Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 128 Pioneer Training Camp

"Hurry up and sign up! Lord Ryuji's clergy has already made a call, and those prisoners of war who only make trouble every day have gone to sign up. If we don't go, we will be late.

In this world, many people regard oil as a kind of oil that has a bad taste and has no practical value. Although it can be burned, it has a lot of odor.

"Boss, I like this fisherman." Ernilu's tone was full of admiration.

The main thing was Kizaru's defense, and Eniro put a lot of pressure on Kizaru.

Doesn't work for Ryuji. The space at Ryuji is much larger and more convenient than here.

"Not yet." Dylan shook his head, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he sighed. Although she hasn't talked to Gina yet, I believe she will because she wants to prove it to me.

Among them, due to climate problems, cloud equipment can only be used over the White Sea, while others can continue to be used over the Blue Sea.

"Kiss Gun"


Then I had an idea in my mind and laughed. Hey, Mr. Ryuji, do you want to cooperate with me?"

Ryuji was quickly surrounded, but when many people saw Ernilu, their necks shrank, their feet shrank, and their eyes were filled with fear.

After learning about it, Ryuji felt ashamed. Although there is currency on Sky Island, many people are still in a state of exchanging things and being self-sufficient. Many residents still go to the White Sea to fish, and the management is very loose, even staying in the original state. of - stage.

At the same time, countless ice spears emerged. These ice spears increased in the cold, became thicker, and became sharper and harder!

Alas, if they have no regrets in the world, they can only swallow their stomachs if they have lost their teeth.

Ernie's blue lightning flowed through him, quickly electrolyzing the wine in his stomach, evaporating the alcohol, and his confused eyes quickly became fresh.

Internal organs are basically fragile. Who's internal organs can withstand the powerful lightning of the explosion and crush it to the finger?

How much he loved his grandson.

Raj was called from the forward team by Ryuji. After Ryuji affirmed her yesterday, the little girl is full of energy now.

A more sensitive thief brother couldn't help crying.

"That nonsense is totally impossible."

"Hey, Your Highness, you are so shy!" Black Rose showed an adulterous smile on her face.

At this time, Kizaru bit his teeth to cover the wound in the bear's mouth, and turned directly into the light without hesitation, but in the blink of an eye, the red dog walked aside.

The fox knelt on the deck of the Golden Emperor and twitched his face several times.

"Cut the moon!"

"Thank you, Emperor" Dalton was kneeling on the ground at this time, knowing how much prosperity Ryuji's policies would bring to this inspiring country.

Great! Great!

"It should be like this, let's go." Ryuji smiled at Rose and Hawkeye, stood up, and walked straight in.

Looting villages and his favorite part was using his knife to cut the rebels in half.

The black rose that Ryuji kneaded was amused by the little girl's shyness and couldn't help but smell it.

Then, Red Dog and Green Pheasant jumped from the battleship, landed on the ice, and rushed towards Ryuji at very fast speeds.


Considering this, the ape couldn't help but turn his head and look at the red dog.

There are also some broken ornaments.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed without realizing it.

"That said, we don't even know when Ryuji will leave Kuja Island," said Crane of the General Staff.


Where the caretaker is.


At this time, there was a sea of ​​people, overcrowded.

The girl opened her eyes and looked at Ryuji nervously and curiously, without any fear from yesterday.

Qi Fa murmured as he spoke. And, as far as I know, Master, there are many powerful people in the world government, and you need to be careful.

Baihai and Baihai, Pioneer Training Camp.

In this environment, Garp's complaints, no matter how small, are very clear. After all, the people here not only have high status, but also have great power.

"Which band of thieves is that?"

Two days later.

"Your Highness, the battles between General Enilu and General Yolako Mihawk in the past two months have brought us a lot of wealth. In addition, after admitting prisoners, the total population of this main island has increased by 1/3.

Short time difference, perfect 180 degree spin kick.

The soldiers tapped their guns.

Now that Ryuji killed the Dragon Man, do you want to see the pirate kill the Dragon Man?

…please give me flowers…………

Although Gina's voice was very low, Rose and Ryuji's hearing was very strong, and they could still hear clearly.

Of course, Zephyr said immediately. Master, this is what happened. "

Use a knife.

They couldn't believe that Ryuji's subordinates were born with the power, brilliance and attack type.

Although smaller than Shuzuo, he has become a giant.

Ryuji also released a terrifying momentum, followed by a huge lightsaber, which concentrated and exuded a terrifying and deadly aura.

What's more, Ryuji's name, Ryuji first! The first emperor in the world! The only emperor in the world!

During his time with Ryuji, he discovered that Qinghai was unparalleledly vast, with as many strong people as trees. He had not yet realized how small this Sky Island was, nor how ignorant the previous life style was.

In front of him was a tall woman with spider tattoos on her legs, her legs were as white as ivory, her hair was curly, and she had a long golden knife at her waist, a Marine Vice Admiral and a peach-colored rabbit.

This shows that Ryuji's guess is correct. According to Ryuji's memory, Superman's demon has developed higher abilities, and the "awakening" of Superman's abilities can have an impact on other things.

rather than the capable person itself.


This is Ryuji's plan.

"Yes, boss, I just want to try my new trick." Ernie grinned, showing ferocity, and the electric snake in his body circulated crazily.

"What should I do?" At this time, Han Cook's sturdy little face was full of anxiety.

The explosions continued.

The whole knife suddenly broke into pieces and fell to the ground.

Tears couldn't help but fall.

At this moment, Garp couldn't help but express a trace of regret.

"Leave here, you're looking for death."

but no if

It appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters above Kukai and landed on it.

The Sky Island soldier who was knocked to the ground stood up again, but the guy looked ugly and clutched his stomach in pain. The battle suit was shot in partial frustration, but there was no direct penetrating damage.

Lift the face of the country and the people from Ryuji's arms, with tender ruby ​​eyes, you can wrap the steel around your fingers. .

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