Hats, but also at Kidd’s gang and the rest of the supernova team.

“Trafalgar, you are very insidious, hiding in the shadows to observe others.”

A man smoking a cigar approached.

Trafalgar Rowe glanced at him and said coldly:

“As the gang boss, you call me insidious, isn’t it a bit too much?”

It was none other than the gangster Capone Becky.

Next to Becky is Hawkins the scarecrow.

The three supernova captains met on this narrow roof.

Becky took a puff of smoke, and a dangerous light flashed in her eyes:

“Do you want to fight, our forces are not at the same level at all.”

He has the ability to strengthen the city fruit, don’t look at the fact that there is only one person now, in fact, his little brother is in his body.

Hawkins spoke: “You two don’t have a dead look on your faces, don’t be so nervous.” ”

He took out tarot cards for divination.

“None of us have a chance of dying.”

Becky looked at him and said disdainfully: “You are obviously nicknamed a magician, but you are addicted to divination, who believes such divination results?” ”

“Don’t believe it.” Hawkins was expressionless and moved the tarot cards, “Then let me divinate that Draco again and predict the next outcome.” ”

Trafalgar Rowe and Becky both looked at Hawkins with theatrical eyes.

Hawkins was very calm at first, and he was very calm, and he was alive, but suddenly when he put the tarot cards in a position, his face changed sharply, and cold sweat flowed.

“No, it can’t be, how so?!”

Hawkins actually lost his voice and exclaimed.

Becky and Law looked at each other, very surprised.

Although they don’t believe in Hawkins’ divination, his person is a supernova captain, and he should still have some doors.

“What happened to your divination?” Becky asked.

Hawkins did not answer, and performed divination again, but got the same result.

He lost his mind for a long time and said something that Trafalgar Rowe, Jean Capone Becky and their younger brothers could not believe.

“The probability of survival of that Draco is… Zero! ”

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