Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 104: Traveling At Night

At night, Fischer Tiger tiptoed toward the outside, but Ryuji went out to talk to him for the first time.

Ryuji stood alone on the deck, looking at the moonlight hanging high in the sky. The soft moonlight fell on his body, which actually made people feel a little warm.

Maybe this was just an illusion. After her mother died, he left his hometown and fought in many places. He didn't feel lonely, but now he felt a little lonely for no reason.

"Captain, do you have any orders?" Fischer Tiger scratched his head with his hand. He still didn't know why Ryuji called him over at this time.

Ryuji turned back and looked in the direction of Fisher Tiger. He didn't say anything, but just looked at Fisher Tiger.

It can be said that from the very beginning when Fischer Tiger joined the team, he had already thought about a lot of things, such as Fisher Tiger's identity, Fisher Tiger's experience and Fisher Tiger's Things that the character can do well.

"It's nothing, I just want to talk to you. There are really a lot of things going on recently, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

Ryuji's voice sounded extremely sincere.

"Captain, if there is something that cannot be solved, you can tell the brothers that we will definitely do our part." Fisher Tiger smiled and patted his chest.

Fischer Tiger remembered that before, it seemed that after Ryuji went out with Rayleigh, Rayleigh left.

Only Ryuji came back alone.

Does Ryuji think the same way? Where does Ryuji want to go?

After all, Ryuji seems to be the most powerful among their pirate group.

Not to mention these, Ryuji is their backbone, even their core character. To put it bluntly, Ryuji is the heart of their Indoor Pirates.

Once there is any problem with Ryuji, I am afraid that their entire pirate group will no longer be as united and super cohesive as it was at the beginning.

"Captain, don't do anything bad. So many of us will definitely believe in you no matter what choice you make." Fisher Tiger said hurriedly.

Ryuji still felt a little confused. He hadn't planned to do anything yet. Hearing Fisher Tiger's expression, he was speechless for a moment.

"What are you talking about? I don't seem to have said anything." Ryuji said helplessly.

Fischer Tiger nodded. He remembered that when he first received the news that there was a problem with Germa, Ryuji seemed to have a dull expression?

Does Ryuji have other ideas now?

"What happened on the ship? Is there something that is troubling you?"

"The captain can tell us that although our strength is still in the process of improvement, we are not afraid of any trouble. After all, without the captain, we... we might not be as good as we are now."

Fisher-Tiger's voice was full of encouragement.

"But it's not these things. You know, I am the prince of the Germa Kingdom." Ryuji shook his head and said calmly.

He has talked about this matter many times. His father can be ruthless, but he cannot learn like his father. Even if there is a big problem, he should try to solve it.

People who practice martial arts are most afraid of inner demons appearing, and this is the same no matter where they go.

Ryuji put his hand on his chest, and he felt his heart beating slowly. If it hadn't been for Judge, if it hadn't been for his mother, he wouldn't have reached this day at all.

"Of course, Captain, no matter what you think, we will definitely support you. Do you want to give up on us and go alone? This is not fair to us." Fisher Tiger said, he frowned He frowned and looked in Ryuji's direction.

Fischer Tiger clenched his hand. He knew that his strength was still far behind the goal Ryuji wanted to achieve, and he would try his best.

Ryuji shook his head gently and looked at the newly configured high-speed pirate ship that he had prepared. A faint smile appeared on his face. He touched Fisher Tiger lightly with his hand and led him to jump directly to that on board.

"Let's take a look at the condition of this ship. I made it newly and I plan to take you out for some fun first." The ruler's tone was serious.

Hearing what Ryuji said, Fisher Tiger felt a little surprised. He thought Ryuji was going to leave alone, but he didn't expect that he just wanted him to help test the ship.

Fischer Tiger was startled, and his face was obviously dumbfounded...

Ryuji has decided that no matter what happens with Germa, he will definitely take action in advance.

He can go over to the Germa Kingdom and have a look.

As for the place where Vinsmoke Judge is imprisoned, he should go there when he has time, and his main purpose is for Vinsmoke Judge.

"Captain, are we the only ones doing the night action here?" Fischer Tiger was obviously a little excited when he thought about what was going on here. He looked in the direction of Ryuji, with a smile on his face. Can't help it.

Ryuji nodded lightly. He originally planned to take Aladdin with him. After all, Aladdin was already able to skillfully use his own weapons, which seemed to grow faster with upgrades.

He has mastered Haki enough.

With Haki, his defensive ability will be much stronger than before. Even if Rayleigh has left here, he is already proficient enough in Haki's operation.

"Not far ahead of me, we should reach North Blue. North Blue is where the Germa Kingdom is. No matter what happens there, don't make any announcement."

Ryuji stood aside and shook his head gently. After not seeing him for such a long time, I still don't know what Reiju has become. She must have grown into a big girl.

Ryuji doesn't know that even now, Ryuji's own stature is still relatively small. He has become such a strong man at a very young age.

Reiju is a bit younger than Ryuji.

I heard about Yongji's seizure of power in the Germa Kingdom.

It is obviously more turbulent now than before. It can be said that many residents there are already living in dire straits.

They wanted to resist, but they didn't find the breaking point, that is, they didn't have the right guidance.

"Another day has passed. What's going on recently? So many people have been recruited."

"It must be for a fight, isn't it clear? After all, we have been like this since the old king."

"I really hope we can end things here sooner."

The fishermen around him said, the expressions on their faces were a little sad.

After hearing what these people said, Ryuji looked in the direction of Fisher Tiger. .

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