Pirates: The Strongest Creatures of Beasts

Chapter 210: Kaido, who deceived his son-in-law

As a father, Gaji was beaten by his own son.

While beating violently, he laughed at the same time, and finally uttered ridicule.

No way, who told Yiji, Niji, and Yongzhi to have no emotions?

The bitter fruits of today are all self-inflicted by Jiazhi at the expense of his family for the sake of ambition and hegemony.

Reiju looked sad: "Is it worth it, father, you transformed us into monsters, is this kind of family what you want?"

Jiaji's body was shaking because of the severe pain, and snot and tears flowed all over his face.

This moment.

His past ambitions and unscrupulous means to achieve his goals have become extremely ironic jokes.

"Winsmoke Gage, you should wake up a little bit about your pride and ambitions, right?"

"Give you two choices."

Luo Xing put his arms around his chest and said:

"First, do things for me from now on and make more clones. Second, huh~"

Needless to say, the second option is definitely a dead end.


With Jia Zhi's ambition and arrogance, even if he dies, he may not surrender.

But after being beaten so violently by his three sons, his mentality collapsed, he doubted life, and the worldview he had always held collapsed.

He clenched his fists, propped himself up in embarrassment, and looked at Luo Xing:

"What is your purpose, and what is the purpose of your Beast Pirates?"

Luo Xing's eyes flashed, he stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the sky, as if he wanted to include the whole sky.

"Of course the whole world!"

he said softly.

A majestic and majestic aura emanated spontaneously, making one's heart tremble.

final result.

It was Gage who finally lowered his rebellious head.

Luo Xing drove Germa's sea kingdom to the side of Punk Hazard, and they became horns with Pang Island.

Then ordered to move all the equipment for making human clones to Punk Hazard's laboratory.

Jia Zhi felt a pain in his heart, these are all his life's painstaking efforts.

"Hey, Jia Zhi, you have surrendered to Master Luo Xing, how pitiful, you have been taught a terrible lesson for being in such a mess."

Caesar and Gage, the old colleagues of the past, met, and the former laughed.

Gage's face turned purple, glaring at Caesar:

"Caesar, you trash is still alive!"

"Who do you call trash, bastard! Lao Tzu's science is superior to yours!"

The two were old enemies, and they fought as soon as they met.

You pull my face, I pull your hair.

"Okay, please be quiet."

Luo Xing glanced at the two.

The two shrank their necks in fear, and immediately stood obediently with their hands tied.

Luo Xing brought the two into the laboratory.

With Germa's clones in hand, it's time to start creating the first Ultralisk legions.

This first batch requires him to participate in person, so that Caesar and Gaji can become proficient in the process, and then they can be hands-off shopkeepers.


Luo Xing was constantly expanding his troops.

There are all nations.

The aunt was furious with a thunderbolt, and a terrifying arrogance rose to the sky, shaking the whole cake island.

"Cracker, what did you say before you left? The useless thing failed again, and even lost Germa, I will never forgive you this time!"

Big Mom was furious.

Soul coercion erupted.

It is really time to reap the life of the cracker.

Even Katakuri and Perospero couldn't stop this situation.

Katakuri gritted his teeth.

He is a person who attaches great importance to family affection, and has long been dissatisfied with his mother's operation that would even deprive his children of their lives.

But what can he do?

Mom couldn't resist, he could only watch helplessly.

Cracker was full of fear, his soul overflowed from his body, and he shouted in fear:

"Mom, don't blame me, really don't blame me! It's the Beast Pirates, it's Kaido, it's Germa who colluded with Kaido long ago!"

"Mom, Germa is the traitor, woo woo woo, I'm innocent!"

Big Mom, who was about to grab Cracker's soul, stopped immediately when she heard Kaido's name, her eyes widened, and she screamed:

"What does it have to do with that bastard Kaido, Cracker, tell me clearly!"

