Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 133: In A State Of Panic

Soon, a ring appeared in the square.

"It should be." Rose nodded and agreed.

What about Qinghai?

"Your Highness, what are we doing here?"

Ernilu was able to drive them out of here two years ago. Now that Ernilu has become stronger, he knows from the indifference in his eyes that they are not taken seriously at all.

My mother-in-law doesn't know that one step from heaven to hell.

"It's not impossible for Gina." Ryuji murmured.

From this perspective, you can look out over Sky Island below, which is constantly changing for the better. After Ryuji became a god, the inhabitants of all the empty islands became happier.

Like the roar of wild beasts and the hissing of eagles, Ryuji and Black Rose only felt a gust of wind in the dazzling golden light.


With a snarling roar, the red dog did not hesitate to perform the most powerful action, pressing the box way and double-lifting to create the King's electric giant lava impact lava. Under the pressure of this death.

Types of cut shellfish: Chopped shellfish, Shocked shellfish, Scallops.

But this time, he miscalculated. His spirit seemed to have encountered a wall, not the sea, so the silence disappeared.

"That's right" Ryuji nodded at this. I said so, but how did you know?"

"System, to the doctor, her brain has been upgraded!"

"I want to know what you mean by kidnapping a little girl and a dog."

Ryuji briefly analyzed his blueprint, and A-Gump slowly understood Ryuji's ambitions. It turns out that everything was just an omen, and ruling all the empty islands was just the first step in building a supreme empire.

"How barbaric!"

"Are you sure you can't beat it?" Garp drew back his fist and shook it.

What a terrible cohesion. A country is not a bandit.

Hank, Beth and Tracy, as warriors of Nine Snake Island, have received strict training since childhood. Gina has received strict fencing training from her father since she was a child. The training targets are men, who have much better physical fitness than these two losers.

The thin shape of the iceberg can be seen with the naked eye, with its pupils dilated, revealing its incredible appearance.

Especially the first revolution. The location of the base is very important.

For an hour, Ryuji drank with red-haired Shank and others on the boat, but there was no strange atmosphere and it was very harmonious. To be honest, it's hard to imagine that this is a pirate group with four emperors.

At the same time, Enilu was called and told Enilu about the arbitrary learning methods.

As soon as Ryuji heard the news, he was stunned and restless, and became a Marine Admiral. He was confident that becoming a marshal and taking charge of Marine would be very beneficial to his plans this year.

At this time, Ernilu had woken up. When he saw Ryuji, he immediately ran over and asked. Boss, why did I faint just now? What happened?"

"If I don't go, I will live and die with the king." Han Kuc suddenly burst into tears and saw the face of the city for the first time, like a pearl soaked in tears.

This is why Mount Dora, lifted up into the sky by the currents, is directly considered a sacred place by them, and the reason for the Shandia War.

The value of these things is immeasurable, so Ryuji also attaches great importance to the development of medicine.

Soon the ship came.

"Iceberg, come back quickly." A mermaid girl next to her, who had been Tom's secret trick, shouted hurriedly.

They presented an array of delicacies to the most revered and adored king.

King Valbo has the ability to swallow fruit. He can eat anything and become part of his body, or synthesize new things, he can eat his own body and become thinner.

Then the system is the clue. Master, everything is over, you just killed the golden lion and got energy. If you kill another devil fruit, you get another energy, and then the two pieces of energy are converted into another upgraded one. "

Unknowingly, in the afternoon, Ryuji spent a few hours and continued to rest after lunch, because he had been busy for many days, and now he had a rare rest time, and the ruler naturally wouldn't mind.

The fruits of thunder are like God’s endorsement. According to historical records, this is not something that ordinary people can resist, especially on this empty island, where there is despair and deep despair.

Asking for flowers…

The dust dispersed.


With a "buzzing" sound, the detector started, and a line of subtitles began to appear on the screen.


So the red-haired Shank has a real shadow in Garp, and he has a really good relationship with Garp.

"What deal?" Dominic was interested.

The sharp strike struck Ernie twice, and then he returned to his original appearance.

After spending a few days in the sea, the food is really not as refined and rich as the food in front of you.

"You two, work hard"

"Is there a fight over there? Who is it?"


The prize is tentatively set at 300 million beli. Empty said tiredly.

After he punched him, there was no problem, and it even gave him the feeling of punching steel.

Vance Mock, Chief Scientist of God's Kingdom. =Quote=External link=

When the two people thought about their painful future in this way, the physical side effects of the two people slowly disappeared. Of course, these side effects must still exist, such as easy fatigue.

If you don't say anything, you will do it, and if you find the murderer, this empty island will never be safe.


"Kill them" was spoken softly. Although it was very soft, everyone present could hear it clearly.

"No matter how you say it, it doesn't matter. If you want to be at the top, please pay the fee to enter the Kingdom of Heaven first, 10 Ike per person, which is stipulated by law." Amazon, who looked like a sour plum, suddenly said something plain.

"Yeah, Hawkeye, I'm afraid you will lose to me this time. I am the leader of the First Army, ah, one rank higher than you."

Beth accidentally shot them more than a month ago. Xuanyuan bow and arrow, this is the tenth time in 800 years that the Holy Land has been attacked by long-range snipers.

A group of Shandian soldiers also looked nervous and awed. In fact, they still complained that they were punished by the vanguard, with half the military pay and several times the danger, while the Shandian people with a smaller population were in a state of panic.

The eroded bones and imperiousness, in an instant, become more and more like the original two. .

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