Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 137 Devouring Everything

After being reminded by the crane, Sengoku Ji also nodded hastily, then picked up the phone bug and dialed, then the phone bug stretched out, and Sengoku Ji spoke directly.

Anirudh rarely admires a person because he is arrogant, powerful, and even authoritarian. Only a small number of people can agree with him, such as Hawkeye, who is as powerful as him.

Seeing that person, the red-haired Shank's face suddenly changed and he screamed, something was wrong.

What's more, these truths of Ryuji made him agree from the bottom of his heart that Sky Island, the power of my heart, is changing.

"Thank you, Your Highness. In addition, His Highness Lei Jiu would like to remind you that the resources of this Sky Island may not be able to support a certain number of violent animal equipment." Lei Jiu's "kind" reminder

Don't hesitate to fall down, your frivolous body will weigh heavily in a moment.

What is the most common thing on Nine Snake Island?

"I can't help you much on Kuji Island today." Ryuji said that the red-haired Shank really doesn't need the help of Kuji Island now, and the red-haired Shank's kindness cannot be reciprocated at the moment.

Looking up at Ryuji, who was lying on his back in the middle, the red-haired Shank's pupils narrowed again.

At this time, many people exhaled turbid breath in their stomachs, and many people even fell to the ground, with no strength anywhere.

What I said was to teach a lesson, and I didn't feel sad.

The greater Ryuji's reputation, the greater his influence on Marine, which seriously violates Marine's bottom line.

For example, the original Diamond Joz can catch Eagle Eye by drilling and petrifying, but if you try Eagle Eye now, do you dare to drill and petrify? Ha, a sword hits your flaw, so you have all the so-called The diamonds are all broken.

Dalton doesn't desire much, he just hopes that the people of Drum Country can live and work in peace and contentment, and Ryuji's requirements include these.

What kind of existence is Ryuji? The highest-level butcher in Marine history, this unprecedented battle failed. What resistance do they have?

The green pheasant frowned slightly, but said nothing, but looked at Ryuji warily. He knew that the situation was not good and their master might not be able to beat that guy.

However, the people on Nine Snake Island had sharp eyes.

Hearing this, Xia Qi nodded with a smile, then took out three glasses of rum and placed them in front of Ryuji.

Ryuji suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly there was a good way to use it twice in his mind.

Some people were still lying on the ground, as if suffering from sheep madness, trembling. Trembling.

Many exercises only affect the skin and flesh, but it is difficult to exercise the internal organs.

All he got in exchange was laughter from Marine and the seven onlookers from the water capital.

The devil fruits in the two boxes disappeared immediately, accomplishing nothing.

Ryuji picked up the corners of his mouth and spoke bluntly.


The terrifying force passed through the earth hundreds of meters in an instant, the entire island was shaking, and this time the earth fell again.

Bold, but a very reasonable guess.

At this time, all the core personnel of Sky Island were standing on the edge of Sky Island, looking at the endless white sea, watching God Ryuji leave.

"Finally, I don't want to look for it anymore." Half an hour later, Ryuji found the four devil fruits, with an excited expression on his face.

How can "you" Valpos kneel like a man, like a king, with a fierce face?

However, soon, Ernilu and Ernilu put their hands together, swallowed the meat, and drank a lot of wine.


There was a bright light in the air.

There is only one person who is not affected, and that is Han Cook.

A-Gump looked at Ryuji's approach this time, and it was only then that he discovered that Ryuji's way of taking over this Sky Island was much gentler.

Today, there is a trial in the central square, and the number of the trial is closely related to the sea train.

Those Poseidon who were hiding nearly a thousand meters, nearly ten thousand meters away, those unfortunate guys, were just under the golden lightsaber.

Ernie took over the Devil's Fruit wordlessly and looked at Spandam, who honestly didn't even bother to do it.

The ground, which was dozens of meters round, suddenly sank four or five meters, as if it had been hit by the front of the bomb.

Ryuji said slowly, and took a drink without hesitation. Golden wheel, reincarnation!"

As a result, the red-haired thieves began to look very dignified. Ryuji, a character like Ryuji cannot come here for no reason, they know the importance of Lu Fei

So they can't let anything go wrong.

It is cut directly in an instant, the cut is as smooth as before, and the plane can no longer be flattened.

The same goes for the side of the black rose, with a trace of sweat running down the beautiful face.

Amid the shouts, the people of Nine Snake Island gathered together unprecedentedly, gathering a terrifying momentum that shocked my mother-in-law on the spot. Can the Emperor of Nine Snake Island achieve this terrifying cohesion?

Was the Butcher's order a misunderstanding? Isn't Ryuji a ferocious pirate? Send the Windless Sea to Kyuju Island?

The eyes were full of panic. This was not such a terrible flame that could devour everything.

"Yes, your highness, it's just our metal mines and your highness, the 'oil' you call has no better use, but it can still only be used to forge ingots, steel armor, and even blacksmiths who make famous knives ." Tom is also responsible for the manufacturing of other resources.

Black Rose froze in this scene, and her eyes couldn't help but get a little wet. It turned out that she was not the only one who believed that Master would win.

Regardless of her figure, beauty, or skin, she can describe the disasters of the country and people with a smile. She is definitely the first beauty in the Germa Kingdom, and even the beauty of the entire North Blue Lei Jiu is quite famous.

Ryuji went straight to the package, opened it, and looked at it.

The two generals responsible for this battle, Enel and Hawkeye, led the surrendering warriors and cleared the five islands surrounding this Sky Island within a month.

"It seems you have made up your mind, Gina."

After hearing this, not only Ryuji, but also Black Rose were surprised.

This battle is really dangerous. Garp arrives, just as he expected, but just as he crushes and defeats Garp, the Sengoku period appears again.

A huge blue thunder pillar fell from the sky and directly enveloped all the members of the strange Bada group.

The phone bug was turned on and a voice came.

Failed in the Crusades?

In order to appease the people's hearts, Sky Island's political and economic system has too many loopholes. .

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