"Do you still have something for me to do?" After hearing what Ryuji said, the Brontosaurus raised his head. He was obviously a little surprised.

Thunder Dragon's eyes flickered. He had never seen such a person before. He had already become a defeated enemy, yet Ryuji would give him a chance.

He has been joining Marine for some time, but he has never been successful in Marine. What if he joins Pirates?

Unfortunately, Brontosaurus's idea didn't last long. He heard a sarcastic voice.

"Of course, residual waste like yours still needs to be utilized." Aladdin swung the long knife with his hand. He stood in front of that person, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

Ryuji said: "Aladdin, don't speak so hastily."

After hearing what Ryuji said, Aladdin reluctantly made a shut-up gesture.

If someone else said it, Aladdin might not listen, but if it was one of Ryuji's words, it would be very different.

"Okay, I knew I was being too honest." Aladdin glanced in the direction of the Brontosaurus, who stood behind Ryuji and seemed to be controlling other things.

Looking at the crowd who were still fighting, Ryuji's heart was calm, just like a vast ocean. The Gen 580 couldn't make any waves at all.

The things they have always faced have always been like this, not to mention that from the time he chose to be a pirate or arrived in this world, he has already decided what his future path will be like.

Ryuji looked around and shouted: "Whoever sees Morse, call Morse over."

Scientist Morse was still wearing a white coat, and he was helplessly escorted by Aladdin and others from the crowd.

Looking at the dead bodies lying on the ground, Morse's facial expression was very calm. He was still recording the data in his hands.

After all, after these people went through the battle, their body data changed greatly.

Morse held a pen in his hand and kept making calculations on the paper. He glanced in the direction of Ryuji and said quickly: "If this potion runs on your body, it seems that only one battle is needed. It can be solved, but the amount of medicine required is not enough.”

Ryuji nodded. He also felt that the situation here seemed to need some changes.

The same medicines may not have as many effects if used on oneself.

In just a few minutes, these people had ended the battle.

The smell of blood around them seemed to indicate how brutal the previous battle was.

Ryuji looked around and saw that there were indeed more casualties, but there were still many people on the other side of the deck, and the country was already under control.

"Captain, these people have basically been dealt with." Fischer Tiger's eyes revealed a bit of calmness, and he gently wiped the blood from his sword.

"Pack up a ship and see the overall situation." Ryuji pushed his beak mask with his hand. He took a few steps in the direction ahead, then suddenly turned back and asked, "How many survivors are there?"

"About a few hundred?" Fischer Tiger said seriously.

If there are hundreds of people, then including the few ships they eliminated before, it should be almost perfect.

"We lent them the Golden Crow pirate ship that we eliminated before." The ruler issued an order.

Ryuji took steps and walked in the direction in front, with a bit of calmness in his eyes.

The surrounding Marines were all gathered together, and they did not expect to encounter such a situation again.

It was always their Marines who went to destroy other pirates, but when did they get counterattacked by pirates?

Ryuji's figure looks relatively young, after all, he is not old yet.

But these Marines have left an indelible mark in their memories.

This person is so terrible, and his appearance is like a failure of their pride. No wonder this Ryuji is known as the Son of Death.

"I'll only say the rest once, you do it." Ryuji cleared his throat first, and while he spoke, he scanned everyone with his cold eyes.

Those around him had no idea what to do and glanced in Ryuji's direction.

Hancock picked up some weapons from the side and threw them all in front of them, thinking that he would let them escape.

"What is this going to do?" Those people looked at each other and asked affectionately.

Some people picked up weapons to resist, and some picked up weapons secretly. Before they could make an attack, they were petrified by Hancock.

"You guys are really bad at learning." Hancock shook his head, her slender fingers just suspended in the air, while the others did not dare to make any move.

Ryuji took a few steps forward and patted Hancock's shoulder gently. There was no need for these people to look so seriously, and it wouldn't be a big problem anyway.

Ryuji said nothing.

He just looked at these people.

These Marines were a little scared when they looked at the people who had been petrified just now. They had no idea what they would face next.

"I don't know, it seems quite dangerous." Marine on the side said tremblingly. His eyes fell on the weapon next to him. Did he want them to commit suicide?

A sneer appeared on Ryuji's lips, and he said straightforwardly: "Either obey, or die now.

The members of the Golden Crow Pirates around Ryuji kept repeating, and their shouts were loud.

The deafening sound made these Marines a little confused. What does it mean? What are they being asked to obey? Do you want them to join the pirates?

"There's no way I'm going to join you pirates, what a dream!" The man next to him suddenly stood up and ran towards the sea, as if he wanted to jump off.

A sneer appeared on Ryuji's lips, but he didn't say anything. He knew the man's actions.

The holy fire appeared in his hand, and he just flicked it gently, and the person was burned directly.

There was silence.

They didn't expect that such a situation would happen. Ryuji's strength was already so tyrannical, so why didn't he kill them directly before?

"What do you want us to do?" Brontosaurus's mind was racing with thoughts, and he quickly realized that something was wrong with the clock.

It's easy for Ryuji to kill them, but he hasn't done anything yet. There must be some other circumstances.

"It's very simple. Take your weapons and attack the ships not far ahead. That's all." Ryuji's tone sounded a bit dull, and it seemed very simple to listen to his words. .

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