Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 126 Everything Is Done

Can a person who destroyed his hometown become a good "god"? Even if you become a ruler, you are just a tyrant.

He doesn't want a useless person. Uselessness makes him useful. If he can't do it, kill him again.


Black Rose is surprisingly fast. On this Sky Island, her power is slowly increasing, but her own power level is compared to the average level. She can still easily deal with Lei Ju.

All the soldiers stopped.

Gage was grabbed by Ryuji's neck and shook heavily to the ground, smashing a depression with a diameter of more than 30 meters, covered with crack-like spider webs, and a pit more than two meters deep!

Seeing the entanglement of the villagers, the strong man roared again. Haven't you thought about it yet? I think you want to die. Do you know who our boss is? Hmm?"

"Your Highness!"

If you punch hard enough, you have to catch up with your body. Although it is an Asian body and cannot die, it does not mean that Ryuji wants to die!

But Ryuji was a little surprised that the empty islanders were watching the Sandians with hidden hatred in their eyes, both sides keeping their eyes on guard and protecting each other.

Seeing this, Hawkeye immediately frowned and without hesitation, immediately waved the black knife in his hand and cheered angrily. Eagle Strike!”

But this little heart was moving and was soon destroyed by him.

They were all deceived.

Lei Jiu despised his useless brother, lowered his lips slightly, outlined a trace of venom, smiled, and looked at the leader Ryuji with his eyes.

If Ryuji were not on Sky Island, this Sky Island would become the back garden of Enilu, and the original "god" and his life should be cleaned up by him.

As time goes by, the power from Sky King Nolando becomes more and more powerful, even to the point where Black Rose frowns, at least reaching the level of Marine Admiral, and it is still rising.

"Stinky fish man"

"Just you, step aside and stand in front of Admiral Marine. I think you're going to wet your pants.

to store these.

Just like God himself carved on his cheek, even if he did nothing, there was an invisible high-level breath on his face, so A-Gump felt the pressure.

The war power of the Vinsmoke family has been completely declared submissive, and as long as he controls Gage's ambitions, he does not have to worry about his children rebelling.

Some powerful ones started attacking directly and wanted to kill them. It was already good enough not to start more waiting time at this time.

Since Sky Island has relatively limited resources, especially limited land, food is extremely precious. In many floating island tribes, prisoners of war were basically killed or starved to death, and the indigenous people even ate these prisoners alive.

Click, click.

The so-called result is, of course, the result of the battle

Rose too.


Especially the various shells on Sky Island are also the most important resource.

Trish's meek eyes were full of determination: "Trish must also work hard. The king is very good to Trish. She not only gives Trish natural fruits, but also cares about Trish very much. Trish must repay the king well."

Think about it. An ordinary monster will be promoted to elite level after staying on Sky Island for a few years, and the elite level will be promoted to main level! This means that as time goes by, the combat effectiveness of these empty islands will become more and more The more terrifying it is.

Everything is done.

"Turn on the bug," Ryuji said bluntly.


But the result of the change is nice, but it's enough even if the underground detector doesn't work. "

The sky was wrapped with armed and violent arrows, falling like rain.

"I, I." For a moment, fear enveloped Chibada like a black Yoruichi.

"As long as the lava, eat it for me!"

The wingspan is nearly 500 meters and the height is more than 100 meters. Under the dark shape, Ryuji could only see the smooth pure metal feathers on the Sun God Wing Dragon's belly, and the membrane was as sharp as a knife. Gives people a sense of power.

It's a rush now. He did this to keep the keeper of the painting. If Tom is taken away by Ryuji, his plan will be completely ruined.

Last time, Ryuji Marine compromised for the sake of stability.

Hitting Spandam in the face with impunity.

"Unknowingly, it has been more than a month since we traveled across the world, and a lot has changed." Ryuji looked at the stars and whispered with a smile.

"How about a billion Baileys deposit here?"


Gina smiled and looked at her two female companions. She didn't want to stay under Ryuji Temple forever, but wasn't the strongest one the only one who qualified?

This is human nature, that is, inexperienced people, they are unprepared for what they say.

Ernie's facial expression is crazy. This year, he asked Ryuji to exercise his body like crazy, using the advanced version of Thunder Fruit to continuously wash his body, which is thousands of miles away.

Fuel and gasoline are the primary sources of energy used by many machines, and they provide more heat than expected. FRANCH does not use cola as energy, but can only be compared to single use.

The red-haired Shank was standing on a big tree floating on the sea, looking ahead, with an excited expression on his lips.

Immediately, the ground of the red-haired Shank collapsed directly. The red-haired Shank suddenly knelt on one leg, feeling the gravity of his body, and the expression on his face was incredible.

The black flames spurt out directly, hitting the slaves immediately, but swallowing them in the blink of an eye. The weaker the power, the faster they will be swallowed up before nihilism.

Looking for Peach Rain contains the power of Yin and Yang, even though it looks like a ball on the outside, the destructive power it contains is very terrifying. (Okay, okay)

These empty islands are difficult to reach, so life is closed, and the combat effectiveness is weaker than that of ordinary islands. They generally have two or three more powerful, or devil's fruit abilities.

His leader, Monkey. Ryuji is what Marine calls the worst person in the world, or a strong man who wants to overthrow the World government, same as Ryuji, because if he wants to lead the island, he must also overthrow the World government.

What kind of pretentiousness is this?

The apple I just ate was spit out by Runni. Until he can't drink and make fun of himself, this guy has always been his own person. This is just a personal preference. At least now Enero can drink apple cider vinegar, well, apple cider.

A warm energy slowly flowed into Lei Ju's mind from the empty air. Her eyes became calm and quiet due to tension and intimacy, and her long tearful eyes no longer trembled. Shake and shake.

Under the strong force, the gun disintegrated directly. .

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