Cracker was sweating profusely, and he said the excuse he had discussed with his subordinates before returning:

"Mom, Germa didn't really want to marry us at all, it was a trap set on purpose. They had already secretly joined the Hundred Beasts. When I went there this time, I ran into the Thunder of the Hundred Beasts." Calamity star, how could such a coincidence happen?"

"Mom, it's Germa colluding with the Beasts that tricked us!"

Cracker put all the blame on Germa, and Germa couldn't come here to deny it anyway.

"Cracker, how does my mother know that you are deliberately deceiving my mother in order to avoid responsibility?" Although the aunt is not good at thinking, she is not an idiot.

Being questioned like this, Cracker immediately panicked and stuttered.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the eldest son Perospero helped:

"Mom, what Cracker said should be true. I received news that Germa has entered the new world, and indeed colluded with Thunder Calamity Star of the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

Only then did the aunt believe that both of her eyes turned strangely red due to Shengteng's anger, and the sound of screaming almost shattered everyone's eardrums.

"Luo Xing, he must be the kid who took my old lady's mine island last time!"

"Kaido, how long are you going to fight against my old lady!"

"Bastard, it's all thanks to my mother that you have the strength you have now!"

Grandma was really furious.

Back then, her fish fruit, phantom beast species, and blue dragon form saved Kaido's life, not to mention that she helped Kaido many times on the Rocks ship.

That heartless person just didn't want to thank her well, but he even spoiled her good deeds many times and turned against her!

It is tolerable or unbearable!

Big Mom suddenly took out the phone bug and called Kaido.

Just connected.

It is the roar that shakes the sky:

"Kaido, wash your neck and wait, I'm going to chop you off!"

Island of ghosts.

Kaido, who had just sobered up, looked dazed.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he also roared:

"Lingling, what are you getting nervous about, do you want to be killed by Lao Tzu!"

"You're still playing dumb with my old lady, aren't you?"

Aunt was outraged.

"Last time it was Metal Mining Island, this time it's Germa's technology, did you treat me like a persimmon, bastard!"



What Germa?

Seeing that Kaido was still pretending to be stupid, Big Mom roared angrily:

"It's your bastard subordinate Luo Xing who snatched Germa's technology that should have belonged to my mother! It's impossible for you not to know!"

Kaido rolled his eyes.

Did that bastard son-in-law provoke this crazy old woman?

He really didn't know about it.

Kaido grinned and said: "Lingling, I arranged this matter. How about it, Germa Technology is also very strong! If you want to fight with me, you can come here at any time if you are not afraid of death."

"But you are really embarrassing. Even my son-in-law can't deal with it. It's really getting better and better!"

After being so provoked by Kaido, Big Mom immediately became furious to the point where it could not be added, and the anger was as real as it was.

"What are you talking about, that Thunder Calamity Star is your son-in-law! Okay, very good, then you just wait, I will take your son-in-law's head off first, and then I will kill you!"

"Well, that's great, hurry up and kill us!"


The phone hangs up.

Kaido covered his stomach and laughed, tears came out.

Ever since Luo Xing and Yamato were given a showdown by the unfilial sons, and had to accept equal negotiations, Kaido was quite upset.

Today is the first time I am so happy.

Because he made a big trouble for that bastard son-in-law.

Although Lingling is a crazy old woman, her strength is not for boasting, she is very strong, and the defense of the steel balloon is even higher than her.

He intentionally provoked the old woman, deliberately tricked Luo Xing, who made that bastard so disobedient?

Kaido drank happily.

"Boy, don't be beaten to death by the crazy old woman!"


The aunt shouted to the children angrily:

"Go find Kaido's son-in-law and give my mother his head back!"

The children looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only now did they learn that the famous Thunder Calamity Luo Xing was the son-in-law of Beast Kaido, no wonder he dared to act so recklessly.

And since Cracker, who was ranked as the third general, lost twice in a row, he was beaten so badly.

That man's head may not be so easy to obtain.

But in order to prevent their mother from continuing to go crazy, they agreed to it for the time being.

Whether it can be done is another matter, maybe my mother will forget it in two days.

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